Official Avengers Half Marathon Weekend 2015 Thread

seems like the delay in the half resulted in a lot of people being swept as well. With the late start, it meant the last corral started later. Since they needed to clear the course by a certain time, it looks like the 16 min pace from the last person to cross the starting line was more heavily and strictly enforced.

I was wondering if that would happen. I think corral A went off at 5:37am according to my notes, and then there was about a 5-7 minute delay between corrals A, B, and C.
I was wondering if that would happen. I think corral A went off at 5:37am according to my notes, and then there was about a 5-7 minute delay between corrals A, B, and C.

Yeah. It looks like the last corral, G, did not get going until about 6:30

if you look at clock time finishes, there really isn't anyone that finished around 10:20 am or over. so essentially, it looks like if you weren't able to run it under 3:50 and were in the last corral, you got swept. from the results page, looks like about 2,000 got swept. 12,674 entries minus 10,766 Official time finishing numbers less a few that just didn't show up to start it.

I'm sure there were some infinity challenge participants in this group and did not get the challenge medal due to the late start leading to them being swept.
I was wondering if that would happen. I think corral A went off at 5:37am according to my notes, and then there was about a 5-7 minute delay between corrals A, B, and C.

The gun time started around 5:32ish? Which is funny because I know I asked the staff guy about the delay around 5:34-5:35 so math wise that doesn't add up really. I just know I started in B. I crossed the mat (and I was at the front of B) at 5:40. And There was an approximate difference of 8 minutes between gun and net time. Which means the clock started at 5:32 which is kind of interesting.
I saw those at the Expo yesterday and look like a great idea. I just don't want to try anything new for the race tomorrow. Also, it was pretty snug. I guess that's the idea.

They are great, but I have found it hard to pick the right size. I originally bought a medium and it seems snug and is very comfortable just to wear (I would definitely wear this size if I was just walking around and didn't want a bag). However, when running it quickly rides up. I will sometimes wear it over a shirt so that the fabric gives it something to grip and stay in place. If you put it over silky leggings though, forget about it.

Anyway, I bought a small before my last marathon because I didn't want to be pulling the larger one back down all of the time. The small definitely stays in place better, but it's a tad too tight. I'm pretty sure it was giving me stomach pains later in the race as they went away when I pulled the belt up to my waist and relieved the pressure. It also tends to give me terrible muffin tops if I have it in the wrong place :p
The gun time started around 5:32ish? Which is funny because I know I asked the staff guy about the delay around 5:34-5:35 so math wise that doesn't add up really. I just know I started in B. I crossed the mat (and I was at the front of B) at 5:40. And There was an approximate difference of 8 minutes between gun and net time. Which means the clock started at 5:32 which is kind of interesting.

My understanding is clock time starts with the wheelchairs. so if the clock started at 5:32 for wheelchairs, then it might make more sense that corral a started 5 minutes after at 5:37

I know it was 5:33 and corral A had yet to go
The gun time started around 5:32ish? Which is funny because I know I asked the staff guy about the delay around 5:34-5:35 so math wise that doesn't add up really. I just know I started in B. I crossed the mat (and I was at the front of B) at 5:40. And There was an approximate difference of 8 minutes between gun and net time. Which means the clock started at 5:32 which is kind of interesting.

Seems to me like everyone's clocks are simply different. I was also in B, but my Garmin has me starting at 5:46, runner tracking said 5:47. I was not way up in front, but I was not in the back either, it was definitely less than a minute between when B started and when I crossed the mats. I know my clock and net time are off by about 9 minutes. I thought I remembered Rudy saying it was 60 seconds between the wheelchair start and corral A, but that may have been for the 10k. I also thought he'd said 10 minutes between A and B. But by then my brain was frozen, so I could have heard 7 as ten;)

Interesting about the car on the course for the 5k. Wonder how that happened? I was fine, but my kids were getting antsy with the delay. We'd been in the corral for 30 minutes already.
The gun time started around 5:32ish? Which is funny because I know I asked the staff guy about the delay around 5:34-5:35 so math wise that doesn't add up really. I just know I started in B. I crossed the mat (and I was at the front of B) at 5:40. And There was an approximate difference of 8 minutes between gun and net time. Which means the clock started at 5:32 which is kind of interesting.

I was in corral C close to the front and runner tracking had me cross at 5:54. I totally would have been bummed if I was in a corral that started later and got swept.

I guess it must be hard for DL to have the race through the city. This was my first DL race and I wasn't thrilled with the course. I got my Coast to Coast but will probably stick with DW, much easier to get to being on the east coast. It took me 31 total hours to get to the west coast...:sad1: Thank you mother nature for snow in Denver.....
DH and I were down to cheer the 5k and a CM told us the late start was because they forgot to turn lights on somewhere on the course. Wonder how many explanations there were. Lol.
I also saw someone wipe out on the trail area during the half. A woman tripped and fell going into the stadium. I was super vigilant about the road reflectors, sand on the trail and other obstacles but slacked off just after mile 12 and tweeked my knee trying to avoid a metal plate at the last minute. I know they have to put the miles somewhere but there seemed to be a lot of obstacles and choke points.
We had a great time and are already thinking about Coast to Coast 2017! Probably would pick Disneyland or Tinkerbell though.
Just my thoughts but as long as you trained for a 16 minute mile all will be fine.

Sometimes people forget that training and racing are a completely different thing. 16 min/miles not a problem for me (my half PR is a 2:43, a 12:30 pace). You can train all you want but if your body decides to have a crap day getting a good pace going can be difficult.

I know, I struggled the from basically when we exited the parks to about mile 10 to get up to a decent pace. It wasn't until I got some sugar in me via the leftover Halloween Candy one spectator had out that I finally started feeling better and started picking it up. My time actually was pretty good (just a hair over 3:00 hrs without stops). But it wasn't anywhere near my full out race pace (something I wasn't aiming for that day, but the way I spent most of the race there was no way I would have gotten up to race pace if I wanted to)
Interesting, thanks for sharing.

I remember them announcing multiple times during the 3 races that there were 6000 people registered for the challenge. But there are only 4187 finishers here. I can't imagine that many people get swept, so I guess no shows and did not starts for one or the other races? Or is it more likely not finishing in the required pace for each race?

And since I asked about required pace, can someone clarify something for me, for my future knowledge? I was chatting with someone in a picture line in the 10k. She was under the impression that you only had to beat 16 minutes per mile from the last person to start, not your own 16 min/mile based on your start time. So If you started 18 minutes before the last person for the 10k you had 3 minutes extra per mile and would still qualify for the gauntlet. My Understanding is for the challenge races specifically, you had to keep to your own 16 min/mile. So that pace started when you started, not the last person to cross. Who is correct? I'm often battling injury so I worry about this. I was fine this time and finished in 2:29 including stops for pictures, but you never know what the future holds!

Interesting, thanks for sharing.

I remember them announcing multiple times during the 3 races that there were 6000 people registered for the challenge. But there are only 4187 finishers here. I can't imagine that many people get swept, so I guess no shows and did not starts for one or the other races? Or is it more likely not finishing in the required pace for each race?

And since I asked about required pace, can someone clarify something for me, for my future knowledge? I was chatting with someone in a picture line in the 10k. She was under the impression that you only had to beat 16 minutes per mile from the last person to start, not your own 16 min/mile based on your start time. So If you started 18 minutes before the last person for the 10k you had 3 minutes extra per mile and would still qualify for the gauntlet. My Understanding is for the challenge races specifically, you had to keep to your own 16 min/mile. So that pace started when you started, not the last person to cross. Who is correct? I'm often battling injury so I worry about this. I was fine this time and finished in 2:29 including stops for pictures, but you never know what the future holds!

As long as you finish the required races without getting swept, you're still eligible for the challenge medal. I've never heard of rD verifying your pace, they just want to make sure you actually completed all the races (thus the expo photos).
Interesting, thanks for sharing.

I remember them announcing multiple times during the 3 races that there were 6000 people registered for the challenge. But there are only 4187 finishers here. I can't imagine that many people get swept, so I guess no shows and did not starts for one or the other races? Or is it more likely not finishing in the required pace for each race?

And since I asked about required pace, can someone clarify something for me, for my future knowledge? I was chatting with someone in a picture line in the 10k. She was under the impression that you only had to beat 16 minutes per mile from the last person to start, not your own 16 min/mile based on your start time. So If you started 18 minutes before the last person for the 10k you had 3 minutes extra per mile and would still qualify for the gauntlet. My Understanding is for the challenge races specifically, you had to keep to your own 16 min/mile. So that pace started when you started, not the last person to cross. Who is correct? I'm often battling injury so I worry about this. I was fine this time and finished in 2:29 including stops for pictures, but you never know what the future holds!
I was surprised by the lower number of finishers as well, but based on the total finishers of the 10k being 6778, it does seem to make sense.
Good to know. I've never seen them verify pace either. Based on my times though I didn't think much of it, I had clearly made the requirement. I can't remember where I read or was told that was the case, I think it was on these boards at some point. I hope I never need the extra cushion, but its good to know its there.

Its a mental thing for me, as I am a bit of a nervous nelly about being swept. I was really sore from too much time on my feet (over 13 miles Fri and Sat) and had some knee pain Saturday night, so I was particularly worried about this race. As I was running Sunday I was doing math early figuring how much time I was buying myself to stay under 16 min/mile from my start. Mile 1 was 11:39, bought myself 4 minutes, miles 2-5 10:30ish, bought 5 minutes each. At that point I had covered 5 miles and had an extra 24 minutes for the last 8 miles if disaster struck, so I really felt reassured that I could do a slow walk and finish. I actually got faster as I felt safer in my finish. Mile 11 was under 10 minutes, first for me in a half.

My goal for GSC in February is to stop psyching myself out with how nervous I am, and just trust my training and enjoy the experience.
This was my first half and I had so much fun!! I had a really great run, and including a stop to meet Black Widow and some other pics and potty breaks, I ran faster than I anticipated. It just felt really great.

I did think there was an awful lot of people. Especially on the horrid river bank portion, I just would get stuck behind so many walkers. It was mentally very frustrating, and I have bad knees that do not do well with constant start stop- I tend to just slow down my run speed rather than break to a walk. No one moves over to the right side when they walk, either, which made it that much harder. That was really my only complaint. One minor quibble is that the course is not terribly interesting. I run on roads at home, so I'm used to no scenery, but for a race, it was a little bit of a bummer. Not sure there is any way to really fix that though, as there isn't 13.1 miles of park to run in. :)

Anyone else not get there at 4AM? I decided that was ridiculous, and based on conversations with people who ran the 10K, I didn't arrive until 4:45 and then got into my corral at 5. Since I was in F, I waited a very long time to start. I'd love if they could fix that somehow.

Otherwise, it was a lot of fun, and I especially enjoyed all the bands and cheer groups.
Awesome weekend !!!! I loved both 5k and 10k course and i surprisingly beat my PB by 4 minutes in the Half...:cool1: and conquered also my first coast to coast medal.

the only thing I was a little disappointed is the Pasta in Park Party... i hoped there was some esclusive characters instead of the same that we saw on all three races... after seeing me for 3 times (5k - Pasta Party and 10K) Thor remembered me on the half... He says "Hi italian friend"... so cool...
This was my first half and I had so much fun!! I had a really great run, and including a stop to meet Black Widow and some other pics and potty breaks, I ran faster than I anticipated. It just felt really great.

I did think there was an awful lot of people. Especially on the horrid river bank portion, I just would get stuck behind so many walkers. It was mentally very frustrating, and I have bad knees that do not do well with constant start stop- I tend to just slow down my run speed rather than break to a walk. No one moves over to the right side when they walk, either, which made it that much harder. That was really my only complaint. One minor quibble is that the course is not terribly interesting. I run on roads at home, so I'm used to no scenery, but for a race, it was a little bit of a bummer. Not sure there is any way to really fix that though, as there isn't 13.1 miles of park to run in. :)

Anyone else not get there at 4AM? I decided that was ridiculous, and based on conversations with people who ran the 10K, I didn't arrive until 4:45 and then got into my corral at 5. Since I was in F, I waited a very long time to start. I'd love if they could fix that somehow.

Otherwise, it was a lot of fun, and I especially enjoyed all the bands and cheer groups.
We ditched the 4am suggestion too! Left the Hojo at 4:20 and were in our corral with a portapotty stop by 5:05
Hope this is alright to post here:

Anybody got a 10K pin they don't want?
I'll trade you an Infinity Gauntlet Challenge Pin or 5K pin?
Due to the Active snafu with pins (which I'm still irate about) rather than getting 2 of each pin and 2 ears, I recieved 2 IGC pins and 4 5K pins. I bough the 1/2 medal pin but really wanted a 10K pin. I've already searched Ebay :/


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