Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

Hi Ponz!

That license plate is perfect for you. You managed lots of trips and I'm enjoying reading about them. It's great entertainment for this armchair traveler.

Have fun on your road trip to TN & KY. You know we're going to ask you to write reports on this and your short NS trip!


Well, hi there Suzy Q!

That license plate is perfect for you.

I kinda like it. :)

You managed lots of trips and I'm enjoying reading about them. It's great entertainment for this armchair traveler.


I got more than I thought,
that's for sure.

Have fun on your road trip to TN & KY. You know we're going to ask you to write reports on this and your short NS trip!

Yes... I know.

And.. I'm gonna have trouble with this one.
Not taking too many (okay, none) notes.
And.. I'm gonna have trouble with this one.
Not taking too many (okay, none) notes.

As I've said before.... Just make up what you can't remember! Who are we to question your storytelling. In fact, I'm pretty sure most of your solo trip to WDW a few years ago was a tall Winnipeg tale!

Well, I finally returned to finish this TR. School, Kitten, Girlfriend, time for me! I neeed another TR!!
Hey Howdy Hey! I see you should have been home yesterday. I'm sure you had a great time as usual. We are in Galveston for a long weekend. We were sitting out on the sidewalk. Wait! I mean we were sitting at a table near the street in the historic district having ice cream yesterday, listening to some country music blasting out of the store. I noticed a Harley parked next to us, and a guy sitting at the next table, beer in hand , HD hat and shirt. Then I saw his bike had hand cut and painted eagle heads on rhe back, orange. There were a few more birds painted like eagle colors -one draped across the tank, a small one on the side. The spokes were orange. (Sorry, my phone was dead, so no pic)

I asked the guy if it was his bike, and if he did the art work. "Yes ma'am." Turns out he did all of the work, has a garage full of fixed up bikes his wife wants him to sell, but he gets attached. He told me all about a huge bike rally they have here in November. Wall to wall bikes and show offs(?) Anyway come on down! We probably won't be there, but it's a pretty cool place. Of course you are welcome to visit us, too.
I got really far behind on your report. I have spent the last few months reading and the updates and the chatter. I have truly enjoyed the time spent getting caught up. I just wish I had never gotten behind. I would have enjoyed chatting right along with everyone else.

I know you just went on a long trip traveling all around. I hope you plan on doing a report on that trip too. I don't if you'll ever make it all the way down south to Louisiana, but if you do I wanted you to know my son-in-law is the manager of the Harley store here in Baton Rouge and the one in Hammond. I'm sure you would be more than welcome to visit.
Just passing through.... what's this?
A passel of comments that need replying to?

Guess I better get busy.

As Tammie mentioned,
yes, I got back last night.

Been a tad busy but have
a few minutes now.

I wish I could say that the
vacation was nothing
but sunshine and rainbows...

And mostly it was.
And some of it was
downright amazing.

But there were other times...

Not sure if I've ever been
quite that scared when driving...

But that can wait for
the inevitable TR.
What a great trip! I'm sorry I wasn't able to comment and participate more. It's taken some time to get used to the new home and new state.

No worries! I'm glad to see you here again! :)

Flying back on your own jet even.

When pkondz travels...
He does so in style.

Or not.


Are you going to do a Disneyland trip report? I really want to get some tips before we leave.

I think so?
Not sure how I'll do though.

Must finish Vegas first though. :)
So, what do you do when you have a nearly 3 yr old who has croup and doesn't want to sleep at night? CATCH UP ON PKONDZ TR!

You're a sucker for punishment, aren't you?

But sure is nice to see you again! :)

So- I made it for the end! Three nights in a row just reading.

Definitely a masochistic tendency here.

I saw all of the Marvins/Pkondz interjections except the cow one at the end

I was surprised at how many
people missed that one.

I had what I thought harder ones,
that more people found.

the Marvin on the stairs during the dismeet and the Marvin in the crowd of people at the ice place.


Also- I guess I missed it... how did we know which bus was yours?

The wipers were the sure thing.

Couple of things:
that guy was annoying- stopping a bus to tie your shoe is rude.

That seems to be the consensus.

My favorite dessert is probably cheesecake because you can have it plain or fancied up as much as you like.

Yummm.... Cheesecake.

Sad story.
The last time we were at the Cheesecake Factory...
No! Last two times...

We were too full for dessert.

Next time, that's all I'm ordering!

So, when does your TR start for your DL trip?... so I can start reading that now and catch up in November when I've got more free time :rolleyes1:sad2:

I honestly don't know.
I have to do Vegas first.

But that should only be
a chapter or two.

ALSO- living in Indianapolis- home of the ACTUAL Gasoline Alley- I take offense to the Harley Davidson that says "Gasoline Alley"
Here is THE REAL Gasoline Alley at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway (taken in 2012 during a Practice day for the Indianapolis 500)

And this is me and my dad standing at the entrance to Gasoline Alley with the famous Pagoda at the end (behind us)

Unfortunately, I can't see the pictures.
But yes, you're right.
There's only one true gasoline alley.

I've been there a few times.

Can't wait to read your DL TR!

I'll see you there! :)
There! I did it! You didn’t think I would but I did! I read all 139 pages and all 2771 comments!


Okay fine, I’m lying! I read the updates! Sue me! :snooty:

If you'd read everything.... I would've been shocked.
And thought maybe there was something
just a little bit wrong with you.

But don’t really, I need my money for important things, like Disney and shoes! Okay?

Which is more important?
Shoes? Or Disney?

Be honest.

Now I did quote a ton of stuff but before I could finish my computer crashed. All my witty double entendres GONE FOREVER!


That sucks.

Now I will be forever sad.

And though I love you Pkondz-bear I was NOT going through all of it again!

No. Of course not.

Totally not worth the effort.

I'm surprised you tried in the first place!

But I quoted the most important stuff! :thumbsup2

Mainly the parts I’m in! And I am very upset that I didn’t get any bonus points for being in the actual TR I will forgive you as you gave me chocolate!

Chocolate trumps points.

Just sayin'.

...and I guess @TheLittleKatie was there too, whateves! :rolleyes: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


This is perfect.

Thanks! :)

That was because the CM at the door shouted at me and told me I could go in for a second then I had to GET OUT!

That ticks me off!
I told her there'd be more.

If I'd known.

I probably wouldn't have been
able to do much, but still...

You did great! :hug:

Aw, shucks.
It wasn't me.

You guys made that night fun.

Hey those people look familiar :scratchin

Three good looking people
and one old, ugly dude.

I totally won that fight! I got skillz!


I mean to you see @TheLittleKatie anywhere around here? :cool2:

Hmmm.... This is true.... Hmmm.....

That was so sweet of her and you gave us goodie bags, and I feel AWFUL I didn't bring you anything! :sad::sad2:

Your presence was all I wanted.
Thank you so much for coming!

(Feel free. Go ahead. You know you will...)

But hey I'm going to WDW in September 2018 if you want a redo...

Hmm... oh?


Again I was just that sucky people who shows up to a party empty handed and just takes stuff home! :sad2:

There was no need, Lu. Honest.
I was just really happy you were there.

Eggplant = Aubergine
Sneakers = Trainers
Sweater = Jumper
French Fries = Chips
Chips = Crisps
Cookie = Biscuit
Diaper = Nappy

And my personal favourite which causes massive and hilarious confusion:

Fanny Pack = Bum Bag (neither sound all that appealing!)
To us Fanny = Errrr...a lady's...flower garden ;)
Hearing people shouting "Can you move your fanny?" has a whole different meaning!

:lmao: :rotfl:


I'm beginning to think that I should have.

Okay, I really regret not doing just that.
Stopping by to wish you a Happy Father's Day!

Thanks! :)

I hope you get time to spend with your girls and they thank you for the good dad things you do for them:-)

Well.... I didn't see Elle at all... and Kay forgot.

Oh, well. Doesn't matter. I'm just the dude
who cooks their meals. :)

We are taking my dad for breakfast (I better get in the shower!)

Breakfast in the shower?
You have odd meals.

Then grilling out when son comes home from work at 6.


Sadly... my daughter is in her new apartment and will be there this summer working in the town she goes to school. So we won't see her.

Oh, that's too bad.

But... we did see her the last two weekends, first she came home for a wedding and then we helped move her. Then last weekend she had a music festival and it was easier to drive from here since it was an all day late drive back.
Plus we got to take care of her cat "Mink". It was nice seeing her but it will be a strange summer not seeing her more often.

I'm not there yet, as both DDs live at home still.
But I do remember when Elle started working.
It was... strange.

I feel bad that I had fallen off the grid with your TR and contest. I have no major excuse besides not getting here more often then just popping in to check what's new. Then back to my shy, non-posting self.

No worries.
This is a very come and go kind of place.

Come when you can,
leave when you must. :)

So I will quickly say(still need to shower!) that as always, I enjoy your TR and grateful that I do have it to look at to escape life for a few moments. So Thanks again!

You don't need to shower to read my TRs,
but it's nice of you to want to be fresh and clean
for them.

And kidding aside...
You're very welcome.
Thanks for the kind words!

Your pictures were beautiful and fun to see the different sites.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed!

Just in case, I will say it I tell my kids....On your bike trip...BE SMART, BE SAFE AND HAVE FUN!!!

Yes dear!
Well since we're talking about showering, I thought I would welcome you back hone and say that I did take a shower in my bath, and then just ruined it by going in the pool and jacuzzi tonight before bed. Now I smell lie chlorine instead of Jasmine bath salts.

Glad to have you back. It's been boring with everyone either gone or too busy to check in. I'm actually caught up on people's TRs (I think) and that's with spending way too much time (a couple weeks ago) at a local attraction that I'm sure many of you know.
Welcome home!

I wish I could say that the
vacation was nothing
but sunshine and rainbows...

And mostly it was.
And some of it was
downright amazing.

But there were other times...

Not sure if I've ever been
quite that scared when driving...

That sounds ominous...waiting to hear all about it.
Um, yikes!? Feel better, person who isn't hurt too seriously!

See you soon!

I did! And at the very least,
you know that if it was me,
I was feeling better.

You could tell by the big grin
on my face when I saw you, right?

The popcorn didn't make it back to Winnipeg!
(Dang that was good!
Shook the heck out of it as ordered.)

It was wonderful! hubs and I are going back for adult only time aug 1-4! :)

Nice! That's coming up soon!
I did! And at the very least,
you know that if it was me,
I was feeling better.

You could tell by the big grin
on my face when I saw you, right?

The popcorn didn't make it back to Winnipeg!
(Dang that was good!
Shook the heck out of it as ordered.)

Was fun, and great to meet you!

Totally not surprised that the popcorn didn't last. That stuff is good! We've been so good about not buying it while dd has her braces, but some days it is hard to resist! (About another year until she gets them off)


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