Hurricane Irma?

It's very curious. Based on what I'm reading here, it's only Southwest so far. Equally odd, however, was that Southwest announced a couple of days ago that it anticipated flight disruptions, delays and/or cancellations for scheduled flights throughout Florida through September 17. Could be any number of reasons but nothing is clear right now. It doesn't seem to be MCO and the other airlines haven't followed - so it appears to be only a SW issue.

It's rampant speculation on my part (which is exactly what this thread doesn't need anymore of - but I'm at least prefacing it by saying I have no idea what I'm talking about and don't listen to me for facts) - but I wonder if SW has issues with slot allocation at these airports. There'll be a lot of traffic back into these airports when they reopen - a lot of demand and possibly not enough landing/take-off slots available for everyone. I have no idea what the arrangements are here, but the discount airlines can get squeezed by the legacy airlines and airport authorities when these fights come up. Could also just be aftereffects of SW trying to reposition its aircraft after all this. Whatever it is, anyone flying SW into MCO through next Sunday should continue to monitor their flight (per SW's earlier announcement).
Glad we didn't use SouthWest for this trip!
Thank you all for your kind words. Believe it or not it helps to hear others sympathy.

I know this is OT, but I was sitting here danged near crying over Rachel's plight. Yes, it IS possible to be both worried over humanity in general and everyone in harm's way - and also to be mourning the loss of your own little dream.

We're still scheduled to come to WDW at the end of Sept, and I was wracking my brain: Could I buy Disney gifts for her and the kids while I'm there? Try to squeeze her and her eldest child into our hotel room? Because I take care of my mother who has dementia, and it is HARD. (And I do not have to take care of wee ones at the same time - my tots are grown.)

I am also living for that week at Disney with the rest of my family. I've been saving and sewing and making plans for over a year. I NEED this trip, just as Rachel needed hers.

I am thrilled that you are still able to go, Rachel. Perhaps you'll have an even better time with your mom there, perhaps your husband would have been anxious about being away - lots of variables even without the hurricane. I hope that a week's absence makes your husband appreciate you even more, and that a refreshing week will bolster your spirit to tackle the new challenges of having his mother move in.

You never know how or why things worked out the way they did, until later. Right now, I'm hoping Rachel can fully enjoy her trip.

And praying hard tonight, for all in harm's way.
At this rate, I'm expecting to hear that Irma has hit the trifecta and sharknados have begun.

I've read a lot on this thread recently about the impact of arriving tourists on local resources and first responders. I've seen a lot of people weighing in both sides. Here's something that's bothered me about this debate: has Disney, the City of Orlando or the State of Florida ever once told tourists "Don't come here" during this event? They seem to be the ones in the best position to make that statement if there's a risk of overburdened resources. But I haven't seen anything along those lines. Sure - Disney is a business, but the City and State officials have different interests (and voters to answer to). Some might say it's common sense with the evacuations and Governor's press conferences. But government officials are well aware that Orlando is one the biggest tourist destinations in the US - that people still may come. And they haven't said not to. Of course Florida has its own economic interest - tourism is its biggest industry. According to the Governor's website, tourism brings in nearly $25 billion a year in sales tax revenue and keeps over 1 million Floridians employed. Maybe they don't want to damage that reputation? Or maybe - since tourists are a vital part of the state economy - Florida and Orlando's disaster and recovery plans account for taking care of those people it's welcomed into the state?

I can understand why residents wouldn't like tourists at a time like this. I've lived in places with high tourism and know the uneasy balance of depending on tourists economically but also viewing them as disruptive intrusions. Would I go to WDW during the storm? No. I'm supposed to go down this weekend - but if the aftermath is signicant I won't and couldn't in good conscience. But that's a personal decision - I'm not going to judge someone else that does, particularly when the officials there and Disney remain silent while keeping the gates open.
I've been watching CNN non stop for the last 3 days and everytime the mayor of Miami spoke he said I never thought I'd say this but tourists please leave! So yes the city of Orlando maybe. Or but some parts of the state of Florida YES .... not trying to debate I respect your opinion just stating what he said! My prayers are with everyone!
I've been watching CNN non stop for the last 3 days and everytime the mayor of Miami spoke he said I never thought I'd say this but tourists please leave! So yes the city of Orlando maybe. Or but some parts of the state of Florida YES .... not trying to debate I respect your opinion just stating what he said! My prayers are with everyone!
Which is sort of the point. If they want the tourist to leave, or not come, they will say it. No problem at all.
Re: the flights, my sister who flew up here to Wisconsin to flee the storm is upset because her Southwest flight back to MCO on Tuesday morning was already cancelled today. She was able to book something else on another airline for Tuesday night, but who knows what will happen to that one. She had the early morning flight because she needs to get back for job training at Universal but now is going to miss it. She's hoping Universal is understanding of the situation (she's been trying to contact someone but hasn't heard back yet). I feel awful for her because she's worked so hard to be able to move back to Orlando and everything was finally moving along but now it's all up in the air.
Re: the flights, my sister who flew up here to Wisconsin to flee the storm is upset because her Southwest flight back to MCO on Tuesday morning was already cancelled today. She was able to book something else on another airline for Tuesday night, but who knows what will happen to that one. She had the early morning flight because she needs to get back for job training at Universal but now is going to miss it. She's hoping Universal is understanding of the situation (she's been trying to contact someone but hasn't heard back yet). I feel awful for her because she's worked so hard to be able to move back to Orlando and everything was finally moving along but now it's all up in the air.
She will be fine, Universal will probably move back the training due to Irma. I would tell her not to stress and just call and let them know as soon as possible.
Which is sort of the point. If they want the tourist to leave, or not come, they will say it. No problem at all.

I think that was the opposite of the point, though. She says "he kept saying 'I never thought I'd have to say this but...'" He only finally broke down and told tourists to leave because until that point, he thought tourists would figure out on their own that they didn't need to be there.
Thank you all for your kind words. Believe it or not it helps to hear others sympathy.

We will try to take a small trip somewhere local for a few days but we aren't quite sure how to work it with the care needed for his mom. We are hiring some help and maybe we can find someone willing to care for her over a weekend so we can get away.

@Donald my hero - that's spot on. My husband has a lot of anxiety when leaving for vacations even after months of planning. He owns around 25 rentals and manages them himself. So he has to coordinate people to be available for issues that come up with tenants. And he had filed eviction papers on a tenant not paying rent and has a scheduled court date. If he missed it, he has to start the process over and they are already $3k behind on rent.

As far as caring for your MIL so you can get away, there are places/agencies that offer respite care, so that might be an option to explore when the time is right. Your local hospital's social services department is usually a good resource on these things. Blessings to you for doing this.
The latest tracks appear to have Orlando being spared the hurricane force winds. Storm is projected to mainly stay on the west coast. Everywhere is gonna feel something obviously. But Orlando is looking at 58 mph or so winds. Disney can rejoice. Tampa sadly cannot.
It's the not knowing that's killing us all.

We're booked for Wednesday, but so nervous the airport won't be open or our flights will be cancelled. We already re-scheduled that from Saturday. Trying to be patient is hard.
I feel your pain! We fly out on Weds. as well and my nerves are shot, can't sleep now that the hurricane is closer.
It's the not knowing that's killing us all.

We're booked for Wednesday, but so nervous the airport won't be open or our flights will be cancelled. We already re-scheduled that from Saturday. Trying to be patient is hard.
@Rachel Underwood every sympathy with you. This might not be an appropriate place to say it but I'm thinking a lot of your worries are regarding MIL moving in? I could not do that and thankfully DH couldn't either. I cannot imagine the strain if he had said she needed to move in with us. She was never a kind person, always difficult- but her dementia is making her truly nasty. An hour or two in her company is the most we can cope with and 99% of other people have stopped visiting altogether.
I hope you have a back up plan for emergency respite if things take a turn for the worst as it sounds like your DH has a very committed job and won't be the one dealing with this on a minute by minute basis.
Thinking of you and your family and sending positive thoughts.
This has been the longest week and a half of my life I am exhausted.! And it's all thanks to Irma lol

:rotfl2: I was JUST thinking the same thing. It's only been 2 weeks since the Saturday night/Sunday morning Hurricane Harvey began effecting us. Pounding rain and short bursts of wind and 23 inches later we're finally drying out! I'd have swore it was 3 weeks already and looked at the calendar to double check. I guess that would explain why our grocery store shelves are STILL not restocked and some gas stations run out of gas by noon. :faint: We ARE finally receiving mail again though! ::yes:: :tink:
Well we have successfully made it to our temporary home. Holy cow I'm glad I decided to bug out. Finally looking at the NHC report and the eye looks like it's just riding the coast, just what I didn't want to happen

Hopefully my neighbors are ok. When we were leaving it left looked like they had mom just arrive to hunker down with them
I am completely not buying the "Florida needs my money for tourism" angle. Hotels are packed with residents living as tourists. Unless Florida has waived their high taxes on hotels, they will be fine. Evacuating is expensive (and I speak as someone who has done it)- you get to continue paying your rent or mortgage and you now pay for hotels, additional gas, and meals from wherever you can get them. Everyone who loses something in the storm will have to replace those items - which is actually a sales tax boon for states. Car dealerships sell a lot of cars afterwards. The big financial losers are residents and insurance companies.

I don't want to see anyone hurt and odds are you will be fine. Look at Harvey - over 6 million people affected, less than 100 died. And for those of you who don't get my point - it is tragic that people die, but the odds are in your favor even if you are heading down there now. I just don't believe that people are going on vacation now to help Florida.

And as far as Disney goes - they could stop some of this by closing the parks earlier and leaving them closed longer. As for the cast members who need the income - Disney could do what a lot of companies in Houston have done - pay employees to help in recovery efforts. I know a lot of people who are on the clock at work and who are cleaning out flooded homes. My vet was running on skeleton crew because his employees were at shelters caring for animals there (for free).


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