You want to ride Dumbo again??! – a Sept TR with two young children - *New - 2/6*

Aww! That made me get teary eyed. I can't wait to take my little guy on his first ride!
I am just getting ready to start reading your TR. I have lots of catching up to do! DH and I are playing with the idea of taking one last trip to Disney while lo is still free. We hav etaken him at 8 and 15 months, but just cant seem to make up our mind. He would be 2.5 ish. I have a feeling reading your report might make up my mind :)
I am just getting ready to start reading your TR. I have lots of catching up to do! DH and I are playing with the idea of taking one last trip to Disney while lo is still free. We hav etaken him at 8 and 15 months, but just cant seem to make up our mind. He would be 2.5 ish. I have a feeling reading your report might make up my mind :)

My vote is YES! TAKE HIM! :thumbsup2 Like my vote counts for anything. :rotfl: You will have so much fun! But I suppose there are minor details like money to consider. ;) I hope you enjoy reading! I'm glad you've joined us!
Doesn't Little Bear's reaction to the Dumbo ride totally make the entire trip worth it? You captured his delight in the photos so well! :)
Doesn't Little Bear's reaction to the Dumbo ride totally make the entire trip worth it? You captured his delight in the photos so well! :)

Yes! It made it completely worth it. I would go again in a heartbeat for a moment like that. And thank you. I was glad I was able to get some pictures, blurry or not!
Hey- my husband read that if you have any aged child not in stroller they are required to wear shoes? Is this true? My son is 5 months old and doesn't own shoes and actually hates anything we have ever put on him resembling shoes. So did your daughter have to wear shoes when not in the stroller?
Hey- my husband read that if you have any aged child not in stroller they are required to wear shoes? Is this true? My son is 5 months old and doesn't own shoes and actually hates anything we have ever put on him resembling shoes. So did your daughter have to wear shoes when not in the stroller?

That sounds like a great policy...if your child's feet are actually going to touch the ground! :rolleyes2 That seems really silly for babies. I don't know whether it's true or not. Buttercup doesn't own shoes either and it would have never occurred to me to get some for the trip. I never had anyone say anything to me while we were there. Of course, there were probably few people who actually saw her feet unless she was in the stroller because she was usually covered (at least partly) with a blanket.

We had a couple CMs see Buttercup in the carrier (facing the one wearing it) and ask us to make Buttercup face forward while on a ride. They usually did this as the ride was leaving the loading platform and there was no way we were going to take her out of the carrier while the ride was moving. We would have been happy to turn her around if they had asked us sooner but it was too late by the time they mentioned it. And the CMs didn't do it every time for a particular ride either. There didn't seem to be much consistency.

All that to say, I doubt anyone will hassle you about it. But I would hate to tell you to blatantly break a rule. Perhaps someone on the Disney for Families forum can help confirm whether it is a policy in place and whether they really do include little babies.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures after Dumbo. How sweet! It really makes me wish I had taken my DS when he was smaller.

I enjoyed reading your BOG experience. We ate dinner there last month and just fell in love with it. We haven't been able to nab a reservation for our next trip in January, though, so I'm planning on lunch there. Good to know the wait wasn't TOO horrible.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures after Dumbo. How sweet! It really makes me wish I had taken my DS when he was smaller.

I enjoyed reading your BOG experience. We ate dinner there last month and just fell in love with it. We haven't been able to nab a reservation for our next trip in January, though, so I'm planning on lunch there. Good to know the wait wasn't TOO horrible.

Thank you!! That's great that you were able to get an ADR for BOG last month! I'm really looking forward to doing BOG for dinner sometime. I hope you enjoy your lunch there. You'll have to let me know if you liked lunch there as well as you did dinner.
That sounds like a great policy...if your child's feet are actually going to touch the ground! :rolleyes2 That seems really silly for babies. I don't know whether it's true or not. Buttercup doesn't own shoes either and it would have never occurred to me to get some for the trip. I never had anyone say anything to me while we were there. Of course, there were probably few people who actually saw her feet unless she was in the stroller because she was usually covered (at least partly) with a blanket. We had a couple CMs see Buttercup in the carrier (facing the one wearing it) and ask us to make Buttercup face forward while on a ride. They usually did this as the ride was leaving the loading platform and there was no way we were going to take her out of the carrier while the ride was moving. We would have been happy to turn her around if they had asked us sooner but it was too late by the time they mentioned it. And the CMs didn't do it every time for a particular ride either. There didn't seem to be much consistency. All that to say, I doubt anyone will hassle you about it. But I would hate to tell you to blatantly break a rule. Perhaps someone on the Disney for Families forum can help confirm whether it is a policy in place and whether they really do include little babies.
Thanks for allowing me to keep asking q's. 10 days until my trip - I'm so excited!!!
That sounds like a great policy...if your child's feet are actually going to touch the ground! :rolleyes2 That seems really silly for babies. I don't know whether it's true or not. Buttercup doesn't own shoes either and it would have never occurred to me to get some for the trip. I never had anyone say anything to me while we were there. Of course, there were probably few people who actually saw her feet unless she was in the stroller because she was usually covered (at least partly) with a blanket. We had a couple CMs see Buttercup in the carrier (facing the one wearing it) and ask us to make Buttercup face forward while on a ride. They usually did this as the ride was leaving the loading platform and there was no way we were going to take her out of the carrier while the ride was moving. We would have been happy to turn her around if they had asked us sooner but it was too late by the time they mentioned it. And the CMs didn't do it every time for a particular ride either. There didn't seem to be much consistency. All that to say, I doubt anyone will hassle you about it. But I would hate to tell you to blatantly break a rule. Perhaps someone on the Disney for Families forum can help confirm whether it is a policy in place and whether they really do include little babies.
Thanks for allowing me to keep asking q's. 10 days until my trip - I'm so excited!!!
Joining in! Your Little Bear and Buttercup are too cute! I love all the stories of how your Little Bear is reacting and enjoying Disney for the first time. Our kids are a little older now at 7 and 4 so their ride tastes are starting to evolve. Reading your trip reminds me of how Dumbo, Tea Cups, and the Speedway was pretty much all the rides DD needed when she was 2 and we would ride them over and over and over. :goodvibes

I love the pictures too! When I saw that picture with Little Bear knocking over the cup, my parental reflex had me reaching for the screen trying to grab it from falling. :lmao: I've been on PotC a few times now with my camera so I instinctively lower the lens pointing it to the floor and covering the backpanel of my camera with my hands as soon as we start going under the mist and then the drop. But the first time around I was nervous about my camera getting wet as well.

Can't wait to read more!
Joining in! Your Little Bear and Buttercup are too cute! I love all the stories of how your Little Bear is reacting and enjoying Disney for the first time. Our kids are a little older now at 7 and 4 so their ride tastes are starting to evolve. Reading your trip reminds me of how Dumbo, Tea Cups, and the Speedway was pretty much all the rides DD needed when she was 2 and we would ride them over and over and over. :goodvibes

I love the pictures too! When I saw that picture with Little Bear knocking over the cup, my parental reflex had me reaching for the screen trying to grab it from falling. :lmao: I've been on PotC a few times now with my camera so I instinctively lower the lens pointing it to the floor and covering the backpanel of my camera with my hands as soon as we start going under the mist and then the drop. But the first time around I was nervous about my camera getting wet as well.

Can't wait to read more!

Thanks Dave! Welcome! I'm glad you're reading along. I look forward to watching how the interests of my kids change with each trip we take. The next time we go Buttercup will be 1.5 and it will be a whole different experience for her. I forsee a LOT of Dumbo and teacups in my future. :)
That is too funny about your parental reflex kicking in. That picture gives me a little anxiety every time I see it. :rotfl:
Oh, and I'll have to follow your lead on how to protect my camera on PotC next time. :)
9/17/13 - Post-Barnstormer Tai Chi

After Little Bear and Travis got off of Dumbo, Travis suggested a ride on Barnstormer. Little Bear was very enthusiastic about it. We had watched videos of it online before our trip and he was really excited to ride the rollercoaster. We probably should have prepared him for it more in the moment. I’m not sure we really prepared him well for the speed of a rollercoaster. He and Travis got in line and were put in the very front car. I found a good spot to take pictures of them and anxiously awaited the verdict.

They zoomed around the track and it wasn’t long before they were walking down the exit path.

When they got close I asked Little Bear what he thought about it. In his extremely animated way told me about how it zoomed this way and zoomed that way.

His description was hilarious to see. It looked like a very, very fast version of tai chi. “So, do you want to go again??” I asked. “No,” was his response.

Travis said that as soon as the ride was over Little Bear had immediately said, “again?” By the time he got to me his tune had changed. After we got home I looked carefully at my pictures of him on the ride and he was smiling. I wouldn’t be surprised if he loves it on our next trip.
It was dinner time and nearing closing time for the park. The MNSSHP was that night so the park was closing early. Our plan was to eat dinner at the Columbia Harbour House so we decided that we’d stop by and ride It’s a Small World. This was another of those rides that I fondly remembered from my childhood that just shouts “Disney!” I just knew Little Bear would love it. I was so right. Immediately he was excited to see that it was another boat ride. We were in the front row of our boat which was just perfect. As soon as Little Bear heard the song drifting toward us from the first room he immediately turned to me and said, “I hear ‘It’s a Small World After All’ like Ama sings!” The week before we left we had talked to my mom on the phone a couple times and when Little Bear expressed his excitement about our trip she would start singing the Small World song. Then when we floated into the first room Little Bear was just captivated by the singing dolls. Occasionally he would ask me what one was doing or what something was but for the most part he just sat there with wide eyes just drinking it all in. I was sitting beside him reliving all the warm fuzzies I remembered feeling when riding it as a child. Just hearing that song makes me smile. As an adult I was amazed at how beautiful the ride is. It was fun to see some of the scenes that were my favorites when I was a child. I especially loved the flying fish.
After that wonderful boat ride we headed to Columbia Harbour House only to find it was closed. I obviously wasn’t reading my Times Guide very closely or I would have known that. So we trekked over to Cosmic Rays in Tomorrowland. Apparently everyone in the park had the idea to have dinner there. We waited longer for each meal that day than all the rides put together. I wasn’t a fan of the different bays. It just made things that much more difficult. I wanted chicken but the lines were so long for that bay that we ended up just getting burgers since that line was the shortest. It still took a long time for me to get the food. By that point it was after 6:30 (the park closed at 7) and CMs were starting to come around checking wristbands. They were all very nice and encouraged us to enjoy our dinner and not to rush at all. It was hard not to feel rushed though when they came by every 10 minutes. The burgers were good but the meal felt rushed and a little chaotic. It was a relief when we were all finally done eating and could leave. It was a beautiful evening and we had such a wonderful time that day. We got back to our hotel and settled in for the night. Little Bear was excited that we were going to go back to the Animal Kingdom in the morning!

Love the reaction of your DS about Barnstormer! So cute!

That's how our DS was the first time he went on. He went on and on about how fast the ride was but then when we asked if he wanted to go on again he replied "Not really" :rotfl:

He definitely wants to go back on it again when we return in January so we'll see how things go this time around.

I was somewhat surprised how aggressive the screening system is for looking for people's wrist bands for the Halloween party so I can see how things felt pressured during your dinner.
Your DS is so cute with the way he tells about his adventures! I'm glad he mostly liked the Barnstormer. My niece (5 years old) is going with us in January and I am going to test her out on the Barnstormer first and then try BTMRR depending on how that goes. :rotfl: It helps to see that your little guy wasn't TOO scared.
I finally got a chance to read your TR! Looks like such a great trip so far! My DD was amazed with Spaceship Earth too! For me it screams Disney too! I agree this is such a fun age for Disney, the smallest things are so fun!

I can't wait to read the rest!
I love how your son excitedly describes his ride on the Barnstormer. My 5 year old DD went on the Barnstormer and it scared her, but she loved Big Thunder Mountain...rode it over and over with her arms up? You never know how they are going to react sometimes.


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