The Bear Necessities! April 2019 W.I.S.H Goals

Tomorrow can't come soon enough. DD has her MRI in the morning. She is now in even more pain and refusing to put any weight on her foot. Thankfully we have crutches at the house for her use. She had 2 doses of Aleeve and Tylenol yesterday and was still in a ton of pain. She says it is a stabbing pain in her ankle bone. I am thinking she broke it again. We will get more info tomorrow after the MRI. I just feel so bad for her and there is not a whole lot I can do to help her.
I'm so sorry. This has got to be hard on you as her mom. And it must be so frustrating for her too. I hope you get some answers and she gets some relief from the pain soon!
I do not get enough protein, and now with having to go off eggs and chicken again it is even worst. Salmon is the only fish I really like and will cook, other types I'll eat if someone else has cooked it. The only red meat I cook myself is hamburger, but again if someone else cooks me a steak I will eat it, I'm just not confident cooking steak myself. I need to start doing smoothies with protein powder in them again, to make sure I'm getting enough.

My June WDW trip is pretty much all planned out. I have one day with nothing booked and decided I'll do the DestiNations tour around World Showcase, something that's been on my list for a while. I also need to make sure I'm at Animal Kingdom after dark this trip, so I can see Pandora lit up and the projections on the Tree of Life as I've missed both the past two trips. I'm taking the day-time non-stop flight this time, I don't think I can do the red eye any more. What's point of getting that "free" day in there, if you are dragging yourself around wearing your cranky pants, because you really just need a nap? I figure I'll be arriving at POP around 6:30pm, will check-in and freshen up, then head over to Boardwalk and Flying Fish (to get some protein for dinner!) and then go over to EPCOT and wander around... I think that sounds like a lovely first day.

Tomorrow can't come soon enough. DD has her MRI in the morning. She is now in even more pain and refusing to put any weight on her foot. Thankfully we have crutches at the house for her use. She had 2 doses of Aleeve and Tylenol yesterday and was still in a ton of pain. She says it is a stabbing pain in her ankle bone. I am thinking she broke it again. We will get more info tomorrow after the MRI. I just feel so bad for her and there is not a whole lot I can do to help her.

Hope you get some answers soon. It must be so stressful for her to be in that much pain-and I’m sure very hard on you!
I don’t keep track of protein-other than to make sure I eat enough of it so I’m not hungry!

Flossbolna, I share your ethical concerns and switched over to organic chicken and turkey some years back. Living near the Eastern Shore we see lots of trucks with birds crammed into cages on their way to the factory. I remember my husband telling my daughter when she was very little and asked why they were on the truck, that he told her they were taking the chickens out for a ride!
It’s usually just my husband and I so cost isn’t too much of an issue-and I stock up when it’s on sale. Since we rarely eat beef I guess it’s a trade off. We eat salmon at least once a week or shrimp. And my favorite snack are some almonds, string cheese and some grapes. So sneaking a few more grams in.
The macros from the program we are currently doing are
If having less than 10kg to lose convert weight to pounds and multiply by 0.75.
If having more 10kg to lose consider 150g a day

I actually eat enough protein. I think I was eating way too low fat and craving cheese at night. I have been upping it little and I feel less tempted to snack

5 days in, 2.5lbs down. Beginner luck I know but I will take it
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I am woohooing ... that despite not losing for 3 weeks I really haven't gained either - I know, I feel like I am reaching for a woohoo right now :confused3

Tomorrow my sister has an appointment with the oncologist - so hopefully we will have some answers - hoping for good news but preparing for the worst.
I am woohooing ... that despite not losing for 3 weeks I really haven't gained either - I know, I feel like I am reaching for a woohoo right now :confused3

Tomorrow my sister has an appointment with the oncologist - so hopefully we will have some answers - hoping for good news but preparing for the worst.

Hope you have good news tomorrow. And not gaining when you have so much going on around you is very much a woohoo.
I have walked every day but one this past week, so I feel like I’m back in the habit. Yesterday was such a beautiful day I really enjoyed being outside.

Tomorrow I’m taking my grandson out for lunch and we’ll hang out until his mother gets off from school. Hoping it’s nice enough to go to the playground.
I am woohooing ... that despite not losing for 3 weeks I really haven't gained either - I know, I feel like I am reaching for a woohoo right now :confused3

Tomorrow my sister has an appointment with the oncologist - so hopefully we will have some answers - hoping for good news but preparing for the worst.

I am hoping it's not the worse for your sister. We are waiting for results for my sister in law and we are very anxious. It's very hard to wait isn't it?
Woohoo it's FRIDAY and I'm outta here!!! Weather at the beach is forecast to be drippy Thurs/Fri and not drippy Sat/Sun, good enough for me.

And I'll second the "haven't lost anything but haven't gained anything either" woohoo... based on how I've been eating that's actually quite an accomplishment.

I have three woohoos today, and here they are!!!

chicks 2019.JPG

From left to right (and biggest to smallest...) I present Madam Marshmallow VonFluffbutt, Naughty, and Mini Marebear. (Can you tell the kids named them?) I had hoped to get 2 new chicks and 2 ducklings from our usual place, but they were taking FOREVER to get their shipment, and the kids were SO excited, so I caved and we went to a local garden center instead. That was last night, and of course the other place just called to say they got their shipment... it's probably for the best, though, ducks are MESSY, always playing in their water dish. (But my-oh-my, there is something so cute about a duckling in the bathtub!!!)

I really shouldn't have gotten 3, since we still have 2 adults and live in the suburbs, but we had a friend along and I let them each pick out one. Mini Marebear (just Mini for short) is the one that the friend picked out, and she's just TINY, which is hilarious, because Mary, the girl, is super-tall. Madam VonFluffbutt is exactly what she sounds like, the absolute fluffiest one they had, though she'll eventually outgrow that. And Naughty is a breed called Blue Andalusian, but she is actually grey, so we named her after the fake/grey imitation Smurfs from the movies... they looked like smurfs, but they were blue, not grey... and so far, she's living up to her name.

At this age, they love to cuddle. If you pick them up and cradle them in your hands (or a towel in this case, because I've been pooped on enough in the past to learn that lesson...) they will fall right asleep. So CUTE!!! Unfortunately, it only lasts a few days, and before you know it, they are chirpy and hyper and going through their awkward stage, so if I'm hardly on at all for the next few days, that is why... "babies don't keep." :)

Also, I'll be busy with the REAL children, the non-feathery, less-cute, even MORE noisy and stinky ones... because they have Easter break from Thursday-Monday. So while them being underfoot and bored is not much of a woohoo, I'm looking forward to *NOT* fighting DD15 out of bed at 6am for the next few days!!!
I am woohoo that we are done with the MRI and DD did great. Laying still for an hour is a long tie for an 11 year old. I have a copy of the scans just in case we want another opinion. I tried to look at them on my work computer but they wouldn't open. I will try tonight at home. I emailed the assistant at the Ortho yesterday to let them know things were getting worse and to see if I was missing something I could do to help. She got back to me late last night. She is very concerned that the pain is getting worse. She is going to talk with the doctor as soon as she sees him today and call me as soon as they read the scans. So I keep staring at my phone. I am very nervous. What if the scans show nothing, what if they do and she needs surgery. I hate the what if's but it is hard to stop them.

I am woohooing ... that despite not losing for 3 weeks I really haven't gained either - I know, I feel like I am reaching for a woohoo right now :confused3

Tomorrow my sister has an appointment with the oncologist - so hopefully we will have some answers - hoping for good news but preparing for the worst.

Staying the same is still a woohoo. That is hard to do as well.

I was going to ask you today how your sister was doing and if you had gotten any news yet. Praying that it is good news.
Way back in the day we were economic vegetarians (we couldn't afford meat, but if you wanted to buy us a steak we would eat it!)

I actually know a couple that does this, it allows her to stay at home with their (ever increasing) kids, but also they feel it is more humane not only to the animals, but to the planet and the people they share it with. Unless we were dead-broke, I couldn't do this... I like meat too much! :rotfl:

My motivation this week ...

Healthy, healthy, healthy - I keep telling myself it is only 5 weeks until my next blood test to check my cholesterol and glucose levels - so I really need to focus and get this weight loss happening - I have stalled at 90kg I have been here for weeks now - it is starting to feel very disheartening ... I know it is down to my choices so I need to re-find that early motivation.

I feel ya! I am due for my annual check-up/prescription refill, but I am stalling because I want to be lower on the scale, not to mention I'll probably be getting paperwork from my new school very soon, and it would be nice to combine the visits/copays as much as possible.

I have recently been more conscious about protein, but I find it very difficult to keep up. I don’t want to buy and eats lots of chicken because I do have serious issues with the animal welfare aspects. And buying organic or free range chicken every day is just too expensive. So, I have started to have more eggs (which are more affordable even in organic than the meat), but also started to experiment with tofu. I actually like it when I get it in Asian restaurants, but find it difficult to make myself. I will continue in that quest though!

Have you tried tofu skins? They are AMAZING!!! They come dried and you soak them for a while, then you can add them to stir-fries or soup. They are very chewy like slightly undercooked noodles, which I think is a nice change from how soft even the "extra firm" tofu tends to be. In fact, I think I'll go set some soaking as soon as I'm done here!

Tomorrow my sister has an appointment with the oncologist - so hopefully we will have some answers - hoping for good news but preparing for the worst.
Best wishes, we are all pulling for you/her!!!

Woohoo it's FRIDAY and I'm outta here!!! Weather at the beach is forecast to be drippy Thurs/Fri and not drippy Sat/Sun, good enough for me.

A bad day at the beach is better than a good day at work!!!!

Side note, has anyone else noticed the board being really slow off-and-on lately?
I have three woohoos today, and here they are!!!

View attachment 395103

From left to right (and biggest to smallest...) I present Madam Marshmallow VonFluffbutt, Naughty, and Mini Marebear. (Can you tell the kids named them?) I had hoped to get 2 new chicks and 2 ducklings from our usual place, but they were taking FOREVER to get their shipment, and the kids were SO excited, so I caved and we went to a local garden center instead. That was last night, and of course the other place just called to say they got their shipment... it's probably for the best, though, ducks are MESSY, always playing in their water dish. (But my-oh-my, there is something so cute about a duckling in the bathtub!!!)

I really shouldn't have gotten 3, since we still have 2 adults and live in the suburbs, but we had a friend along and I let them each pick out one. Mini Marebear (just Mini for short) is the one that the friend picked out, and she's just TINY, which is hilarious, because Mary, the girl, is super-tall. Madam VonFluffbutt is exactly what she sounds like, the absolute fluffiest one they had, though she'll eventually outgrow that. And Naughty is a breed called Blue Andalusian, but she is actually grey, so we named her after the fake/grey imitation Smurfs from the movies... they looked like smurfs, but they were blue, not grey... and so far, she's living up to her name.

At this age, they love to cuddle. If you pick them up and cradle them in your hands (or a towel in this case, because I've been pooped on enough in the past to learn that lesson...) they will fall right asleep. So CUTE!!! Unfortunately, it only lasts a few days, and before you know it, they are chirpy and hyper and going through their awkward stage, so if I'm hardly on at all for the next few days, that is why... "babies don't keep." :)

Also, I'll be busy with the REAL children, the non-feathery, less-cute, even MORE noisy and stinky ones... because they have Easter break from Thursday-Monday. So while them being underfoot and bored is not much of a woohoo, I'm looking forward to *NOT* fighting DD15 out of bed at 6am for the next few days!!!
Aren't the various states critters come in to the world amazing... kittens arrive as fuzzy little lumps the can't see or hear, or even rool o
I'll continue a few more:

Q - Quiet - It was nice and quiet in my classroom for a few minute while the kids were at recess ;)
R - Rain - While I am getting tired of all the rain, I need to remember to appreciate it. The grass is looking so nice an green thanks to the rain!
S - Sleep - Something I really need to get more of.

Adding a few more:

T - Technology... since we discussed this last week, and it's the link to all of you lovely people!
U - Underwear... this is my go-to for U, I used it last time as well, pretty hard to imagine a no-underwear life.
V - Vacation!
Tomorrow I’m taking my grandson out for lunch and we’ll hang out until his mother gets off from school. Hoping it’s nice enough to go to the playground

Oh that sounds like a great day for you both - I hope you have wonderful weather for some fun in the playground.

We are waiting for results for my sister in law and we are very anxious. It's very hard to wait isn't it?

YES! the waiting is horrible it takes so long. I hope your SILs results are good ones :hug:

Woohoo it's FRIDAY and I'm outta here!!! Weather at the beach is forecast to be drippy Thurs/Fri and not drippy Sat/Sun, good enough for me.

And I'll second the "haven't lost anything but haven't gained anything either" woohoo... based on how I've been eating that's actually quite an accomplishment.

Hope your sisters treatments go okay and don't make her feel too yukky ... and hope you get minimal drippiness so that you can all enjoy your time together :-)

From left to right (and biggest to smallest...) I present Madam Marshmallow VonFluffbutt, Naughty, and Mini Marebear.

Sooo cute!

. I tried to look at them on my work computer but they wouldn't open

I looked at my son's a few years ago when he had one on his elbow fracture - and frankly couldn't tell what I was looking at anyway! and I did anatomy at uni - we did think we saw what looked like a ghosts face in there :rotfl2: I hope they get back to you asap!

Thank you all for your beautiful thoughts - 3ish hours to go ...
I have three woohoos today, and here they are!!!

View attachment 395103

From left to right (and biggest to smallest...) I present Madam Marshmallow VonFluffbutt, Naughty, and Mini Marebear. (Can you tell the kids named them?) I had hoped to get 2 new chicks and 2 ducklings from our usual place, but they were taking FOREVER to get their shipment, and the kids were SO excited, so I caved and we went to a local garden center instead. That was last night, and of course the other place just called to say they got their shipment... it's probably for the best, though, ducks are MESSY, always playing in their water dish. (But my-oh-my, there is something so cute about a duckling in the bathtub!!!)

I really shouldn't have gotten 3, since we still have 2 adults and live in the suburbs, but we had a friend along and I let them each pick out one. Mini Marebear (just Mini for short) is the one that the friend picked out, and she's just TINY, which is hilarious, because Mary, the girl, is super-tall. Madam VonFluffbutt is exactly what she sounds like, the absolute fluffiest one they had, though she'll eventually outgrow that. And Naughty is a breed called Blue Andalusian, but she is actually grey, so we named her after the fake/grey imitation Smurfs from the movies... they looked like smurfs, but they were blue, not grey... and so far, she's living up to her name.

At this age, they love to cuddle. If you pick them up and cradle them in your hands (or a towel in this case, because I've been pooped on enough in the past to learn that lesson...) they will fall right asleep. So CUTE!!! Unfortunately, it only lasts a few days, and before you know it, they are chirpy and hyper and going through their awkward stage, so if I'm hardly on at all for the next few days, that is why... "babies don't keep." :)

Also, I'll be busy with the REAL children, the non-feathery, less-cute, even MORE noisy and stinky ones... because they have Easter break from Thursday-Monday. So while them being underfoot and bored is not much of a woohoo, I'm looking forward to *NOT* fighting DD15 out of bed at 6am for the next few days!!!
So cute! I'd love to have chickens some day, but right now cats are more than enough to keep me busy.
"I looked at my son's a few years ago when he had one on his elbow fracture - and frankly couldn't tell what I was looking at anyway! and I did anatomy at uni - we did think we saw what looked like a ghosts face in there :rotfl2: I hope they get back to you asap! Thank you all for your beautiful thoughts - 3ish hours to go ..."[/QUOTE said:
First time I had my neck x-rayed, I swear one of the Three Little Pigs was stuck in there... the Disney version, of course. The one in the middle with the blue hat.



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