The Running Thread - 2018

I figured I'd turn off the auto-lap feature and just hit the lap button whenever I saw a mile marker. That way I know the splits to be accurate to the course...

Good idea. I always turn off auto-lap for races. For me, it's just too confusing when the watch and the course disagree.

Unlike you, I'm not consistent or confident enough to not look at the time every mile. I ran my downhill half marathon watching lap pace and total pace like a speedometer.
QOTD: I think most of us usually have our big race of the year early in the first quarter of the year, which means most of the hard runs are usually ran in cooler temps. For those who run a fall marathon, how far out do you start your plan, and how do you handle those long runs of 13 - 20 miles during the summer months?

Every full I've done has been a fall full with the exception of Disney. My training has started in June for all of them. I wear sunscreen, pass some drinking fountains or the house where I stashed a water bottle in the mailbox, or run after dark. I've started a 20 mile run at 1:00am in the past. It is very peaceful.
Good idea
I'm not trying to PR (it's an automatic PR!!!!) but I worry more about going out too fast in the beginning (HYPE!!!) and so I kind of want to make sure that I'm not burning myself out too quickly. Watching the race clocks instead of GPS during those first few miles will be key for me (knowing myself.) Like I don't want to freak out that my pace says 13 min miles if it's really a 10 something and push hard for no reason.

This is a real issue there. In 2016 I had no idea how fast I was running early in the race. In the first mile, you go through that tunnel. GPS is useless, the runner's high was real, fresh legs, etc. Then you come out of the tunnel and get to the first serious spectator area when you make a couple turns... it is just overwhelming. I felt like a freaking Olympian. Trying to hold any kind of pace takes some serious restraint because the support is really uplifting. There are so many spectators (and things to look at) that it's actually fairly easy to miss the mile markers. I stopped around mile 5 to use the restroom (because I had to a bit)... mostly just to settle down and get back on my planned pacing.
QOTD: I think most of us usually have our big race of the year early in the first quarter of the year, which means most of the hard runs are usually ran in cooler temps. For those who run a fall marathon, how far out do you start your plan, and how do you handle those long runs of 13 - 20 miles during the summer months?

I’ve never run a marathon, but I’ll answer anyway. Every summer I fall off the running wagon. I start back at ground zero in the fall and have to spend time getting to spring time fitness levels. I made a vow not to do it this year and have a dopeybadger speed work plan followed by a half marathon in September. I started outside yesterday, but I was sweating so bad it was running down my legs into my shoes. It was disgusting. I finished my run at the gym. Temp + Dew Point was 145 when I woke up at 6am today so I ran at the gym again in the A/C. At 11am T+D was 152. If i feel like I’m suffocating just opening the door to let the dog out there is no way I can run in it. I don’t know how many times I have been told by people and read online that my body will acclimate to the summer running weather. That is BS in my case. I’m heading into my fifth Florida summer and nothing has changed. If I end up on treadmills over the summer then it is what it is. Although the summers here are brutal I will take the oppressive heat over the bone chilling New England winters any day.
ATTQOTD: I am absolutely dreading this. I am running a marathon in November and my training plan starts in July. Temps in NC won’t really start to cool off until October and I am not looking forward to it at all. Last summer was the first time I consistently ran outside and while I hated it, I did see results once it started to cool off.
ATTQOTD: I haven’t ran a marathon, so can’t really speak to that. Although, I do plan to run one. If/when I do it’ll probably be the Philadelphia marathon, which is in mid-November. So reading about the summer training is helpful.
ATTQOTD: I’m running my first marathon this fall, so those long summer runs will be me this year. My plan should start in June. I’ve definitely got to adjust my schedule and get used to waking up early to do it in the morning. I don’t feel comfortable running alone outside when it’s dark, so I’ll have to aim for right around sunrise to hope for at least the lowest temperatures. I also finally bought a handheld water bottle to use, and will have to find some routes with drinking fountains to refill (I do know of a couple nearby). There’s also a running/biking path right by where I live that’s got some good shade, so that will hopefully help too. :)

I’ve got a big advantage in the summer as I’m a teacher, so I’ll be on summer vacation and therefore won’t have a schedule to follow and will have flexibility to when I can go.
Hi everyone!

I guess this is a PSA of sorts, but curious if others have experience to share...

I was diagnosed with Lyme disease today :( in a way it’s a relief to have an answer, because the symptoms have been awful (headaches, muscle pain/weakness, forgetting words, a lot of numbness and tingling). I was chalking it up to allergies and half marathon training, but it was getting worse. I happened to see a news story about Lyme the other night and made an appt with the doctor the next morning. I just started antibiotics.

I’ve never seen a tick on me or anyone in the family, and never had a bite/rash.

Anyone ever experienced this? I am hoping it’s early enough that the antibiotics kick right in.

Also, the PSA is to be super vigilant about checking for ticks if you are in an area where they are common.
Hi everyone!

I guess this is a PSA of sorts, but curious if others have experience to share...

I was diagnosed with Lyme disease today :( in a way it’s a relief to have an answer, because the symptoms have been awful (headaches, muscle pain/weakness, forgetting words, a lot of numbness and tingling). I was chalking it up to allergies and half marathon training, but it was getting worse. I happened to see a news story about Lyme the other night and made an appt with the doctor the next morning. I just started antibiotics.

I’ve never seen a tick on me or anyone in the family, and never had a bite/rash.

Anyone ever experienced this? I am hoping it’s early enough that the antibiotics kick right in.

Also, the PSA is to be super vigilant about checking for ticks if you are in an area where they are common.
I live in a high Lyme risk area. My older DS had it for 6 months starting at age 3.5. It was a long battle with his pediatricians to get him diagnosed. Once he got the diagnosis and started meds I immediately found a new pediatrician. It was a nightmare. He was so young and suffered with it for so long I worried about his future health. We saw a pediatric rheumatologist once after he got on the antibiotics and she said one knee looked a little bigger than the other but his gait was ok and the prognosis was good. He is now 17, has run cross country since 7th grade, and just got an amazing score on his SAT. All's well that ends well I guess but bringing it back to you, our experience makes me optimistic for other people.

I never saw a tick bite but once I saw a tiny tick walking on him, around the time he would have gotten Lyme. It was literally the size of a pencil point mark with tiny legs. There could easily have been another one in his thick head of hair or who knows where.
Hi everyone!

I guess this is a PSA of sorts, but curious if others have experience to share...

I was diagnosed with Lyme disease today :( in a way it’s a relief to have an answer, because the symptoms have been awful (headaches, muscle pain/weakness, forgetting words, a lot of numbness and tingling). I was chalking it up to allergies and half marathon training, but it was getting worse. I happened to see a news story about Lyme the other night and made an appt with the doctor the next morning. I just started antibiotics.

I’ve never seen a tick on me or anyone in the family, and never had a bite/rash.

Anyone ever experienced this? I am hoping it’s early enough that the antibiotics kick right in.

Also, the PSA is to be super vigilant about checking for ticks if you are in an area where they are common.
A friend of my daughter was diagnosed with Lyme disease many months after her knee started to hurt. At a certain point, the doctors were thinking juvenile arthritis! She was on antibiotics for almost a year but is doing great now. Good catch on your part! And best wishes for a fast recovery.

Also, my DD learned to check for ticks at the summer camp. They had to do it everytime they were coming from outside and from the shower area. It is a good advice to follow.
ATTQOTD: Only half-marathon for me but, heat wise, there are a lot of warning for the Ottawa Marathon weekend at the end of May because people are not accustomed to warm weather in Spring. I am running that weekend, taking a week off and will start training for my September half. I am planning to train per plan while following all the advice discussed earlier in this thread. Last year Montreal RnR Marathon was canceled because of heat. Hopefully the weather won’t be as extreme in 2018.
Hi everyone!

I guess this is a PSA of sorts, but curious if others have experience to share...

I was diagnosed with Lyme disease today :( in a way it’s a relief to have an answer, because the symptoms have been awful (headaches, muscle pain/weakness, forgetting words, a lot of numbness and tingling). I was chalking it up to allergies and half marathon training, but it was getting worse. I happened to see a news story about Lyme the other night and made an appt with the doctor the next morning. I just started antibiotics.

I’ve never seen a tick on me or anyone in the family, and never had a bite/rash.

Anyone ever experienced this? I am hoping it’s early enough that the antibiotics kick right in.

Also, the PSA is to be super vigilant about checking for ticks if you are in an area where they are common.
Sorry to hear that! I hope you get better quickly!

We live in NH and there are ticks everywhere. I just had one earlier today crawling up the back of my neck in my second floor indoor home office for the second time this week. Both times I felt a tickle and went to scratch the back of my neck and realized there was a big dog tick headed for my hairline. UGH. So creeped out and feel them crawling everywhere. I also found one on the wall in our staircase yesterday, and find at least one a day on the legs of our dog when we take her out to pee. She's actually got a tick borne disease (ehrlichia), too, likely from last year when we went walking on the community trail and she went through some kind of nest. I must have gotten 20-30 small ones off her fur in the parking lot after we were done and some more got through and bit her. She's asymptomatic right now though, so the vet is not treating it.

Lyme does not always produce the bullseye rash that you always hear of unfortunately. You may have gotten a bite in your hair... they are sneaky and like to hide. :(
I'm a little worried about the status of my HM this weekend. Up until today there was only rain in the forecast, but today thunderstorms showed up in it from like 10:00-2:00, and now I'm uncertain what they are going to do about the race. The race starts at 8:00, although likely I would be going off slightly later as it's a wave start. Someone asked about it on FB and the race director replied that they are discussing weather and safety with the PD and will post an update by Saturday night if it changes. I'm working (and running) at a dog agility trial all day on Saturday in the rain, and there is a lot of stress and drama going on with that and the site owner that we are renting the site from right now (I'm on the board of directors for the club), and that's just some more stress on top of it not knowing if I'm even running my race on Sunday now!

At least if they do cancel the race due to the storms, all my hard work will not be for naught. I am registered for a 15K in 2 weeks, that I haven't really been sure if I'm going to do or not or try and switch to the 5K... if the HM gets canceled then I really have no reason to not do the 15K, even though the hills in it are notoriously terrible.
QOTD: What brought you to running and is that reason the same today?
I used to be a walker. I had always heard runDisney races were a lot of fun. I am obsessed with Epcot's Food & Wine Festival so I loved the idea of Wine & Dine, especially the after party. Friends who had struggled through the previous year's Disneyland Half Marathon were thinking about signing up and talked me into doing it! I knew couldn't keep up the minimum pace by walking alone. So, after a lot of contemplation, I registered for the 2013 Wine & Dine half marathon and began running for the first time in my life!

My friends actually decided against doing it, but it was too late, my mind was already set. On race night I ran 1:1 intervals and stopped for one character photo (Pluto!) and finished in 3:02. Sadly, the heat and humidity hit me hard and I never made it to the after party. In 2014 I went back for redemption and splashed & dashed my way through the after party...just to say I was there. In 2015 I tried one more time. The 7-miler course made it all about the after party, which was fine with me! I ate...and drank...and made a couple of loops around World Showcase before calling it a night.

5 years, 15 half marathons and dozens of shorter races later, I'm still running strong. Now I run because I can. Honestly, I never thought I had it in me until I proved myself wrong!
Hi everyone!

I guess this is a PSA of sorts, but curious if others have experience to share...

I was diagnosed with Lyme disease today :( in a way it’s a relief to have an answer, because the symptoms have been awful (headaches, muscle pain/weakness, forgetting words, a lot of numbness and tingling). I was chalking it up to allergies and half marathon training, but it was getting worse. I happened to see a news story about Lyme the other night and made an appt with the doctor the next morning. I just started antibiotics.

I’ve never seen a tick on me or anyone in the family, and never had a bite/rash.

Anyone ever experienced this? I am hoping it’s early enough that the antibiotics kick right in.

Also, the PSA is to be super vigilant about checking for ticks if you are in an area where they are common.

I'm sorry to hear about this. I do not know much about it but just wanted to say I hope things improve soon for you!
A friend of my daughter was diagnosed with Lyme disease many months after her knee started to hurt. At a certain point, the doctors were thinking juvenile arthritis! She was on antibiotics for almost a year but is doing great now. Good catch on your part! And best wishes for a fast recovery.

Also, my DD learned to check for ticks at the summer camp. They had to do it everytime they were coming from outside and from the shower area. It is a good advice to follow.
Our DD (now almost 15) has been living with Juvenile Arthritis since age 2...
Not running related post!

I’m not sure what I’m really looking for here... maybe just airing out dirty laundry, or a place to get advice, or just talking to a group of my internet friends who love Disney and running.

I can’t sleep so I’ve taken the logically bad approach to having a few beers alone at my dining room table. Please excuse me while I ramble about my life problems. I think it’s best not to get into very specifics because not everyone has the same ideas that I have regarding political matters, religion, and so on. In not really here to post my opinion on those topics.

A few weeks ago DW and I had a discussion about a event coming up. At the time of the discussion and even as recent as this week we had both agreed it was best to not bring DD to a social event and that I would stay home with her, but the day before and after I would bring her to see everyone and take part in those opportunities. We told my MIL of these and at first nothing was said. The last time I spoke with MIL, it’s like I said nothing and she begged me to bring DD to said event even though we told her our parenting decision was to avoid it. She got mad and hung up on me. DW still supported that decision at that time... that is until she talked to her. I get home and DW is saying how her moms upset and she thinks that we should bring DD as it may not be a issue all of a sudden. She’s trying to make everyone happy, and no ones happy. I think our marriage took a big hit tonight and I’m not sure if it will recover. I stand from with my decision because I believe it’s whats best for DD, but pressure from the outside is causing issues. My wife is telling MIL this is our position, but adding a “but” in there.
I’m struggling to put to words my feelings... I think my MIL is being selfish and guilting DW into something we already agreed upon to make her happy. I feel like my own opinion is one to be brushed aside.... I feel like I’m losing my wife, my love, my everything because my MIL wants something and my wife is starting to take her side.
I know none of this probably make sense, but tonight my heart hurts, and I don’t know *** to do from here.
@LSUlakes I'm really sorry you're going through a rough patch. I don't have any words of advice, not having children myself, but sympathize with having frustrations in your marriage.


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