Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Atmosphere/Entertainment/Interactivity

Any creative people who have come up with their own SW in-universe street clothes who want to share pics of the clothes? I've looked at some scenes from the movies and found just a few pics from others online. The problem is most scenes involve traditional jedi garb, political/formal wear, or military clothes. Not many normal every day civilian outfits in the movies. Loose pants seem to be a thing, solid colors, and a henley type neck usually without buttons. I've been to the thrift store twice and none of the shirts really jumped out to me as being SW but I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for either.
We just got back! I haven't downloaded my Disney PhotoPass photos yet, but we had an amazing time. I'll put together a report, because these boards were so helpful in helping me plan. My quick tips, though:

1. Millenium Falcon: do the single rider line if the queue is longer than 60 minutes. (And do it for all subsequent rides after the first one!).

2. Bring a change of clothes if you do cosplay! I'm so glad we did that, we were roasting by midday even in the light layers we'd chosen.

3. I'm so sad for everyone who won't get to experience the extra extra magic hours. That was a gift and a half! Loved every second of it. It was dark for the first hour and that was really magical. Definitely worth staying to the end of the day, I'm sure. (We didn't make it that long because we arrived at 5 am)
Any creative people who have come up with their own SW in-universe street clothes who want to share pics of the clothes? I've looked at some scenes from the movies and found just a few pics from others online. The problem is most scenes involve traditional jedi garb, political/formal wear, or military clothes. Not many normal every day civilian outfits in the movies. Loose pants seem to be a thing, solid colors, and a henley type neck usually without buttons. I've been to the thrift store twice and none of the shirts really jumped out to me as being SW but I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for either.

I bought my son a linen Han Solo-esque shirt on Amazon (if you search for Han Solo, it comes up), and that fit in really nicely. I wore a white tank top with a grey flowing vest over it. All from Amazon.
Any creative people who have come up with their own SW in-universe street clothes who want to share pics of the clothes? I've looked at some scenes from the movies and found just a few pics from others online. The problem is most scenes involve traditional jedi garb, political/formal wear, or military clothes. Not many normal every day civilian outfits in the movies. Loose pants seem to be a thing, solid colors, and a henley type neck usually without buttons. I've been to the thrift store twice and none of the shirts really jumped out to me as being SW but I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for either.
layering is the easiest way to go. Earth tones, beige, olive green, blues will do the trick. If you have cool looking boots and belts it helps, if you have long hair you can go for cool buns and styles.. We go to thrift shops and Goodwill and usually find a whole outfit
you can see in this following photo the CM outfits, again layering
If you want something off the rack then you can look at but these can be pricey. The owner is Ashley Eckstein she's the voice of Ahsoka Tano in the Clone Wars and Rebels and the sweetest person in the Universe
I admire the Her Universe stuff every time I walk by it. :) It's all really neat, except for the high price tags. That dress is beautiful. I saw Ashley from afar many times at SWW. Unfortunately I didn't become a Clone Wars fan til they ended it, and the one SWW after that I chose to meet others figuring I could always meet Ashley next year...

I've seen the official Disney approved look pics but the people on the right don't look like they're wearing SW in-universe clothing, to me anyways. Just ordinary clothes. I like that CM's hair. Maybe a vest-thing with sleeves that go past the shoulder...that seems to be a thing. Also is a thing I have yet to see in a thrift store.
Was here today. Saw two Storm Troopers, and didn't see any one else who looked to be dressed in any type of star wars outfits. The place is pretty phenominal and confusing to find anything. The details are very realistic, wish there was more to do there, as we aren't inclined to spend hundreds of dollars to create a droid or light sabers.
For more stuff to do in the land and keep you busy, you really need to use the datapad inside of the Disney Play app. It's really fun looking for things to hack into and scan. Unfortunately for me, it only worked about half the time while I was in the park, and didn't work at all in the evening when we returned later that night. But, when it was working it easily kept my wife and I entertained hunting for things.
can't say much but we might see some additional entertainment come Dec 5th. They are testing during the night :) p.s. it's basically what we've all been asking for
Are there set times for Chewie, Rey, and Kylo Ren to be around? I've only seen the troopers consistently and saw Rey very briefly. Would like to see the others next time I go.
Are there set times for Chewie, Rey, and Kylo Ren to be around? I've only seen the troopers consistently and saw Rey very briefly. Would like to see the others next time I go.
none of the characters inside SWGE have set times
The roving character interactions are pretty great. I was in a fairly decent crowd over by the blue milk stand with some of my family that hadn’t seen the land yet, and I turned back to my sister to say “isn’t this awesome”
And a voice from my other side said “thank you, the first order has brought peace to this part of the galaxy” there was a first order officer next to me in the crowd and I didn’t even notice.
We also saw Kylo Ren and some storm troopers stop a family with a service dog to make sure they weren’t “spies for the Wookiee”
We didn’t get nearly this level of interaction on our first couple visits, it is very cool.
I was there about a month ago passing through the land before our ADR and I was so blown away by the overall atmosphere and the ships that I totally forgot about logging into the Play app. I was pretty much staring in awe at everything. I do remember telling myself to be cool and act natural when two storm troopers walked by. :eek:
It's one thing to read about this area or watch a youtube video of it, but to experience it yourself in person was just mind blowing.

With the opening of RotR, have there been any achievements or tasks added to the Play app for it?
I'm also curious if anyone who is siding with First Order has whispered "ignite the spark" to any of the First Order personnel inside the ride?
Resistance fighters are walking around the resistance camp, same little skit they did last night, hoping for drones st 6:30


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