Gamble with Aulani or cancel and head to WDW?


Closet Disneyphile
Jan 4, 2014
Permission to type out loud?

I have been in massive travel planner mode with this Hawaii trip and I don't know what to do. We originally were going to do Maui(5 nights) and hop to Oahu (4 nights) over April. Covid blew that up so we moved the trips out and split them into separate trips so we do an island for a week--Maui spring break next year and Oahu to November 7-15 this year. Like in 50 days. We have 3 nights at Aulani booked and then were going to do a rental on the north shore for the other 5 nights.

There are 8 of us going (me, DH, dd12, dd8, bff, bff, their son, and my dad). With Hawaii's never ending lock down we pretty much resigned ourselves to cancelling Oahu all together and just going to WDW but with the "reopening" announced yesterday I am not so sure. Being at a presumably empty Aulani could be fun! But being at a mostly empty WDW park could also be fun! Literally everyone in my group doesn't care where we go so they are no help. This is a heavy burden :rotfl:

Here are my thoughts on each:

Oahu: uncrowded Aulani and beaches, cheaper rental cars right now BUT may be made up for by the fact that we all have to get a $140 Covid swab 3 days before which feels risky (I am a nurse, dad is a paramedic so perhaps more than average exposure--do we really want to invest time and energy into a trip that could get blown if 1 out of our 8 happens to test positive days before?), we can avoid people a little more which could ease some Covid stress, unsure if things like food trucks & fruit stands will be open and if the perception of locals will be that they don't want tourists back yet, if they spike with Covid are they going to shutdown again?

WDW: I wouldn't be borrowing half my 2021 DVC points as we would stay rental house the whole time, cheaper flights but more expensive car rentals by about $300 (although I am sure I could stalk for price drops), bigger and cheaper rental houses with pools/hot tubs/ water parks depending on resort, park tickets $$$$ (which can't be upgraded to gold AP right now so there goes discounts & free parking), more "peopley", if park attendance continues to be low and short wait times it will be the funnest trip of our life (nothing unlocks our collective childlike happiness like a crowdless park)--conversely if everyone and their dog decides to hop on the low crowd bandwagon we may not love the travel all the way there just to find busy parks with socially distanced lines wrapping around forever. BUT if it is crowded-hey, we go back to our rental place and chillax by the pool. Problem solved. For our group it would be about 2k more when all is said and done.

This feels like a real first world struggle here :laughing:. Also typing this out makes me sound really nuts--like maybe I could use an Xanax or something.
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With a group that size, I couldn't live with the uncertainty that someone tests positive or someone can't get the test done in time, and the whole trip collapses at the last minute.
my husband and I are holding out for Thanksgiving week, but its just us from CA, no kids - I would be hesitant with that big of a group - but I'm normally an anxiety ridden person! Wish you best in your decision! (and no you don't sounds nuts this is what goes through my head all the time and like I said I just have to worry about my husband and I!)
Just as added side note - short term rentals on Oahu are currently squashed so there is no word whether (a) you would still have your place on the North Shore plus (b) have you ensured it is actually a legally permitted place - unless they can provide you with a NUC, you shouldn’t be staying there even in Non-Covid times.
Just as added side note - short term rentals on Oahu are currently squashed so there is no word whether (a) you would still have your place on the North Shore plus (b) have you ensured it is actually a legally permitted place - unless they can provide you with a NUC, you shouldn’t be staying there even in Non-Covid times.
Yeah the rentals over there are weird-- we have always done rentals before without issue but now it seems like there is 30 day minimum (meaning pretty much no vacation renters). I couldn't figure out if it was all vacation rentals or not.
That's a hell to the no in my book for going to Hawaii right now. Just today, we officially cancelled our March 2021 plans to spend a week in Maui because of several reasons:

  1. $140 a person at CVS Pharmacy for a test 3-days ahead of time.
  2. Hope that the test results actually come in within the 3 days. That's a huge gamble right now.
  3. So we could be out an extra $560 and not be able to actually go enjoy anything in Maui or do anything while there.
  4. Then face possibility of having to quarantine the entire week long trip indoors in the condo.
  5. Pretty high odds that AirBNB/VRBO condo rentals like we had are still not going to be allowed even in March.
  6. 4% tax added onto your medical bills if you get sick and need medical care while in the islands.
  7. Horrible infection control track record at the one and only hospital on Maui.
  8. Only hospital on Maui is out of network for our insurance.
  9. Hawaii governor continues to waffle for the past 7 months and can't make up his mind on hardly anything.
  10. Lots of HI government & tourist industry talk about establishing several 'hotel bubbles' on the various islands, where you'd be required to stay on hotel grounds and wear a GPS tracking bracelet. So pay thousands of dollars to basically be under house arrest.
  11. Deal with multiple airline flight changes between now and March because United Airlines keeps changing the flight schedule and it messes up our plans every time they do that.
  12. 30% unemployment in Hawaii.
  13. Lahaina basically a ghost town, stores all boarded up & closed, homeless camped out on the sidewalks like in downtown LA.
  14. Still has a moratorium on inter-island travel.
Nah, thanks but we're going to pass. I'd rather get a root canal than go there right now. WDW has their act together. I'd MUCH rather go spend my vacation money there instead!

Go to WDW. You'll have a great time.
Looks like you decided on WDW, which I think is a good call. For us, coming from the East, Hawaii is too big and expensive of a trip to have to do it in a "modified" way, which I'm sure will still be the experience in November with closures, reduced experiences, etc. Plus, I would hate to wear a mask the entire time on a flight that long.

I live in NY and things change daily here. One day, a particular state may be on our required quarantine list, the next day they may be off, and the third day they could be on again. Its based on the numbers, which is impossible to predict. Hawaii has navigated the whole process even more stringently than we have in NY, so it would make me nervous that circumstances could change causing another closure or further restrictions in Hawaii by the time November rolls around. There's been talk for a while about a "second wave", and I would think testing could go up as we get into flu season, which may lead to an up-tick in positive case numbers as well.

Also, has Aulani announced re-opening yet? I know its presumed they've been waiting for the state to re-open, but it would not surprise me if the resort remains closed longer depending on projected occupancy. Even once the state re-opens, I have to imagine many people will still cancel due to the mask requirements and the long flight while wearing masks sitting in close proximity to strangers for that long.
Also, has Aulani announced re-opening yet? I know its presumed they've been waiting for the state to re-open, but it would not surprise me if the resort remains closed longer depending on projected occupancy. Even once the state re-opens, I have to imagine many people will still cancel due to the mask requirements and the long flight while wearing masks sitting in close proximity to strangers for that long.

I think there's also a fair possibility that Aulani will open their DVC units but not the hotel initially.
I feel really solid about cancelling Aulani. It was so hard to pull the trigger and I had so much time invested in finding the perfect flights, prices, rentals, etc, but I am sooooo much less worried about it.

The way I see it is that we are gambling with a sub-par travel experience either way but if we get to Florida and the parks are crowded or the reduced capacity makes the experience unenjoyable then we can at least get a fancy house to enjoy for a decent price with a nice pool and hot tub. In Hawaii you pay so much more for rental homes that are small and cramped with no pool which is fine when the local tourist spots are up and running but not so much in Covid times.

I am a little worried that it seems people are heading back to the parks and the ghost town experience of this July-Sep might be no more but we will see. There's basically no planning these crazy times!
I think there's also a fair possibility that Aulani will open their DVC units but not the hotel initially.
I think the plus side, if that happens, is that some of the other amenities are likely to open as well. Aulani has 359 hotel rooms and 460 DVC villas (which would include all the lock-offs as individual villas) according to a source. So DVC actually carries more of the resort expense than the hotel side, which is a contrast to some of the WDW resorts and Grand Cali.
We have a trip planned to Aulani at the end of December, 8 nights for our daughters 16th Birthday - We have been planning this for quite some time and are still willing to go if Hawaii and Aulani will allow us. That being said, we have a back-up booked in Los Cabos at an all inclusive (daughters second choice). Husband and I are both in the medical field and our girls are back to school full time, so the Covid test does worry me. These uncertain times are most definitely trying times! And we will be in WDW the same time (part of it anyway)!
We are the opposite f many above posts. Just cancelled 11 night stay at AKV in a value one bedroom for a Maui & Aulani split stay.

We went to WDW earlier this month and had a great time; felt VERY safe in WDW.

However, three things changed for us in the past 7 days:

1. Hawaii opening up, yes with the VID test, including Aulani
2. WDW Marathon weekend cancelled our runs
3. Florida Governor opening up the entire state.

DW is an RN who worked in a VID ward at her hospital and will likely again if / when the 2nd wave hits. Her hospital may require her to quarantine if Florida ’s VID rates explode (they have no where to go but up now). And Disney can only do so much in the parks and resorts re the VID.

I’ve worked in Hawaii and understand where their Governor is coming from re hesitation to open things up ..... yes, as someone pointed out already, they have relatively less hospital beds, etc. to deal with an outbreak so no recourse but to be ultra cautious.

If they do implement the talked about resort bubble approach we are ok with that as we already did the parks this month and would likely not go with increased park attendance and likely increased VID rates. Yet haven’t heard anything Bout the resort bubble approach in a few weeks.
There was a twinge of sadness when I read of the announced opening that was literally 7 days before our planned check in. But I couldn't stomach the idea that all 8 in our group had to pass (and pay for) the covid test before hand.
Although I just today realized our wdw dates overlap perfectly Jersey Week and Veterans day. I already was a touch worried about elections not knowing what to expect during this crazy year and now I'm thinking there's going to be hardcore crowds.

Whatever, I think I'll second guess everything until I'm there. Even with my paranoia about what this altered travel experience may entail its still better than having no trip at all on the books.
Agree that WDW will be the best option for now. Too much uncertainty with traveling to Hawaii right now.
wonder how long it will take Hawaii to realize that people don't want to risk a very expensive trip that potentially could crumble 3 days prior to departure. Their plan makes sense in some ways, but not to encourage tourism.
We are in a similar situation, I had wanted to go to Hawaii in June, but that got cancelled. I am considering December but still feel stressed about the possibility they could re-implement the 14 day quarantine at any time . We may just opt for Spring or Summer, and hope things improve by then.
Yeah, part of me says keep the nov ressie because there will be more tested tourists per square capita than anywhere in Orlando. Part of me says do something else with the points to save funds given the uncertainty in the workforce. (No travel= no extra transportation costs, food costs, fees for lodging... Merch!) And then part of me says with quiet glee.... Less Crowded Tropical Paradise Sunrises....
Agree that WDW will be the best option for now. Too much uncertainty with traveling to Hawaii right now.
I disagree! The Orlando parks are getting considerably more crowded, and the relaxed restrictions throughout the state are for me really worrisome. Yes, the Hawai’i Covid test is a pain, but it’s hardly undoable, and I think it will make for a much safer trip with considerably more peace of mind. And it‘s much easier to socially distance on a huge beach than it is in a cramped attraction queue. In light of all this, It’s difficult for me to regard WDW right now as the best option.
A new, but not unexpected, wrinkle in the Aulani potential. I saw this morning that Hawaiian Airlines dramatically cut their service in Nov and removed non-stops on my market route. I prefer non-stops. At least I'll know most/nearly all of the passengers going to Hawaii have been tested. (I know that's not the same as traveling negative.)
I saw that JetBlue, who utilizes Hawaiian Airlines, kept a non-stop... but it's clear that there are changes afoot in the Nov. flight schedules. My past experience with JetBlue during this spring and summer has shown that they could go down to VERY minimal schedule for other market routes. I don't have family in HI. So, if a flight schedule changes suddenly I'll have to either cut short the stay or extend it. If I have to extend to the next departure day, who knows what the hotel cost would be for last minute booking.

Now I'm thinking the gamble has a large amount of variables that make it more difficult than WDW to plan, but I still agree HI might be safer during Nov. in the per capita sense.


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