Last Trip? It was until we met Food & Wine -- Recap 2/12

Kathy what day were you at the Everglades? We were there Sept. 28, so I am guessing we just missed each other by a couple of days. WE had Chris too.....he is mighty nice to look at!
You commented on my TR so I came on over. What a great trip you all had! The end looked especially relaxing! Hope you all have a great weekend with your family!
Wow what an awesome update. the pool looks so inviting right now. it's so cold here I could use a nice warm pool day :jumping1:. I know Danielle posted on Facebook that Rick(popadon) and I will be driving to WDW for the Races YEAH we are very excited to be able to go.
I always wanted to do an airboat tour and see some Gators in the wild. Very cool.

OMG a Manatee. They shouldn't be cute, but they just are.

Your Marco Island stay seems like just the perfect way to recover from non stop Disney fun. Thanks for sharing Kathy.
Hi Kathy! Playing catch-up after being sick for what seems like forever. And I am so sad to see that the Disney part of your TR has come to an end but so happy that you included the non-Disney stuff (I’m a big fan of that - I love reading about other places to vacation).

I love the way you remember your father on every WDW trip - how special! And what a sweet way to do it.

Red Robin! Willow and I are big fans - we eat there a few times a year when we go to a nearby town for some shopping or Disney on Ice.

Awww - a pool day followed by a beach day. Perfection!

The Everglades boat tour and the Gator Boys show look amazing!

Brilliant idea to follow your time at WDW with a relaxing vacation - that’s what I love about cruising after WDW. You NEED some relaxation between a WDW vacation and returning to work!
I take back what I said about Disney bring out the kids in you two... I think it is the Florida air. That picture of you looking up from the stairs reminds me of me when I was being called out of the pool. I might have been 8 or so. I would share the picture but not sure where it is. Love all the pool time. Your test picture looks amazing. Glad you get to add another trip.
:jumping1:All caught up again!!:jumping1:Loved the pictures of Marco Island...may have to take a side trip there. May also have to try a Cheesecake factory. That dessert looked mighty good!! Will have to follow your next reports.
Nice posts about Marco. I can't believe there is just a single picture of Mark and Nicki and not one of you and her together :( But that just means you were having such a great time that you weren't thinking about that.

I loved seeing all of your beautiful pictures. I have never been to Marco Island, or the Everglades (or even Red Robin), but your pictures make me want to visit each of these places!!! All of the bird photos are spectacular and I love the alligator pictures from the tour and from the show. The pool and beach both look nice and relaxing.

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AWW! The manatee! I've always wanted to see them, not in a tank!
Oh and some really lovely, relaxing pool time too. Awesome.

That evening we went to Cheesecake Factory just for dessert

I love this!! I'd like to go to a Cheesecake Factory some time.
Just had to tell you, I was showing my 3 yo granddaughter your pictures, as we scrolled past pictures of the GF she sighed and said, "Our home." Which is funny because she has only stayed in Pop and AOA and has never even been in the GF. :confused3
We had a pretty day here today but I was busy getting rooms ready for painters. :headache: Didn't have much time for relaxing this weekend but your pictures sure let me do it for a few minutes. Ahhhhhh
A manatee -- so cool!! We saw one swimming near the ship at Castway Cay on our DCL cruise last was so cool to see one in the wild!
I apologize for the delay in responding. It's been very hectic at work, we went out of town for three days to see the kids (and I won money at the casino) and I just can't get caught up or get used to this new DIS.

I loved all of your photo's from Marco Island. It wasn't the way it had been planned, but what a marvelous way to unwind and just lay back and relax after your time at Disney.

Thank you. It really was a great end to our trip.

How cool to see a Manatee, right there near you! I just love Manatees.

I do too...they are so cool.

I like your new tradition of a photo of you and Mark at the dock for the end of Marco time.

Thank you. :)

Looking forward to your Recap of Disney, and as always.... "read you soon". (I'll miss my little pic of sitting in front of the computer - lol) Trying surfweb to see if it works. :surfweb: probably not Font colors don't work, either.

I hope to get that up by the end of the week. Font colors work. It is the A with the underline under it.

Beautiful pictures from Marco Island! I especially loved all of the wildlife pictures.

Thanks Ariana.

Wow. talk about relaxation.. you had the entire pool to yourselves! cannot beat that! kinda need that relaxing time after a jam packed Disney week! Your pictures are fantastic!!! So lovely.. Isn't it beautiful to look at these and keep your back on what is going on outside?!?

We have been very lucky in our numerous stays now at Marco where we have the pool to ourselves 95% of the time.

I am just to delighted your going back 3 times this year!!! Lots to read from you!!! YAY!

Me too, Mo.

Love your pictures of Marco Island. Looks like a lot of relaxation! I could so use a beach or a pool right now, but if I go for a swim it's going to be a cold one!!

Casey, it was the perfect end to an awesome trip. Yes, it's a tad cold for swimming right now.

Awww.. that manatee looked so cute!

Isn't he/she? :)

It sure looks like you ended your vacation in a relaxing way. Really nice!

It really, really was.

Yay! A manatee! I love manatees, so I'm happy to see the pictures :)

I do too, Sarah. I think they are adorable.

All the pictures look so beautiful. You're making me want to visit Marco Island - you should work for their tourism board! It looks like it was the perfect way to end a great vacation.

It's a great place to take a week's vacation and relax.

the concept of getting to start 3 PTR is very cool!

Phil, I agree...especially since I thought there would be NONE.

Also cool is getting to see that manatee!

It sure was; Mark has seen them a couple of times; this was my first up close and personal look.

I love the location of the pool right by the waters edge there. Sounds like you had a nice and relaxing time at Marco Island - often I find I need a vacation after my Disney vacation so this concept sounds wonderful to me.

It is great...beautiful, clear water with the sun reflecting off of it, wildlife...can't ask for much more. I think most of us need a vacation after our Disney vacation.

What a relaxing way to end your vacation! I want to be laying on at a pool right now... as I watch more snow coming down outside!

It really was, Sara. I would like to be laying at a pool right now too. But I think the worse of winter is over (I hope).
I wish I could jump into those pictures right now. I'm freezing my butt off in NY and would love to be near palm trees :)

You guys have had it worse than us I believe. Here's hoping we all get an early spring despite what the ground hog says.

Hi Kathy! I'm all caught up...just in time for you to finish! lol

No worries...just glad to have you here.

I'm so sorry about your mom and the other difficult times your family has been through lately; sending a lot of positive energy your way!

Thank is greatly appreciated.

Looks like you had a great Food & Wine/beach trip...what a great combo! We are Food & Wine addicts as well so we know how it is to be bitten by the bug. Once you go it's hard to resist going back!

I have a feeling we will be making a lot more F&W trips.

Boy did Mark get tan by the end of the trip!

He has always been like that. I am so jealous.

What a great trip in Marco Island! I'm sure it was lovely to get to relax in the tropical weather after a WDW trip. I love that you had so many visitors (wing-ed and reptilian the like). Living in South Florida you kinda forget how pretty the state really is!

It was a great trip, and we loved our relaxing time. We've always thought Florida to be one of the most beautiful states we've ever been to.

Kinda sad it's over, but now I have your PTR to follow! :tigger::dumbo:

One more update...if I ever catch up on replies here and on my PTR. I'm embarrassed I've let it go so long without responding.

Marco's Island looks quite restful and fun.

It really was, and I can't wait to be back in October.

My goodness I think next trip to Florida I will direct myself straight to Marco Island. Love all the wildlife pics, looks like a relaxing time was had by all.

Thanks, Lori. It really was, and I think you and the family would love it.

Lots of pool time at Marco Island...looks nice and relaxing.

Mark, it is our favorite place to be when we are in relax mode.

And you saw a manatee in the wild! How cool is that?

Between the manatee, the dolphins and the flying stingrays, we saw it all.

Love all your Marco Island pics!

Jill in CO

Thanks, Jill.

More awesome pictures of Marco Island! You guys are smart to have a relaxing vacation after the fun, busy WDW vacation!

Sarah, thank you...glad you enjoyed them.

Another great post and pictures. So cool to see a manatee out in nature, (that's not in a tank eating lettuce.)

We spend a lot of time at the Seas watching the manatees, but this was just awesome seeing it up close and personal.

Trying to catch up on all the trip reports I missed last month when I was sick!

Are you feeling any better?

Luvin the Lumiere you got for your birthday. There's a chip cup as well I wanted him but they were sold out in Disneyland :(

Isn't he great? He is the centerpiece on my dining room table.

Chip and Dale in their littler cowboy suits at the opening ceremony made me smile.

Cutest chipmunks I ever saw.

I still need to find that Goofy bench as well. Every time we go I look and fail to find him :(

He is right in front of Tony's Town Square.

Agh love the magic shot with Lumiere as well :lovestruc Your Gaston pictures reminded me of when we did the musical. Our Gaston's hair got higher every night lol!

Thanks again. I remember when you did the musical.

Love all the Marco Island pics as well

Thanks, Emma.
I take back what I said about Disney bring out the kids in you two... I think it is the Florida air. That picture of you looking up from the stairs reminds me of me when I was being called out of the pool. I might have been 8 or so. I would share the picture but not sure where it is. Love all the pool time. Your test picture looks amazing. Glad you get to add another trip.

Sandy, I think I will agree with you that it is definitely the Florida air. :)

Kathy what day were you at the Everglades? We were there Sept. 28, so I am guessing we just missed each other by a couple of days. WE had Chris too.....he is mighty nice to look at!

Jen, I believe it was Wednesday, October 1 (or Tuesday, the 30th of September). He was very fine to look at.

You commented on my TR so I came on over. What a great trip you all had! The end looked especially relaxing! Hope you all have a great weekend with your family!

Thank you so very much. I know I need to get back to your TR and I promise I will as soon as I catch up here and on my PTR. We had a great of our best ever.

Wow what an awesome update. the pool looks so inviting right now. it's so cold here I could use a nice warm pool day :jumping1:. I know Danielle posted on Facebook that Rick(popadon) and I will be driving to WDW for the Races YEAH we are very excited to be able to go.

Hi, Mom. You should be getting your warm pool day pretty soon. I'm so happyt hat Popadon is going on the trip with you. And we will be seeing you in a couple of weeks.

I always wanted to do an airboat tour and see some Gators in the wild. Very cool.

It was really fun (looks like we may do it again in October if Mark and Alisha join us for a couple of days).

OMG a Manatee. They shouldn't be cute, but they just are.

I know; they are kind of awkward and no cute face like a dophin, but I just think they are cute and love them.

Your Marco Island stay seems like just the perfect way to recover from non stop Disney fun. Thanks for sharing Kathy.

It really was, Rob.

Kathy I am thinking we may have been there the same day....were you there early? That light silver car sure looks like my rental. And that is where I parked.

I want to say we got there around 10:00 a.m. the day we went.

Hi Kathy! Playing catch-up after being sick for what seems like forever. And I am so sad to see that the Disney part of your TR has come to an end but so happy that you included the non-Disney stuff (I’m a big fan of that - I love reading about other places to vacation).

Roni, Ihope you are feeling better. I didn't want to include all of Marco, but it is Disney related in my opinion since my best friend lives there and we met through the DIS.

I love the way you remember your father on every WDW trip - how special! And what a sweet way to do it.

Thank you. :)

Red Robin! Willow and I are big fans - we eat there a few times a year when we go to a nearby town for some shopping or Disney on Ice.

It's a great place to eat (just wish the service at ours was better).

Awww - a pool day followed by a beach day. Perfection!

Can't ask for more, can you?

The Everglades boat tour and the Gator Boys show look amazing!

We enjoyed both very much.

Brilliant idea to follow your time at WDW with a relaxing vacation - that’s what I love about cruising after WDW. You NEED some relaxation between a WDW vacation and returning to work!

Yes, we've done that the last four or five years and it works perfectly for us. We are reversing the order in October so that will be interesting to see how it works. The good news is we fly home on a Sunday and I took Monday off.
Are you feeling any better?
Mostly yeah. I'm getting the odd day or two where i'm chesty and the voice is a bit dodgy but a million times better than I was last month.

Isn't he great? He is the centerpiece on my dining room table.
Oh I love it.

He is right in front of Tony's Town Square.
I think they hide him when I'm there. I can never find him lol

Thanks again. I remember when you did the musical.
That was the best show we've done. I loved every second of it... except when the beast turned into a prince that made me cry every night :rotfl2:and i've no idea why :confused3 We're doing Witches of Eastwick this year :goodvibes
:jumping1:All caught up again!!:jumping1:Loved the pictures of Marco Island...may have to take a side trip there. May also have to try a Cheesecake factory. That dessert looked mighty good!! Will have to follow your next reports.

Thanks...glad you enjoyed the pictures. Marco is truly beautiful. We LOVE Cheesecake Factory. They are obviously known for their cheesecake...which I don't eat. Mark's favorite is the no-carb cheesecake...believe it or not.

Nice posts about Marco. I can't believe there is just a single picture of Mark and Nicki and not one of you and her together :( But that just means you were having such a great time that you weren't thinking about that.

I know...I was so sad about that. But then she got called away when her grandma died and we weren't able to get one. We will be making up for that in May and October.

I loved seeing all of your beautiful pictures. I have never been to Marco Island, or the Everglades (or even Red Robin), but your pictures make me want to visit each of these places!!! All of the bird photos are spectacular and I love the alligator pictures from the tour and from the show. The pool and beach both look nice and relaxing.


Thanks, Dee. They are all fun places to visit. We love the condo and the surrounding area.

More fantastic pictures around Marco, especially of the wildlife. That is so supremely cool that you saw a manatee!!!

Isn't it though? I heard this noise and I almost jumped right out of my suit. :lmao:

The colors in this picture are breathtaking. Such vivid pinks, blues and greens!


Thanks. :)

AWW! The manatee! I've always wanted to see them, not in a tank!
Oh and some really lovely, relaxing pool time too. Awesome.

I was so happy to finally see one in it's natural habitat.

I love this!! I'd like to go to a Cheesecake Factory some time.

I'm trying to remember if their is one in Orlando that is in driving distance from Disney. I may have to look into that.

Just had to tell you, I was showing my 3 yo granddaughter your pictures, as we scrolled past pictures of the GF she sighed and said, "Our home." Which is funny because she has only stayed in Pop and AOA and has never even been in the GF. :confused3

That is too it. She might be giving Grandma a hint. ;)

We had a pretty day here today but I was busy getting rooms ready for painters. :headache: Didn't have much time for relaxing this weekend but your pictures sure let me do it for a few minutes. Ahhhhhh

I'm glad I could give you a few moments of relaxation, Pat. Ahhh...yes...the painters. We did that last year and are going to be doing it again next month. But it is the last two rooms thank the Lord.

A manatee -- so cool!! We saw one swimming near the ship at Castway Cay on our DCL cruise last was so cool to see one in the wild!

Thanks, Julie. How fun would that be to see one swimming near your ship. They are so fun to see out in the wild.
Mostly yeah. I'm getting the odd day or two where i'm chesty and the voice is a bit dodgy but a million times better than I was last month.

I've had nose issues...but I think it is sinuses. I'll ask the doctor in May if it continues.

Oh I love it.

Andy has great taste in my gifts.

I think they hide him when I'm there. I can never find him lol

I do know that one year he was moved but don't remember why.
That was the best show we've done. I loved every second of it... except when the beast turned into a prince that made me cry every night :rotfl2:and i've no idea why :confused3 We're doing Witches of Eastwick this year :goodvibes

I LOVED the Witches of Eastwick movie. That should really be fun.


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