• deadskull A snake, the devil, the puppet-master - well that's an interesting way to put it
    ♂️First off, I want to thank all the people that have supported me through & through the madness of this game & I want to thank @cbs_bigbrother for giving me another shot at insanity. Now to address a few things & speak on my own behalf - first & foremost it hurts my heart that people would EVER be under the impression that I would try to mock a houseguest with racism. I am absolutely shocked & appalled that this is immediately where a few people thought my intentions stood. Because I was referred to as a snake for an entire week, I decided to beat Dominique to ridiculing me during a ceremony speech (which she said she was going to do) by ridiculing myself & wearing a snake pattern dress, with snake pattern leggings, & painting a diamond on my head to imitate a black diamond snake. In the house I often used a Dead Sea black face-mask to exfoliate my skin, which is what I used to finish my snake outfit. To anyone who was offended by this ridiculous misconception, I apologize & hope this clears all the nonsense. Next, I absolutely love & support my country, & respect every single person who has/is serving my country. I did not disrespect Cody's service, in fact I thanked him personally on a few occasions for his time in the military. In the big brother house, Cody admitted to lying not only about his age, but also the time he served & what branches he served in, for his game. This obviously caused the house, including myself, to question exactly who Cody was or what he actually did - he was not very social. The bullying comments also set me back a bit, sure I controlled a lot of the strategy in the season but I definitely did not control the mouths & actions of 15 adults. My intentions were purely strategic, & part of big brother is handling the pressure/mental warfare. Of course I had to make everyone feel like I was their ally - if they didn't feel like they could gain some sort of advantage from me, then they would immediately discard me. Hope you guys enjoyed the madness this season & don't waste your time talking **** because I literally never cared.
    #friendship #bb19
Wow he.s delusional. Did he forget live feeders now what he said
Did anyone ever hear Cody say he lied about his military career and the branches he served in?And especially that he told Paul about these lies??
OMG....... There are some who feel Paul will be back again next season. Thinking he was the reason for the high ratings so he will be asked back.
I think this time he will be thrown out real fast, but I prefer not to see him play again.
They should do all past winners and see what happens, that would be fun. Oh and no one gets special help from production this time.
OMG....... There are some who feel Paul will be back again next season. Thinking he was the reason for the high ratings so he will be asked back.
I think this time he will be thrown out real fast, but I prefer not to see him play again.
They should do all past winners and see what happens, that would be fun. Oh and no one gets special help from production this time.

As I said wayyyyy earlier in this thread......this Big Brother would have been a whole 'nother ballgame if they hadn't brought Paul back in.
Did anyone ever hear Cody say he lied about his military career and the branches he served in?And especially that he told Paul about these lies??

I believe if I'm not mistaken Cody said he only served in the Marines and then later admitted he served also in the Air Force. He lied because he wanted them to think he was younger than he was. So he could only admit to one branch of service, but once he told them he was actually 32 and not 26, that's when he admitted he also served in the Air Force. So Paul saying he lied about his military service is a little misleading. Cody lied about having less service than he first said. Paul saying Cody lied about it insinuates that Cody exaggerated his service when he in fact had more service than he first admitted to.
What are you disagreeing with? Not your opinion, just facts.

Not really total fact. I do believe the whole snake/black face thing was blown out of proportion. I do not think Paul in any way was trying to come in "black face". He was trying to pose as a snake by using his black face mask that he uses often to exfoliate. Granted that was probably not the best thing to think of and I believe production called him into the DR to tell him that. So after that he just came dressed in black with a diamond drawn on his forehead.

As far as Paul saying he did not encourage people to bully, yes he did. Please tell me how telling everyone and Josh in particular to get into Cody's face by bringing out his PTSD from his service by saying he was a coward and a joke to the military until Cody hit him or self-evicted is game play in any way shape or form. Why isn't Paul going up to Cody to get him to hit him, why is he asking Josh to do that. Granted Josh didn't have to do that, Josh is an adult, but Paul knew Josh would do whatever he said, Paul took advantage of that, but again how is that game play. This wasn't hey Josh right before veto start annoying Cody to make him mad, maybe throw him off so he doesn't do well in veto. Now that's game play.
Not really total fact. I do believe the whole snake/black face thing was blown out of proportion. I do not think Paul in any way was trying to come in "black face". He was trying to pose as a snake by using his black face mask that he uses often to exfoliate. Granted that was probably not the best thing to think of and I believe production called him into the DR to tell him that. So after that he just came dressed in black with a diamond drawn on his forehead.

As far as Paul saying he did not encourage people to bully, yes he did. Please tell me how telling everyone and Josh in particular to get into Cody's face by bringing out his PTSD from his service by saying he was a coward and a joke to the military until Cody hit him or self-evicted is game play in any way shape or form. Why isn't Paul going up to Cody to get him to hit him, why is he asking Josh to do that. Granted Josh didn't have to do that, Josh is an adult, but Paul knew Josh would do whatever he said, Paul took advantage of that, but again how is that game play. This wasn't hey Josh right before veto start annoying Cody to make him mad, maybe throw him off so he doesn't do well in veto. Now that's game play.
I pretty much agree with everything Paul said. But it's obvious that people's minds have already been made up about the man so I won't even bother trying to persuade anyone at this point.

Agreed, and most on here that have been so negative on Paul never once watched a live feed. They just took a little tidbit of what someone else said and ran with it. Most of the live feeds are extremely boring anyway and not much goes on with them. It's crazy to think they get so mad at Paul when it was the other people that didn't use their brains and did what was asked. They seem to forget that they had choices and chose to act the way they did.
They also praise Cody and I can't figure out why. They forgive him for making his homosexual and transgender comments. Which I find far more disturbing than anything Paul did. At least what Paul did was for the game and not out of hatred like Cody's comments.
Nothing anyone can do to change their minds though as they will continue to give Cody and Josh free passes and blame everything on Paul.

I'm just glad it's finally over and I don't have to see Josh or Cody again. I feel bad for Josh's family, I would assume they would be embarrassed by his babyish behavior. i know I have a 23 year old and i would want to crawl in a hole if he ever acted like that. If BB were to bring either of them back I would certainly not watch that season.
Agreed, and most on here that have been so negative on Paul never once watched a live feed. They just took a little tidbit of what someone else said and ran with it. Most of the live feeds are extremely boring anyway and not much goes on with them. It's crazy to think they get so mad at Paul when it was the other people that didn't use their brains and did what was asked. They seem to forget that they had choices and chose to act the way they did.
They also praise Cody and I can't figure out why. They forgive him for making his homosexual and transgender comments. Which I find far more disturbing than anything Paul did. At least what Paul did was for the game and not out of hatred like Cody's comments.
Nothing anyone can do to change their minds though as they will continue to give Cody and Josh free passes and blame everything on Paul.

I'm just glad it's finally over and I don't have to see Josh or Cody again. I feel bad for Josh's family, I would assume they would be embarrassed by his babyish behavior. i know I have a 23 year old and i would want to crawl in a hole if he ever acted like that. If BB were to bring either of them back I would certainly not watch that season.

Prepare to be disappointed. I'd be shocked if BB didn't try to bring them back, maybe next season.
'm just glad it's finally over and I don't have to see Josh or Cody again. I feel bad for Josh's family, I would assume they would be embarrassed by his babyish behavior. i know I have a 23 year old and i would want to crawl in a hole if he ever acted like that. If BB were to bring either of them back I would certainly not watch that season.

Never say never........

I have a feeling the ratings were so high this year, we could see them all again at one point or another on any CBS show. :sad2:


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