Official 2017 Star Wars - Light Side Half Marathon Weekend (Jan 12th - 15th, 2017)

People lie and corral jump all the time, unfortunately. There were two women walking right off the line in A last week, and going into MK last weekend, @Keels caught up to someone who should have been in her corral but had jumped a few in order to avoid getting swept.

Hope everyone had a great run today. My dd (15) set a PR today at 2:30:26. It was her second half and she took a little over 25 minutes off her time. So exciting! I have to say there were so many runners who were amazingly supportive to her. At the expo experienced runners were giving her tips, pre-race people were helping her calm her nervous, on the course many runners gave words of encouragement and one dad running with his daughter of a similar age checked in with her to see how she was doing and encouraged her, and then after the run walking around disney so many other runners were so congratulatory.

It's great to know as a mom when I send her off to these races there are supportive people out there.
So.... guess who got bad food poisoning and had to skip the half marathon this morning? Me :(

Woke up at 2am and just felt awful - couldn't get my stomach to settle and through tears decided that the Force was not with me for this race. I'm beating myself up (when I know that I shouldn't) but it stings that I wasn't able to do the race. Guess sometimes this happens.

Decided to wear my SW HM outfit for Surf City in three weeks and use that as my do-over.

I hope everyone had a great race and set PRs and got great pics.


So sorry to hear that you had to miss the race. Hope you are feeling better.
OMG! I'm so sorry to hear this! But you have an awesome attitude!

I'm so sorry @courtneybeth ! That's horrible to hear. :sad1:

Oh no, so sorry to hear! Interesting, though, because I would swear I got a touch of E. coli Thursday/Friday. Luckily pretty mild as those things go, so I was able to run (only 5 and 10).


So sorry to hear that you had to miss the race. Hope you are feeling better.

Thank you guys - I have spent most of today resting and sleeping. I am starting to feel a bit more human and am channeling this frustration into positivity. 2:44:59 will happen at surf city for sure!!

Princess is next month so while I won't coast to coast I will do so at Tink.
So.... guess who got bad food poisoning and had to skip the half marathon this morning? Me :(

Nooooooo! Oh I'm so sorry.

And that is so weird because a woman I was talking to in the corral was saying that she'd had to skip her last rundisney half for the same reason.

There were two women walking right off the line in A last week

Ugh. My brother saw that sort of thing at the 2014 Disneyland half (on the big screen from our corral) and nearly lost it. Not sure if that running magazine is still selling entries that include corral A but they were then and he just hated it. He was only runningnit for me and he was doing my intervals instead of his constant run so it wasn't going to be great physically anyway for him, and he didn't need that

It's great to know as a mom when I send her off to these races there are supportive people out there.

:) Agreed.

My son did his 5&10 solo and had a good time. I was so nervous letting him go off. (Still not over him falling and breaking his arm this summer at a dance convention) But if there's anywhere where you know support isn't far off it's at a decent event like Rd.

And I can't promise he was perfect, but I hope he had good etiquette too. If anyone saw a skinny 5'7" redhead in a boba fett shirt and hat doing something bad during those runs please tell me!!! He was in the position to give support to one or two people who he felt were struggling, and he thanked the cast members. :)

Im glad your daughter got such support!!!
Congrats to everyone that raced this weekend. This 10K was 14 minutes slower than my last one, but part of that was being in corral G and having to try to get around people walking and blocking the course. I don't know how some of these people finished on time because they weren't even walking fast! Maybe they didn't! I only waited in line to get a picture at the mile 6 marker. Other than that I just took a few selfies because I knew I wouldn't have time to stop for any characters. Very happy to have my BB-8 medal! :)

@courtneybeth so sorry to hear you got sick. That is a fear of mine. You have such a great attitude about it!
So.... guess who got bad food poisoning and had to skip the half marathon this morning? Me :(

Woke up at 2am and just felt awful - couldn't get my stomach to settle and through tears decided that the Force was not with me for this race. I'm beating myself up (when I know that I shouldn't) but it stings that I wasn't able to do the race. Guess sometimes this happens.

Decided to wear my SW HM outfit for Surf City in three weeks and use that as my do-over.

I hope everyone had a great race and set PRs and got great pics.
Oh no! I have been there & wouldn't wish that on anyone the night before a big race. I had food poisoning/illness (I blamed Pecos Bills guacamole condiment bar I had at lunch) after the Jan 2016 half of Dopey, it made for the longest worst marathon the next day ever as I was up all night sick as in sick like norovirus. I finished but was completely dehydrated, didn't sweat at all, and looked so bad as my back was killing me that medical made me go to the tent after. Do you have any idea what could have caused it? Sucks you had to sit out, but taking care of yourself is smart & more important than the race.
Congrats to everyone that raced this weekend. This 10K was 14 minutes slower than my last one, but part of that was being in corral G and having to try to get around people walking and blocking the course. I don't know how some of these people finished on time because they weren't even walking fast! Maybe they didn't!
When I was making what felt like the never ending walk through DD to get to the ART busses, I was listening to a guy who was complaigning about being swept at mile 4 because of the walkers it took him 25 minutes to do the first mile. I didn't what corral he was in, but he had a number in the 35,000s so he had to have been in F or G. I have to say, the key to rD races that I've found is to get into the very front or as close to the front as possible
Hey all, for those who preordered pins (especially as part of the challenge) did you get the medal pins or the logo pins?
So.... guess who got bad food poisoning and had to skip the half marathon this morning? Me :(

Woke up at 2am and just felt awful - couldn't get my stomach to settle and through tears decided that the Force was not with me for this race. I'm beating myself up (when I know that I shouldn't) but it stings that I wasn't able to do the race. Guess sometimes this happens.

Decided to wear my SW HM outfit for Surf City in three weeks and use that as my do-over.

I hope everyone had a great race and set PRs and got great pics.

I woke up getting sick as well. Never happened to me before a race. I really thought about skipping it. My husband reminded me I lose legacy if I do that though...

I walked the whole thing, especially starting in corral G. It wasn't pretty. My stomach didn't feel right until mile 5 but my body was in pain probably as you shouldn't attempt a half marathon after puking. I told my story to some people around me and I might encouraged them to run faster as they didn't know what I got sick (neither do I!).

Hope you feel better now!
I woke up getting sick as well. Never happened to me before a race. I really thought about skipping it. My husband reminded me I lose legacy if I do that though...

I walked the whole thing, especially starting in corral G. It wasn't pretty. My stomach didn't feel right until mile 5 but my body was in pain probably as you shouldn't attempt a half marathon after puking. I told my story to some people around me and I might encouraged them to run faster as they didn't know what I got sick (neither do I!).

Oh that sounds really awful! I'm so sorry!
@courtneybeth oh no!! What rotten luck! I'm so sorry that happened to you...that couldn't have been an easy call to make but it sounds like you made the right decision for yourself!

@Dis_Yoda wow!! I guess something was going around that weekend, yikes!

I hope you ladies feel better soon!
Thanks ladies. It was a difficult decision and being "home" made it easier to make what was the right decision. Had I been traveling I probably would have walked it and been miserable

Looking forward to Princess weekend. And getting back to training. Starting to feel human today.
I promised a review of the Spectator Viewing Party, so here goes.

I picked up my stuff at the Expo, same area as the race bibs. I got a wristband, a plastic Mickey head clapper, a CHEARsquad button to write my runner's name on, and a light side button. I greatly disturbed the check-in lady because I refused to put the wristband on then and there (this was Thursday, and no way was I going to wear that wristband until Sunday morning). Only later did I realize that I was given no instructions on where to go or anything like that.

Sunday morning I walked with DH to the corral entrance, then I turned around and walked back to Disneyland. I got there soon after 5:30. I went to the first CM I saw by the gates (on the DTD side of the entrance) and luckily I was in the right place. But we could not just enter the park; we had to wait for a CM escort, which apparently I had just missed. So I stood there for a good 10 or 12 minutes or so. Other viewing party people arrived, and I asked if they had been given any directions regarding the package, but no one had. Some people were getting antsy because their runners were in the A group and they risked missing them, but the escort CM finally arrived and walked us under the bridge and across Town Square. Then he told us we could be anywhere along the west side of Main Street up to the corner, but not beyond (that was where the mile 4 sign was, I believe). It was not crowded; I had plenty of curb space to myself. We were only in place for about 5-7 minutes when the lead wheelchair racers and runners arrived. So if you're cheering on an elite runner, get to Disneyland before 5:30 so you get the first escort in.

After my DH passed by, I left Disneyland (no escort needed; just had to stay clear of runners) and went to ESPN Zone. Here they had several signs for the viewing party, directing us to the breakfast area and to the viewing area. The breakfast was a buffet of potatoes, scrambled eggs, three-pepper bacon, sausage patties, and pastries. Water, orange juice, and coffee were set up for self-serve, and the bar was available. They had the big center screen mostly focused on the finishing chute and the finish line, but occasionally cut away to cameras along the route. Those cameras were terrible, though--mostly unrecognizable blobs. I was able to stay there monitoring DH through the runDisney site until he was close, then I went to the finish-line viewing area.

The viewing area was couches and ottomans which actually were pretty comfortable, but not enough space on those until people started to drift off later. They did supplement with folding chairs. There was a coloring table for little kids, and some were in the area running off some energy.

I don't regret doing it, but not sure that I would do it again. It was nice to have the space and not have to fight crowds to see, but on the other hand, there's an energy to the crowds that was lessened in our more private area. The food was good and the best part was having a place to sit inside to wait for DH to get back (I realized leaving Disneyland that I was rather chilled). I was disappointed, though, that there was no cross-over between this viewing party and DH's Light Side Lounge VIP experience at ESPN on Sunday morning. It would be better if the runner and the spectator could be in the same place. (While he went off to eat his separate meal after he finished, I went back to the finish-line viewing area and enjoyed the couches until he was ready to go. I actually had a good time, but would have had a better time being able to celebrate his race with him.)

One final note. I was in the breakfast area from about 7 to 8. DH finished at 8:15 and we took pictures, etc., then he went to his Light Side Lounge breakfast at 9. When I was talking to another spectator at the viewing area between 9 and 9:30, he said that the breakfast items had already been pulled, not sure when. So even though the viewing party went until 10 or so, the food was not available the entire time.

Hope this helps!
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@fiveminutes wow, that sucks to be swept because of others!

@Dis_Yoda way to go powering through it!

@Anisum logo pins, not mini medals.

Here's my half report whilst waiting in line at Toy Story Mania: decided to go slow and take lots of pictures. Got to get C3PO and R2D2 and the speeder bike as well as WoC background I had missed during the 10k but skipped all the others since I got them on Saturday. Love all the cheer squads and bands along the streets of Anaheim. Started to take pictures with 501st/Rebel legion at mile 8 and a Disney CM was kind enough to take them for me and even walked along the entire block with me as I stopped for every character. Was a little surprised how sparse it was (but awesome and loved the cars and R2D2) but they showed up in force at mile 9! Started to take lots of terrible selfies with them when I heard "hey, I recognize you!" It was the nice Disney CM again and he followed me and took the rest of my pictures for me! Very happy I finally got to do the Rebel Challenge. Lots of inventive costumes on the runners!
When I was talking to another spectator at the viewing area between 9 and 9:30, he said that the breakfast items had already been pulled, not sure when. So even though the viewing party went until 10 or so, the food was not available the entire time.

Ugh! I only finished after 9 so if I had bought that breakfast I would not have been happy. And those of us who take longer need that food because of how long we've been out there!!!

Good write up. Too bad they don't have the runner thing with the spectator thing. That's odd.
Ugh! I only finished after 9 so if I had bought that breakfast I would not have been happy. And those of us who take longer need that food because of how long we've been out there!!!

Good write up. Too bad they don't have the runner thing with the spectator thing. That's odd.

I don't think they designed the package for the runners, just those of us who were cheering someone else on. My DH's breakfast for the Light Side Lounge didn't even start until 9, I believe, and he got plenty of food. It would have been nice to have been specifically told that the spectator breakfast was from x to y, though.

Also, I forgot to mention that the spectator package included a parking pass, which could be important for some people. We didn't have a car, so I didn't take the pass, and it slipped my mind before.
I got back early this morning on a red eye to Cleveland. I had a great time. I did pretty decent overall - I did the Rebel Challenge and completed the 10K in 50:54 and the 1/2 in 1:51:04. I didn't stop for photos, but I loved seeing all the fun race costumes, the cheering by the 501st Legion members for the 1/2 was great, and it was always fun to ride on Hyperspace Mountain and Star Tours too. I do have to say Disneyland sure does like to pack them in to the parks - Saturday and Sunday night it was pretty packed with long lines. Not my favorite time to go, but better than staying at home! Looking forward to getting in gear for the Dark Side Challenge in April after I take a day off to rest my legs. PhotoPass_Visiting_Disneyland_Park_396285027543 - Resize.jpeg
I promised a review of the Spectator Viewing Party, so here goes.

I picked up my stuff at the Expo, same area as the race bibs. I got a wristband, a plastic Mickey head clapper, a CHEARsquad button to write my runner's name on, and a light side button. I greatly disturbed the check-in lady because I refused to put the wristband on then and there (this was Thursday, and no way was I going to wear that wristband until Sunday morning). Only later did I realize that I was given no instructions on where to go or anything like that.

Sunday morning I walked with DH to the corral entrance, then I turned around and walked back to Disneyland. I got there soon after 5:30. I went to the first CM I saw by the gates (on the DTD side of the entrance) and luckily I was in the right place. But we could not just enter the park; we had to wait for a CM escort, which apparently I had just missed. So I stood there for a good 10 or 12 minutes or so. Other viewing party people arrived, and I asked if they had been given any directions regarding the package, but no one had. Some people were getting antsy because their runners were in the A group and they risked missing them, but the escort CM finally arrived and walked us under the bridge and across Town Square. Then he told us we could be anywhere along the west side of Main Street up to the corner, but not beyond (that was where the mile 4 sign was, I believe). It was not crowded; I had plenty of curb space to myself. We were only in place for about 5-7 minutes when the lead wheelchair racers and runners arrived. So if you're cheering on an elite runner, get to Disneyland before 5:30 so you get the first escort in.

After my DH passed by, I left Disneyland (no escort needed; just had to stay clear of runners) and went to ESPN Zone. Here they had several signs for the viewing party, directing us to the breakfast area and to the viewing area. The breakfast was a buffet of potatoes, scrambled eggs, three-pepper bacon, sausage patties, and pastries. Water, orange juice, and coffee were set up for self-serve, and the bar was available. They had the big center screen mostly focused on the finishing chute and the finish line, but occasionally cut away to cameras along the route. Those cameras were terrible, though--mostly unrecognizable blobs. I was able to stay there monitoring DH through the runDisney site until he was close, then I went to the finish-line viewing area.

The viewing area was couches and ottomans which actually were pretty comfortable, but not enough space on those until people started to drift off later. They did supplement with folding chairs. There was a coloring table for little kids, and some were in the area running off some energy.

I don't regret doing it, but not sure that I would do it again. It was nice to have the space and not have to fight crowds to see, but on the other hand, there's an energy to the crowds that was lessened in our more private area. The food was good and the best part was having a place to sit inside to wait for DH to get back (I realized leaving Disneyland that I was rather chilled). I was disappointed, though, that there was no cross-over between this viewing party and DH's Light Side Lounge VIP experience at ESPN on Sunday morning. It would be better if the runner and the spectator could be in the same place. (While he went off to eat his separate meal after he finished, I went back to the finish-line viewing area and enjoyed the couches until he was ready to go. I actually had a good time, but would have had a better time being able to celebrate his race with him.)

One final note. I was in the breakfast area from about 7 to 8. DH finished at 8:15 and we took pictures, etc., then he went to his Light Side Lounge breakfast at 9. When I was talking to another spectator at the viewing area between 9 and 9:30, he said that the breakfast items had already been pulled, not sure when. So even though the viewing party went until 10 or so, the food was not available the entire time.

Hope this helps!

You are so lucky they let you go without putting on the wristband. The ladies insisted I put mine on or they wouldn't give it to me. I also picked up on Thursday.

When I entered Disneyland, around 6am, they did not give me an escrort - just pointed where to go and told me to stay out of the way of the runners. Same thing on the way out.

The buffet was nice but I was in there early I would have been disappointed if I had waited until later and it was already gone.

I agree the best part was having a warm spot to sit while waiting for our runners to finish. This is my second time doing it at Disneyland and I don't know if I will again. I do like being able to go in the parks to cheer but not sure if that is really worth the cost.

We did use the parking voucher but it ended up being a longer walk then if we had parked at Mickey and Friends.


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