The ABCs of An EPIC Girls' Trip! May, 2019-Q is for: Quietly Sending this Trip Report off Into an Internet Sunset (8/25)

Please don't apologize.
I think your writing style is unique to TRs... and that's a very good thing!

While I'll admit it is unique, I truly hope it's good enough to keep you coming back for more.


I never do that! :snooty:


Uh huh...

I'm absolutely certain it will! It already is!

Why thank you. I'm working on the next update right now... so stay tuned. :)

I tend not to.
Very hard to get a comment out of me.
I'm very circumspect.

Okay, Master Multi-quoter...

Holy smokes! Better even than I thought!


Ha! Kelly's (or Caroline's) photo proves that to not be the case. You looked (as did you all) very nice. :)


People pay big money to stylists for that, you know.

Kinda like how I refer to my taking tape off a hairy arm a "complementary waxing; you'd pay a lot of money at a salon for that, you know"... as my patient screams in pain.

"OMG, Dolores. Who are these people???"

:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: Better than you're average cheer group.

oooohhhh.... ahhhhh....

I said the exact same thing to her! Even before I read your comments!

Higher praise I cannot imagine.

It's a talent I have.

My favourite is when you get this:
"And to the left is the spotted lemur... but they're not out today. Over to the right are the hippos... but you can't see them... Now over here up ahead are the lions... but they're hidden behind the rocks..."

... like most of my Safaris.

Isn't that the same one, but from another angle?

I"m not sure TBH. I thought it was a different one as we saw them twice and both times there were more than one in the enclosure.

Yeah, look at him with his nose in the air.
"I'm a greater Kudu. Not like those lesser Kudus over there."

And, as Meghan pointed out, it could VERY well be a Bongo. A Greater Bongo-playing Kudu. Not be be confused with a Banjo-playing Lesser Kudu.

Nice shots from the bad side.

LOL!! That was from last year. She got an identical photo (that she posted) from "better" side.

You know how you can tell it's an African elephant?

I do, only because my mom reminded me on FB. I had totally forgotten that!

Of course it's crappy. They're so fast. Hard to catch them.

Especially when they're laying around. :rolleyes:

Wouldn't it be an epic-ness?

Why yes, yes it would!
I might be on some other threads, but pretty sure I've been keeping track of your TRs longer. So, crossed over there vs. here. I'm not sure who else is doing a of now, only aware of @chunkymonkey. Will have to double check @Pluto0809 ...she might have one also.

Quite possibly. :)

Lesley Wake has a list of all the EPIC TRs going in her 2nd post of her TR if you want to read them all. I think there are 7?

People say they wish I was sharper all the time, so maybe I can relate to the dog.


Even a blind squirrel...

.... can find a nutty TR.

I'm not surprised you started with your happy place (AK), but I am a bit surprised not a single picture of Pandora...yet.

Not yet.... while we did spend a little time there, I'd rather dedicate another chapter to it.

Pretty sure it's your make the rules.
I can read between the lines...please reply except for Tourons like doc! ;)

Nah, everyone is welcome here. The more chatter, the more fun for all of us!

I still wish I knew who this amazing benefactress was...I have a couple theories, but will not try to find out. Just wish I knew because I'd like to go and I presume a group of 1 is WAY easier than a group of 20ish.

It was delight to meet and spend time with her and I'll be saying more about the tour itself in a fture post. :)

Considering I met you several times, I know this not to be true.
Hot, yes. Mess, no.

I needed misting fan so bad!

I've been there with those tour groups and I was there with y'all...those tour groups seem to have a cumulative IQ of about 20, so y'all were leaps and bounds BETTER than them.

I've only been caught up in one briefly and that .2 seconds was enough for an etenity. Rude, annoying, "go home" all came to mind.

Good to know that's her tree. I will make sure to tell future safari guides they're calling it by the wrong name.

I'm sure she'd appreciate it!

Safari-ish and animal-y? The rivoting and exceptional TR prose we're used to.
Well, they have no back side of water to show...they're climbing an uphill battle.

I only deliver the very best!!

What she's not telling you dear readers...
She works really hard to get quality pictures for you. I spent a little while with her and she's a perfectionist...taking the same picture multiple times until it meets the @Steppesister seal of approval. Now I know why her pictures are top notch...the conscientiousness and love of the photographer.


Thank you. I do put a lot of effort into them; thank you for your high praise.

There are a ton of birds (and squirrels) at Disney who are freeloaders. When you have a steady diet of popcorn, fries, chicken nuggets, etc., no need to forage normally.

I know what Disney food does to me....

You must've been to amazed to take a picture or too busy resisting the temptation to pet the sweaty things :-)wave: @Pluto0809 )

For sure! As for sweaty things.... I kept my hands to myself!

Just had an epiphiny...I'd call them friends!

This is the story of my summer Disney life. But I'm sure you looked nothing like that to others!

I felt so gross. Seriously, I was so icky, that I bowed out of the last park to cool off and rest before heading back out. Blech!

The curse of the Kilimanjaro Safari.


This particular greater kudu also bears a striking resemblance to his friends the bongos!

You are right! I think, after looking both up again, that Bingo! it is indeed a Bongo.

Oh my goodness!! :lovestruc:lovestruc

Aren't they amazing?!

Certainly NOT Steve, that's for sure!!

LOL how did I miss this hilarity!?! Obviously I was sitting one row too close to the driver...

You know what they say about the back of the bus! :lmao:

I will say one thing about him....yaaaaaaaaaaaaawn!!!! We were so giggly as we got onto our safari ride...and so sleepy by the time we stepped off!

I think it was carb overload, heat exhaustion, the Bueller Effect setting in.
Except if you don't do shift work, you're not really on vacation until you pull out of the driveway and hit the highway.

That I get. Did it for many years...

I can totally understand why you would do that!

Having an AP can be very, very dangerous.

Not weird. I do the same thing. Oh wait! Maybe that DOES make you weird! :lmao:


I'm so glad that Fran and I just buy the whole row. I mean it sucks on the occasions that we don't get our third ticket money back, but at least she is the only one I have to climb over.

Yeah, that'd totally suck! But I can see GREAT advantage to that space- for more relaxing!

That's when vacation starts! :laughing:


See that's why it's good I never throw anything away!

Well, now that I know that trick I very well may use it!

That was sure nice of him!

I'll be back later to catch up on your next update.

It really was!
Yeah, mine is still so long it goes past the first page! Oops!

But, I am guessing you made some progress since then. My only day off was today this week and was full with family stuff, so I will be super behind again come Saturday! It's the life of a DISser.

Still hilarious! I will never be able to go by that tree without thinking about @buzzrelly

Nor I. And I'll wish she was sitting on that side over there >>> so we could laugh again together!

I think this was right after lunch! Maybe some bits of alcohol was being influenced?

1 too many Night Blossoms?
And now you feel my pain :)

You'll get there! One at a time... but it'll take all day! :lmao:

Aw man, I would have loved to have been in that Jeep!

I sure wish you had been!

Hahaha! I see what you did there



You are the only one who caught it!

Friends.:) Or crazy. Or crazy friends

Oh, you're right! So it wasn't starvation and I definitely didn't have any alcohol at lunch :P Just having too much fun, I guess! :-)

You guys are right! I think we were just having too much fun :-)

Nope, just heat of the day, a lackluster driver, and a whole lotta giggling!

I hear you! It is hard to come back to reality and work! I hope your roommate is working out well, it can be stressful and I hope your mom is feeling good! Whenever you get back to trip reporting I will be reading along!!

So far, so good, but bad news... she is moving out next week as she need surgery on her hear. :( Short-lived but for the time she was here, it was a good set up for both of us.

Mom is okay, no more issues but is seeing her doc tomorrow.
Hey, as long as I'm not required to figure out or remember when everything happened, you do you! I'll just assume you did this stuff at some point in your trip.

Nope, your job is to sit back, relax, grab your pulled pork sammie, and enjoy. No requirements here except to believe every word I write.

Wow, that's quite the gift! I can see why you made extra time for it.

It wasn't just the gift per se, but the platform it gave to forge new friendships over a wonderful common experience. :goodvibes

Ah, yes. The rest of you totally missed out. Totally.


I'm shocked. Wait till I'm seated before you spring something like that.

Oops. I knew that'd come as a surprise.

This is the life of a photographer.


Usually, they're called Brazilians.

Your Safari sound so fun. I'm sure there was lots of laughs to be had by all. Your pictures are fabulous too. And for the record the right side is much better.

It was definitely one of the very best I've been on. And we saw fewer than normal animals...

Of course!! There's a Baobob Tree! :lmao:
While I'll admit it is unique, I truly hope it's good enough to keep you coming back for more.

It is!

Uh huh...

What! ;)

Why thank you. I'm working on the next update right now... so stay tuned. :)


Okay, Master Multi-quoter...


Kinda like how I refer to my taking tape off a hairy arm a "complementary waxing; you'd pay a lot of money at a salon for that, you know"... as my patient screams in pain.


I'm rethinking having you as my nurse.

:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: Better than you're average cheer group.

I have no doubt!

I said the exact same thing to her! Even before I read your comments!


I"m not sure TBH. I thought it was a different one as we saw them twice and both times there were more than one in the enclosure.

I was trying to spot differences... didn't see any.

And, as Meghan pointed out, it could VERY well be a Bongo. A Greater Bongo-playing Kudu. Not be be confused with a Banjo-playing Lesser Kudu.

Playing the kazoo.

I do, only because my mom reminded me on FB. I had totally forgotten that!


It's because it's in an Africa safari ride.
Hi Liesa! I'm joining in, of course! It was so lovely to meet you!

@jedijill opened up her bag of pixie dust and practically covered us from head to toe with 2 nights in her Kidani room with a Savanah view. Hello!

That's my kind of pixie dust!! How sweet of her!

This is so colorful, I love it!

(unless there is a Disney bus waiting at my depot and I see it from the park exit)

Nothing inspires me to run quite like this!

and there just seems to be no getting "tired or bored" with a flight on the back of an Ikran.

There is getting tired and bored with the preshow and all the um-ing and uh-ing!!

(but not both because that would be a Rhinzebraceros!)

Nope, just heat of the day, a lackluster driver, and a whole lotta giggling!

So far, so good, but bad news... she is moving out next week as she need surgery on her hear. :( Short-lived but for the time she was here, it was a good set up for both of us.

Mom is okay, no more issues but is seeing her doc tomorrow.
I think it must be the giggling factor....I've been several times in the heat of the day and had lackluster drivers. Process of elimination.

I'm confused...

Surgery on her hear? I presume it's a typo, but not sure if you were using your phone and it decided to change correct words to something dumb like my phone does.
Tell you mom I said hi and praying for her.
I, unlike you, have not managed to clear out my watched threads page, so I am a little behind. However, I just read your safari update and thought the up close of the African dog picture was great!
Your safari photos are amazing!!! I’m partial to giraffes but all are incredible! As for the best side of the jeep ... it’s usually the side I’m not on. :laughing:


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