We Ate, We Drank, We Conquered - An Aug/Sep '16 Dining Report - Complete 3/11

We love Tusker House. My husband isn't a big breakfast person so he likes the savory options they have. I feel like it always rains on our AK days too. No matter what time of year we go
Oh my gosh, I had to click on your report like 12 times to get it to actually open and I was starting to have some rage issues, LOL! Really wanted to see your Tusker House review since Sean and I are having breakfast there in September. Thank you for the pro tip on ordering the African Bloody Marys! :thumbsup2

And Happy (day early) Birthday to Casey! :bday:
Well thanks for your persistence :-) These boards do the craziest things. I was responding to yours earlier and it kept reloading after I'd type a few words. Very frustrating

Hope you and Sean enjoy it. It's definitely a great mix of food (and beverages) for the kiddos and grownups.

Thanks for the birthday wishes. She is very much enjoying being 6 now!

his makes me want to go back to Narcoossee's SO badly. I just love this entree. Did you get it this time too!?
But of course. I rarely get the same things, but the scallops and shrimp pasta at Narcoosee's are so good I just can't pull myself away

OMG, you skipped the almond cheesecake!? :eek: :eek: :eek:
Yes, but totally made up for it this time

And a big :bday: to Miss Casey!!!! pixiedust:
Thanks so much!!!! She, like her mother, is still celebrating until the end of February. We're very much birthday month people around here

I knew it! You must be THAT incredible, awesome & cool family of 3 that all single riders would love to be with! ::yes:: That's one lucky girl right there! :shamrock:
I tend to be placed with umm "interesting" families that have issues. And the most unique family member is the one without a partner that I have the luck of sitting next to. Oh well. Free entertainment on a WDW coaster. Kinda like Snakes On A Plane. :D
Wow, I never thought of us as the cool family that single riders would like to be with but I'll totally take it :-)

Ugh I hate Primevil Whirl, I'd be bribing the CM's working there to move the measuring stick up higher every trip so it looks like she's never tall enough :rotfl2:
I've never ridden it and with a bit of motion sickness probably never will. This one will be all Jason!

How awesome is a Bloody Mary with MEAT garnishing it??? Now I want to change our ROL Tiffins dining package to TH just for that!
I know right, booze and meat, my alcoholic and carnivore dream :-) But DO NOT change your dining package. Tiffins is amazing and they hands down have the best drinks on property. I know because we tried about 10 of them :-)

If you bribed her for the ride this month that I think you did, I hope she got something good out of it and you paid up. I still owe Chris a PlayStation GC from his Nov. bribe that I keep "forgetting" to buy since its $50 lol!
I feel so bad about her bday, I kept thinking it was the day BEFORE mine so when you texted today I failed to say happy bday :( I hope her day was great!!
Yes there was bribery yet again, but only after she rode it 2 times. Had to up my stakes :-) She got yet another Yeti, but a smaller one that she has named Meatball to go with the previous Yeti Spaghetti

Thanks for the birthday wishes. And how dare you not remember the exact birthday of my child that you've met once :-)

We eat at Tusker House on Monday! I was a little worried I wouldn't like the food but yours looks so good. Happy Birthday to Casey!
Hope you enjoy. Be sure to drink a bloody mary for me :-)

We love Tusker House. My husband isn't a big breakfast person so he likes the savory options they have. I feel like it always rains on our AK days too. No matter what time of year we go
Yeah, I'm with your hubby I'm not big on breakfast either so Tusker is a great choice. And your are totally right, it always rains in AK. Of course when we go in August/September it rains every freakin' day :-)
California Dreamin' On Such a Humid Day

After a wet day in AK we tried for a little pool time, but it wasn't long before the rains inundated us again. So when you can't play at the pool, what's a girl to do? Doritos and ipads in bed of course!

We eventually got out of said beds and headed to our last dinner for the trip: California Grill. This has become a favorite of ours and I can't recollect a trip in recent memory where we didn't indulge. On the way we stopped for a few family photos in
our oh-so fancy clothes.

In case you can't tell from all the smog in the photos, it was a tad bit humid after the rain :-)

Soon we made it to California Grill and were thrilled to see that our waiter was Gary, whom we'd had on a previous visit. He is naturally charismatic and friendly server who excels at customer service and clearly knows his stuff. Jason and I surmised the other wait staff must hate him because he is so effortlessly good :P

It wasn't long before Gary brought us some drinks to start our dinner off right.

Jason as usual got some kind of beer that I just ignored and I went with the Santa Monica Cider which is Strawberry-Lime Cider, Hendrick’s Gin with Agave Nectar, Lime Juice, and Micro Basil. This was awesome! Not quite as good as the gin drink I had at tiffins, but the strawberry cider and gin went really well together and it was very refreshing on such a hot day.

We also got some of the California Grill bread, which is both rolls and focaccia.

I'm not a fan of the rolls, but the focaccia and yummy butter hit the spot.

We also got an appetizer of their Roasted Tomato Flatbread with Laura Chenel and Midnight Moon Goat Cheese, Arugula Pesto, and Aged Balsamic.

This tasted just fine, but was nothing special. And given the $16 price tag I would have expected more. But it started to fill Casey up so I didn't have to share too much my beautiful entree :-)

As both Jason and I were having beef for dinner, we wanted some delicious red wine to go with it. We asked Gary if he had any suggestions and he did us one better by giving us our own personal tasting.

He brought us 3 different wines, each one which he knew a lot about. This guy clearly knows his stuff. We ended up going with a Cabernet from Sequia Grove in Napa, which apparently is the only winery in CA to have a below sea level wine cave (see told you Gary knew his stuff). This was a big bold cab with some nice spice and hints of coffee and blackberry and went perfectly with our meal.

Speaking of which, Casey and I shared the Oak Fired Filet of Beef.

This was cooked a perfect medium rare and served with black truffle risotto, roasted baby carrots, and herb salsa verde. My steak was a little fattier then I like (I eat filet because I detest fat), but otherwise tender enough to cut with a butter knife. Being the good Mama I am I just gave Casey the fatty parts :-) The salsa verde on top added some nice flavor and I loved the roasted carrots. The risotto was perfectly cooked, creamy, and decadent, just didn't deliver the promised truffle flavor.

Jason ordered The Wagyu Eye of Ribeye with potato mille feuille, Tank 7 fondue, chanterelles, pole beans, and port wine sauce.

Unfortunately, Jason was very underwhelmed by this. It wasn't bad by any stretch of the imagination but when something is advertised as Ribeye he expected an actual ribeye not two large pre-cut pieces. But he said the flavor was great as it had more richness than regular ribeye, but it was a bit chewy and he missed the char you typically get on a steak. Yachtsman was the clear winner in the steak war.

Complete side note, while we were eating this table of all kids was right by us.

I presume the parents were somewhere near by, but we never once saw anyone other than the waiter check on them so apparently this was license to play duck, duck, goose around the table. So much for signatures :P

We had plans to head to MGM after dinner for the Star Wars fireworks, but Casey was too tired so we ended up ordering dessert to go and went outside to take in MK one last time. While there we thought this was an opportune time for some photos....

....But someone had modeling aspirations on her mind

She even found a male model to join her :P

Despite Jason's Ribeye miscue and the lackluster appetizer, we continue to love California Grill. Their menu is constantly changing, Gary provided amazing service, and you can't beat those MK views that are prime for modeling. With our tables in wonderland card we saved $47.80 taking us to a total of $250 overall.

We eventually made it back to the Poly where we enjoyed our dessert, the Chocolate Pudding Cake with Luscious Chocolate Cake with Nutella Filling, Meringue Kisses, and Chantilly cream, and some wine on the balcony while watching the Star Wars fireworks we'd intended to see through the trees. Not a great view, but unexpected and fireworks nonetheless.

We also found out Gary was kind enough to include a separate cupcake for Casey.

And somehow all the sugar led to some form of super heros invading our room.

It was definitely time to go home :-)

Up next, I ain't goin' home without one last bloody mary :drinking1
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Your meal at California Grill looks like it was a success outside of a bland appetizer and a different kind of rib eye! That steak looks so good right now especially with black truffle risotto.

Your models were very cute even with their super hero capes!
I presume the parents were somewhere near by, but we never once saw anyone other than the waiter check on them so apparently this was license to play duck, duck, goose around the table. So much for signatures
Sounds like the parents just dumped them at their own "kids' table" and were off having a grown ups mental health break? It doesn't sound like the kids were terrible. Maybe just kids being kids. But neither the waiter nor other tables should ever have to babysit someone else's children. I don't get what some parents are thinking. :sad2:At least your dinner was still a success. That filet looks and sounds pretty darn good. And hey, Casey getting the fatty bits is just a foodie rite of passage. We'll never tell! :ssst:
We skipped TH this trip and after seeing your pictures I miss it. CG looks lovely, awesome to get the same experienced waiter for sure. My husband works for a big liquor distributor up here and we love the Napa Cabernet. The bigger and bolder Cabs are awesome! We often get great bottles of wine at close out prices so we are always sampling different ones. The perks of his job! I don't get drinks often at Disney because it is just Andi and myself so I love your reviews!
On the way we stopped for a few family photos in our oh-so fancy clothes.
Spiffy! ;)

I went with the Santa Monica Cider which is Strawberry-Lime Cider, Hendrick’s Gin with Agave Nectar, Lime Juice, and Micro Basil. This was awesome!
This sounds amazing!

focaccia and yummy butter
Love, love focaccia!

We also got an appetizer of their Roasted Tomato Flatbread with Laura Chenel and Midnight Moon Goat Cheese, Arugula Pesto, and Aged Balsamic.
Looks good!

hints of coffee and blackberry
I'm not usually a red wine drinker but this sounds good.

Oak Fired Filet of Beef

Complete side note, while we were eating this table of all kids was right by us.
Huh??? Smh

But someone had modeling aspirations on her mind

Chocolate Pudding Cake with Luscious Chocolate Cake with Nutella Filling, Meringue Kisses, and Chantilly cream,
This sounds delicious!

And somehow all the sugar led to some form of super heros invading our room.

Up next, I ain't goin' home without one last bloody mary :drinking1
I expect nothing less!
Cute dress, lady! Glad you (mostly) enjoyed your dinner at CA Grill. Were those kids seriously playing duck duck goose at their table?! I'm sorry but that isn't acceptable...well...anywhere, really, but especially not at a signature restaurant where people are trying to enjoy an upscale dining experience.

That's too bad that Jason's steak wasn't amazing because I'm sure it had an amazing price tag that went along with it. I have yet to try Wagyu and really want to...maybe when we go to Tiffins.

And of course I can't comment and not mention the booze. That cocktail you had sounds (and looks) delicious! As in, I want one right this minute. :D
Perhaps it is because you have a child that you can be so calm about an entire table of children, but this would have made me completely irate!! As a teacher I have finely tuned radar for any and all misbehaving children, LOL, so this would have completely distracted me from enjoying, what I know if an incredibly expensive meal. Nice to see you were better able to take it in stride. Adore the modelling show too! Too much fun!
I've really enjoyed your dining report. I'm trying to turn my toddler into a foodie because my husband and I both are, and well, "You'll eat what WE eat!" Lol. It's going well so far, he is 22 months old and requests curry, rice, and lentils...for breakfast! We also like to booze it up, so I appreciate your comments on wine and cocktails. I look forward to your next report, make sure to link to it in this one so none of us miss it, please.
Your meal at California Grill looks like it was a success outside of a bland appetizer and a different kind of rib eye! That steak looks so good right now especially with black truffle risotto.

Your models were very cute even with their super hero capes!
I'm a very lucky girl in both the food and model department :-)

Sounds like the parents just dumped them at their own "kids' table" and were off having a grown ups mental health break? It doesn't sound like the kids were terrible. Maybe just kids being kids. But neither the waiter nor other tables should ever have to babysit someone else's children. I don't get what some parents are thinking. :sad2:At least your dinner was still a success. That filet looks and sounds pretty darn good. And hey, Casey getting the fatty bits is just a foodie rite of passage. We'll never tell! :ssst:
The kids definitely weren't terrible and didn't infringe on our experience in the least, I was just fascinated that there was no parent to be seen.

We love Tusker, that Bloody Mary sounds wonderful, and :bday: to Casey!
Thanks Renee!

We skipped TH this trip and after seeing your pictures I miss it. CG looks lovely, awesome to get the same experienced waiter for sure. My husband works for a big liquor distributor up here and we love the Napa Cabernet. The bigger and bolder Cabs are awesome! We often get great bottles of wine at close out prices so we are always sampling different ones. The perks of his job! I don't get drinks often at Disney because it is just Andi and myself so I love your reviews!
OMG, I want your hubbys job (or at least to be on the other end of it). Of course I'd be in so much trouble if good wine at close-out prices routinely came into our house :-) We've been to Napa 3 times and have a few places we really love that we order wine from online. Of course we save it for special occasions, which means we rarely drink it

Love, love focaccia!
You and me both. Yummy and airy bread, whats not to love!

Huh??? Smh
Had to look SMH up. I am so not him to acronyms beyond OMG!

Cute dress, lady! Glad you (mostly) enjoyed your dinner at CA Grill. Were those kids seriously playing duck duck goose at their table?! I'm sorry but that isn't acceptable...well...anywhere, really, but especially not at a signature restaurant where people are trying to enjoy an upscale dining experience.
Why thank you very much. Yep, full on duck, duck, goose. Now to their credit they weren't running, but still. Clearly the parents were only concerned about themselves that night and not the other guests

That's too bad that Jason's steak wasn't amazing because I'm sure it had an amazing price tag that went along with it. I have yet to try Wagyu and really want to...maybe when we go to Tiffins.
It had so much potential, I'm really not sure why they cooked it the way they did. Totally lost the "steak" effect

And of course I can't comment and not mention the booze. That cocktail you had sounds (and looks) delicious! As in, I want one right this minute. :D
Wait till you try the cocktails at Tiffins. Best on property!!!!!!

Perhaps it is because you have a child that you can be so calm about an entire table of children, but this would have made me completely irate!! As a teacher I have finely tuned radar for any and all misbehaving children, LOL, so this would have completely distracted me from enjoying, what I know if an incredibly expensive meal. Nice to see you were better able to take it in stride. Adore the modelling show too! Too much fun!
Maybe that is the case. The pre-Casey me would have been livid. The parenting side of me was just fascinated by how out of touch and selfish some parents really are. And I'm sure the wine helped with the stride taking :-)

I've really enjoyed your dining report. I'm trying to turn my toddler into a foodie because my husband and I both are, and well, "You'll eat what WE eat!" Lol. It's going well so far, he is 22 months old and requests curry, rice, and lentils...for breakfast! We also like to booze it up, so I appreciate your comments on wine and cocktails. I look forward to your next report, make sure to link to it in this one so none of us miss it, please.
Thanks so much. Good look with your son. Sounds like you are having amazing success so far. We took the same approach with Casey. I didn't feel the need to dumb down food for her since she was a kid, so if we ate it, she at it. Of course sharing food with her isn't too bad for me either :-) She's still a kid and of course loves pizza and burgers, but if given a choice she'd likely pick sushi over both any day of the week.

Will most definitely post a link when I get the next report going. Hoping to get it up sometime next month, just gotta finish this bad boy first.
Great review! I think of big juicy charred steak of I think of ribeye too so your husband isn't totally off the mark. I would love to go to CG but I am afraid my DH will be left hungry. He would have eaten that steak in 4 bites.
I just love your dining reports, and am always sad to see them coming to an end. Thank goodness you make fairly frequent Disney trips, lol! I love Bloody Mary's, so I've def got my eye on that African one! Is Tusker House the only place to get them? My sis, bff & I have a dinner reservation booked for the ROL show on our upcoming girls' only trip, so I'll def have to try one. You said it's not on the menu? What do I ask for? will they know what I'm talking about, lol? Your Casey is too adorable! Love her modeling poses, as well as the male model, too, lol! :laughing: Oh, and I love the dress you wore to dinner at CG! It looks so nice on you.
I presume the parents were somewhere near by, but we never once saw anyone other than the waiter check on them so apparently this was license to play duck, duck, goose around the table. So much for signatures :P

I can't even!!!! :crazy2::crazy2::crazy2:

Really, your filet looks GREAT. I think Justin's came w/ marble duck fat potatoes, so it's nice to see how they switch things up. I can't decide if I enjoyed Narcoossees or CG more, but I can't wait to go back to both.
Great updates thanks for taking the time to write the repost for us to drool over xx
First of all thank you very much for your incredible review. I enjoyed how each of your personalities came through, and enhanced the fun of reading about your experiences. I am looking forward to having a wonderful time in each of these places when I visit Disney for the first time. Seeing and hearing all of the reviews have been helpful in knowing what I would like to enjoy once I finally get there. Thanks again for the great review!
I would have loved a picture of Jason joining the kids in their game of Duck Duck Goose :duck: Seriously *** (do you know that acronym :P) I can't believe parents would put that many kids alone at a table and not go check on them once. If they WERE out of control and I had a few of that cool looking cocktail you had, I would've ended up saying something to them. Even though I have kids I put up with no crap young ones!
I too love getting a familiar server who is exceptional. The first time we went to Citricos we had a fabulous server and on our 2nd visit we saw him, even though we weren't in his section. He came over to us, remembered us and where we were from! He played a big part in our experience there the first time and while the food on that visit was also fantastic, I think the service makes that dinner stand out so much more. And in the same way it makes you want to return even when your meal isn't the best overall.


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