How Many Times Did I Meet Pluto This Trip? A Dec Solo TR - New TR Link 11/30!

I am way too far behind to comment on everything.

But congrats on hitting all four parks in one day. And kudos for all those pictures with Pluto.

A very odd interaction with that lady while eating your dinner at Epcot. I decided (which you didn't see in my TR), I do not like solo traveling, and I give you all congrats on being able to do it. I was very uncomfortable doing it for a half of day in May.

We have never done Tutto Italia, but it looks really good. I'll have to get that on the schedule for whenever our next trip will be after our 2015 trips.

Great job on the character palooza.

And I'm glad you got to hook up with your friend.
Great pictures with Pluto for your 8th (and final) meet!

How exciting to meet Donald in his sailor suit!

Woah, that's quite a crowd at bag check.

Sounds like a good dinner!

Aww so sweet of "D" to want to buy you that pen!!

Really nice that you got to spend some time with friends and enjoy some rides.

Can't wait to hear about the rest of EMH!
I have really enjoyed your solo trip report, and all the Pluto meets are great, he is my husbands favorite!!
That's so nice that she got you the Pluto pen.

IASW is great, but not something I would use a FP on.

Looks like you had fun with your friend which is good.

I know I've stayed in the MK until 1 but I don't know if I've stayed later than that.

It was so sweet of her to get me the pen, I really loved it!

I have actually been in the park when a FP could be useful for IASW, I saw a wait time of 50 minutes once. But I still wouldn't waste a FP on it.

1 am was my record before this night.

Was that a Santa hat on the tarantula?? LOL!! That's hilarious.

I'm glad you got to enjoy some park time with your friend and her daughter!

Yep, the tarantula had a Santa hat! I wish I had gotten a better picture of that one.

I had a really great time that night with them.

this was a FUN update!!! I just adore all the christmas decorations! I know most won't be up when we go.. One day i will get there for them all! So FUN to be with your friends too! and so sweet she took to you too!!!

I do think some of the decorations will be up when you go. I know they start switching over right after Halloween.

I had a wonderful time that night and was glad D was OK with me. The stuffed Pluto I gave her probably didn't hurt.

:thumbsup2Look at this! I am finally all caught up and right as you're almost finished!! :rotfl2:

I have to say I have thoroughly enjoyed this trip! Love all the character paloozas!! And I love all your ADRS, definitely helping me solidify my own plans.

How fun to stay in MK until 3am in your last night!!! Can't beat that!

Looking forward to the final updates from this trip, and I'll be scooting over to your non-Disney Tr! :thumbsup2

Thanks for stopping by and catching up Terri! Since I have nothing on the horizon right now, I may drag this one out a little longer with multiple recap posts.

Glad I could help you with all your plans. I'll probably recap all the meals once I finish writing about the trip.

I love almost everything about WDW but MK at night is my place. Can't tell you exactly why but those late night/early morning hours are just my favorite.

It sounds like a fun night with your friend and her daughter! Love the Pluto pen too!

Great pictures of the Jingle Cruise at night. Love all of the details!

That stinks about getting stuck on Pirates and those guys behind you. Teenage boys can be so clueless.

Excited to read about your late night at MK!

I had a wonderful time that night with my friends.

Disney did a great job this year with the Jingle Cruise. Much better than the year before. I actually didn't see it the first year but watched it on You Tube. They did a whole lot more in 2014 than in 2013.

Those teenage boys were not very nice at all!

Your friend's daughter is so sweet. That's great you had someone to meet up with to spend your last night in the Magic Kingdom with.

She is definitely a sweetheart, I'm so glad I could spend some time with them that last night.
Glad you had fun with your friend and her daughter! It was so sweet of her to buy you that pen. How thoughtful. :)

Oooh I hope you didn't get too sleepy! There's nothing like closing down MK on your last night!

I had a wonderful time with my friend and her daughter!

I really love MK at night so I do try to stay as late as I can when I'm there.

Fun night, except for being stuck on Pirates. Sorry that D was scared. Glad she was okay after the drop.

It was a fun night except for that little glitch. I was just happy I could help her a little when she was scared.

I am way too far behind to comment on everything.

But congrats on hitting all four parks in one day. And kudos for all those pictures with Pluto.

A very odd interaction with that lady while eating your dinner at Epcot. I decided (which you didn't see in my TR), I do not like solo traveling, and I give you all congrats on being able to do it. I was very uncomfortable doing it for a half of day in May.

We have never done Tutto Italia, but it looks really good. I'll have to get that on the schedule for whenever our next trip will be after our 2015 trips.

Great job on the character palooza.

And I'm glad you got to hook up with your friend.

No worries Kathy, I know you don't make it over here very often. Truth be told, I've struggled to find time to get over to the other site much. I have a hard time keeping up here as it is.

I had a blast doing the 4 park challenge and meeting my main dog so many times.

I have always been very independent (I started dressing myself before I was 2 years old) and have never minded alone time. But I do know solo trips aren't for everyone.

Tutto Italia is very good. One thing you didn't see in my TR is their desserts. They have a great dessert menu!

Great pictures with Pluto for your 8th (and final) meet!

How exciting to meet Donald in his sailor suit!

Woah, that's quite a crowd at bag check.

Sounds like a good dinner!

Aww so sweet of "D" to want to buy you that pen!!

Really nice that you got to spend some time with friends and enjoy some rides.

Can't wait to hear about the rest of EMH!

I had a blast meeting Pluto so many times on this trip.

I was so excited to see Donald in his sailor suit since you can't meet him in that outfit in any regular spot.

MK was a bit crazy when I started out this night but I really didn't care because I was in my happy place!

I love the Plaza mainly because it's simple food that suits my palate.

I had a wonderful time with my friend and her daughter.

I have really enjoyed your solo trip report, and all the Pluto meets are great, he is my husbands favorite!!

Thanks, glad you have enjoyed it so far. No clue why I picked Pluto as my favorite. I honestly can't remember a time when I didn't love him.
A Trip Through the Darling House Part 1

As I rounded the bend into Fantasyland, I noticed that Peter Pan only had a 20 minute wait. Plus the new interactive line was open and I really wanted to see that. None of the special effects were working yet but I still wanted to explore it since it was new. So now I present to you, the Darling house. If you haven’t seen the line and don’t want to be spoiled, you may want to skip over the first part of this update. I pretty much photographed every inch of the new part.

When you first enter, you are in a long hall. I found this a little claustrophobic and wonder how it will feel in the middle of the summer.

Paintings that represented different scenes from the movie lined this hall.

You round a corner into a second hall with more pictures.

Then you enter a slightly larger room that appears to be the outside of the house.

Poor Nana, stuck outside.

One more short hallway with portraits of the Darling family.

Then it opens up into the children’s room where the line weaves back and forth. I did not take as many pictures in this room because it was pretty crowded with the weaving lines and was hard to get clear shots.

Continued in Next Post
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A Trip Through the Darling House Part 2

Each of the kid’s beds are present starting with John’s.

And also a place for Nana.

Do you see how far apart the railings are there? I saw several children climb right through them. I wonder if Disney meant for that to happen or if they have gone back and changed that now.

After that, the line merges back with the old one and you are almost to the front. I had a bit more success with pictures this time around. I figured out that if I leaned down a little and took pictures straight ahead under the sail, I got slightly better results.

If you remember from earlier in the day, I had gone through the Princesses to see who I hadn’t met yet and Rapunzel was one of them. I headed towards Princess Fairytale Hall to see what the line was like.

The wait time for Rapunzel and Cinderella was 10 minutes so I got in line. Surprisingly, Anna and Elsa was only 15 minutes. I guess 2 am during EMHs is the time to meet them!

Rapunzel was absolutely hilarious with the group in front of me. She had the little girls giggling so badly that they were crying. When it was my turn, we talked about omelettes. For some reason all of the princesses like to talk to me about food.

I’m only sharing this next one because it will get a good laugh although it will be at my expense. Rapunzel mentioned putting mushrooms in her omelette and this is my “mushrooms are disgusting” face.

Here’s some better pictures!

I went on to talk to Cinderella who was nice but nothing special. We talked about where I was from and that was about it. Actually we ended up watching Rapunzel for a bit because she had group after me laughing too.

Those were my last meet and greets of the trip and they were very successful. And I was finally at the point where I was almost comfortable with the face characters. I now had every princess under my belt except Belle. I will have to make her my top priority next time I go.

Up Next: Going Under the Sea and Flying Solo
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I love the new Peter Pan line! Love all your pictures, glad you were able to check it out.

Late night hours are really the best time to hit up Fairytale Hall. Yay for getting to cross Rapunzel off the list. I met this friend of hers and had a blast with her as well! You definitely need to meet Belle next time to complete the princesses :)
Omlettes, huh? So I guess she uses that frying pan for more than weaponry!!?? :rotfl:

I am glad you're more comfortable with face characters now, it makes me shy too! Luckily I can use my kids as buffer though! Ha!

Man the lines are short! I want to be in MK at 2am!! Sadly, we don't usually get these sort of extended hours in September, or fall... Oh well. Low crowds through the day will have to suffice!

Love the new line at PP! So cute! My friend just got back from her trip and got to play with all the interactive stuff, looks so fun!
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I have yet to experience the new queue but it looks great.

I guess talking about food isn't the worst thing. I defintely wouldn't put mushrooms in my omelette.
Wow - that Peter Pan queue is really cool! Thanks for all the pictures. It does look just a tad claustrophobic in those first few halls. Yikes!

Love the character pictures. You and the princesses look so pretty! :goodvibes

So my question is - how the heck much does that head of hair on Rapunzel weigh? :faint: I'm surprised she doesn't have neck pain!
My daughter and I had the same impression as you do about Rapunzel and Cinderella. We loved Rapunzel but Cinderella was a little dull. We watched Cinderella with the little girls in front of us and she had no trouble interacting with them. I think that she just had trouble with adults. We found that Belle over in France was the same.
I love all of the pictures of the new Peter Pan queue! I'm hoping I can see it in November since we're heading to EMH at MK one morning!

I'm really shy with the face characters too! It sounds like a fun meet with Rapunzel! I would like to meet her and Flynn Rider a MVMCP!
I CANNOT WAIT to see the new line for peter!!! It was on See ya reel soon and I ADORE IT! you get pixi dusted!!!! CANNOT WAIT! Looks so cute!
You did a great job with the pictures too!

then this:
Omlettes, huh? So I guess she uses that frying pan for more than weaponry!!??

Cracked me up.. Terry your a NUT!

OK i am off to get some work done!
Okay, so I did skip the part about the Peter Pan line because that's just how I am, hahaha. But yay! Can't wait to see it in person. And good for you meeting most of the princesses! Rapunzel sounds great.
What great pictures! I love the idea of M&G at 2 am in the morning! I must try that next time I go.
I love the new Peter Pan line! Love all your pictures, glad you were able to check it out.

Late night hours are really the best time to hit up Fairytale Hall. Yay for getting to cross Rapunzel off the list. I met this friend of hers and had a blast with her as well! You definitely need to meet Belle next time to complete the princesses :)

The line was very cute, I can't wait to see it again with the interactive stuff working.

Late night is really great for just about any ride, greet or show!

Belle is number 1 on my list of meets the next time I go.

Omlettes, huh? So I guess she uses that frying pan for more than weaponry!!?? :rotfl:

I am glad you're more comfortable with face characters now, it makes me shy too! Luckily I can use my kids as buffer though! Ha!

Man the lines are short! I want to be in MK at 2am!! Sadly, we don't usually get these sort of extended hours in September, or fall... Oh well. Low crowds through the day will have to suffice!

Love the new line at PP! So cute! My friend just got back from her trip and got to play with all the interactive stuff, looks so fun!

Yes, I guess she does use it for more than hitting people over the head!

I found that the face characters always come up with something to chat about so it makes it easier. If I had to come up with topics it would be a whole different story!

2 am was so awesome at MK! I've gone several times now to the late night EMHs and have gotten on a ton of rides each time.

I can't wait to see the interactive stuff someday.

I have yet to experience the new queue but it looks great.

I guess talking about food isn't the worst thing. I defintely wouldn't put mushrooms in my omelette.

The new line was a lot of fun, definitely better than the old one.

I'm just happy to have anything to talk about so I'm glad she brought it up.

Wow - that Peter Pan queue is really cool! Thanks for all the pictures. It does look just a tad claustrophobic in those first few halls. Yikes!

Love the character pictures. You and the princesses look so pretty! :goodvibes

So my question is - how the heck much does that head of hair on Rapunzel weigh? :faint: I'm surprised she doesn't have neck pain!

Yeah, those first two halls were a little tight. I'm really curious to hear how they are in the heat of summer.

Thanks, for 2 am I wasn't looking too bad yet although my hair was a bit ratty at that point from BTMR.

I bet it does weigh a bunch but it does look like the majority of it sits on her shoulder. Wonder if she gets a sore shoulder by the end of the day?

My daughter and I had the same impression as you do about Rapunzel and Cinderella. We loved Rapunzel but Cinderella was a little dull. We watched Cinderella with the little girls in front of us and she had no trouble interacting with them. I think that she just had trouble with adults. We found that Belle over in France was the same.

Rapunzel was a ton of fun! I think it's just the difference in the movies. Rapunzel has a ton of personality in her movie while Cinderella is pretty bland.

I'm hoping to catch Belle in Epcot next time I go so I can complete all of the Princesses. Hopefully I will get a better "friend" than you did.
I love all of the pictures of the new Peter Pan queue! I'm hoping I can see it in November since we're heading to EMH at MK one morning!

I'm really shy with the face characters too! It sounds like a fun meet with Rapunzel! I would like to meet her and Flynn Rider a MVMCP!

EMH is probably a great time to catch the PP ride as it shouldn't be too crowded yet.

I had planned on catching Rapunzel and Flynn at the MVMCP I went too on this trip. Unfortunately the rain put a stop to that. I'm glad I got to at least see Rapunzel later in the week.

I CANNOT WAIT to see the new line for peter!!! It was on See ya reel soon and I ADORE IT! you get pixi dusted!!!! CANNOT WAIT! Looks so cute!
You did a great job with the pictures too!

OK i am off to get some work done!

I did see a little bit about the interactive stuff and it's got me excited to see it. Only Disney can get us excited to wait in line. :rotfl2:

Okay, so I did skip the part about the Peter Pan line because that's just how I am, hahaha. But yay! Can't wait to see it in person. And good for you meeting most of the princesses! Rapunzel sounds great.

I totally understand wanting to experience everything first hand and that's why I always try to put a warning before new stuff.

Rapunzel was a blast to meet. Of course it may not have been as funny as I thought it was. I was pretty tired by that point!

Great pictures!! :)

I can't wait to meet Pluto when I make it back down to Disney !

Thanks! I love meeting all the characters, but of course Pluto is my favorite!

What great pictures! I love the idea of M&G at 2 am in the morning! I must try that next time I go.

Late EMHs at MK are a blast. I hope you do get a chance to experience them next time you go.


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