A YOU Worth Fighting For | January 2016 Weight Loss & Better Living Challenge

QOTD for Monday, January 24, 2016


"The cold never bothered me anyway."

Oops. Wrong movie!

The cold has been something that several of us have had to combat this month. I know some of us have really kicked winter's butt this month, and others of us have had our own butts kicked. I know that, for me personally, the cold makes me just want to curl up under several blankets in front of a fire and not move an inch. Am I the only one? Did you know, though, that working out when it's cold burns more calories than working out when it's warm, because your body is working doubly hard to warm you up? Well, that's the rumor at least!

Has the cold been an obstacle - either foreseen or a total surprise - for you this month? What has helped you overcome it?
Dashing out to work... no time to chat or reply.... just wanted to say HAPPY MONDAY to my friends! Make it the BEST Monday possible!...............P
Week 3 Results
@JacknSally - 100%
@courtneybeth - 0%
@dsnyfn1022 - 167%
@CruisingKate - 50%
@flvy - 100%
@pjlla - 115%
@SarahDisney - 0%
@4HOLIDAYS - 82%
@DVCFan1994 - 50%

Some great numbers up here, guys! If you aren't seeing the number you'd like to see next to your name, DON'T get discouraged!! We still have a week left, and SO MUCH can be done in a week!

Hi weighed in on Sat at WW and was down another 1.3 so that puts me at 97.5% of my weight goal ... I was not so good on my water this weekend however right back on track with it today! .. Looks like people are making progress, which is great!

QotD - I hate the cold.. I swear I have Florida blood Haaa not thick blood you need to survive winters in the north --- HOWEVER this year Maine has gotten out of much of the cold and snow and for that I am super thankful!! I just want to hibernate from about Jan to the end of March.. altho yesterday it was 40 out and we are getting a few more days this week in the 40's so I'll take it...
Has the cold been an obstacle - either foreseen or a total surprise - for you this month? What has helped you overcome it?

The cold has been an obstacle in that I'm not able to run outside in the cold. That honestly isn't a huge problem as I don't enjoy it that much but I like to run at least once a week outside so that I can get used to running on hills and whatnot for actual races. But I mostly just am not a fan of the cold. Or the snow. It snows here just enough to make driving tricky but not enough to actually get me out of doing anything lol. Spring and fall are my favorite seasons.
Hey everyone! Thanks to all the members of this post for making me feel welcome to jump in! My name is Kaitlin and I am 25, live in very cold Wisconsin. I have always struggled with my weight but I'm ready to get it gone for good! I am currently on MFP, my name is the same as on here, chasingthatdream08, please feel free to add me!.

Sent you a request on MFP, I'm monarchmomx2

Home from my scrapbook weekend, we had a wonderful fabulous time! I got 10 two page layouts done, and 8 cards, I'm pleased with that. There was bloody Mary's and too much food, so I'm sure I regained the 1.5 that i lost so far this month before I went. I will get back on journaling today and hope for the best. I agreed to go with my oldest DD to her dog show this weekend so another weekend of food on the road. But the time with her is worth it. My NSV is that I did do my WO at the retreat this weekend, but now I've burned the candle too far down and I'm exhausted, I've picked up a sinus cold and it's knocked me down proper. Hoping to get a workout in later today if I can perk up
QOTD for Monday, January 24, 2016

"The cold never bothered me anyway."

Oops. Wrong movie!

The cold has been something that several of us have had to combat this month. I know some of us have really kicked winter's butt this month, and others of us have had our own butts kicked. I know that, for me personally, the cold makes me just want to curl up under several blankets in front of a fire and not move an inch. Am I the only one? Did you know, though, that working out when it's cold burns more calories than working out when it's warm, because your body is working doubly hard to warm you up? Well, that's the rumor at least!

Has the cold been an obstacle - either foreseen or a total surprise - for you this month? What has helped you overcome it?

I am totally NOT Elsa..... the cold DOES bother me! I hate it! And I haven´t had much to complain about so far this year..... minimal snow and no temps below zero (although we´ve had some wind chill). I hate to jinx us, but it has been a fairly easy winter so far! The cold has not been an obstacle for my exercise.... but my brain has been. Not sure what it will take to get me back into a proper routine.

Hi weighed in on Sat at WW and was down another 1.3 so that puts me at 97.5% of my weight goal ... I was not so good on my water this weekend however right back on track with it today! .. Looks like people are making progress, which is great!

QotD - I hate the cold.. I swear I have Florida blood Haaa not thick blood you need to survive winters in the north --- HOWEVER this year Maine has gotten out of much of the cold and snow and for that I am super thankful!! I just want to hibernate from about Jan to the end of March.. altho yesterday it was 40 out and we are getting a few more days this week in the 40's so I'll take it...

Great job on the 97.5% !!! And NH has been like ME lately.... not much snow.... but no 40´s yet.... but maybe tomorrow! :goodvibes

Sent you a request on MFP, I'm monarchmomx2

Home from my scrapbook weekend, we had a wonderful fabulous time! I got 10 two page layouts done, and 8 cards, I'm pleased with that. There was bloody Mary's and too much food, so I'm sure I regained the 1.5 that i lost so far this month before I went. I will get back on journaling today and hope for the best. I agreed to go with my oldest DD to her dog show this weekend so another weekend of food on the road. But the time with her is worth it. My NSV is that I did do my WO at the retreat this weekend, but now I've burned the candle too far down and I'm exhausted, I've picked up a sinus cold and it's knocked me down proper. Hoping to get a workout in later today if I can perk up

You were productive.... sorry that the food and drink was an obstacle.... but WOOHOO on the workout! Ditch that cold pronto!


Hey friends.... didn´t think I would get any computer time today, but proctoring one last test right now, so I can chat just a bit. Tonight we celebrate DS´s birthday with his robotics team.... pizza and cake. Still thinking about my PLAN for this. Eat pizza and use my weeklies? Skip pizza and then go home and eat a healthy meal? Eat pizza AND cake?? Trying to decide which is more appealing. I think I´ll opt to bring a wrap (greens, hummus, taboule) and then indulge in some cake...... maybe. I´m not a huge cake/frosting fan, so I´m not sure. Plus I havent looked up the SP for cake either. Pizza would be tasty, but I can (and do) make much lighter pizzas for myself often enough that I dont really crave it.

YIKES!!! Just looked up the cake! Hard to tell, but it seems like I would spend anywhere from 25-30 SP for a small piece (138 g) with frosting. I´ll have a hard time resisting though, if I´m hungry.

Okay, here goes.....I´m opting to eat a healthy but filling meal when I serve the pizza (probably a wrap of some sort.... something from home) plus an apple AND a teeny-tiny portion of cake (hopefully just 12-15 SP). Then HOPEFULLY there wont be any left for DS to bring home later! One piece and NO MORE....even if he brings home lots of leftovers! No licking the knife, no straightening up the ragged edge and eating the scraps (we´ve all done that, right?)..... one and done!

There.... I´ve made a plan!! Now the hard part..... follow said plan! I´ll be brutally honest in my report back to you all later tonight or tomorrow...I promise. Plus I need to remember that I have some beautiful size 4 shorts in the drawer that I will want to wear soon!! Not sure I was able to get into them at all last summer (maybe once) and that makes me sad. I was REALLY happy with the way I looked in those shorts! (Yes, I am aware that Old Navy has some vanity sizing issues and 10 years ago they would have probably been size 8 or size 10 for the same shorts..... but mentally I LOVE thinking about the number on the tag!)

Oooopppsss.... testing is over! Time to log off, shut down, and get ready for recess duty (brrrr)! Sorry if this post looks a little wonky.... some of the keys on this computer (like the apostrophe) dont seem to be working right!................P
Good Morning and Happy Monday everyone!

Today was weigh in day for me, I finished week 2 and lost 2.5 lbs so 9 lbs total for 2 weeks! :) I'm very pleased considering I've never done this where I'm making all the choices and not slave to any particular plan. I'm totally responsible for what I'm doing and it feels great to know I can do this! MFP keeps me totally accountable too!!

QOTD.....So I'm sure my version of cold is nothing compared to most of you! I'm a So Cal girl with very thin blood so once we get into the 50's I'm cold! Other than that I'm pretty much able to get outside to walk and if I don't want to do that I do have a stationary bike and elliptical in the house I can use so no excuses for me!
The cold bothers me because I don't like eating when I am hot....but love it when I am cold. But mostly because I have to force myself to walk in the cold to my car to run at the gym or force myself to run outside in the elements.
I am so focused this month though that I ran outside in the 27 degrees yesterday.

Happy to report I'm at 160.0 on the scale this morning. Not sure if it was a fluke but didn't want to tempt fate and re-weigh myself. I'm SO close to my sub 160 goal for the month that I need to behave this week!
I'm happy to report that here in Wisconsin, I'd say that we are having a pretty mild winter *knocks on wood*. So far the winter weather hasn't really impacted my diet/exercise. Even if it were nice out I prefer to workout in a gym and not outdoors!

Have a great day all!
QOTD for Monday, January 24, 2016

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"The cold never bothered me anyway."

Oops. Wrong movie!

The cold has been something that several of us have had to combat this month. I know some of us have really kicked winter's butt this month, and others of us have had our own butts kicked. I know that, for me personally, the cold makes me just want to curl up under several blankets in front of a fire and not move an inch. Am I the only one? Did you know, though, that working out when it's cold burns more calories than working out when it's warm, because your body is working doubly hard to warm you up? Well, that's the rumor at least!

Has the cold been an obstacle - either foreseen or a total surprise - for you this month? What has helped you overcome it?

The cold stinks! But, I live in New England, and can't hibernate, so I have to deal. I also am doing the 5K and Glass Slipper Challenge next month at WDW, so I have to run. So how do I force myself to run when its 11 degrees out? I picture running at Disney and I imagine two scenarios. First, going into the races undertrained, feeling pressure to stay ahead of the balloon ladies, not enjoying the run. Second, running strong. Feeling confident in my ability to finish. Enjoying character stops and taking in the atmosphere. I want to experience the magic of option two, but it won't magically happen, I have to make it happen. I have to train to run strong if I want to actually do it. I let the cold get in the way a bit in 2014 and had a rough run. Last year I did better having trained better. And in November when I did Avengers, I felt great all three races and after in the parks. And I know that is because it was my strongest training cycle ever. I have Reynauds which is a condition which cause my extremities to swell and turn blue if I get too cold. It is a mostly harmless condition, more nuissance than anything. But, it means I have to layer well and stay warm without getting overheated while running outside in the cold. I try to see the cold as another challenge to be conquered.
Great job on the 97.5% !!! And NH has been like ME lately.... not much snow.... but no 40´s yet.... but maybe tomorrow! :goodvibes

YIKES!!! Just looked up the cake! Hard to tell, but it seems like I would spend anywhere from 25-30 SP for a small piece (138 g) with frosting. I´ll have a hard time resisting though, if I´m hungry.

Thanks, Thought the scale wouldn't be nice to me as I had a surprise Bday party to attend at a Chinese rest on Friday night.. I had Vegetable delight, chicken fingers and white rice, fortune cookies and a slice of cake.. thankfully I had save all my extra points for that dang cake and built my daily points around the dinner part!! then on Sunday I had a mini cupcake, like ya know a 2 bites its gone or a 1x1 circle... one of those for another birthday party and it was 5 SmartPoints.. YIKES .. geez.. good luck with the pizza / cake thing tonight.. I think I'd go with the wrap as you said and then I'd just have a bite of the cake for 5 SP HAAAAAA I love cake/sweets so that would be my plan.. Have fun.. Michelle
Soooo I think it's pretty known that I've done a lot of runs with weather in the 20's. Honestly if it's safe to run outside I'll be outside. I've put off a few morning runs to night because it was actually warmer at night, but other than that I just take it as an extra challenge. Honestly if I can get through a winter of training I can coast through spring and then just take the heat head on like I did the cold.

I guess if anything it's been motivating for me. Which is weird and fully unexpected.
Has the cold been an obstacle - either foreseen or a total surprise - for you this month? What has helped you overcome it?

It's not the cold but the rain. I'm worried about slips, trips and falls!

With the elusive El Nino approaching at any time, I opted to be proactive and joined a gym. Heading there in about 30 minutes to run on the treadmill for a bit. First run since my HM, so it'll feel good to stretch my legs :)
Tonight we celebrate DS´s birthday with his robotics team.... pizza and cake. Still thinking about my PLAN for this. Eat pizza and use my weeklies? Skip pizza and then go home and eat a healthy meal? Eat pizza AND cake?? Trying to decide which is more appealing. I think I´ll opt to bring a wrap (greens, hummus, taboule) and then indulge in some cake...... maybe. I´m not a huge cake/frosting fan, so I´m not sure. Plus I havent looked up the SP for cake either. Pizza would be tasty, but I can (and do) make much lighter pizzas for myself often enough that I dont really crave it.

YIKES!!! Just looked up the cake! Hard to tell, but it seems like I would spend anywhere from 25-30 SP for a small piece (138 g) with frosting. I´ll have a hard time resisting though, if I´m hungry.

Okay, here goes.....I´m opting to eat a healthy but filling meal when I serve the pizza (probably a wrap of some sort.... something from home) plus an apple AND a teeny-tiny portion of cake (hopefully just 12-15 SP). Then HOPEFULLY there wont be any left for DS to bring home later! One piece and NO MORE....even if he brings home lots of leftovers! No licking the knife, no straightening up the ragged edge and eating the scraps (we´ve all done that, right?)..... one and done!

There.... I´ve made a plan!! Now the hard part..... follow said plan! I´ll be brutally honest in my report back to you all later tonight or tomorrow..

Well.... here is where I am at so far. I did NOT have time to pack a healthy sandwich to bring along.... I had 3 SP worth of snack before heading out. I served pizza and cake for an hour and had exactly one unplanned mouthful (some cake frosting that I scraped from the cake knife with a spoon..... maybe 1 Tb worth). I'm home now and I just consumed a large egg white and avocado sandwich and some seltzer. And I'm going to go grab an apple and start the kettle for tea. There is cake AND pizza in the kitchen, but most of the cake was served (there are 6 small pieces left here) and the pizza leftovers were packed up and put into the freezer for school lunches for the next many days. I will eat my apple and then make a cup of decaf tea and enjoy a small piece of cake and call it a day. Praying I don't cave and eat more cake than I intend! I'll report back in the morning!.....................P
@pjlla bring me cake! I've been craving something sweet for days now haha.

Also @courtneybeth you should know I'm 75%/80% for the RnR in Savannah. Though Vegas is so appealing I love night races and it'll be my birthday weekend. Plus I've never been to Vegas. Training for a full is a good natural progression, it's just getting over there and then getting around once I'm there. I've caught myself going to the site a few to many times now. Like daily visits. I think it would be an amazing experience. Though Savannah has a 7 hour limit vs the 5 hour one in Vegas. I do not have an 11 min mile.... I blame all this consideration that's happening on you.
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@flvy - I'm doing the Half in Vegas and doing the "RNR Vows" with the hubs. I'd definitely do Savannah with the 7 hour limit. There are hard course stops at Vegas and the weather is hit-n-miss.

You could buy the 3 run tour pass and maybe do a 5K and HM/Full with a bonus distance race as your third anywhere. There are many people who will run the Disney Avengers Half or 10K and board a plane to Vegas to do the same thing there - either the half or full marathon. INSANE.

(I'm doing the 5K, 1 Mile, and HM in Savannah... and the 10K avengers and boarding the plane to Vegas for the 5K later that evening and the Half the next day. :D) Earn that bling. You know you want the bling. ~hypnotize~
@flvy - I'm doing the Half in Vegas and doing the "RNR Vows" with the hubs. I'd definitely do Savannah with the 7 hour limit. There are hard course stops at Vegas and the weather is hit-n-miss.

You could buy the 3 run tour pass and maybe do a 5K and HM/Full with a bonus distance race as your third anywhere. There are many people who will run the Disney Avengers Half or 10K and board a plane to Vegas to do the same thing there - either the half or full marathon. INSANE.

(I'm doing the 5K, 1 Mile, and HM in Savannah... and the 10K avengers and boarding the plane to Vegas for the 5K later that evening and the Half the next day. :D) Earn that bling. You know you want the bling. ~hypnotize~

Holy crap you are a bad influence haha. I know I can do a half in the 4 hour limit so that hard stop doesn't bug me for that race. I just can't see the sense in a vacation like that for just a half. Which is stupid considering the money I shell out for Disney half marathons haha. The logistics for Avengers and then the Vegas 5k/half don't sound that tricky. I'm really going to need to look into this some more. Maybe rather than a full I'll push for avengers/RnR vegas mix. Who am I and what did I do with myself?!

Also if you don't know about the hot chocolate 15k look it up. And that goes for any one that runs in this thread.

I really need to figure out my fall schedule so I can stop stressing about what races to do.
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You guys are making me feel like a slacker with all this talk. It's amazing to me that you can even consider doing all these races, never mind actually pull it off. I am in awe.

Any idea how many posts I need to PM? I still can't seem to?
I wouldn't call myself amazing at all. I've been working towards this for awhile, and as far as races at the end of the year go, well there's still 9+ months to train. I always need things to aim for. A lot of the races I want to do this year are actually redoing ones I failed at last year.


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