Tan and rested and alone (Almost!) – An August 2015 Solo TR - UPDATE 11/14 WRAP UP - TR COMPLETE

You are now leaving the future and about to embark on a voyage around the world. Too much?

Nope. Just right.

Where to first? Well that would be a little place south of the border called Mexico.

You didn't have to go all that way. They have a pavilion right there in Epcot.

My only previous experience of Mexico was a trip to Tijuana on a family vacation to Disneyland back in 1999 so I didn’t have much to go off.

And really, how much are you going to remember from when you're 4?

I’m not saying it’s a must do on every trip but it’s a nice enough time (and it’s indoors and air-conditioned!).

I'd agree with that.
I've only done it once... and I'll do it again, someday. Or not.

Donald is a great character to meet even if the conversation is a little one-sided ;).

Yeah, who can understand that voice?

I’ve been to Norway and this really reminded me of the Norsk Folkemuseum (http://www.norskfolkemuseum.no/en/) which is an open air museum on the outskirts of Oslo with lots of traditional buildings like this one.


But if I hadn’t had a lunch reservation coming up I would have grabbed something from Kringla Bakeri Og Kafe – so much stuff looked delicious!

I have yet to buy anything there.
Every time I'm either full or just not hungry.

And where does one go after Scandinavia? Why China of course!

Why China of course?
Were you physically prevented from bypassing it?

I spent a semester in university living in Xi’an (home of the terracotta warriors)

Really! You're really impressing me now.

I think Disney has done a really great job – it really does look and feel like a lot of the temples and palaces in China – so thumbs up to Disney :thumbsup2.

That's cool. I don't know anyone who's actually been to China and could compare.

Mulan was great and one of the friendliest princesses I met all week. Although I felt incredibly sorry for her as she was in so many layers given it was 93⁰ :faint:.

Did you speak Chinese to her at all?
And if not... why not?

I’ve been to Berlin but haven’t been to any Bavarian cities so this was a new experience for me.

Love Bavaria. So beautiful there. And the people are so friendly!

Next – Princess, Thieves and Pearls...

Hmmmm.... Jasmine, Aladdin and Japan?

Thanks for the update! :goodvibes
Really enjoying your trip report so far! I leave in 14 days and am torturing myself reading reports :)
You didn't have to go all that way. They have a pavilion right there in Epcot.


And really, how much are you going to remember from when you're 4?


Why China of course?
Were you physically prevented from bypassing it?

Yes. There was some form of magnetic force field involved.

Did you speak Chinese to her at all?
And if not... why not?

I didn't. Because if I had our conversation would have consisted of counting to ten and asking how much something was.
Hmmmm.... Jasmine, Aladdin and Japan?

Thanks for the update! :goodvibes

Almost. 2 out of 3.

Really enjoying your trip report so far! I leave in 14 days and am torturing myself reading reports :)

Thank you. Wow less than two weeks til a trip? I'm jealous!
Chapter 13A.jpg

Full of schnitzel and pretzel rolls I headed out of Germany to walk off the Bavarian buffet I had eaten. But first I had to meet my namesake – Schnee Weiß (that’s the extent of my high school German for you). As I got in line there were about six or so families so it was about a 25 minute wait (in the heat again – Disney really needs to invest in the shade market). I was glad I joined when I did as they closed the line off after the person behind me! This Snow White was lovely and had the voice down pat. I apologised for borrowing her dress to take my profile pic but she said I could borrow it any time I like so score :hyper:


The next country on my path was Italy. Now I come from an Italian background (although if you ask my relatives they’re Sicilian first, then Italian) and have travelled a lit bit through Italy including to Venice which the pavilion leans heavily on in terms of theming. I thought it was a very pretty area but there was nothing that made we want to stop and look around (but Via Napoli is definitely on my list for next trip).


So I kept walking and made it back to the USA (thank god I still had my visa!). Again like Italy there was nothing that really caught my eye so it was another walk-by visit.


I whipped out my phone to see the next meet and greet time for Aladdin and Jasmine. It was in the middle of their window so I dashed past Japan and headed straight to Morocco. Well that was a spectacularly bad plan because apparently they are super popular and the line was closed off pretty much straight after opening :confused3. The CM working the door told me to come back around 15 minutes before the next window.

So with that I trudged back to Japan (and it was super hot so it was definitely trudging). I’d planned to buy one souvenir in each park and Japan was where I was going to get my Epcot one.


I headed into Mitsukoshi and up to the pick-a-pearl counter. The process was a little confusing but I eventually realised you had to go to another counter in the store to pre-pay before going back and handing in your receipt to get a number and to get in line. There was about 4 people in line before me and each person takes around 4-5 minutes so it at least 15 minutes before I was served. The super enthusiastic CM and I counted down – ‘san, ni, ichi’ and I had my pearl. This is definitely a fun little experience and a decent price for a souvenir ($17).


With my pearl safely in my bag I explored the rest of Mitsukoshi before making my back into Morocco. I was there 15 minutes before the scheduled meet time and only just made it into the session. About 5 more people entered after me and the door was shut. And then the waiting began. Firstly Jasmine and Aladdin were late starting and then the queue seemed to move ridiculously slowly. So it was about 30 minutes before it was my turn. The interaction was pretty good – Jasmine was better than Aladdin (which I suppose is an accurate representation of the film). I left the meet and greet (which was thankfully indoors, I don’t think the wait would have been tolerable it if had been out in the open) and had a quick wander around Morocco before heading back out onto the promenade.


Next up was France. France is one of my favourite countries in the world. The food, the culture, the architecture, the cheese...In fact just last year I spent five weeks travelling around France having an amazing time eating my body weight in runny cheeses and delicious pastries. The France pavilion is very much Parisian in its look and feel. My first stop in France was L’Artisans de Glace to grab an ice cream to try and beat the heat. The line was thankfully short so I had a cup of the caramel fleur de sel ice cream in my hands in no time. It was pretty good – but beware they do take the caramel pretty far when making it so it has a lot of bitterness to it.

I took my ice cream inside to wait for the next showing of Impressions de France to try escape the heat for a little while. It was a very pretty film but super dated – I’m pretty sure the French government could be convinced to update it just a little :scratchin.


After the show I headed around into the UK but there is not a lot to see there. And the grey clouds overheard were getting pretty threatening so I walked through pretty quickly. And then the thunder started.


I ran to Canada while the rain was still light and made my way to the back of the pavilion to see O Canada! By the time I made it back there the rain was bucketing down. Like biblical level rain - I was expecting to see an ark at any moment.

I’d obviously just missed the start of the last show (my luck in this regards is always impeccable) so it was a good 14 minute wait but at least I was dry. I enjoyed the film (Martin Short is always a good option) but that theatre is shocking. The 360⁰ film was just distracting and making me nauseous :eek:. I’d much rather sit in a theatre and watch a single screen than try and watch something all around you while standing up!

By the time the show was over the rain was back to a drizzle so I popped back on my poncho (seriously invest in the Disney poncho it is well worth the $10) and headed back up into future world.


There was one more thing I wanted to see before leaving Epcot and that was Figment. Why? Because Kathy talks about it all the time on the disunplugged and I had to see what the fuss was all about. It was a walk one, because duh, and soon I was making my way through the laboratory with Eric Idle (comedic genius) and Figment (most annoying mascot ever). The song is awful and gets stuck in your head (I refuse to repeat the words here because I don’t want to inflict in upon anyone else!). But at least I could cross it off my list.

And with that my day in Epcot was over. I made my way out of the park and prepared to ride the Monorail for the first time. It was a short wait (less than 5 minutes) and soon I was on my way to the TTC. But that was not where I was stopping. I ran around to another platform and soon I was on another monorail on my way to the heartland for the first time this trip.

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Just caught up with your report, great trip so far:)
I'm heading off for my solo trip in 8 days!!!! I'm only going for 7 nights so it's all Disney for me but reading about your universal days makes me wish I could fit it in, but that's just not going to happen.
Can't wait to read the rest:)
Yes. There was some form of magnetic force field involved.

Whoa. I bet it's something Disney came up with.
And probably acts the strongest on your money.

I didn't. Because if I had our conversation would have consisted of counting to ten and asking how much something was.

That's perfect!
You can ask her how much something is, and when she tells you the exorbitant Disney price, you slowly count to 10 before losing it on her.

Almost. 2 out of 3.


(If you don't get the reference.... Google it.)
Full of schnitzel and pretzel rolls

mmmmm..... if you're gonna be full of something....

I headed out of Germany to walk off the Bavarian buffet I had eaten

Yeah, and then that does become something of a necessity, doesn't it?

Schnee Weiß (that’s the extent of my high school German for you).

I must've picked up more than I thought... I got that right away.

(in the heat again – Disney really needs to invest in the shade market).

I don't understand why they don't put the dome up when it gets hot like that.


I was glad I joined when I did as they closed the line off after the person behind me!

Good timing!

This Snow White was lovely and had the voice down pat.

That impresses me. The voice part, I mean.

I apologised for borrowing her dress to take my profile pic but she said I could borrow it any time I like so score :hyper:

You should have said, "How about right now? Meet me in the restroom."

although if you ask my relatives they’re Sicilian first, then Italian

:laughing: I believe that! Have you ever seen My Blue Heaven with Steve Martin?
There's a funny scene about Thanksgiving and Sicily.

have travelled a lit bit through Italy including to Venice which the pavilion leans heavily on in terms of theming.

::yes:: And I was gratified when Kay recognized it.

but there was nothing that made we want to stop and look around

I hear ya. Doesn't it seem like just an overwrought restaurant?

So I kept walking and made it back to the USA (thank god I still had my visa!).

I didn't know you'd need a Visa to visit. I thought a passport would be enough.

Again like Italy there was nothing that really caught my eye so it was another walk-by visit.

I keep hearing good things about the Voices of Liberty choir in there.
I barely remember the American Adventure, I last saw it in 1987.

Well that was a spectacularly bad plan because apparently they are super popular and the line was closed off pretty much straight after opening :confused3.

Really! I had no idea. Wonder why?

So with that I trudged back to Japan (and it was super hot so it was definitely trudging).

I hear ya. I did little to no sashaying while we were down.

I’d planned to buy one souvenir in each park and Japan was where I was going to get my Epcot one.

Good choice. :thumbsup2

The process was a little confusing but I eventually realised you had to go to another counter in the store to pre-pay before going back and handing in your receipt to get a number and to get in line.

Didn't know that either.
It was on my to do list with the girls, but for whatever reason, it never happened.
It did happen in Hawaii, though, so they did get their pearls eventually.

The super enthusiastic CM and I counted down – ‘san, ni, ichi’ and I had my pearl.

How was it? The pearl, I mean.

I was there 15 minutes before the scheduled meet time and only just made it into the session.

Wow. This is really surprising me.
I knew that there were massive lines for Frozen but I had no idea it was this bad for these guys.

So it was about 30 minutes before it was my turn.

I will not wait 30 minutes for a character meet.
Well..... maybe for Ariel. But that's it!

Jasmine was better than Aladdin (which I suppose is an accurate representation of the film).

Oh? I thought Aladdin was more animated (pardon the pun) than Jasmine in the movie.
It's been a long time since I've seen it, mind you.

In fact just last year I spent five weeks travelling around France having an amazing time eating my body weight in runny cheeses and delicious pastries.

Totally jealous.
Then again, it's a bit closer for you.

It was pretty good – but beware they do take the caramel pretty far when making it so it has a lot of bitterness to it.

Noted. But probably won't remember.

It was a very pretty film but super dated

:laughing: Well you would know! I've really only seen Paris, so I didn't even notice anything off about the film.

After the show I headed around into the UK but there is not a lot to see there.

Unless you have a DD who's into Dr. Who... then you have to go into the shops.

And then the thunder started.


I ran to Canada while the rain was still light

Good choice. We'll always let you in and keep you dry, too.

Like biblical level rain - I was expecting to see an ark at any moment.

This is so funny to me.
When I saw your title for this update, the very first thing that popped into my mind was
"Tell that to Noah!"

I’d much rather sit in a theatre and watch a single screen than try and watch something all around you while standing up!

Interesting. I know you are not alone in that department, but I really enjoyed looking around and seeing what was going on behind and around me.

seriously invest in the Disney poncho it is well worth the $10

Nope. Gonna stick with my $1 Walmart special.

There was one more thing I wanted to see before leaving Epcot and that was Figment. Why? Because Kathy talks about it all the time on the disunplugged and I had to see what the fuss was all about.

Oh, boy. I had to go on it lots when the DDs were little.
So glad they're older now. :rolleyes1

It was a walk one, because duh,


Figment (most annoying mascot ever)


The song is awful and gets stuck in your head (I refuse to repeat the words here because I don’t want to inflict in upon anyone else!). But at least I could cross it off my list.

Yep. And that's the only reason to go on it. To cross it off your list.
And then you wonder why on Earth it was on the list to begin with!
Just caught up with your report, great trip so far:)
I'm heading off for my solo trip in 8 days!!!! I'm only going for 7 nights so it's all Disney for me but reading about your universal days makes me wish I could fit it in, but that's just not going to happen.
Can't wait to read the rest:)

Thanks. How exciting that your trip is so soon. I got sick of writing this week knowing I wasn't going to be back in WDW for a long time or even ever so I booked a new trip for next year!

Whoa. I bet it's something Disney came up with.
And probably acts the strongest on your money.

Only coins. So you're safe if you carry paper money.

That's perfect!
You can ask her how much something is, and when she tells you the exorbitant Disney price, you slowly count to 10 before losing it on her.



(If you don't get the reference.... Google it.)

But I won't do that. No I wont do that....
I don't understand why they don't put the dome up when it gets hot like that.


So are you one of the dome believers then? :laughing:

You should have said, "How about right now? Meet me in the restroom."

And that's how you get a lifetime ban from Disney...

:laughing: I believe that! Have you ever seen My Blue Heaven with Steve Martin?
There's a funny scene about Thanksgiving and Sicily.

I haven't - I'll add it to my list of films to see.

I didn't know you'd need a Visa to visit. I thought a passport would be enough.

Well it's not a visa per se - they call it a waiver - but you still have to apply for it and give them $ so it's really the same thing.

Really! I had no idea. Wonder why?

One word for you (or is it two?) - air-conditiong :cold:

I hear ya. I did little to no sashaying while we were down.

I was so looking for to a little flouncing while I was there but you just can't flounce like you want to in that heat.

How was it? The pearl, I mean.

White and shiny?

Wow. This is really surprising me.
I knew that there were massive lines for Frozen but I had no idea it was this bad for these guys.

As per above. Indoors and air-conditioning.

I will not wait 30 minutes for a character meet.
Well..... maybe for Ariel. But that's it!

This wasn't even the worse one. That comes up later today (or that day seeing as I'm writing this months later!)

Oh? I thought Aladdin was more animated (pardon the pun) than Jasmine in the movie.
It's been a long time since I've seen it, mind you.

Aladdin is definitely more animated but Jasmine was always the one with the brains in that pair.

Totally jealous.
Then again, it's a bit closer for you.

Super close. Only 22 hours of flight time :rolleyes1

:laughing: Well you would know! I've really only seen Paris, so I didn't even notice anything off about the film.

The locations were fine. It was the people. The outfits were a dead give away (unless all french people enjoy shopping at charity clothes stores?)

Good choice. We'll always let you in and keep you dry, too.

I'm yet to experience the Canadian hospitality in person but if it is anything like the Epcot version it must be great.
Only coins. So you're safe if you carry paper money.


But I won't do that. No I wont do that....


So are you one of the dome believers then? :laughing:

You mean you aren't?

And that's how you get a lifetime ban from Disney...


Well it's not a visa per se - they call it a waiver - but you still have to apply for it and give them $ so it's really the same thing.

I learneded something today.

One word for you (or is it two?) - air-conditiong :cold:

I've heard of that! We just call it "opening the front door."

I was so looking for to a little flouncing while I was there but you just can't flounce like you want to in that heat.

Not in that heat.

White and shiny?

You jest, but...
When my DDs got their pearls in Hawaii, Kay got a black pearl.

Aladdin is definitely more animated but Jasmine was always the one with the brains in that pair.


Super close. Only 22 hours of flight time :rolleyes1

See? If I was to walk it, it'd take forever.

I'm yet to experience the Canadian hospitality in person but if it is anything like the Epcot version it must be great. :D

It's probably not really different from the States.
Except if you bump into us or step on our foot, we say sorry.

After the show I headed around into the UK but there is not a lot to see there. And the grey clouds overheard were getting pretty threatening so I walked through pretty quickly. And then the thunder started.

View attachment 125911

But... but... Miss Alice is there, and she's chatty and fun!

Unfortunately Miss Alice must have been stuck down a rabbit hole when I was there as she wasn't doing any M&Gs that afternoon :sad1:
Boo to that. Something something Disney reference something something rain something something Wizard of Oz, to paraphrase a colloquialism referencing a pop culture moment. Or something like that. Brain no function beer well without. (hah! Simpson's reference too!)
Chapter 14.jpg
Ahh there it is. The one thing in Magic Kingdom that looks the same around the world (well that and the tea-cups!). The Walt Disney World Railroad and the main entrance. It really is a sight that makes you feel at home at Disney :earsboy:.


I made my way off the monorail and into the Magic Kingdom. I headed straight into City Hall to grab my first FP of the evening – my plan for the evening was to do as many M&Gs as possible before dinner and the first one available just 5 minutes later was Tinker Bell so I grabbed it.

I was about to begin the trek across Main Street when something off to the side caught my eye. It was a princess in a fabulous pink gown – Aurora. With only 2 people in line. I went up to ask the CM is she was leaving soon or if the line was closed and nope, turns out she was just not that popular at 5:45pm on a rainy Monday afternoon. This Aurora was very lovely but perhaps just a tad old looking (I couldn’t tell if it was because she was actually older or if it was the caked on make up :confused3).


After meeting with the princess I headed across to the Town Square Theatre. With FP it probably took around 5 minutes to get into the room with Tink. The room itself is pretty awesome – I do love the fact that they’ve tried to make it appear as though you’ve shrunk in order to meet Tink. Tink was ok but not super friendly, and the photographer was not great so I ended up with a slightly blurry photo with a less than impressed looking Tink.


After the meet I went straight back across to City Hall to grab another FP. There was one available for Ariel’s Grotto just 20 minutes later so meet and greet number two for the afternoon was set. I made my way up Main Street and ran into the Move it! Shake it! Dance & Play it! Street Party (their emphasis not mine).

I watched two floats go by and then made my way into Adventureland to grab a snack. I was starting to get hungry and still had almost 4 hour until my dinner ADR so I made a beeline to Aloha Isle to grab a dole whip. Yes this was my second ice cream of the day but I don’t care because it was delicious :woohoo:. I love the tartness of this and can’t wait to try the rum version next time at Animal Kingdom.


I still had a little time to my meet and greet so I decided to explore New Fantasyland and checked out Gaston’s Tavern. I was sorely tempted to grab a cinnamon roll but they looked so massive that I just couldn’t do it (not because I couldn’t have finished it but rather because I would have and then probably would have been sick!)


I then made my way into an underground grotto to meet with the world’s favourite mermaid – Ariel. Ariel was one of my must meets – not so much for myself but I had a plan for my best friend’s birthday that I needed Ariel’s help with. I explained my plan to Ariel and she was happy to help. So we took some pictures for my friend and had a great little chat. She was definitely a super friendly Ariel and absolutely looked the part.



After the meet and greet I headed across the FP kiosks outside Mickey’s PhilharMagic to grab my next FP. And what popped up when I was searching? An FP for Anna & Elsa – one which I hadn’t been able to get in my planning. The lines for them had been at 70 and 90 minutes the two times I’d walked past so I snatched it up. It wasn’t until 8:50 so it meant I couldn’t get any more FPs for a while but I decided it would be worth it.

So to fill in time I decided to go and visit Rapunzel and Cinderella. The stand-by time was listed as 30 minutes and I figured I didn’t have anything else to do so I got in line. Well lets just say it was not 30 minutes - not even close. I’d gotten into the line at 6:25pm. By the time I’d made it into the room with Cindy and Rapunzel it was 7:50pm. So the 30 minute posted wait was really 85 minutes :scared1:! Thankfully the people in front of me and behind me in the line were great to talk to but there were quite a few moments that I was tempted to throw in the towel and just leave (but then my brain said you may as well keep going – you’ve been here this long :sad2:).

Anyways, rant over, and onto the actually greets. Rapunzel was up first. She was very friendly but couldn’t answer my question as to how her hair had grown back....even after I said I preferred here as a brunette! Cindy was very sweet and I felt like she was a good match for the character. The people in the front of me in line had specifically come to see Cindy which I loved as it was the son’s only request for his birthday. And he was turning 18 :goodvibes.



After the meet and greets I had an hour and half to fill in before dinner so I made my way back into the night and headed off into the night and into Fantasyland.

Next – Make it stop! Ah that’s better...
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The one thing in Magic Kingdom that looks the same around the world (well that and the tea-cups!). The Walt Disney World Railroad and the main entrance.

Oh, really? Did not know that.

I went up to ask the CM is she was leaving soon or if the line was closed and nope, turns out she was just not that popular at 5:45pm on a rainy Monday afternoon.

Soggy princesses are so last season.

This Aurora was very lovely but perhaps just a tad old looking

Well, let's see. She was probably around 18 when they made the film, so that makes her 74.
So, really, not that bad.

The room itself is pretty awesome – I do love the fact that they’ve tried to make it appear as though you’ve shrunk in order to meet Tink.


Tink was ok but not super friendly, and the photographer was not great so I ended up with a slightly blurry photo with a less than impressed looking Tink.


There was one available for Ariel’s Grotto



I made my way up Main Street and ran into the Move it! Shake it! Dance & Play it! Street Party (their emphasis not mine).

I watched two floats go by and then made my way into Adventureland to grab a snack.

I take it you weren't exactly blown away by this?
I briefly saw it on my solo trip and it didn't impress me even a little bit.

I was starting to get hungry and still had almost 4 hour until my dinner ADR so I made a beeline to Aloha Isle to grab a dole whip. Yes this was my second ice cream of the day but I don’t care because it was delicious :woohoo:. I love the tartness of this and can’t wait to try the rum version next time at Animal Kingdom.

::yes:: mmmmm.... dole whip.
But the dole whip float is the one that makes me go back for more.

I was sorely tempted to grab a cinnamon roll but they looked so massive that I just couldn’t do it (not because I couldn’t have finished it but rather because I would have and then probably would have been sick!)

What? Just because it's as big as your head?

Ariel was one of my must meets – not so much for myself but I had a plan for my best friend’s birthday that I needed Ariel’s help with. I explained my plan to Ariel and she was happy to help.

That's really nice of you! :)

Oh. My. Be still my beating heart. I just fell in love again.

And what popped up when I was searching? An FP for Anna & Elsa

No way! Score!

The stand-by time was listed as 30 minutes and I figured I didn’t have anything else to do so I got in line. Well lets just say it was not 30 minutes - not even close. I’d gotten into the line at 6:25pm. By the time I’d made it into the room with Cindy and Rapunzel it was 7:50pm. So the 30 minute posted wait was really 85 minutes :scared1:!

Ugh. And.... Nope!

Rapunzel was up first. She was very friendly but couldn’t answer my question as to how her hair had grown back....even after I said I preferred here as a brunette!

Witchcraft! She's a witch!!!

The people in the front of me in line had specifically come to see Cindy which I loved as it was the son’s only request for his birthday. And he was turning 18 :goodvibes.

Interesting. Nice that they could accommodate him, too.

Next – Make it stop! Ah that’s better...

Interesting title.... very curious to see what you're referring to.
More rain, perhaps?
Well, let's see. She was probably around 18 when they made the film, so that makes her 74.
So, really, not that bad.


I take it you weren't exactly blown away by this?
I briefly saw it on my solo trip and it didn't impress me even a little bit.

I really only stopped to watch as there were too many people to push past :confused3.

What? Just because it's as big as your head?

No because I'm a fatty who has no self-control when it comes to cinnamon based treats.

That's really nice of you! :)

Thanks - she's getting an awesome Ariel themed birthday cake as well!

Ugh. And.... Nope!

Couldn't have put it better myself...

Witchcraft! She's a witch!!!

Adopted daughter of a witch but close!

Interesting title.... very curious to see what you're referring to.
More rain, perhaps?

For once it actually has nothing to do with the rain :goodvibes


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