"Does this ride have drops?" March 2015 TR *NEW* 1/17 COMPLETE - Final Thoughts

Somehow missed the posting of this trip report when you started posting it and only just found it! Love reading about Disneyland! Glad to have found your TRs again! I've missed them! All Caught up now!
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It's really great that you got this shot of the railroad map since it'll likely be removed and replaced by a new one after the train is rerouted. Did you know that this map lights up to show the position of each train that is online? If you're willing to watch it for a few minutes, you can see the trains move around the park. You can see the lights in the day if you look closely, but they're much easier to see at night. I didn't know about the lights in the map until we were lucky enough to get to ride the Lilly Belle and our guide told us.

I didn't realize that the map lights up! That's pretty cool.

Love your report!

Thank you!

Somehow missed the posting of this trip report when you started posting it and only just found it! Love reading about Disneyland! Glad to have found your TRs again! I've missed them! All Caught up now!

I'm so glad you found me! I was MIA from the World TRs for awhile now since we hadn't been since May 2014. :)
Day 7 Continued: Friday March 6th

After a nice break back at our resort, we left and got to the Toy Story lot and took the bus back, making it into the park at 3:55 for the 4 pm Mickey’s Soundsational Parade. Amazingly, we found a spot right there on the curb! But we had to wait a bit before the parade got to us. In Disneyland, the starting point of the parade alternates between Main Street and Small World. Since it had gone from Main Street to Small World the day before, today it was starting at Small World and ending at Main Street. While we waited, DS took a million selfies.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
First up was the Frozen pre-parade, which DS actually really enjoyed! He REALLY loves Olaf!

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
When DS and I had seen the parade on our own earlier in the week, we had missed that part of it, so it was a nice surprise for both of us. Then came the rest of the parade, led by Mickey!

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Continued in next post...
Day 7 Continued: Friday March 6th
While it’s no Festival of Fantasy, it’s still a really fun parade with catchy music! I like that it features the more popular characters like the Fab 5, princesses, Peter Pan, etc., but also ones that you don’t usually see in Disney parades like Mary Poppins, King Louie & Terk, etc.

After the parade, we stopped inside the building for Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln to see an art exhibit featuring Frozen. Right inside is the bench where Walt sat watching his daughters ride the carousel where he got the idea for Disneyland.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
After looking around in there for a while, we wanted to cross over to DCA for a little more time before finishing out the night at DL. Although we were leaving, DH got this photo as we passed under the train station.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Once we got over to DCA, we hustled over to catch the next Turtle Talk show. We have only done this once before in WDW, and at the time DS was still pretty little and too afraid to sit down on the floor with the other kids. This time though he was happy to head down there instead of sitting in the seats with DH and I. I already knew I was going to love our emcee when he said the hydrophone Crush would be using was left over from the Dharma Initiative. Lmao!

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Funniest moment was DS raising his hand to ask a question, and when the emcee came over, he froze and wouldn’t say anything for the longest time. When he finally did, he just said, “Fish!” Crush was like, “Fish…? What about fish?” So DS turns around to look at me wondering what he should say and as I’m telling him to ask a question, Crush says, “Oh, now he’s in a conference.” It got awkward after that for a minute until finally Crush said, “Did you just wanna say hi? Hey, Paxton, dude… Hi.” As I learned later talking to DS, he actually had no idea what a question was at the time! DS did very much enjoy that Crush talked to him, though, and that he called him the dude in the red shell.

I did take a video of the exchange, and this is my first time trying to share a video from Flickr, so hopefully it works.

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Once we were finished with Crush, we wanted to go over to ride Monsters Inc. one more time. We had to hurry to cross the street to get there before the parade passed and blocked us in, but we made it!

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Continued in next post...
Day 7 Continued: Friday March 6th

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
When we came out of the ride, the end of the parade was passing. We followed the parade up the path towards Cars Land so that they could get one more ride on Mater’s Junkyard Jamboree.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

While I was sitting waiting for them, I got the unexpected surprise of seeing Cars Land light up for the night! They play the song Sha Boom and the neon lights start coming on one by one.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

We grabbed a quick dinner, and then were about ready to say farewell to DCA and head to Disneyland for the rest of the night. But we had one last piece of business to take care of…dessert! So we stopped at Clarabelle’s Hand Scooped Ice Cream and got this cookie sundae to share.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Taking our Mickey pants kitchen sink with us as a souvenir, we said goodbye to DCA until next time and headed over to DL. The park was noticeably more crowded now that locals were streaming in for an early start to the weekend. We didn’t have much time to do anything before we’d need to stake out a spot for the parade, so we decided to split up and each get to do one more attraction. DS wanted to ride the train to see the dinosaurs again, but I wanted to go on Pirates. I made my way over to New Orleans Square and the posted wait was 15 minutes but the entire outside queue was full! That was something we hadn’t seen the entire week.

It really did only take 15 minutes, but it was a slow shuffle through the queue to get there. If you’re familiar with the queue, it’s like a spiral upwards to the loading platform so there are several points where other people are a level above you. At one point, the guy in front of me was sneezed on by a kid on the level above us all over the back of his neck. He went to town on his skin with antibacterial and made a comment about the measles outbreak. It was only a little funny, but I stifled my laughter because he looked truly disgusted!

I didn’t take any pictures because let’s face it, they would look like crap. So instead, we’ll tag along with DH and DS as they waited for the train to arrive at the station.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Once we met up, we stopped at the restroom before going to find a spot for fireworks. And it was there in the restroom that out of nowhere, my clogged ear finally opened up and I could hear again! It was such a satisfying moment to feel that pop as whatever was plugging it up dissipated. I was especially relieved that it happened before our flight home the next day, as that had been one of my worries that it would cause a lot of ear pain on the airplane.

We picked out a spot in the hub, which was already getting quite full, and staked our little slice of sidewalk to wait for the fireworks, which were still quite a ways away. I want to say we were at least an hour before showtime. To pass the time, DS asked to ride Astro Orbiters, so they let me with the stroller holding their spot mostly and went to ride.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
After their ride, they came back to find me in our spot. I was soooo miserable sitting there because I just couldn’t get comfortable sitting on the curb with my belly in the way! DH started setting up his tripod and playing around with settings when a CM came up and started asking him about his camera. After they chatted a bit, he smiled and said, “Make sure you have all the settings how you want them. The show is only 4 and a half minutes!” and walked away. I swiveled my head around so fast I’m surprised it didn’t come off my shoulders to look and DH and say, “He’s just kidding, right?” We assured ourselves that he had to be kidding and kept waiting for the fireworks.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Finally the fireworks started!

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Well, 4.5 minutes later when the fireworks show came to an end, we realized that CM had most certainly NOT been joking! Feeling a little ripped off that we had invested so much time in such a short display, we decided it was time to call this trip over and head back to the room. We did stop at the Emporium on the way out to pick up a few souvenirs, and DH left us briefly on the way out to run to World of Disney to get a shirt he had wanted.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Goodbye, Disneyland, until we see you again!!

We got back to the room and still had to pack, so needless to say, we were up very late getting everything organized and ready for our departure the next day. We were up until nearly midnight!

Our trip home the next day was pretty uneventful. We drove to LAX and returned our rental car, then took the shuttle over to the airport and had plenty of time through security before our flight home. We flew first to Houston, and then to our local airport. It was definitely nice flying there for a change and only having a 5 minute drive home instead of our usual 2 hour drive home when we fly into New Orleans!

UP NEXT: Final Thoughts
What a fun parade! I love that big variety of characters outside of the "normal" ones you see at WDW. And that Tangled tower float is amazing!

I'm sorry DS froze up at Turtle Talk! It's great that he was still happy about the whole thing. But moments like that can be so hard because you just want to rush in and help and there's nothing you can do!

Beautiful fireworks shots! But wow, that's a really short show!

I'm glad the whole flight home went smoothly!
Love the parade photos! And I completely agree, even though it's not as elaborate as FOF it's still a wonderful parade! I just love that Mary Poppins gets its own section!

Aww I love the story about Turtle Talk!

Love the pic of you wearing your Monsters Inc shirt in front of Boo's door!

Seeing Cars Land light up must be so awesome to witness!

I'm so glad you ear ending up popping for you! I've had to go on a plane with clogged ears and I couldn't believe how painful that truly is!

Love the fireworks pictures. Wow less than 5 minutes, that's definitely short!

So sad when a trip comes to an end. But it sounds like you guys had a great time :)
Great parade photos! I must say that I enjoyed the soundsational parade much more than I was expecting! It's nothing earth shattering but is definitely fun (I agree the music is fun) and also agree that it is nice they have some different characters than the norm featured. Even like Tianna getting her own float is nice.

This is a great shot ... plus it's angled, so, you know, artistic ;)

Well, not the face I normally make when Walking Like and Egyptian ... but it works for him ;)

What a cool photo - I'd love to know what was going through his mind at the time!

We had a similar experience at Turtle Talk with Olivia who got called on and just froze and then after an awkward minute Crush was just like "Ok then!"

Yeah, the fireworks were definitely not as elaborate at WDW. Was the bendy color lines just from the settings on the camera?

sounds like you overall had an amazing trip! Glad the trip home was smooth and so glad your ear popped before the flight!!!!
I'm sorry to see your trip come to an end! I love reading DL TR's - makes me want to go back so badly! It seems like you accomplished a lot in a week. Looking forward to the Wrap Up!
I've really enjoyed your report. The incredible photos made me feel like I was there too :)
Sure looks like a busy day - I'm one month away from my trip - your report is getting me excited, except for when I say to myself "That'll be closed" :crazy2:
What a fun parade! I love that big variety of characters outside of the "normal" ones you see at WDW. And that Tangled tower float is amazing!

I'm sorry DS froze up at Turtle Talk! It's great that he was still happy about the whole thing. But moments like that can be so hard because you just want to rush in and help and there's nothing you can do!

Beautiful fireworks shots! But wow, that's a really short show!

I'm glad the whole flight home went smoothly!

The parade was definitely great for out of the box characters. Of course, the Tangled tower was my favorite!

I was a little embarrassed for him at Turtle Talk, but he didn't seem to mind. lol The funniest thing was that after, he was still convinced he had asked a question when he said, "Fish." It made for a funny moment!

It was SO short! We had seen Disneyland fireworks before, but it was a more expanded show because it was summer. So I was not expecting such a blink & you'll miss it type fireworks show!

Love the parade photos! And I completely agree, even though it's not as elaborate as FOF it's still a wonderful parade! I just love that Mary Poppins gets its own section!

Aww I love the story about Turtle Talk!

Love the pic of you wearing your Monsters Inc shirt in front of Boo's door!

Seeing Cars Land light up must be so awesome to witness!

I'm so glad you ear ending up popping for you! I've had to go on a plane with clogged ears and I couldn't believe how painful that truly is!

Love the fireworks pictures. Wow less than 5 minutes, that's definitely short!

So sad when a trip comes to an end. But it sounds like you guys had a great time :)

I enjoyed that there were not only a lot of underrepresented characters, but that many of them were highlighted with their own sections like Mary Poppins and Tiana.

The lighting of Cars Land was very cool, and even better that I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. But it was very quick!!

I was dreading getting on a plane with my ear clogged up, so I was practically skipping out of that bathroom in excitement. I had been trying all kinds of maneuvers to get it to pop, and that night I just moved in just the right way to make it happen. Such a relief!

We definitely had a wonderful time visiting DL, and I was glad to have spent more time there this trip than on our previous trips. We didn't feel rushed to squeeze it all in.

Great parade photos! I must say that I enjoyed the soundsational parade much more than I was expecting! It's nothing earth shattering but is definitely fun (I agree the music is fun) and also agree that it is nice they have some different characters than the norm featured. Even like Tianna getting her own float is nice.

It's a very enjoyable parade and we were glad to have been able to catch it in its entirety/

What a cool photo - I'd love to know what was going through his mind at the time!

So true! I wonder if he could have ever imagined the legacy he would leave behind.

Yeah, the fireworks were definitely not as elaborate at WDW. Was the bendy color lines just from the settings on the camera

Nothing like Wishes, that's for sure! I'm not used to Disney parks having that degree of an offseason that they only do fireworks on the weekends and it's a super short show when they do put them on. The bendy color lines was someone walking by the camera wearing Glow With the Show ears!

sounds like you overall had an amazing trip! Glad the trip home was smooth and so glad your ear popped before the flight!!!!

It was really fantastic. We had a few down moments, but I think that's pretty normal for any family traveling together. It was nice to have the benefit of time and not feel rushed to fit everything in for a change.

I was so relieved my ear popped! I was not looking forward to that travel day with a clogged ear.
I'm sorry to see your trip come to an end! I love reading DL TR's - makes me want to go back so badly! It seems like you accomplished a lot in a week. Looking forward to the Wrap Up!

Writing this one and reading a couple of others right now has got me wanting to go back to Disneyland BAD! I just love it out there, and I hate that it's such a hike to get to that we can't do it more often.

I've really enjoyed your report. The incredible photos made me feel like I was there too :)

Thanks so much! I give DH crap all the time for how long it takes him to edit a trip's worth of photos, but they really are worth the wait. He has come a long way from our first few trips together and does such a great job with them!

Sure looks like a busy day - I'm one month away from my trip - your report is getting me excited, except for when I say to myself "That'll be closed" :crazy2:

We definitely didn't want to waste too much time on our last day so we kept it packed!

Ugh, that is really frustrating. I went through the same thing planning this trip! It really sucks when it's somewhere you don't get to go often and they have so much stuff under refurbishment!
Final Thoughts

CROWDS: While it was not the barren wasteland that some online sources had me believing it would be, it was definitely not crowded, especially during the week. There was a noticeable increase on the weekends, especially Friday night as locals started getting off of work and heading to the parks. But it was really not that crowded the rest of the time and we had not trouble doing everything we wanted and more!

WEATHER: Except for the rain the first couple days of the trip, we had some great weather. It was a little cooler some days and warm the rest, but never too hot or too cold. We definitely had to pack a mix of pants, shorts, long sleeves, short sleeves, and jackets because it changed day to day and even hour to hour some days.

RESORT: Again, a wonderful stay at Wyndham Dolphin’s Cove. Easy access to the parks, both driving to the parking garage or the Toy Story lot and taking the bus. It’s a pretty easy area to get around, and although we didn’t hit up any restaurants there are plenty to choose from around the area. And with Target right down the street, we were able to go there a couple of times for necessities.

PARKS: I was worried 5 days between DL and DCA wouldn’t be enough, and was really pushing to get the APs so we could go to the parks every single day. However, 5 days was definitely plenty. We had time to do favorites several times (although sometimes that could get a little old…especially on our 3rd or 4th rotation through Bug’s Land) and plenty of time for the other attractions we have usually skipped in the past due to lack of time. It was kind of a bummer to miss out on several favorites, most especially World of Color, because so many things were being rehabbed in preparation for the 60th anniversary. While it would have been nice to postpone our trip a little to be able to see everything once it reopened for the celebration, I still enjoyed the time of year we picked to go and it worked out best with our timeshare points.

I did enjoy that we took a day away to go to Legoland. Although it was not a favorite of mine, DS definitely had a ball that day and keeps asking to go back next time we go to Disneyland! It was a virtual ghost town that day, so we had no trouble doing everything we wanted to do at least once.

Finally, a huge thanks to everyone who took the time to read this TR and comment along with the posts! I know there were some long pauses between updates at times as we all adjusted to our new life as a family of 4, so thanks for not giving up on it.

If you are interested and missed the link before, I did start a TR for my October trip to WDW. DH and I have both been keeping a good pace, him with editing pictures and me with typing updates in advance so it doesn't take so much effort to post during the week when we are busy with work and school. Yes, We're Satisfied With Our Care! Check it out if you feel so inclined, and keep a lookout for a short TR from our November trip to say farewell to the Osborne Lights, which I should be starting soon also!
Great wrap up! You and DH make a great team - your narrative and his pictures. Looking forward to your upcoming TR's!
First up was the Frozen pre-parade, which DS actually really enjoyed! He REALLY loves Olaf!
Who doesn't?

While it’s no Festival of Fantasy, it’s still a really fun parade with catchy music! I like that it features the more popular characters like the Fab 5, princesses, Peter Pan, etc., but also ones that you don’t usually see in Disney parades like Mary Poppins, King Louie & Terk, etc.
It really is a great parade. I certainly enjoyed it!

I already knew I was going to love our emcee when he said the hydrophone Crush would be using was left over from the Dharma Initiative. Lmao!
:rotfl2::rotfl: :thumbsup2

Funniest moment was DS raising his hand to ask a question, and when the emcee came over, he froze and wouldn’t say anything for the longest time. When he finally did, he just said, “Fish!” Crush was like, “Fish…? What about fish?” So DS turns around to look at me wondering what he should say and as I’m telling him to ask a question, Crush says, “Oh, now he’s in a conference.” It got awkward after that for a minute until finally Crush said, “Did you just wanna say hi? Hey, Paxton, dude… Hi.” As I learned later talking to DS, he actually had no idea what a question was at the time! DS did very much enjoy that Crush talked to him, though, and that he called him the dude in the red shell.
I'm sorry he froze, but hey, at least he got to talk to Crush! And it seems that Crush managed to handle it well. And now Paxton dude knows what a question is!

While I was sitting waiting for them, I got the unexpected surprise of seeing Cars Land light up for the night! They play the song Sha Boom and the neon lights start coming on one by one.
That's awesome! I was disappointed that I never managed to be in the right place at the right time to see this while we were there.

Once we met up, we stopped at the restroom before going to find a spot for fireworks. And it was there in the restroom that out of nowhere, my clogged ear finally opened up and I could hear again!
Whew... that's definitely a relief. Sorry it didn't happen sooner, but at least it was before you flew home.

After they chatted a bit, he smiled and said, “Make sure you have all the settings how you want them. The show is only 4 and a half minutes!” and walked away. I swiveled my head around so fast I’m surprised it didn’t come off my shoulders to look and DH and say, “He’s just kidding, right?” We assured ourselves that he had to be kidding and kept waiting for the fireworks.
Oh yeah... of course he's kidding. :rolleyes1

Well, 4.5 minutes later when the fireworks show came to an end, we realized that CM had most certainly NOT been joking! Feeling a little ripped off that we had invested so much time in such a short display, we decided it was time to call this trip over and head back to the room.
I know the feeling. We scoped out a spot... spent 45 uncomfortable minutes waiting. And then if you blinked, you missed it.

(although sometimes that could get a little old…especially on our 3rd or 4th rotation through Bug’s Land)
I can only imagine. You should have made a point to avoid walking anywhere near the entrance to that area! :rotfl2:

Finally, a huge thanks to everyone who took the time to read this TR and comment along with the posts! I know there were some long pauses between updates at times as we all adjusted to our new life as a family of 4, so thanks for not giving up on it.
Thank you! I always enjoy your TR's and Dustin's pictures. I look forward to the next ones!
Great trip report - and of course great pictures! Glad you had such a great trip and got to nearly everything you wanted (other than things that were done in preparation for the 60th).

It's funny that I thought 3 days would be ok and you were worried 5 days wasn't enough! I think we definitely undershot things especially with the extra crowds the 60th brought. seems like 5 days and then the "off day" to do something else (e.g., Legoland) worked out great!

Glad you found your hotel worked out well!

Nice that you had this last trip with your son before the family unit increases in scale!

Also glad you have already started another TR ;)

thanks again!
I love reading your report - thanks for sharing your experiences on the West Coast. It makes a trip to DL and DCA very tempting!
I'm glad overall it was a great trip and that you felt you had enough time to do everything you wanted! Thank you for sharing, I always love reading along to your TRs!! :)


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