Life After Marathons: A Running/barre3/Coffee/Life Journal

Should probably eat dinner, but do not have the mental energy to talk to my roommate, who is in the kitchen at the moment.

Also do not have the mental eenrgy to cut veggies for my planned salad, so ... I gotta figure out what to have for dinner.
I wanted to write a race suspense post, but I also just want to go home, and the computer is not coming with, so it'll have to wait.

To build the suspense, here are the races that will be discussed in the suspense post:
  • New Balance 5th Ave Mile
  • Poland Spring Marathon Kickoff 5M
  • NYCRUNS New York City Turkey Trot
  • NYRR Virtual World Championship 5K/TCS New York City Marathon - Virtual 5K/NYRR Virtual Turkey Trot 5K/Year-End 5K PR Series
  • NYRR Virtual Halfway There 13.1
More on these next week, but feel free to start sharing your thoughts now.
Race Suspense: Fall 2019 Edition
Well, I wouldn’t be me without some race suspense. Here’s a look at what races are on my radar and some thoughts.
Just as a reminder, here’s my currently registered race schedule:
  • November 3rd: NYC Marathon
  • February 21st: Princess 5K
  • February 23rd: Princess Half Marathon
Here are some races (real and virtual) that I’m considering adding to the schedule:

New Balance 5th Ave Mile -
As the name would seem to indicate, this is a mile race that goes down 5th Avenue. I've thought about doing this a few times before, but it never really fit into my schedule. This year it would be a little easier to fit it into my schedule, so I’m thinking about it.

  • If not now, when? This race has been on my radar for a while, and timing-wise, this may actually be the best year for it to fit into my schedule.
  • I’m already training for it - I’ve been doing increasingly longer 1 mile pace segments in my runs once a week. This race has been the plan all along, I just haven’t managed to bring myself to register for it.
  • I very rarely go “all out” in races, just because that’s not why I run. But this is a race where I would want to do that, and it’d be interesting to see a) if I am capable of going all out, and b) what I could do in that situation.
  • The giveaway is shorts. I’m pretty sure the last time I wore shorts was when I was 12. So definitely not feeling the giveaway.
  • If I do a 9-week marathon plan (more on that below), this would be the first week of the plan, and I’m not sure that doing an “A” goal race in the first week of a training plan is exactly ideal.
  • So … historically our last baseball game has been labor day weekend (although we did go in early October once … so cold), but if any of our minor league teams make it into the playoffs, this could potentially be a baseball Sunday.

Poland Spring Marathon Kickoff 5M -
This 5 mile race is in Central Park and ends at the marathon finish line. It’s kinda the kickoff to marathon week in NYC.

  • Good way to start off marathon week
  • Super convenient - starts and ends on the west side, which means I only need to get south, not crosstown.
  • It’s a 5 mile race in Central Park. Who cares?
This is close to selling out, so I should probably decide soon.

NYCRUNS New York City Turkey Trot -
This is a new 5K from NYCRUNS on Thanksgiving morning (when in past years I have done the Prospect Park Turkey Trot, but I was fine skipping that last year and would probably have skipped it this year too). It starts just south of the Intrepid (about 3 miles from me) and runs along the bike/running path by the water down to Chelsea Piers and back.

  • Super convenient
  • Could make it the middle part of a 15K training run (5Kish there, 5K race, 5Kish back home)
  • I wasn’t in love with the runner support at the last NYCRUNS race I did. This one is divided into two waves, so I’m guessing it won’t just be “lump everyone who runs slower than a 12 min mile together,” but I’m still not sure it’ll be slower runner friendly.
  • I run this path all the time (further north mostly these days, but once I get back to marathon training I’ll be going that far south again), so it’s nothing special.

NYRR Virtual World Championship 5K -
TCS New York City Marathon - Virtual 5K -
NYRR Virtual Turkey Trot 5K -
Year-End 5K PR Series
NYRR announced their last 4 virtual races for the year, and these are the three 5Ks. But … added bonus, if you do all three 5Ks (free) + sign up for the Year-End 5K PR Series ($25), you get a medal. I will most likely do the 5Ks (virtual race addiction), but I’m debating adding the PR series

  • I’m doing the 5Ks anyway, might as well get the medal
  • Shiny things are fun
  • I’m not a big “pay for virtual race medals” person

NYRR Halfway There Virtual 13.1 -
This is yet another free virtual race, this one a 13.1 in September/early October.

  • According to the website, if I show my completion badge at the marathon expo, I get a present.
  • It’s free.
  • I have no idea if I will be planning t run 13.1 miles at that point in time, since I’ll likely still be in the early stages of marathon training.

Rangerstown 5K is a question mark. The last two years, the Rangers have been off the Sunday after the marathon, and that’s when the race has been. This year they’re playing that day (home game). I don’t know if that’s going to affect the scheduling. If it’s any Sunday other than marathon Sunday, I’ll do it. If it’s a Saturday or if it’s marathon Sunday, I’m out (although honestly I think I’d rather do Rangerstown than the marathon … but you try explaining that to my father).

Bonus … Marathon Training Plan:
Last marathon I did a 16-week training plan, and that was like 7-8 weeks too long for me. So I was thinking that for this marathon, I would do a 8-9 week plan. An 8 week plan starts 9/9, and a 9 week plan starts 9/2.
This plan is going to be messy because of how the holidays fall out. Also, I won’t have Sundays available at all before the plan starts, so I’ll basically be starting from a long run of 6ish miles, since that’s the max I do mid-week.

I am planning to do a mid-week ramp up plan for 4 weeks just to increase my weekly mileage, but I’m still probably not going to be running more than 5-6 miles at once, I just may be doing it more often. I dunno. We’ll see how much time I have for running during the week. I’d like to get up to 18-20 miles mid-week at least once, but we’ll see if I can find the time for that.

tl;dr - this marathon timing sucks
(Coach @DopeyBadger, you’ll be getting an email about all of this soonish)

... And that is all of my race suspense and marathon training thoughts. Sorry this isn't more exciting, but it's Sunday night and I had a long day and it's gonna be a busy week and I gotta figure out my schedule for tomorrow.
More on this when I'm not at Starbucks waiting on my latte, but .... I fell.

Also, I'm only at 5.9 miles, so I may have to run another 0.1 miles while holding my latte to get to 6 miles.

UPDATE: I ran most of the way home from Starbucks for a total of 6.3ish miles.
Also ... forgot to mention ... I'm okay, just a little scraped up. I probably should have led with that.
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So ... the fall story.

Early in my running days (I want to say it was March 2015), I fell on the sidewalk ... tripped over my own feet. My water bottle still carries the scars of that fall. Since then, I've always been afraid of falling. Sometimes I'd see myself falling, even when I was fully upright, and it was scary. But that actually hasn't happened in a bit, and the fear of falling kinda seemed gone.

So ... today.
I was going along my regular (actually pretty decent) run, when suddenly, I felt myself falling and couldn't stop it.
I don't know if I tripped over something or tripped over my own feet or if I was leaning too far forward or what, but I went down.
I knew right away that I was okay. A fellow runner saw me go down and turned around to help me, but I waved her off because I was okay. I got up, and sat down on a bench just to shake it off a bit and check out the damage. I poured water over my hands to clean out the scrapes a little (I scraped both hands and one knee ... but I didn't want to pull up the bottom of my capris to check on the knee, so that was left to be cleaned out when I got home). I thought about walking home (I didn't have my metrocard so there was no other way to get home ... I totally forgot about Uber), but decided I wanted to at least try running, so once I felt ready, I got up and got back to running. I was feeling fine running, so I kept going with my run/walk intervals. I was very proud of myself for getting up and going without really any hesitation, so I decided to stop at Starbucks on the way home for a pick-me-up latte. I figured it would be about a total of 6 miles when I got to Starbucks, but it was only 5.92, so I had to keep running ... ended up running (well, run/walk intervals) the 5 blocks from Starbucks to my apartment while holding my latte, for a total of 6.3 miles. Other than the fall, this was actually a good run. I'm pretty happy with it ... just not so much with the scrapes.

So yes ... I fell. But I got back up and kept going. And that's what really matters.

But ... I'm guessing the fear of falling will be back in full force. Sigh.
So ... the fall story.

Early in my running days (I want to say it was March 2015), I fell on the sidewalk ... tripped over my own feet. My water bottle still carries the scars of that fall. Since then, I've always been afraid of falling. Sometimes I'd see myself falling, even when I was fully upright, and it was scary. But that actually hasn't happened in a bit, and the fear of falling kinda seemed gone.

So ... today.
I was going along my regular (actually pretty decent) run, when suddenly, I felt myself falling and couldn't stop it.
I don't know if I tripped over something or tripped over my own feet or if I was leaning too far forward or what, but I went down.
I knew right away that I was okay. A fellow runner saw me go down and turned around to help me, but I waved her off because I was okay. I got up, and sat down on a bench just to shake it off a bit and check out the damage. I poured water over my hands to clean out the scrapes a little (I scraped both hands and one knee ... but I didn't want to pull up the bottom of my capris to check on the knee, so that was left to be cleaned out when I got home). I thought about walking home (I didn't have my metrocard so there was no other way to get home ... I totally forgot about Uber), but decided I wanted to at least try running, so once I felt ready, I got up and got back to running. I was feeling fine running, so I kept going with my run/walk intervals. I was very proud of myself for getting up and going without really any hesitation, so I decided to stop at Starbucks on the way home for a pick-me-up latte. I figured it would be about a total of 6 miles when I got to Starbucks, but it was only 5.92, so I had to keep running ... ended up running (well, run/walk intervals) the 5 blocks from Starbucks to my apartment while holding my latte, for a total of 6.3 miles. Other than the fall, this was actually a good run. I'm pretty happy with it ... just not so much with the scrapes.

So yes ... I fell. But I got back up and kept going. And that's what really matters.

But ... I'm guessing the fear of falling will be back in full force. Sigh.
I assume I will take a total spill, and fear I will knock out a tooth. I have zero basis for my fear of this.
Way to go getting up and making the best of the situation. I hope the knee cleaned up well and knowing it was not that bad will temper the falling fear in the future.
So yes ... I fell. But I got back up and kept going. And that's what really matters.

Yay you!

It seems like running = falls. I haven't gone down in a while (jinxing myself), but I've come real close. At the end of a long run in the heat, I can trip over a blade of grass.

Happy you survived with minimal damage.
I assume I will take a total spill, and fear I will knock out a tooth. I have zero basis for my fear of this.
Way to go getting up and making the best of the situation. I hope the knee cleaned up well and knowing it was not that bad will temper the falling fear in the future.

Thanks. We'll see how the falling fear goes ... if I make it out for a run tomorrow (it's supposed to be mad hot), it'll be interesting.
... And I totally understand the fear of falling. It's one of those things that goes with running.

Good for you! I’m so afraid to take a spill and 1. do it in front of others and 2. Knock out a tooth.

Thanks! I was definitely embarrassed falling in front of people, but thankfully not too many people seem to have noticed.

Yay you!

It seems like running = falls. I haven't gone down in a while (jinxing myself), but I've come real close. At the end of a long run in the heat, I can trip over a blade of grass.

Happy you survived with minimal damage.

Thanks. I hadn't fallen in years (although I too have had close calls), so I was definitely bummed that it happened, but that's just the way it goes sometimes.
So yes ... I fell. But I got back up and kept going. And that's what really matters.

Good for you and glad it wasn’t anything serious. I’ve yet to complete fall in a run, but I have definitely tripped/stumbled multiple times in the treadmill.

And whenever the topic of running and falling/tripping comes up I’m always reminded of the below video. So the next time anyone trips, just go stingy into push ups.

Good for you and glad it wasn’t anything serious. I’ve yet to complete fall in a run, but I have definitely tripped/stumbled multiple times in the treadmill.

And whenever the topic of running and falling/tripping comes up I’m always reminded of the below video. So the next time anyone trips, just go stingy into push ups.

Falling/flying off the treadmill is my other fear of falling while running. Oddly, I am less concerned about knocking out a tooth doing that.
Good for you and glad it wasn’t anything serious. I’ve yet to complete fall in a run, but I have definitely tripped/stumbled multiple times in the treadmill.

I fell off the treadmill while I was walking once. I was watching baseball and the Yankees manager did something stupid. That is why I am no longer allowed to watch baseball while on the treadmill.
I somehow manage to not have as many almost falls on the treadmill ... maybe I should treadmill run more...

And whenever the topic of running and falling/tripping comes up I’m always reminded of the below video. So the next time anyone trips, just go stingy into push ups.

I'm not much of a pushup person, but ... I may have to do this next time I fall. Definitely a good way to make the fall look intentional.
I took a hard fall running about 2 years ago and have a permanent reminder-scar on my knee now. I always think about it when I run in the spot too...
Just chalk it up to another running memory!

Nice coffee choice- can never go wrong with vanilla.
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The giveaway is shorts. I’m pretty sure the last time I wore shorts was when I was 12. So definitely not feeling the giveaway.
If you choose to do this one, I will buy the shorts off of you!

Also, super proud of you for getting up after falling! I took a really bad spill during a runDisney 10k years ago and yeah, that fear is still real today. Falling sucks, but not letting it control you is awesome!
I have not fallen while running, but have tripped a number of times. Glad to hear you were able to shake it off and keep going. And Starbucks is always a nice reward. I had a few lattes this week as I was traveling for work and they paid for them. Only thing better than a latte is a free one.


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