"Five Mickey bars hit you like two glasses of wine!" a Jan 2019 adults-only TR *COMPLETED* 6/25

So not fun that you got sick but thankfully it was the very beginning of your trip and the rest can be spent feeling the magic (hopefully!)
So excited to read all about your vacation!
Following along!
There aren’t quite words to describe the flight attendant’s look when she saw my blotchy red face as she handed me my complimentary in-flight beverage and pretzels
Yeah, I need to remember not to watch anything emotional on airplanes. I’m sure seat mates have looked over more than once and gotten weirded out!

This is where Jon did something absolutely amazing. He had thought to pack our Apple TV, which meant we could hook it up to the TV and I could watch Netflix/Hulu/you name it right on the big screen. This made my day so much better!
Very nice!

I’m happy you started to feel better!
So not fun that you got sick but thankfully it was the very beginning of your trip and the rest can be spent feeling the magic (hopefully!)
So excited to read all about your vacation!
Yes, that's exactly how I felt!!

Oh man, rough start!
Looking forward to see how it went from there!
Hopefully you won't be disappointed :P Thanks for joining!

Yeah, I need to remember not to watch anything emotional on airplanes. I’m sure seat mates have looked over more than once and gotten weirded out!
I seem to cry no matter what movie I'm watching so I just need to remember to bring tissues because those little napkins are not sturdy at all :rotfl:

I’m happy you started to feel better!
I'm so glad it was a short bug!
How not to start a Disney trip

Unfortunately, at about noon that day it started to snow (snow in January? In the MIDWEST? I know what you’re thinking- and yes, we were just surprised as you are). By the time we left for the airport it started to pick up a little but nothing was sticking to the ground yet (thanks to it being like 55 degrees the day before #missouri). I kept an eye on flight updates but everything was still on time!

You got me with the #missouri. I'm hooked in for the rest of the story!
Oh you poor thing, I know that feeling all too well. I got food poisoning at The Hollywood Brown Derby (I will never eat a Cobb Salad again) and spent the night in the bathroom thinking that this is it, it's the end, I am gonna die in the Yacht Club bathroom. It was our last night of vacation so at least I did not miss anything, but packing up and driving home the next morning was really hard.
Oh you poor thing, I know that feeling all too well. I got food poisoning at The Hollywood Brown Derby (I will never eat a Cobb Salad again) and spent the night in the bathroom thinking that this is it, it's the end, I am gonna die in the Yacht Club bathroom. It was our last night of vacation so at least I did not miss anything, but packing up and driving home the next morning was really hard.
Isn't it horrible how getting sick ruins you for perfectly good food? Due to some unfortunate events as a child I will never again consume red cream soda or apple dumplings :rotfl2:

I'm glad you didn't die in the Yacht Club bathroom, but having to drive home right after that doesn't sound fun at all. At least I was stationary!
Isn't it horrible how getting sick ruins you for perfectly good food? Due to some unfortunate events as a child I will never again consume red cream soda or apple dumplings :rotfl2:

I'm glad you didn't die in the Yacht Club bathroom, but having to drive home right after that doesn't sound fun at all. At least I was stationary!

I know, I used to love Cobb Salad but I really don't think I can eat it again, or ever go back to The Brown Derby. And we had to drive to New York so it was an ordeal to say the least :rolleyes2 But again, I am thankful it was at the end of the trip, it really took a few days to feel normal again, it was really bad.
“Does this look like extra fries or the normal amount?”

Previously on Trip Reports of Our Lives: Ann develops a crippling case of the stomach flu/food poisoning. She falls asleep, hoping that both she and her husband will wake up fully healthy in the morning. Did they? Stay tuned to find out…

Well praise be, the sun woke up and (several hours later) so did we- both miraculously healthy and ready for a new day. Other than being really hungry and dehydrated, I felt just fine and Jon was showing no symptoms at all.

mickey dancing.gif

We took our time this morning getting unpacked and ready for the day. Fun fact- this was the first time I had ever fully unpacked my suitcase at Disney. We spent 8 whole nights at Copper Creek so I was able to get organized and put stuff in actual drawers! Thankfully Jon is a very simple packer so I had most of the drawers to myself. I myself am a chronic over-packer and I needed a whole drawer for just my accessories #divastatus.

Eventually we left the room and set out to do what we had meant to do the day before- explore our new home. We started on the outside and walked the grounds first.

If I had any doubts about buying a Copper Creek contract having never actually stayed at the Wilderness Lodge, this little tour put all our fears to rest. This resort is absolutely stunning and it’s so our vibe that it’s unreal.

During our walk about we noticed some corn hole boards laying out, so (as the good little Midwesterners we are) we went to the rec counter and checked out some bean bags and had a nice little game (I won, surprisingly). They also have basketball, pool, foosball, and maybe tennis that you can do for free, plus you can rent bikes. There’s also lots of trails between WL and Fort Wilderness for walking (or running if you’re so inclined. Let me assure you that neither of us is so inclined). So lots to do on our resort days!

Glowing from the victory of our corn hole match, I decided it was time to finally check out the lobby. And WOWZA this place is everything.

I mean helllooo, there’s a fountain inside! And it goes all the way out to the pool! Tres magnifique.


By now the little hunger monster in me was starting to rage. And who could blame it? In the previous 36 hours I had eaten nothing but 3 saltines and 2 applesauce snack packs. It was time to get this girl some FOOD.

Roaring Fork was nearby so we went to check it out. I knew it was going to be way more food than I could finish, but the chicken and waffles with pecan butter sounded too good to pass up! Jon ordered the pulled pork and asked for extra fries instead of coleslaw. I also picked up a resort mug because I knew my Coke Zero addiction would require it.

It was a gorgeous day so we sat outside on the patio and pretty soon the CM brought our food out! She set down Jon’s food and he asked, “Does this look like extra fries or the normal amount?”

Which is hilarious because Jon is the sweetest and most polite person you’ll ever meet. He asked it in a kind way and explained to the woman that he had ordered extra fries and just wanted to make sure that’s what he got but we burst out laughing because it just sounded like such a rude thing to say. So naturally we spent the next five minutes saying, “Um exCAHuse me, does this look like extra fries to you??” in the most entitled Valley-Girl-esque voices we could do.

[Yeah I ended up eating one waffle and one chicken strip but they were both super yummy. The pecan butter was eh. Not sure how I feel about all the cinnamon. ]

After we had eaten a little the CM came back out with a little dish with some extra fries! She said she wanted me to have some since it didn’t look like Jon was sharing with me (which he wasn’t, to avoid the germs). It was really cute and she was so nice! I left a CM compliment for her because she didn’t have to that J

My hunger monster was fast asleep, so we decided to try out the hidden Mickey scavenger hunt around WL. You can pick up the clues from the front desk and they have two versions- one around WL and one specifically at Boulder Ridge. We did both and were able to find them all except the one at the geyser. So if you know where that one is, help a girl out!

We went back to the room for some hydration and to grab our park things because next up it was time to finally head into the parks!

What a fantastic start to the day!! I had no idea there were so many things to do right there at the hotel, in particular the Hidden Mickey hunt. I love looking for those!!

So glad you were both able to eat and enjoy the start to your day :)
What a fantastic start to the day!! I had no idea there were so many things to do right there at the hotel, in particular the Hidden Mickey hunt. I love looking for those!!

So glad you were both able to eat and enjoy the start to your day :)
We are so excited to take advantage of all those activities in the years to come! I used to hate the idea of a resort day (I mean why waste precious Disney time at a hotel when you could be at the parks??) but now that we can slow our plans down because of DVC, I'm almost more excited about resort days :P
Hi :wave: joining in. So sorry your trip didn't start out so good :crazy2: but if it had to happen at all I think it happened at just the right time. I hope no one else got that little stomach bug.
I am also addicted to Coke Zero!

I love the tour around WL. I am DYING to stay there and wanted to try to make it work for our upcoming September trip but it's not in the cards just yet. Hopefully it won't be too long before we can stay there!
Joining in from frigid Iowa! Home from school today (I'm a teacher) because it's so cold! Bummer about being sick, but glad to hear you recovered quickly!
I am also addicted to Coke Zero!

I love the tour around WL. I am DYING to stay there and wanted to try to make it work for our upcoming September trip but it's not in the cards just yet. Hopefully it won't be too long before we can stay there!

Glad to find some Coke Zero solidarity!!

I hope you get to stay at WL soon! It’s truly beautiful.

Joining in from frigid Iowa! Home from school today (I'm a teacher) because it's so cold! Bummer about being sick, but glad to hear you recovered quickly!
Brrrrr a lot of our schools were closed as well!
Joining in! :mickeyjum

Lol, you legit had me for a moment convinced your friends' names were Philip and Aurora. You should've just said that was there names were and had us all shook. So iconic.

Awww, I'm sorry to hear you got sick pretty early on. That's no fun. Luckily stomach bugs are little bursts of awfulness and are over with as quickly as they came on so you could have fun on the rest of your trip.

What a fun day in at Wilderness Lodge! You got such lovely photos. It's such a stunning resort with so much to explore. Last time I was there, there was a lot of construction going on so many things were blocked off. I'd love to go back and see it without all the walls blocking everything.


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