Pictures of things No Longer Seen at WDW

When did they stop letting folks ride in the front of the monorail? We did it in ’03
2009. I think it was June. We were there in early May and were going to ride but someone cut in front of us in the line. We didn't think it was a big deal because we were coming back in October. Dd never did get to ride. :(
Communicore = why Epcot has always been my favorite park. While Innoventions is fine, nothing will ever come close to the original.

Word. That dang robot probably had enough personal information stored to steal my identity.
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1997 - the back of the castlecake was a bit odd looking as they left the bottom section undecorated (to be fair the whole thing was a bit odd, in a good way ::yes::).

Look, Snow White's Adventures!

I think this is SO COOL! They should do something like this again. The projections seem so lazy compared to this. This is fantastic o.o
That showboat holds one of my best memories. Goofy dancing with my father at the Character breakfast.

WOW... first of all, this thread is amazing and thank you so much for posting all these great pictures! DW and I have been to Disney soooooooooo many times. in fact we got married there in 1999. when I was young, I went twice with my parents at age 7 and 13. I hardly have any concrete memories of it except for getting on a big boat where I met characters. Never knew where that was but now thanks to this picture I do! A little help from google and I have all these pictures of the Empress Lilly!!!!! Thanks for bringing back a piece of my childhood!!!!!!! And for what its worth, when DW was a kid she went every year and they always stayed in the tree houses on the opposite page in the photo!

EVERY one of these photos (except I missed the fine dinning) brings back memories.

I SO miss when HS actually had attractions about creating films(same with Universal). I was so disappointed when they took the animators out. The back stage tour was SO long because they combined it with the walking part, including the BEE from Honey I Shrunk the Kids green screen, and remember "The Lottery Ticket" with Bette Middler, which actually brought to life the Streets of America?!!!

And Walter Cronkite!!! I miss that voice...he narrated so many attractions/shorts at EPCOT and HS.

At EPCOT , I miss Tapestry of Nations, it was a long but great parade, at least we can still hear the music when we exit after Illuminations.

Having a 10 year old boy, I SO wish Cranium Command was still playing, plus he watches so many old shows/movies, he'd recognize all of the body "parts" :)

I have the BEST pictures ever of the "Tollhouse Cookie" kitchen in The Land pavilion of my 5year old niece and 4 yr old son.

I've gotta find those pictures!!

THANK YOU EVERYONE who has brings back so much joy!!!!
The BEE and the The Lottery Ticket! Yes... I had forgotten about them.

I do recall being absolutely floored to find a wonderful wall of Star Trek goodies - ship models, trinkets etc. in the shop in Tomorrowland - I guess that was in 1993. I had to skip Splash Mountain that evening due to the massive Enterprise model I was toting around! Was it the Merchant of Venus or Mickey's Star Traders, can't remember?

I heard the Tapestry music while leaving EPCOT last year, so lovely!
Keep it up everyone!! Absolutely loving this thread!!! Bringing back memories from when I was little!
WOW... first of all, this thread is amazing and thank you so much for posting all these great pictures! DW and I have been to Disney soooooooooo many times. in fact we got married there in 1999. when I was young, I went twice with my parents at age 7 and 13. I hardly have any concrete memories of it except for getting on a big boat where I met characters. Never knew where that was but now thanks to this picture I do! A little help from google and I have all these pictures of the Empress Lilly!!!!! Thanks for bringing back a piece of my childhood!!!!!!! And for what its worth, when DW was a kid she went every year and they always stayed in the tree houses on the opposite page in the photo!

Oh how sweet. The exact same thing here. I had this memory. Every time we go to Disney World I say to my husband "there was this boat that we had breakfast on" and I tell him the story about my father and Goofy. I kept thinking perhaps I was distorting the memory and when I saw the picture of the Empress Lilly I realized I was correct and I showed my husband. So Excited to see it!!

I love this thread because unfortunately I lost so many pictures form my childhood and I no longer have any of the family pictures from Disney. To see these pictures floods back the memories. Keep the pictures coming!!


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