We Needed our own Personal Flurry...It was HOT HOT HOT!!!NEW OCT 19

Hey Jaquie! Remember me?!! I have been away from the boards for a while but I'm back and excited to hear about your trip!!
Love reading the reports of you and Shanleigh! I imagine I will have similar adventures with my daughter Hannah! I am in for your trip report!
Perfect timing that I decided to check out the TR boards instead of just my subbed TR's and lookie what I found!!!!! :cool1:

It did seem like you were there forever. Let's see if I can add 7+7+5= 19 DAYS!!!!! WOWSA!!!!!

Can't wait to read all about it!
Welcome Back Sunshiney Face :) Cant wait!

Hi Doll Face! So happy you are here...give our beautiful baby boy big kisses and hugs please :love:

I'm here! I can't wait!

Hey there chicky! makes me so happy that you're here!:goodvibes

I'm following along! Have loved all of your TRs and this fantastic trip sounds like it will be GREAT!!!

Can't wait to hear all about it!!


thanks so much hon...I love writing them and sharing all our great times with people like you! ;)

Woohoo! So glad to see the trip report started. :cool1:

Hey! It was touch and go there for the first few days trying to re-acquaint myself with photobucket! Seems like we are good to go now! Glad you're along for what I hope is another great ride!

Hey Jaquie! Remember me?!! I have been away from the boards for a while but I'm back and excited to hear about your trip!!

How could I ever forget you...you are one of my oldest Dis-friends ... Happy you're back!;)

I'm here!!

Yay, Kylie's here!

Sounds like quite a trip! Can't wait to follow along!

it sure was, can't wait to share all the details!

Love reading the reports of you and Shanleigh! I imagine I will have similar adventures with my daughter Hannah! I am in for your trip report!

Hi Shelly! So happy you have enjoyed them, hopefully you will like this one just as much! How old is Hannah?

Perfect timing that I decided to check out the TR boards instead of just my subbed TR's and lookie what I found!!!!! :cool1:

It did seem like you were there forever. Let's see if I can add 7+7+5= 19 DAYS!!!!! WOWSA!!!!!

Can't wait to read all about it!

MARY ELLEN :hug: thank goodness you checked the boards...can't imagine a TR without you along!

19 + 1...the day we got off the ship we stayed one more night at AKL...it's always so hard to leave!

Going to have a post up tomorrow evening!
Time to get this TR going! We were originally supposed to leave for the World on Sunday the 10th, however, airfares were ridiculously high so when we snagged one for just over $400 on the Monday, we grabbed it and quickly changed our original hotel reservation.

My bff was at my house very early on Saturday morning to help me get last minute things done before our hair and nail appointments. She is beyond amazing, is a packing genius and just the best of the best when it comes to friends!

Seriously, who doesn't love someone who will give up a Saturday to help you out!I had to run downtown to get my hair cut and coloured so Brenda was going to get Shanleigh to her nail appointment and then I would just meet them there after my hair was all done! We had a great afternoon hanging out at the salon and who doesn't love a good mani and pedi...:goodvibes
Shanleigh was just sitting down for her manicure when I arrived at the salon so it gave Brenda and I a chance to have one last visit in before we left. First time Shanleigh did the disney nails and she loved how they turned out...our nail girl is AMAZING! Now it was my turn and I couldn't wait to get into that pedicure chair and relax!

Literally could have fallen asleep! Toes and fingers done, we said our goodbyes to Brenda and we were on our way home. Shanleigh and her girlfriend Carrie had to work on Saturday evening and I was going to look after Carrie's little girl. If you read my 2012 TR Carrie was pregnant during that TR. Hard to believe Sophia is two now...and just a little doll who we love to death!

My beautiful girls ready to head out!

Sophia and I reading Frozen...then we watched Frozen...and watched Frozen...you get the drift! The girls were in by midnight from work and we all hit the hay! Sophia slept in until 8am but she didn't realize her mommy was there so we let them sleep and we watched Frozen again!

Sunday was a pretty relaxed day until we met my sister, her family and my dad for dinner! I literally had no groceries so we didn't have any other choice but to go out for our first meal of vacation;) We had a lovely time as we always do with them and then headed home! 2am was going to come very earlier so we were in bed by 10pm.

Yup, alarm went off what seemed to be minutes later! We both showered and were ready to go by the time Jeff came to pick us up...bless him for doing that for us! He took this as we were getting ready to head out the door

We made it to the airport in no time flat, jumped out and Jeff went back home to bed! We would see him the following week when he arrived with the rest of the family! Shanleigh and I checked in and hit the Tim Horton's for a bagel, coffee and chocolate milk! Here's my girl ready to check in with her brand new suitcase she had bought at Marshall's the weekend before!

Very excited to see our plane waiting for us to board!

We had a beautiful flight with no mishaps at all...we hate to fly as most of you know, so this flight was perfect...

We landed in Minneapolis and had an hour to get to our next flight which was more than enough time for us to hit up Starbucks! With that done we headed to our next gate, boarded and we were off for the last leg of our flights! We hit a little snag outside of Orlando when we ended up in a holding pattern for almost an hour due to weather...knew it was too good to be true! Thankfully tho, we landed without any aborted landings or issues so I was a very happy girl! Before long...this is what we saw

Our home for the next 7 nights! Pop has become our favourite value resort and we couldn't be happier to see this gorgeous sight!

We had done online check in so it took no time at all to get our package and head to our room. Our request for the 80's section was met but unfortunately not our request for 4th floor...we got main floor! Oh well, hopefully no critters would find their way into our room:rolleyes1

Our favourite building...love this location! Is there anything better than having your room ready when you arrive, I think not!

I don't think walking into your room on arrival day ever gets old!

We unpacked the one suitcase that we had to pick up a baggage claim because we brought 3 suitcases and only had 2 ME tags...so I unpacked the one suitcase we had, changed our clothes and headed to the food court to grab a bite before we headed out for the evening! We were walking along and all of a sudden I saw a very familiar face...a face I hadn't seen since 2008, one of my oldest and dearest Dis-friends!!!!

DIAMONDINTHERUFF...I couldn't believe our luck! I knew we were overlapping this evening and they were heading home the next day! We chatted for about 20 minutes. It was so nice to catch up and again, lady luck had been on our side! We then headed in to grab a bite to eat!

We decided since our ADR wasn't until 810pm we should grab a quick bite so we quickly decided to split this and be on our way!!!!

Up next....EPCOT!
It sounds like you guys had an awesome start to your trip:goodvibes

I love the disney nails, wow I can't even imagine how much detail your nail tech must have put into those.

Can't wait to hear about epcot
I'm here and following along! Glad to see you began this TR, looking forward to hearing how all aspects of your trip went. :goodvibes

Very cute nails!

Pop is such a fun resort. How can you not have a smile on your face when you're walking around all those larger than life statues?

A DISmeet within a few hours of checking in....has to be a record!::yes::
yay! You're there!

How nice that your room was ready and that you had an unplanned DISmeet! I can't wait to hear what you girls did at Epcot that evening!
I love you. I don't know you, glorious internet person, but I have decided you are good and have a life outlook more should emulate. You just glossed over the little bits of the plan that weren't according to desired plan and stuck with how lovely your friend was and how nice it was to get your nails done and how lovely flying was because hey, enough time for coffee! I love the brightness that comes through in your posts! I like you!
Yay! You are off to a great start! Love the Disney nails. Too bad you got stuck circling before landing but you got there! So awesome you had the spontaneous Dismeet!

Jill in CO
Great start. Pop is our favourite value as well but the ground floor wouldn't have been well received.
Whoop whoop...another Queen TR!! :woohoo: A bit late to join but better late then never right? :rolleyes1

Love the introduction pic and yay on celebrating two special birthdays on the trip! Sounds like you and Shannon had a lovely night with Frozen...hope you saw the girls from Frozen on your trip.

Glad the flight went without a hitch and there were no dramas...woohoo on a DIS meet so early on in the trip. I love Pop Century. Looking forward to reading more my friend :goodvibes
Sounds like preparations and arrival were a complete success! I love those Disney nails!!! SO CUTE!! Gives me inspiration for our May trip! How lucky of you to run into a friend while you were there! That happened for us on our trip last October. We were in AK, and ran into friends from our hometown. Then we ran into another group of friends from home at Pop. Then, in Epcot, we saw another family from our hometown! (Evidently, half of Franklin was there. Lol) Funny how those things happen! As big as WDW is, you really wouldn't think you'd see anyone you know! But it does happen!


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