Is anyone worried that there won’t be a vaccine by next March Break?

Last night was my worst night. Light-headed, a bit dizzy, nose was numb, chest was tighter when breathing. I told DH that I was going to start using the cat's puffers LOL

I called 811 again. They called me back this morning at 4:15am (ugh) and gave me another negative assessment over the phone.

It's frustrating to hear I can't get tested when the Premier and Medical Officer are telling everyone they are widening testing to more people, to those who haven't traveled.

Anyways, 811 told me to go to my Family Doctor or a walk-in (walk-in are not taking anyone with respiratory issues). Thank god my doctor is willing to see me today. I just hope to have SOME answers today. Maybe I can finally get a good nights sleep.
Last night was my worst night. Light-headed, a bit dizzy, nose was numb, chest was tighter when breathing. I told DH that I was going to start using the cat's puffers LOL

I called 811 again. They called me back this morning at 4:15am (ugh) and gave me another negative assessment over the phone.

It's frustrating to hear I can't get tested when the Premier and Medical Officer are telling everyone they are widening testing to more people, to those who haven't traveled.

Anyways, 811 told me to go to my Family Doctor or a walk-in (walk-in are not taking anyone with respiratory issues). Thank god my doctor is willing to see me today. I just hope to have SOME answers today. Maybe I can finally get a good nights sleep.

Hi sweetie,,hold tight it will be ok.
I know your thoughts are racing and you are worried,, but there is help out there.
I do hope you can get to see your doctor today,,thinking about you and hoping for the best.

To You
I know several people who had that same virus at that same time. Sure will be nice when we can fine out who has the covid-19 antibodies.
Actually you can do this now. There was a piece on CBC Marketplace on Friday about a Canadian company that has been stopped from selling the kits here as they are not approved. However they are selling internationally, and the journalists not once indicated that the test itself did not work. I suspect that it probably does work based on some of the nations they said were buying the antibody test kits. Hopefully only a matter of time before we have them here (again, and legally this time).
Back from my doctor. Lungs are clear, except he could tell my deep breaths could be better. He put me on a puffer. Everything else checked out okay. He chalked it up to something like a seasonal allergy.
What a relief! Hope you feel better soon!!
Just a little update:

I got a call to go in for a covid test this morning at 10:50am! Not sure why or how that happened. Maybe they saw in the log that I called THREE times in the last week? Today is one week from the onset of my symptoms. I am kinda hoping I have it and that I am at the tail end of it all, as I am feeling good this morning. But I will be annoyed at the same time as I have been to my family doctor after they told me I was negative for a test.

Getting a q-tip logged into your nasal cavity can't be a pleasant feeling...I will report back when I get home.
Just a little update:

I got a call to go in for a covid test this morning at 10:50am! Not sure why or how that happened. Maybe they saw in the log that I called THREE times in the last week? Today is one week from the onset of my symptoms. I am kinda hoping I have it and that I am at the tail end of it all, as I am feeling good this morning. But I will be annoyed at the same time as I have been to my family doctor after they told me I was negative for a test.

Getting a q-tip logged into your nasal cavity can't be a pleasant feeling...I will report back when I get home.

Thinking of you!
Okay, here's my update from my adventure!

Went inside the building, a lady was there behind plexiglass, gave me my mask, explained how to put it on, where to go etc

Checked in upstairs in a midsize waiting area with no less than 10 people in there at all times (revolving door!). Everyone was seated with two chairs apart from each other.

Called my name, went into room with nurse. She asked me the same questions as 811 does. Swabbed my throat and each nostril, but it wasn't very far up, not painful at all.

I asked her what would have prompted getting a call for an appointment when I was denied three times. She said with them widening symptoms, likely that I am getting headaches is what got me in (didn't even ask about breathing issues).

Anyways, came home washed everything I had on, showered. My sister brought me a couple of pandemic wipes with bleach to wipe down the inside of my car, wallet, phone, keys, etc.

Now and I have to wait 48-72 hours for the results. Happy Easter!
Hi Hon
well it is better to know than to worry,,now try (I know impossible) to rest and think positive.


My last update:

I just got my results and I am NEGATIVE! I can't believe it honestly. I thought for sure I had it.

Nurse said there are a lot of illness that have very similar symptoms as Covid.

Thanks for the support along the way, folks!

There's also a 30% false negative rate which is quite high. The only way to know for sure would be in the future, if available, to get tested for antibodies.
Don't they have a test now to test for antibodies? I know there is an advertisement in our area asking for people to volunteer for a blood test for it.

As far as the original question, from what I've read they don't expect a vaccine for at least a year. I'm thinking even if they had one I probably wouldn't get it. I don't do well with preventative vaccines, years ago when you traveled to the Middle East you had to have a whole series of shots, I don't remember what they were any more but there was at least 5 of them spaced out over two weeks. Made me so sick. Turns out my immune system is one that if I get sick, I get a very easy bout of whatever it is (had literally one measel bump when I had them, had one tiny two inch patch of shingles and they were under the skin didn't need any kind of medicine other than over the counter, had the german measel anti-body, entire family got mumps at one time except my mother and myself so we took care of all of them and didn't catch it). But, things that shouldn't bother me do - can't take night time cold medicines because they wire me, bug bites swell up twice the size normal, so my doctor tells me not to get vaccines, I'm over 60 and have never had a flu shot.
Don't they have a test now to test for antibodies? I know there is an advertisement in our area asking for people to volunteer for a blood test for it.

As far as the original question, from what I've read they don't expect a vaccine for at least a year. I'm thinking even if they had one I probably wouldn't get it. I don't do well with preventative vaccines, years ago when you traveled to the Middle East you had to have a whole series of shots, I don't remember what they were any more but there was at least 5 of them spaced out over two weeks. Made me so sick. Turns out my immune system is one that if I get sick, I get a very easy bout of whatever it is (had literally one measel bump when I had them, had one tiny two inch patch of shingles and they were under the skin didn't need any kind of medicine other than over the counter, had the german measel anti-body, entire family got mumps at one time except my mother and myself so we took care of all of them and didn't catch it). But, things that shouldn't bother me do - can't take night time cold medicines because they wire me, bug bites swell up twice the size normal, so my doctor tells me not to get vaccines, I'm over 60 and have never had a flu shot.

Hi Hon
Most of the posts here will be from Canadians as this is a Canadian Trip Planning & Community Board .
It looks like you are from Athens Georgia USA.? Not that you are not welcome to post here but our experiences versus another country's will be quite different.
Good that your immune system is working well.

Don't they have a test now to test for antibodies? I know there is an advertisement in our area asking for people to volunteer for a blood test for it.

As far as the original question, from what I've read they don't expect a vaccine for at least a year. I'm thinking even if they had one I probably wouldn't get it. I don't do well with preventative vaccines, years ago when you traveled to the Middle East you had to have a whole series of shots, I don't remember what they were any more but there was at least 5 of them spaced out over two weeks. Made me so sick. Turns out my immune system is one that if I get sick, I get a very easy bout of whatever it is (had literally one measel bump when I had them, had one tiny two inch patch of shingles and they were under the skin didn't need any kind of medicine other than over the counter, had the german measel anti-body, entire family got mumps at one time except my mother and myself so we took care of all of them and didn't catch it). But, things that shouldn't bother me do - can't take night time cold medicines because they wire me, bug bites swell up twice the size normal, so my doctor tells me not to get vaccines, I'm over 60 and have never had a flu shot.
I hope you're right that an antibody test is on its way. That will be the game changer, I think.


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