The ABCs of Another Steppe Into Adventure!- Last Africa Ch. + World Showcase Pt. 2

Awesome that Abu kept his eye, even if he won’t be able to see thru it! :goodvibes

As far as the music, it is a key part of my trips and I always stop and take the time to listen to at least one tune. My favorites are also the piano players followed by the Dapper Dans on Main Street and the Royal Street Bachelors in NOS. The marching band is always a winner too. One thing I was really bummed I missed out on while we were down at DLR for the holidays was the Holiday Toy Drummers. I love a good drum line and the unique holiday twist they had looked really cool on YouTube.

My next chapter will have a 6 piece band playing Holiday classics. For the life of me I couldn’t find a name for them and am hoping somebody reading the TR knows their name.

Questions for M:

1 - Yes, I was in choir in 7th & 8th grades. However we moved from Phoenix, AZ to Prospect, OR and the HS I went to was too small to have choir or a band so that was it for me :mad: Plus I was too lazy to learn an instrument. As an adult I did however play Mr. Salt in the musical production of Willy Wonka a few years ago!



2- Places to eat on Main Street? So not fair, my mind can only latch onto the DLR offerings! I know Tony’s Town Square and the Plaza. And I think they also have a Refreshment corner of some sort and a corn dog cart? Of course they have a candy store and an ice cream shop but I can’t think of their names.

3 - Music groups in WDW? I’ll have to really think with that one as it was 6 years ago! I know I stopped for the Dapper Dans on Main Street, the Jazz Band in NOS, the trash band (forget their name) at DHS, the African drummers at AK (no, not the drum station :teeth:, and the Japanese Kodo drummers at EPCOT, the Ooompah band in Germany along with a couple of singing acts by the fountain. So seven maybe? My favorite for that trip was the Kodo drummers.

K & L Contest:

1 – I don’t know the answer to that one and I figure this is honor system

2 – The Yehaa Bob pic of course! :thumbsup2

3 – Balloon ride mural? Can’t say that I have. Not sure what you’re asking on the Africa entrance gates.

4 – My biggest pet peeve is line jumpers. If it is overt I’ll call them out for doing it >:(

So awesome that you found those videos!!! For future reference there is a free app from Microsoft called Windows Movie Maker. You can open up your movie files in there and easily rotate them to the correct orientation and then save them/upload them to YouTube from the app!

Bummer about the language barrier slowing down the progress of the lessons. But to be swept up by that ceremony and all of that energy and exuberance! Awesome! I like your description of the town drunk as a ‘toddler on caffeine in the Candy Cauldron!’

Stunning and emotional pictures during the ceremony presenting all that you had brought to the village. Simply amazing. Kudos to your students for sticking it out thru those long hot lessons during their siesta time.

I can handle heat and sweat and dirt and grime …but not eating regularly, I would have been a WRECK! :eek:

MUCHO CONGRATS on passing your written exam!!!!!! Well done! :cool1::cool1::cool1:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :bday:
That's excellent! I'm so glad to hear it!

It was the BEST news!

I'm so thankful for his healing and medical care, and that you were able to help make a difference for this poor kid.

Maybe there will be another time I can go back and visit him and give him a big hug!

I usually try and catch VOL on our trips. They're just wonderful.

They sure are. I've just had terrible luck the last few trips. October I'll make it a priority. idea. :rolleyes1

Uh huh... sure.

Maybe a little tiny, tiny bit. Very hard to find.:rolleyes1

See ^

I'll bet $5 you even have a photo of you playing the with your kids.

I didn't spring for that!

Well, shoot. But you can still ride the monorail with us. Please stand clear of the doors though.

I have to admit, that's one group I have never heard of.

Seasonal, so no surprise.

Chorus for me. Full chorus, men's choir, select ensemble...some of my best school memories! I was on the golf team, too. Mostly because they didn't cut anyone and I could play nine holes for free after school every day.

Well, that's rather impressive!

Free is free.

The Plaza
Main St. Popcorn carts
Main St. Bakery (now FiveBucks)
Does Crystal Palace Count? It's not exactly On Main St.
Tony's Town Plaza


Dapper Dans
Oompah band in the Biergarten
Off Kilter (now gone)
Mo Rockin'
Japan drummers
Voices of Liberty
Casey's piano guy
Yehaa Bob
Piano guy in the Grand Floridian

So what's that, 10? I'd say Voices of Liberty is my favorite. They're the ones we always make time for.

Your list is almost identical to mine. Good choices!
She is having a rough go of it. No movement of the shoulder for several more weeks. They are concentrating on therapy from wrist to elbow. Still a lot of pain in the elbow even though they say the x-rays don't show anything. :-( She has a lot of swelling in the hand & wrist. But she is a trooper!! She is making it to church and 2 of her grandson's ball games.


Sounds like that's amazing progress and the pain, swelling and bruising is all very normal after a bad break like that. Glad she's got such a great attitude.

1. Were you in choir or band in school? If so, what did you play? Totally okay if you weren’t! What did you do for electives instead, if not? Sports? Drama? Snacks and a nap at home?

I was in choir in the 7th grade, then I began living at the Skate Center. :-) So skating was my extracurricular activity, along with snacks & naps.

2. Without Googling and on the honor system, how many places can you find something to eat on Main Street (WDW)? Can you name them? (Because food is as good as music. And food WITH music is best of all!)

I'm going to go with 8....

3. How many music groups have you stopped to watch for more than 5 minutes in Disney World (name them for a bonus point)? And which one is your favorite? (2 points)

Only one I can name off the top of my head is the Voices of Liberty. And they would definitely be my favorite.


SKATE CENTER!! YES!!! OY, pretty much my entire 6-8 grade years were there. LOVED it. Disco on, Baby!

All noted! :)
Hey! So you got to see the famous mural!
(I haven't (in person), but I've certainly seen photos on the DIS.)

Yes, by accident. But, I got a PHOTO by simply asking someone.

"Hey, there's a bizarre mural in there that I'd love a photo of. Here's my camera, can you get one for me?"

(Yes, Steppe relinquishes control of the camera incident #427.)

Sounds like you need to change up your plans!

Not sure it's worth the effort. Have some pretty sweet ADRs, and nice dinners > music.

So... that great, huh? :rolleyes:

Worth a SHORT stop.

Yep, I figured it out from the photos. Even whacked those drums, walking by.

Drums are pretty irresistible!

So as not to alienate 50% of the population. :rolleyes:

Well, not too many women are described as "dapper". Although in turn-of-the-century America there were called "handsome", so....

Hmm.... no. I think I misspoke.
I will stop for a catchy tune... usually.

But there have been times in my life when I've stopped dead in my tracks for "non-catchy" tunes too.
It just.... has to hit me?

This is probably the last time it happened.
A young man plays a cover of Radiohead's "Creep".
He sang it because he was bullied in school.

Watch it and tell me you didn't cry.

That was very moving. I'd never really listened to the lyrics before and yes, worth the time to listen. Thanks for posting!

Well, I was only talking about school where I never played hockey.
I played hockey from the time I was 5 until I graduated high school.

Also took piano lessons, guitar lessons and taught myself clarinet.

You must skate quite well! Is it like riding a bike? Once you learn and know how, it's just automatic? When is the last time you skated?

And you taught yourself?! Awesome! I taught myself recorder years ago, but the clarinet is WAY more complicated! Good job!

Didn't consider CP as being on Main St. Almost didn't include the Plaza too.
But did not remember the popcorn cart.

ANd you!! Mr. Popcorn! LOL!!

:laughing: You really like those things. :)

Casey Nuggets are the Dole Whips of savory snacks.
Oh! Forgot about them too. I have stopped and listened to them. More than once. :)

They are ALWAYS worth it!

I originally did a quick post after reading your Musical update, but I have more to say.

YAY! You came back! Sorry I'm so delinquent on replies; I really needed to focus on studying and pass that silly exam!

Again this is my favorite, but I only started catching them late in the last few trips. Have you ever seen the Drum & Fife performance? We did on a few trips years ago. They were easier to catch since in was outside.

I have, and loved them, but they got the boot about the same time as the shake up of getting rid of Off Kilter and Mo' Rockin'. I was sad to see them go!

I've seen them in passing a few times but never had the chance to stop and really listen. JP and Jimmy did in February.

They always play when I'm trying to rush to hit up short lines at TT or Soarin' so rarely stop. Plus, they are just so loud.

Caught then a few times too.

Always worth it!!

Yes I did and have the embarrassing pictures to prove it. Love them!

Anyone who has EVER danced with Tam Tam has embarrassing pictures. I dare you to post one. ;)

Not sure if this is the same group or not, on opening day last May we did see a group perform on the drums.

NO, not the same group. I did some research on the history of the group/show and it had to have a revamp not long after Pandora opened due to technical issues of the drums. The group was replaced and re-costumed and RE-choreographed while the drums were being re-furbed. Apparently, they were not standing up to the heavy use they were getting.

We sat and listen in 2002 while we ate our Casey's. This was Danielle's first trip.

Lovely break!

Finally caught just a little of his show. I got there late and there wasn't even room to stand.

He's a popular guy for sure. I noticed a lot of locals in there. THAT, I"m afraid will go away though now that they are charging for parking at the resorts. Sad, that the locals will probably not have a few drinks in those lounges after work on a Friday night or on the weekends.

I did 2 years or choir. It was on the choir trip that I finally made it to DW for the first time. I also did 3 years of football, what don't believe me? I was the water girl. I also worked.

Well that's cool!!! Nice way to get to DW! ANd yes, I can see you being a water girl. ;) I'll bet it was actually fun getting to go to all the games and being down where the action was. I played in marching and loved being on the field.

Tonys, Confectionery, Emporium, Starbucks. Plaza and ice shop and Crystal Palace.


Lots. Main St Trolley show, 3 piece band in Frontierland, Dapper Dans, Casey corner Piano player, British Revolution, the group that use to do the Beatles songs, Mariachi Cobre, Matauriza,Voices of Liberty, Drum & Fife show, Mo Rockin', last May we caught the new group in Morocco but I don't remember their name and now they're gone, German ompha band, OffKilter, we also so the Canadian group in May twice, I'm going to stop here.

That is quite a list!
Thanks so much! :goodvibes I've always found that being a part of these types of groups gives back more than it takes. Especially with choirs. There's something very special about singing with other people, no matter what the skill level or the repertoire.

Thank you! It was so fabulous. :love: It came at a time, in the months before my neurosurgery, when I most needed something awesome like this. We had a marvellous time!

Yes, things like that always make us richer for sure. And you're right, singing with someone else(s) can really draw you closer and create a special bond. And I can imagine that role helped you focus on something positive and meaningful in such a difficult and stressful time. Neat memories for sure! Thanks for sharing that!

Sorry, but even the umbrella does not make this look appetizing!!! What is it?

Mmmm, rolled ice cream.... What flavor did you get?

You two are funny! that was accidentally posted here, but meant for somewhere else. LOL! Yes, it was rolled ice cream- they pour the ice cream mix onto a cold metal slab and mix it and freeze it and then scrape it up into rolls. I think I like regular ice cream better, but this was fun to try. I had Oreo Crunch (oreo with graham crackers) and it was tasty enough. I just thought it was very unique

Caught back up after work and my epic CA road trip last week ending with a weekend at DL!

Welcome home, but as always, I'm sure you were sad to leave.

Great news on your little friend from Africa!

It sure is!!

I heard your weekend at DL was awesome! Wish I could have managed to come out at that time but alas I had to wait a couple of weeks. :)

It was fantastic!!!!! So much fun with the Peeps! And yes, you'd have added some fun crazy to the mix. One of these days, Jill.. it will happen!!
Hmmm... no?
Is it that it's already getting late in the day and you have 5 hours of teaching? Or just the fact that you had a "plan". Something that seems to be a (really) foreign concept in Sierra Leone.

The fact we had a plan. silly us. LOL!

Uh, oh. Gonna make using those training booklets a bit problematic. Hopefully the illustrations will be enough.

Me too. I really think though that with the teaching and the pictures they can convey the main and important points.

Whoa. Five hours... plus more (a lot more, you say) added on for translation. That will make for a very long day.

It was a looooong day. I'd forgotten to remind everyone, that I basically had little voice still. I was still not feeling well and to try and talk for 5 hours was laughable.

"Excuse me. But when ya gotta burp, ya gotta burp."


Really like this photo. Shows how you taught and where.

I like it. A wider view of the situation.

Awww... cute mom/daughter pic. :)

Thanks. :)

What is the significance of the scale?

Just threw it in as a point of interest.

What was in the caps? Looks like dirt in one, possibly salt in another?

Salt, sugar, dirt, nothing.

Gentleman far right, front row: "When will this end???"
Third from right... Couldn't go the distance.

I moved that photo actually. That was toward the end of the day. I think when I embed photo links from SmugMug it captures the last one I'd c/pasted and so sometimes photos get wonky. Fixed now.

Whoops. But pretty understandable considering you'd been working for months for this moment.

For reals, but easily fixed.

:) See? That was easily remedied. Nice recovery.

I was glad he said something!! The last thing I wanted to do is offend.

Holy smokes! You must have felt like royaly!

Kinda sorta, and yet that's SO not why we were there. Was glad to be in the background and let Ahmed deal with the public eye.

Revel in it. It ain't gonna happen when you get back to the States!

Ain't that the truth!

Man, I cannot wait to see those videos!


Umm.... well! I'm certainly glad you enjoyed yourself!!


Not THAT kind of trip!!

Glad to hear it's been phased out.
There's a lot of things that can be phased out... but I won't get on my pulpit.

I think you'd be preaching to the choir, my friend.

Which one were you???

I was doing a fair bit of be-bopping, but in a more subdued way than if I was at Disney.

I wonder if that will really happen?
I think you're going in the fall, so it's not likely to. But... I do wonder!
It's so easy to forget... until you're smacked in the face with high heat and humidity again.

I doubt it. summer is the very last season I'd pick to go there. Someday I would love to get back there for a Flower and Garden, but truth be told, there are other places I've been looking at for a LONG time- Southern Italy/Greece or Kenya for photography. Neither can or will happen for at least 2 years, but they're on my list! For w hat I"m spending on learning to fly, I could easily go to both.

:laughing: Good thing the interpreter had your back! Or.... did he/she?
Liesa: "Um... uh.... er..... thanks... uh.... yeah... uh... okay!"
Interpreter: "She says she will take give you medical supplies if two people fan her and each of her guests."
<Wild cheering ensues>


Sure! If you can't lose it yourself, just give it to someone to take away for you!

Tee hee. :) It's how I roll.

<reminds him she still has her camera>

Love that photo. Love what she's wearing too.

Isn't she colorful and beautiful?!

I guess! 5+ hours of teaching ain't gonna just happen, ya know!


I'm hopeful that your work had an impact and will continue to do so.

I may never know. And I'm okay with that.

Staggering, isn't it?! Simply washing off the germs before eating or cooking...

:laughing: They showed you!

So... not quite sure... a pop bottle and a string? What?

Is it something like this? (thanks Google)

Yes, a lot like that. I like this design too!

Perhaps if/when you go back, you can see? And... hopefully you'll see that your advice was taken to heart.

It would be fun to put a team together and go back someday. But that's off in some nebulous future of mine.

To which the cockroaches are forever in your debt.

But they weren't grateful enough to give up their bed.

Wait.... you ran through the rain to go get wet? Why not just stand there? ;)

Because I'd have had to take my clothes off. ;)


This day is just full of surprises!

Very much! And I'd not have traded it for anything.
I loved your videos of the celebration! A truly authentic experience. :lovestruc

Thanks, Lessa! And it's great to see you here on my thread again!!

And.... I didn't see you had a thread until just now!! I'm subbed in now and will be back to read in a bit. :)

Enjoyed all the videos!

But I had to laugh when you reclaimed your camera. "That's enough".


Weren't they amazing!? I was so happy to have been a part of that.

LOL!! Yeah, I mean... let's not use up all the memory in one shot, right?
I'm hoping with some of the changes happening this week, I'll be able to do more of this more often.

And...?? How are those endeavors panning out?

That's good to know. I don't think I would stand in the sun for any group! I sunburn too easily!

EEK! But, you're either moving and getting sunburned, or standing and getting sunburned. Or... you're inside. ;)

I remember hearing them while we were waiting in the FP queue for Navi River Journey.

It's a pretty loud show, so hard to miss.

I don't think I've stopped and played them in almost 20 years. I believe I do have a picture of me playing them on our first visit to the AK. But then again I have musical instruments all over my house.

So, not so unique and different. I do think if you're around music a lot it'd be very different.

This must be their Christmas outfits because the other day I saw them at DL and each one had a different color suit.

Yes, they are! It was nice to see something a bit different and Christassy on them. Loved their boutonnières.

I don't know about WDW, but there was a huge shake up in the band at DL a few years ago. There were guys who had been playing almost since the original band years and they were let go for a younger crowd of folks and more "Contemporary" arrangements.

Sounds like the same timeframe of the WDW musician shake up. Sad. They gave their whole careers to that and then... poof!

I'll have to try and take more time to enjoy his playing. Last time I remember losing Jim during a rain storm when he stopped for like 15 minutes while I was in front of City Hall waiting.

LOL!! See? He's infectious!

They wouldn't even let me set foot in the choir room, but I was definitely in the band. I started on flute and on three different occasions I attempted to learn the saxophone. It was my senior year of college when it finally stuck and I've been playing the saxophone in band ever since. For electives I was also on the Speech and Debate team, and while it wasn't affiliated with the school I was on the swim team until I turned 17. I don't think I ever had time for a nap until I dropped into my bed after dinner when I got home from Swim Team.

You too sound quite well-rounded. You had lots going on and not just music! You did academics AND sports too!! <impressed!>

Well lets see....
1. Tony's Town Square
2. The Confectionary
3. You can find snacks at the Emporium
4. Main Street Bakery (aka Starbucks)
5. The Ice Cream shop
6. The Plaza
7. Casey's
8. Crystal Palace

I believe you said carts don't count.


Not sure, do Eat to the Beat concerts count?

I've stopped to listen to the Marching Band (Or as Alberto called them, the Mariachi Band) :lmao:

I've listened to the Voices of Liberty on several occasions

We've enjoyed our Margaritas in Mexico listening to the real Mariachi Band.

I've also stopped for the Taiko drummers in Japan.

The Dueling piano bar at the Boardwalk.

If Eat to the Beat Concerts count, I've listened to Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

I know I've listened to more groups, but that's all I can clearly remember. I'm going to say that Jellyrolls, the Dueling Piano Bar is my favorite.

OH, Alberto! LOL!!

I enjoyed Jellyrolls music, but would probably opt for a quieter place now, given the choice. Fun, but the service was awful and I just wasn't "feelin' it" when I tried it.
Amazing stories, of course. I hope your students were able to convince people of the importance of hand-washing. If so, you guys could be responsible for saving so many lives!

Thanks, Irene. Lot of stories and photos as take aways from my trip. I will probably never know, but would consider going back someday. I just don't know. If so, it won't be for a couple years at least.

Good luck on your test today!!

Thanks!! Glad it's behind me now. Now the HARD part of actually,... you know.... learning how to fly. LOL!

I don't know that we really considered that being well-rounded here. When you have 40 people in your graduating class, You're either one of the ones that "does stuff" or "doesn't do stuff". If you're part of the "does stuff" you do pretty much everything! lol

Okay. :laughing: That makes sense!

Way to go!!! Congrats!

Thanks! The road there took WAY longer and was WAY harder than I ever thought it'd' be. But, I did pass and it's onto Phase 2.

Congrats on passing! We all knew you would do it!

Thanks!! Sooooo glad that part is behind me!

I really enjoyed your update. The students looked so attentive when you started class, but they did look like most students once the day got long. It's like going back and time and trying to explain about germs to people in the Middle Ages. We know so much more about how they are spread. I really hope this helped save some people in the villages. So many beautiful colors and people. I enjoyed the videos too. Days like this make it so worth any inconveniences you went through.

It was a fun update to write. I have a few more chapters from the Africa trip and that'll be done. Still more stories to share!

Aren't the colors so rich and bright? I loved the clothing they wear. And as far as long-term benefits of our time spent there? I may never know, but at least we tried!
Congrats!!!!! :cheer2:

Thanks so much! It's fun to have folks I can share exciting things with!

Congratulations!!! We knew you could do it!


Thanks, Kim. It was definitely an exciting day!
That's awesome! So glad you were able to find these.

Me too! The thing I'd been looking forward to most.... gone. I was sad.

Happy now, though! LOL!

I told you wilted kale was a bad idea.


You call it "a billion degrees under the hot sun", but they call it, "Thursday".

People say that about Oregon rain for 9 months straight. I guess we deal with what we have to and call it normal.

D'oh. Well, better late than never.

Yep! And glad he said something!

Because hey, what the heck. When in Sierra Leone...

Sure, why not! Dance? Why not! A billion degrees under the sun suddenly became a lot more fun!

And you thought twerking was an American high school thing. We've got nothing on them.

Yikes. That sounds awful. I'm glad it's dying out.

Yes, for reals. Along with a few other pretty horrific practices.

Quoting this for posterity...:rolleyes1

Sure, you do that, but I don't think I would go in summer unless it was a free trip offered.

:rotfl2: Ever see Steve Carell in Bruce Almighty?

Nope, but will Google.....

Here you go! Have fun! We're outta here.


Aw...I can imagine how it must have felt to see all that effort become a reality.

It was bona fide tear dump.

The Scarlet Letter. Holy cow, that was the worst.

I liked that one. For me it was Catcher in the Rye and the Grapes of Wrath. Boooooring. :bored:

A million! I had no idea!


:scared: So, uh...good luck!

More on that in the next chapter...

party::jumping1: Congratulations! That's so cool!

Thanks, now, I hope I can learn to actually, you know... fly.
Congratulations on passing your test! But I knew you would.

Thanks! I'm always a lot nervous before any exam!

I read your chapter on your first day teaching. I'm just amazed at what you can endure because I would have been rolled up in a fetal position crying and scared to death of all the bugs.

I guess you just sorta do what you have to when you get in those circumstances. There was really no other choice but to just... do.

Your patience is amazing, and it was nice that the folks wanted to stick around and learn, even though it was late and hot. I can't believe that simple things we learn and have ingrained in our minds as children, these folks don't learn. Although it reminds me of a company wide email sent out (back when I had a day job) reminding employees to wash their hands after using the restroom. Generated some interesting water cooler talk. :laughing:

I know! Things we just ... know... just aren't part of their realm of knowledge and it's so heartbreaking to see something so completely preventable happening despite an easily sustainable and achievable fix.

That sounds like a health department mandate to the company HR. "Send out an annual reminder about hand washing."

Congrats on passing your written exam!

Thanks, Irene!! So glad to have that over and done with.
Congratulations! Great to hear you passed your written exam. And now you can get in the air; I'm sure those 50 hours of flying time will be much more fun than the written test!

Thanks, Alicia!! I got in 45 minutes yesterday and well.... fun wasn't the word I'd use. Just so much to learning how to fly!

Thanks for sharing the videos, they were lovely to watch. (And I couldn't help but giggle every time your personal fan blower came onto the screen.)

I was so happy to have found them! Yes I had photos, but with the music and all, it just wouldn't have been the same!

How sweet of your "students" to endure the heat so they could listen to the entirety of your lessons. It seemed like they were genuinely interested and wanted to learn. I really hope at least some of them implemented their hand washing stations!

It really was. I think they knew I'd also come from a long way and they weren't going to get outside teaching for perhaps a long time. AS far as long-term results... me too. but I may never know.

I got emotional reading about the delivering of the medical supplies, and I wasn't the least bit involved so I can only imagine the wave of emotions that must have overcome you at that time. Probably a memory you'll hold dear for many, many years.

I think so! I truly hope they can put it alll to good use and it'll help many people with medical needs for a long time.

Had to giggle at your story about having past a woman in labor to get to the wash closet. "Excuse me, pardon me, just needed to get to the water bucket, carry on with your contractions." :rotfl2: But a fellow mom I think we can all agree she could've cared less in that moment. :rotfl:

LOL!! You're probably so right! I think I had about 10 people in and out of my room during my labor (NOT including family) and I really couldn't have cared less. :)

And finally, HOORAY for a new trip!

I"m so super excited!!! LOVE ME some Halloween Party and F&W!!!

Wow! Flying and birthday and a new ticker all in one day! That's quite a lot!

So... Yay! for the new ticker.
Yahoo! for the flying, and;

Hope it was a good one... and it sure sounds like it was! :)

It was a pretty good day. A bit of a mixed bag as the weather turned pretty crappy JUST before and during my flight, so we couldn't stay up very long. And, my family sucks at birthdays, so no cake. But, hey, I did fly and can now log 0.7 hours out of 50+ for my flight time.
Awesome that Abu kept his eye, even if he won’t be able to see thru it! :goodvibes

I am still hopeful that they will be able to repair it through a proposed surgery, but have not heard lately about it.

As far as the music, it is a key part of my trips and I always stop and take the time to listen to at least one tune. My favorites are also the piano players followed by the Dapper Dans on Main Street and the Royal Street Bachelors in NOS. The marching band is always a winner too. One thing I was really bummed I missed out on while we were down at DLR for the holidays was the Holiday Toy Drummers. I love a good drum line and the unique holiday twist they had looked really cool on YouTube.

To me they are a HUGE part of what makes Disney... Disney and what sets it apart from other parks. I love the wide variety too!

Yes, I have some photos of the drummers coming up in my Party chapter. Stay tuned...

My next chapter will have a 6 piece band playing Holiday classics. For the life of me I couldn’t find a name for them and am hoping somebody reading the TR knows their name.

Ohhh, can't wait to see those!! Nice!

1 - Yes, I was in choir in 7th & 8th grades. However we moved from Phoenix, AZ to Prospect, OR and the HS I went to was too small to have choir or a band so that was it for me :mad: Plus I was too lazy to learn an instrument. As an adult I did however play Mr. Salt in the musical production of Willy Wonka a few years ago!


Cool!! I love the costuming going on there! NIcely done!

2- Places to eat on Main Street? So not fair, my mind can only latch onto the DLR offerings! I know Tony’s Town Square and the Plaza. And I think they also have a Refreshment corner of some sort and a corn dog cart? Of course they have a candy store and an ice cream shop but I can’t think of their names.

Noted!! :)

3 - Music groups in WDW? I’ll have to really think with that one as it was 6 years ago! I know I stopped for the Dapper Dans on Main Street, the Jazz Band in NOS, the trash band (forget their name) at DHS, the African drummers at AK (no, not the drum station :teeth:, and the Japanese Kodo drummers at EPCOT, the Ooompah band in Germany along with a couple of singing acts by the fountain. So seven maybe? My favorite for that trip was the Kodo drummers.

Noted!! :) Impressive line up too!

K & L Contest:

1 – I don’t know the answer to that one and I figure this is honor system

2 – The Yehaa Bob pic of course! :thumbsup2

3 – Balloon ride mural? Can’t say that I have. Not sure what you’re asking on the Africa entrance gates.

4 – My biggest pet peeve is line jumpers. If it is overt I’ll call them out for doing it :(

Yes, line jumpers. THey suck! If its someone my age, I'm usually one to give the benefit of the doubt and assume their family is up there and they've gone on a FP run. Or taken a kid potty. A teen. Probably not.

So awesome that you found those videos!!! For future reference there is a free app from Microsoft called Windows Movie Maker. You can open up your movie files in there and easily rotate them to the correct orientation and then save them/upload them to YouTube from the app!

Thanks for the tip!! I had no idea and too little time to figure it out. Now I know and may actually go back and try to edit it.

Bummer about the language barrier slowing down the progress of the lessons. But to be swept up by that ceremony and all of that energy and exuberance! Awesome! I like your description of the town drunk as a ‘toddler on caffeine in the Candy Cauldron!’

It was such a fun afternoon seeing all of that "authentic Africa"!

Stunning and emotional pictures during the ceremony presenting all that you had brought to the village. Simply amazing. Kudos to your students for sticking it out thru those long hot lessons during their siesta time.

Aside from being pretty fun, it was also pretty emotional, as you say. Very moving moments to be sure.

I can handle heat and sweat and dirt and grime …but not eating regularly, I would have been a WRECK! :eek:

Yes, that part was pretty tough. I was hungry a lot, and so glad I'd brought some munchables.

MUCHO CONGRATS on passing your written exam!!!!!! Well done! :cool1::cool1::cool1:

Thanks!! Halfway there!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :bday:

Thanks! In general, it was a pretty good one!
I have, and loved them, but they got the boot about the same time as the shake up of getting rid of Off Kilter and Mo' Rockin'. I was sad to see them go!

I miss all these groups.

They always play when I'm trying to rush to hit up short lines at TT or Soarin' so rarely stop.

Jimmy & JP watched them while we did Test Track.

Anyone who has EVER danced with Tam Tam has embarrassing pictures. I dare you to post one. ;)

I think this is the least embarrassing one.

NO, not the same group. I did some research on the history of the group/show and it had to have a revamp not long after Pandora opened due to technical issues of the drums. The group was replaced and re-costumed and RE-choreographed while the drums were being re-furbed. Apparently, they were not standing up to the heavy use they were getting.

Thanks for the info. Now I really want to see the new group. I hope they're still there when we make it down there again.
Yes, by accident. But, I got a PHOTO by simply asking someone.

"Hey, there's a bizarre mural in there that I'd love a photo of. Here's my camera, can you get one for me?"

(Yes, Steppe relinquishes control of the camera incident #427.)

I'm thinking... "Well... there's usually only one way in and out of a bathroom, so..."

Drums are pretty irresistible!


Well, not too many women are described as "dapper". Although in turn-of-the-century America there were called "handsome", so....

I do know that. I've read that line many times. "She was a handsome woman..."

That was very moving. I'd never really listened to the lyrics before and yes, worth the time to listen. Thanks for posting!

You're welcome. Glad you enjoyed.

You must skate quite well! Is it like riding a bike? Once you learn and know how, it's just automatic? When is the last time you skated?

Maybe like riding a bike? I wouldn't say I'm great (not pro hockey level) but I can stay upright. :)
Last time? Hmm.... last winter I don't know that I did, but the one before for sure.

Some day, if we should meet up again, ask me to tell you about skating on the river when I was a kid.

And you taught yourself?! Awesome! I taught myself recorder years ago, but the clarinet is WAY more complicated! Good job!

Thanks, but... it's been about 20 years now... I'd have to start all over again.

ANd you!! Mr. Popcorn! LOL!!

Sheesh! I had popcorn once! Once! And never at WDW. Only DL.

Casey Nuggets are the Dole Whips of savory snacks.


I did some research on the history of the group/show and it had to have a revamp not long after Pandora opened due to technical issues of the drums. The group was replaced and re-costumed and RE-choreographed while the drums were being re-furbed. Apparently, they were not standing up to the heavy use they were getting.

Huh. Interesting. Had not heard that.

The fact we had a plan. silly us. LOL!

:laughing: What were you thinking!

Me too. I really think though that with the teaching and the pictures they can convey the main and important points.

Good. I hope so.

It was a looooong day. I'd forgotten to remind everyone, that I basically had little voice still. I was still not feeling well and to try and talk for 5 hours was laughable.


Salt, sugar, dirt, nothing.

I got two of 'em. :)

Kinda sorta, and yet that's SO not why we were there. Was glad to be in the background and let Ahmed deal with the public eye.

Listen. You're doing a very good thing there. It's okay for that to be celebrated. It really is.

Not THAT kind of trip!!


I was doing a fair bit of be-bopping, but in a more subdued way than if I was at Disney.

:) I bet you were.

I doubt it. summer is the very last season I'd pick to go there. Someday I would love to get back there for a Flower and Garden, but truth be told, there are other places I've been looking at for a LONG time- Southern Italy/Greece or Kenya for photography. Neither can or will happen for at least 2 years, but they're on my list! For w hat I"m spending on learning to fly, I could easily go to both.

Flying = $$$$.
Interesting choices. I'd love to go back to Italy. The (extremely limited) bit that I saw was wonderful. Not sure about Kenya. I'm a bit put off by the Government travel warnings.

Tee hee. :) It's how I roll.

<reminds him she still has her camera>

Notes that as proof that miracles do happen.

Isn't she colorful and beautiful?!


Staggering, isn't it?! Simply washing off the germs before eating or cooking...

Just... yeah... "staggering" is a good word.

It would be fun to put a team together and go back someday. But that's off in some nebulous future of mine.

Who knows! :)

But they weren't grateful enough to give up their bed.

There are limits. Even for bugs.

Because I'd have had to take my clothes off. ;)

Hmmm... Incentive to go to Sierra Leone with camera and telephoto lens.....

Very much! And I'd not have traded it for anything.

Weren't they amazing!? I was so happy to have been a part of that.

They were!

LOL!! Yeah, I mean... let's not use up all the memory in one shot, right?


Thanks!! Glad it's behind me now. Now the HARD part of actually,... you know.... learning how to fly. LOL!

Oh, right. You mean the entire reason that you studied for and took the exam?

Thanks! The road there took WAY longer and was WAY harder than I ever thought it'd' be. But, I did pass and it's onto Phase 2.

You did pass! Congrats again. :)

A bit of a mixed bag as the weather turned pretty crappy JUST before and during my flight, so we couldn't stay up very long.

That's too bad. Hopefully the next time will be better/longer.

And, my family sucks at birthdays, so no cake.

But, hey, I did fly and can now log 0.7 hours out of 50+ for my flight time.

Every journey starts with one step.

I think this is the least embarrassing one.

You got it backwards, @vamassey1
You're supposed to post your most embarrassing one!


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