The Running Thread - 2019

I learned on here to carry a plastic grocery bag with me. It’s weighs nothing and folds up small. I had several people comment what a great idea it was and how prepared I was. But yeah, giving everyone a reusable bag at the end would be nice.
For SOOOOO much cheaper than doing all of Dopey, should could just buy the medals on ebay!

Searching for Boston medal, Chicago medal, Purple Heart, Medal of Honor, Nobel Peace Prize, and Most Excellent Order of the British Empire medal. My wall is going to look great!

Jeez, really? I can only hope that the people buying them finished the race and just want an extra set.
I agree with everyone about how RunDisney can change things up. One little thing I would love to see is adding a bag to hold all the stuff they give you once you cross the finish line. I appreciate all the things you get but I feel like I’m constantly trying not to drop it all as they just keep pushing us forward.

Sweat isn’t the only reason I’m salty at the end of races. I’m tired, have the bare minimum ability to tote things around, and rD insists on piling all the recovery goodies into my arms. Best case, I can turn a Mylar blanket into a hobo satchel.

I know I should be better prepared, but it would be really nice if they had a little better transport method for runners. Sometimes I bypass taking things just because I don’t want to fill my arms with stuff; that shouldn’t be the case.
ATTQOTD change one thing: I would like ALL the races to offer a medal, even for an extra fee. I am still disappointed that the only race I could run in Hawaii did not offer one. And I often find a race that has everything else to offer... but I turn it down because no medal.
ATTQOTD: If I could change something about any race it would be having the option to get long sleeve shirts with petite length sleeves. No changes to the body, just the sleeve length.

While I had read about this happening, actually seeing it in action during the 10k blew my mind. Between the smaller race size and my slow 10k time I was less than a mile ahead of the balloon ladies at the mile 1 hairpin turn and there were already people behind them!

I have never seen someone waiting for the bus but someone told me it happened. Might have even been @Keels?

ATTQOTD: I'd get rid of self-seeding corrals in our local races. I know this is nearly impossible due to the small size, but they drive me crazy sometimes.

People really do that? Wow. That's a lot of money to spend on travel, hotels, and race registrations to not even try. It also makes me sad for the people who don't get in during registration (which didn't really matter this year, LOL) and would actually try to finish the race.

I used to work with a girl who would sign up for tons of Disney races. She didn't train. She has gotten swept from more than she has finished. She would take her medals from the races she got swept in and where them around the park like the real finishers do and she would accept congratulations from people and post it on social media.

ATTQOTD- change Disney Wine and Dine back to a night-time run again.

There............I said it.

They should absolutely make it a night race. When it was a night race it was on my must do list. Once they changed it I couldn't care less.

I am also praying they bring back ToT 10 miler, as a night race, once Star Wars is done.

I don’t think I’d want a medal if I didn’t finish the race.

Unless I wanted it as a reminder of what went wrong and as a motivation to earn it the next time.

I wouldn't want it either. But someone mentioned medals on eBay. That former co-worker is mentioned, she signed up for Dopey last year. She didn't run one race, not even the 5k. Didn't even attempt them. A little birdie told me she has a marathon and Dopey medal, she clearly bought on eBay.

My theory is, the medal doesn't change your life, the work you put in and the actual accomplishment of the race is where the change comes from. The medal just starts the conversation about the stories.
For SOOOOO much cheaper than doing all of Dopey, should could just buy the medals on ebay!

This is clearly not a true Disney fan. From the auction description...

Up for sale is this years Dopey challenge finisher medals.
Waldo returns!!!

So when when I don’t sign up for Dopey and have regrets, I can just buy the medals? Sounds like a solid plan.
I used to work with a girl who would sign up for tons of Disney races. She didn't train. She has gotten swept from more than she has finished. She would take her medals from the races she got swept in and where them around the park like the real finishers do and she would accept congratulations from people and post it on social media.

I wouldn't want it either. But someone mentioned medals on eBay. That former co-worker is mentioned, she signed up for Dopey last year. She didn't run one race, not even the 5k. Didn't even attempt them. A little birdie told me she has a marathon and Dopey medal, she clearly bought on eBay.

That seems like such a waste of money! I was unable to run the marathon this year even though I signed up due to my parents having surgery, but I would never go on eBay and buy a medal from it. Why go through all that trouble if you know you aren't even going to attempt it??? I'm very confused by this person, LOL.
FWIW re: selling/buying medals... I sell a lot of my medals* and I've seen a number of reasons why folks buy them. One woman's son was registered for a 5K, but their flight was canceled due to weather and they missed the race - he ran the miles at home and she really wanted him to have the medal to celebrate, so she bought mine. Another person bought a medal for her friend, who had to miss a race due to cancer treatments and the friend wanted to give her the medal to celebrate her last treatment and return to running. Another guy bought my inaugural Dark Side challenge medal and, looking at his eBay profile, it was clear he's a mega Star Wars collector/trader. I'm not saying there aren't folks who buy medals because they want to pretend they earned them, but there are a lot of other reasons, too!

*And, because I know this mystifies many, my reason for selling is that I really don't care about most medals I earn, I don't care to display them, and I really could use the money. I'm not a collector of "stuff" and I HATE clutter, so I'm always happy that there's a market for these things! Some of mine have also gone to charitable purposes, too.
FWIW re: selling/buying medals... I sell a lot of my medals* and I've seen a number of reasons why folks buy them. One woman's son was registered for a 5K, but their flight was canceled due to weather and they missed the race - he ran the miles at home and she really wanted him to have the medal to celebrate, so she bought mine. Another person bought a medal for her friend, who had to miss a race due to cancer treatments and the friend wanted to give her the medal to celebrate her last treatment and return to running. Another guy bought my inaugural Dark Side challenge medal and, looking at his eBay profile, it was clear he's a mega Star Wars collector/trader. I'm not saying there aren't folks who buy medals because they want to pretend they earned them, but there are a lot of other reasons, too!

*And, because I know this mystifies many, my reason for selling is that I really don't care about most medals I earn, I don't care to display them, and I really could use the money. I'm not a collector of "stuff" and I HATE clutter, so I'm always happy that there's a market for these things! Some of mine have also gone to charitable purposes, too.

Thanks for that perspective. It does help to understand some very legitimate and touching reasons that people may want to buy the medals.
Well I would never sell my medals. even the really cheesy ones from local Y sprint triathlons. But also would not accept a medal if I did not finish either
@LSUlakes for my race tomorrow I’ve decided not to run it. Conditions will probably be icy and I’ve decided discretion is the better part of valor.

Also, I’ll jump in and do the Friday Fun QOTD: with the talk here recently about medals, I’m wondering what is your favorite medal? It can be one that you actually have or just you that you’ve seen and thought looked awesome.

ATTQOTD: For myself, it would be my Philadelphia Marathon medal. I really like the look and still get a chuckle out of the fact that the bell is real.

385E8A9C-DFF7-4D28-92F4-1959F0DA1B7F.jpeg Attqotd: it’s not a medal at all, but I keep it with my medals, my athlete credentials lanyard from The North Face Masters at Crystal Mountain, WA from about 7 years ago.

It was really intimidating seeing all these pros that I watch in films and then wondering why I was there pretending to be able to compete with them(it was an open). But I succeeded in my goal. I did not want to come in last, and I came in fifth to last.
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ATTFFQOTD: For feelz, my favorite medal is the one from my first marathon, WDW 2016. I liked the 2017 design better, though. For design, first place - by a massive landslide, nothing else comes close - goes to the Inaugural Dark Side Half. Vader on one side Emperor Palpatine on the other, ALL the geeky chills! ♥
Attqotd: always thought this one was pretty epic. Could barely keep it around my neck for long. That’s my thigh for reference as to how giant it is.
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First year for the Challenge - 5k 7pm then the half 8am next morning. Set a AG PR in the 5k Friday night and sub 2hours next morning. Don't think the 5k did not sneak up on me about mile 8 or so.

the other one is the medal from USA National Triathlon - had to earn that bad boy


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Also, I’ll jump in and do the Friday Fun QOTD: with the talk here recently about medals, I’m wondering what is your favorite medal? It can be one that you actually have or just you that you’ve seen and thought looked awesome.

Perhaps not the intent of the question, but these two are my favorites (bad pic, I have them hanging from the curtain rod above the window blinds). I was concerned about finishing my first rD event, so I wanted to see videos of it. Youtube had someone's Tink race footage, and one of my kids became obsessed with the idea of running in her Tinkerbell costume. I did not take her to my one DL run, and they have yet to have another tink weekend, but hen the turkey trot came about and I figured it was as close as she would get. I was concerned that they would not make the full mile (they did not) but I am so proud of our whole family for going out- with our 4 year olds in full winter gear and fairy wings! We totally cut 20% of the course on the out and back, DH and grandma carried one of the kids more than anyone was happy about, and then DH, 2 kids, and my mom hung out at Starbucks waiting for me to finish the 5K. I would love to do it again this year, but I think the mile is still too much for them.
ATTFFQOTD: For feelz, my favorite medal is the one from my first marathon, WDW 2016. I liked the 2017 design better, though. For design, first place - by a massive landslide, nothing else comes close - goes to the Inaugural Dark Side Half. Vader on one side Emperor Palpatine on the other, ALL the geeky chills! ♥

ATTQOTD: My favorite medal is also from WDW 2016, my first marathon. My favorite medal design also comes from the inaugural SWDS weekend, but I love the 10k TIE Fighter medal!



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