Trial Run for Dogs in Resort Rooms

Do you think dogs should be allowed in guests' rooms?

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I wouldn't classify myself as having a phobia. A phobia is an irrational fear. I have a real fear of dogs.
Regardless of your feeling on the verbage used or not plenty of people have used that verbage in this thread (I could go back through the thread if you want to and quote all the times phobia was used).

But regardless again it's not to say that counseling or therapy can't do anything for you (general you). There are many things in life that may lead us to counseling that can be beneficial. If you don't feel that applies to you that's completely fine;the poster was only trying to provide some potentially helpful advice.
Crates are only required on the Magical Express bus from the airport. They are not required in the room. These rules are actually printed in official Disney resort information. No phone call is needed to find out that a dog is allowed uncrated and alone in a resort room for 7 hours. Of course there is no way for Disney World resort officials to know if it's been alone for longer than that.
Sorry that I didn't see the official rules but I've only been able to find a phone number to call for more details, although I have seen more rules on unofficial sites. We have owned dogs which could be trusted alone in a strange room for 7 hours with no ill effects but I wouldn't consider doing that with my current dogs. As one who would like to see dog-friendly rooms at Disney resorts, I would like to see them refine the rules to require crates for any dog left unattended. Expensive damage to the rooms will be a quick way to get the trial transformed into a fail.
sometimes we like to sleep in.. sometimes we like to take a nap. dogs left alone in an unfamiliar room are probably going to bark. it will keep me awake. disney says they will wait till the dog is barking for half an hour before even calleing the owner. who now has to get back from the park. . nope. no fair to other guests.

they leave their dogs in their homes, where everything is familiar. not a good comparison at all.
No Disney says you have 30 min to resolve it. You can call WDW as soon as it starts. And I think many ppl have posted about the whole hosts of things that have awakened them on previous trips that have nothing to do with dogs. Worst trip I ever had was at Pop Century b/c of the neighbors. This was way before this policy. At least ppl annoyed with barking will have recourse with calling the desk since it’s officially against policy. It’s not really against policy that your neighbors are just being loud.
Well, yes. Owners can certainly spend the majority of their time with their pet for several days to help acclimate the animal to the new environment.
It still doesn't mean that the animal will be happy alone later in the week while everyone zips to the parks.
Maybe they will be happy, maybe not. New environment, different noises each day and so on.

Hi @gwynne ! :wave:

Your post made me thing of construction noises - we stayed at the YC last year. We booked and then found out about the construction but decided not to change resorts. It was kind of mixed bag - some days - nothing, some days - no water, some days, really loud banging and sawing noises. And I mentioned upthread - one day with a fire alarm that when on for a very long time and we weren't allowed into the building (we were coming back from the parks). What each dog will tolerate is different, of course, and people know their own pets best, mine would have all had a tough time with that kind of stuff. I suppose you can avoid resorts with construction, but Disney doesn't always give a ton of warning for that either, such as in our case...
My dog doesn’t care. His crate is his home more than where I place it. And he would be acclimated before I leave him. And just b/c you can leave them for 7 hours doesn’t mean ppl will. I expect ppl know their dogs & will do whatever is required. If I'm going through the hassle of taking my taking dog, it’s because I love my dog & feel he can’t board for whatever reason. I’m not going to abandon him while I go to the park for hours. I’m sure ppl don’t want to have to come back or get in trouble for a barking dog.
I've read many posts from dog owners and everyone sounds like very responsible, loving dog parents. It's the ones who are not responsible pet owners and do not give a fig how others feel about fido being, well, acting like a dog. My view on some owners (not necessarily ones here) that think their dog is perfect, he loves people and likes to jump on them and bark at every noise or person passing by. To me, that is not an owner that has control of their dog. I can avoid places where the dogs will be, hopefully the BC will not be off my list, will wait for reports. Staying at AKL this trip because of Pandora.
I wouldn't classify myself as having a phobia. A phobia is an irrational fear. I have a real fear of dogs.

People with phobias have real fear. Phobias don't have to have an irrational target, that is a common misunderstanding. It's always a person's right to their own fear if they want to keep it as well. It's just an option to share with everyone that they can indeed learn to calm their own anxiety and fear and decrease the impact of it on their own lives. Some people are uncomfortable around dogs, that's not a phobia. Some people are fearful of specific dogs, such as the neighbor's dog who attacked them last year, that's not a phobia. Some are fearful of dogs, that's a phobia because it is generalized and it's not rational to be fearful of dogs in general.

ETA; My example of the neighbor's dog that attacked them can result in PTSD, which is also not a phobia, but can be treated similarly.
I've read many posts from dog owners and everyone sounds like very responsible, loving dog parents. It's the ones who are not responsible pet owners and do not give a fig how others feel about fido being, well, acting like a dog. My view on some owners (not necessarily ones here) that think their dog is perfect, he loves people and likes to jump on them and bark at every noise or person passing by. To me, that is not an owner that has control of their dog. I can avoid places where to dogs will be, hopefully the BC will not be off my list, will wait for reports. Staying at AKL this trip because of Pandora.
I agree with that. I don’t like obnoxious dogs either. I don’t want them jumping on me or coming up to my dog either. I have a little dog so an unruly big dog could injure him quickly. I don’t visit dog parks or places like that for that reason.
I haven't posted yet, because I was hoping to read everyone's response before replying. I've read about 85 pages, but finally give up.

My opinion: There are just way too many things that can go wrong, especially given Disney's loose rules (no limits on dog size or breed, dogs can be left alone for hours) and horrible record with housekeeping and enforcing the rules they do have. I generally love animals, but dogs make me very nervous. I could write a page of bad experiences I've had with dogs, not the least of which was being painfully attacked after I walked past the dog's house on the sidewalk. I just don't think I'll ever get over that dog attack (and other bad experiences), even though I've grown to know and love some dogs over time.

I did want to weigh in about the Universal resorts. I rarely spend much time on the Universal message boards, but a few years back I was researching which resort to stay at. I remember reading a thread from someone who was annoyed by incessant barking at Royal Pacific, and was warning people that they could get stuck in the pet room areas if they'd booked a cheaper room. I also remember a hotel manager from a pet-friendly resort weighing in, and the things that stuck with me were:
  • Barking was the main complaint at this person's hotel, and whenever the hotel called people to tell them their dog was being a nuisance, they were usually told, "Oh no, not MY dog! My dog doesn't bark!"

  • This hotelier stated hotels will try to isolate the dogs, but logistically, you will never be guaranteed a room away from the pet area, and dogs (not just service dogs) will never be restrained to only certain rooms.

  • When you run a pet-friendly hotel, lots of people show up with dogs without having specified a dog when making the reservation.
I finally got around to finding that thread. If you're interested, you can see it here.

We'll see how Disney handles all this, but the only way I'd be happy with this change would be if they limit this to 1 or 2 pet-friendly resorts. I don't trust for a minute that D$sney won't roll this out to even more resorts ASAP, but I'm relieved to hear that people are making their concerns known and Disney is supposedly getting the message. (Again, if there are $$$ to be made, I remain skeptical... we'll see.)
People with phobias have real fear. Phobias don't have to have an irrational target, that is a common misunderstanding. It's always a person's right to their own fear if they want to keep it as well. It's just an option to share with everyone that they can indeed learn to calm their own anxiety and fear and decrease the impact of it on their own lives. Some people are uncomfortable around dogs, that's not a phobia. Some people are fearful of specific dogs, such as the neighbor's dog who attacked them last year, that's not a phobia. Some are fearful of dogs, that's a phobia because it is generalized and it's not rational to be fearful of dogs in general.
Right. Partly what make it irrational is that you’re not likely to be injured or worse by whatever it is you fear although it feels real to you that this is a possibility...even if you have been injured before.
Not only did I get two emails from Disney execs thanking me for my pro trial dog policy email (again as mentioned in a pp I did call them out on the short notice and that they needed a FAQ page) I also got a phone call thanking me for the kind email.

I do not think disney will shut the trial down early for just people voicing their opinion and I do think if revenue drops then they will possibly reverse or cancel the trial policy. Our VIP tour guide last week told us that Disney offered a type of express bus service earlier this year but cancelled it after four monthis as Disney was bleeding money and the program was not being utilized.

Just wanted other posters to know the "for" people are getting responses too!
Thank you for sharing the info, it looks like this might be similar at these Resorts at Disney as well.

Maybe. I'm not sure it was even the case that this person was indeed "stuck" in the pet room because of the price she paid. But whatever the reason, Disney is clearly not guaranteeing this won't happen to them at the pet resorts.
Perfect! And maybe they get away with it because they are beloved. I mean, Mickey Mouse is SO cute. It's kind of like a naughty child, but he's so cute and charming he just gets used to getting away with almost anything.

To be fair, nothing the size or scope of WDW exists anywhere else in the world. So Disney is the best in their class of one.
The big problem Disney have with this (well all of it is a massive problem) is the 7 hour rule, this is what is setting them apart from other pet friendly hotels (that and the fact they haven’t got a separate section for the dogs). They can’t have the same rules though as the other hotels though as if they say dogs can’t be left unattended in the room what exactly do people do with their dogs.?? Not enough room at the doggy day care place for them all and if the owners have to stay with them what is the point in it?
Its strange but my sister and I are complete opposites she is pet crazy with 2 dogs and 1 cat and I’m just not into animals at all and yet we both agree this scheme is madness. Me because of noise, dirty smelly rooms, poo not picked up etc. Her because she thinks it’s utter cruelty to leave a dog alone in a hotel room for any length of time. If none dog people and responsible dog people think it’s a bad idea who thinks it’s a good idea, maybe just the irresponsible owners which is everyone’s biggest nightmare.
I haven't posted yet, because I was hoping to read everyone's response before replying. I've read about 85 pages, but finally give up.

My opinion: There are just way too many things that can go wrong, especially given Disney's loose rules (no limits on dog size or breed, dogs can be left alone for hours) and horrible record with housekeeping and enforcing the rules they do have. I generally love animals, but dogs make me very nervous. I could write a page of bad experiences I've had with dogs, not the least of which was being painfully attacked after I walked past the dog's house on the sidewalk. I just don't think I'll ever get over that dog attack (and other bad experiences), even though I've grown to know and love some dogs over time.

I did want to weigh in about the Universal resorts. I rarely spend much time on the Universal message boards, but a few years back I was researching which resort to stay at. I remember reading a thread from someone who was annoyed by incessant barking at Royal Pacific, and was warning people that they could get stuck in the pet room areas if they'd booked a cheaper room. I also remember a hotel manager from a pet-friendly resort weighing in, and the things that stuck with me were:
  • Barking was the main complaint at this person's hotel, and whenever the hotel called people to tell them their dog was being a nuisance, they were usually told, "Oh no, not MY dog! My dog doesn't bark!"

  • This hotelier stated hotels will try to isolate the dogs, but logistically, you will never be guaranteed a room away from the pet area, and dogs (not just service dogs) will never be restrained to only certain rooms.

  • When you run a pet-friendly hotel, lots of people show up with dogs without having specified a dog when making the reservation.
I finally got around to finding that thread. If you're interested, you can see it here.

We'll see how Disney handles all this, but the only way I'd be happy with this change would be if they limit this to 1 or 2 pet-friendly resorts. I don't trust for a minute that D$sney won't roll this out to even more resorts ASAP, but I'm relieved to hear that people are making their concerns known and Disney is supposedly getting the message. (Again, if there are $$$ to be made, I remain skeptical... we'll see.)
It is interesting to note that it isn't all peaches and cream over at Universal.

So those commenting that "Universal does it, without issue," well, it seems that there are issues.
No, really? Surely you jest. I can't think of ANY recent policies that were rolled out with short notice. ;)

Right? It's like deja vu all over again with this upcoming trip. With that trip, it was Easter so there wasn't a lot of options to move. BC was more $ and I just prefer YC, and it was my sister's dream trip so she made the decision! I followed the YC resort thread to keep up with the construction updates, which was super helpful! I'll be keeping up with the POR thread to see how this policy goes before my January trip!
The dog I had wished I could have brought when this wasn’t a policy was elderly so he was blind & deaf. Not necessarily the norm. But point is, it’s up to the owner to decide what’s best.

I had a dog like that, she was a rescue. She was a toy breed. I took her everywhere...taxis, subways, buses, trains, outdoor cafes. What an angel! Never made a peep. So house trained it was amazing. Then I had a dog that I wouldn't take anywhere, he had an anxiety disorder of some sort. My current little fella is good, but he's young so still rambunctious

Anyway, I agree, I think most owners will only do this if it's a good fit
Lol, ok.:rolleyes2 Thanks for all the psychological advice. Next time you have an 85 lb German Shepard, leap on you growling and baring fangs, call me and I'll give you the same advice. Oh and the owner said I must have provoked him because he wouldn't hurt a fly. Yeah right. I was walking by and glanced at him. Only thing that saved me was my DH punched him in the head. So don't pretend to know how I feel and try to diagnose me. smh
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