Third US case of coronavirus confirmed in OC

They’re saying that for elderly and people with existing issues like heart disease or diabetes it’s very very serious. For the majority it’s like a bad cold. But because it’s new, there’s no immunity in the community so everyone is likely to get it if there’s a full scale outbreak.

That sounds fine in theory, but if I look around my extended family I’m not reassured by thinking, ‘well *most* of us won’t end up in intensive care.’

With flu, vulnerable people can get the vaccine. Once we have a vaccine for this virus then we’ll be able to treat it more like flu. Hopefully we can delay the spread of it to give time for the vaccine.

I’m holding off booking my next trip for now.
We are planning to be in DL over spring break and are so far not considering changing plans. Here is my feeling: even if we stay home, almost everyone else we know is traveling for spring break. The incubation period is so long that no one would even know they have it until after they get home. We will all be back at school/work with people who traveled all over the country (and possibly world) and could have been exposed to the virus! So I feel like staying home isn’t really going to help us avoid it all that much.

I am usually not too concerned about germs, so I plan on stepping it up for this trip. More vigilant about wiping the kids hands down and and everything.
Here is my feeling: even if we stay home, almost everyone else we know is traveling for spring break. The incubation period is so long that no one would even know they have it until after they get home. We will all be back at school/work with people who traveled all over the country (and possibly world) and could have been exposed to the virus! So I feel like staying home isn’t really going to help us avoid it all that much.

I like this point of view. I will use this strategically in my debate with DW. THANK YOU
We are planning to be in DL over spring break and are so far not considering changing plans. Here is my feeling: even if we stay home, almost everyone else we know is traveling for spring break. The incubation period is so long that no one would even know they have it until after they get home. We will all be back at school/work with people who traveled all over the country (and possibly world) and could have been exposed to the virus! So I feel like staying home isn’t really going to help us avoid it all that much.

I am usually not too concerned about germs, so I plan on stepping it up for this trip. More vigilant about wiping the kids hands down and and everything.

Exactly what I was saying. Obviously if the area becomes an epicenter, domestic travel advisories are issued or DLR closes we’ll have to reconsider.

Look at South Korea—it only took one person to begin a community spread to 1,200+. That person(s) could be anywhere in the US right now.
2019: Aggressive AP blockouts and fear of massive crowds lead to low attendance. Awesome summer!

2020: fear of coronavirus leads to low attendance? Another awesome summer?

If so, it's not gonna be great for park hours and live entertainment, though.
I'm secretly hoping they'll have to quarantine Disneyland and we'll all be banished to the resort hotels for weeks! 😆

In all seriousness, I often wonder what it would take to close the parks!?
Shanghai is closed. But I think only way here would be to quarantine everyone to home.
I'm actually already wondering what things will be like in October. I usually visit (solo) in October and I'm kind of dreading family giving me crap for wanting to go if this is still in the news, even if it's still just edge cases showing up every now and then.

That said... Disney might drop hotel prices if they see attendance trending down throughout the summer. I also wouldn't mind a slightly less busy Disneyland :P
One can dream!!
We live about 15 miles from Disneyland. We're among the 4M people who live in Orange County, and 25M people in Southern California. Today, we went to work and the kids went to school. Afterword, we went shopping at a local grocery store and the kids hung out with their friends. Nobody called into work, absences at school were typical, the kids hung out with their usual friends and the grocery store was packed. And some of you are fearful about going to Disneyland? Not a single person in Orange County has caught the coronavirus locally. Of course, people are panicking.

Recessions are always triggered by a chaotic event, and it certainly looks like the coronavirus is going to push us into one. Of course, it has to happen right after our rent was hiked 14%...
Not a single person in Orange County has caught the coronavirus locally.

That we know of.

I'm willing to bet that now that OC hospitals have started testing for the virus in patients being tested for influenza, cases will begin popping up.

The limitations on testing have kept our numbers (likely artificially) low. That will change as people begin undergoing testing.

This virus is already here. You'll see.
Recessions are always triggered by a chaotic event, and it certainly looks like the coronavirus is going to push us into one. Of course, it has to happen right after our rent was hiked 14%...
Extremely premature for that. The market always dips on an outbreak, then starts the recovery phase after the outbreak peaks, 3-6 months after the peak of the outbreak the markets have fully recovered.
That we know of.

I'm willing to bet that now that OC hospitals have started testing for the virus in patients being tested for influenza, cases will begin popping up.

The limitations on testing have kept our numbers (likely artificially) low. That will change as people begin undergoing testing.

This virus is already here. You'll see.

We don't live in a policed state (a la China). Even in the most mild cases, the coronavirus has distinct symptoms. If health care professionals believed that cases of the disease were being underreported, there would be widespread reports by now. Unless, of course, you're correct, which would support the naysayer's claims that the virus is being overblown and is no worse than the flu.

Extremely premature for that. The market always dips on an outbreak, then starts the recovery phase after the outbreak peaks, 3-6 months after the peak of the outbreak the markets have fully recovered.

Premature, yes, but we're clearly headed in that direction. The LA Times reported yesterday that billions of dollars in spending (travel, conventions) has been cancelled in California. And soon, supply chains will face disruptions as shipments from Asia are slowed/halted.
the coronavirus has distinct symptoms.
Don't want to engage in a flame war but this is not necessarily correct. This excerpt is from the World Health Organization Q and A page
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected but don’t develop any symptoms and don't feel unwell.
This is beyond crazy. It’s no worse than the flu. Young kids are not dying from it like the flu either. Media love to sell hype. My word.
I'll still go wherever I want to go and that isn't very far. I was in the grocery store yesterday and a man was coughing a lot in an aisle where I was going to buy something. I held my breath and bailed out of the aisle, never to return to get my item. I wasn't even thinking coronavirus. I stay away from coughing people because I'm always afraid I'll catch a cold or the flu and I don't like being sick.
So Orange County has declared emergency due to coronavirus. Still heading tomorrow!!!

That’s just a move to have easier access to funding, et. Here’s a quote from the La Times about it:

“I support an emergency declaration, not because I necessarily believe the public is in more danger, but because the federal and state governments refuse to give us enough information to discharge our public health responsibilities. We want to be vigilant in ensuring the county is prepared and has sufficient resources to prevent and combat any possible outbreak of COVID-19.”

Article here:


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