Judy, glad your tests came back normal. Hope your virus clears up soon. Its going around our family too. I bet Rachel was thrilled. Good luck to her tonight, though I know she doesnt need it. Praying Lisas leg feels better soon. As far as the the donation I only wish it could have been more. I did make a second donation at the kids request. Jonnie came home from youth group with a fat lip last night. Some child hit him in the mouth. The worst part is he was standing by the wall and the hit slammed his head into the concrete. His concussion symptoms are back where they started it seems which worries me.

Andrea prayers you heal soon.
I'm guessing the link for Walk for Wishes is in your signature. I have signatures turned off -- my computer doesn't like them and my eyes don't like them. :) Can someone post the link or PM it to me? Thanks.
Today has been one of those days. The refrigerator in the rental house has gone out. Our house although it is moving by leaps and bounds I feel like I will never be home. I am just having a pity party for myself. When I think of the cost of all the food that has gone bad I just want to cry.

Thoughts and prayers to all.
Oh my gracious, this is going to be short and I WILL miss stuff. No excuses/apologies though.

I just found out a bunch of emails I answered last night for TWO hours either got lost in cyberspace or had completely empty emails, even though I had written long responses...ACCK! Gail: The books arrived, THANK YOU! We need to talk! Lisa and Krystal: THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! for the generous donations to the walk for Wishes! If everyone who reads here daily (lurkers included) donated a $1, I would raise a thousand dollars by the end of the week. Tracy: I sent links and now they are GONE! They didn't even save in my sent folder. Belle: Thanks for your wonderful support. Kathy: :grouphug: for Cookie. I have NO idea what is going on or how many emails I sent that didn't even register some were empty, some are missing and I can't do anything about it right now, computer or email system? I have no clue. Hopefully Christian will have time to fix it for me, if he can. Sandra: Prayers for a continued. healthy pregnancy continues, I am sorry for not saying anything sooner, you are ALWAYS in my prayers! Courtney: Praying for all you need to do, so excited for your trips! Rachel truly wants to go to New Orleans...someday! Michelle: praying for all of your needs, hugs to JJ. Marilyn: how are things going? Amy: How are things at school? Jennie: Hope you are having a great time at Disney! Brenda: Praying all is well on your side of the world! Andrea: Praying things are improving. Michele: On my heart, God knows why! Emma: Praying all is quiet for you!!!

We have an added MD appointment today, Lisa told me last night she has been having leg pain since MOnday and just didn't want to bother me about it...have seen MULTIPLE MD;s this week PLUS let her do ballet...I wish she wasn't so oblivious to pain at times like this. Rachel is playing at a fundraiser tonight, should be fun for her.

Praying for everyone's needs, spoken and not!
How frustrating and bizarre about the e-mail! Hopefully Christian can do something about it, but sometimes glitches like that can't be fixed :( I honestly, haven't found anything better than the link you sent me already but I'm still looking!

Hope the apts. when ok today. Not good that Lisa has leg pain, praying for her.
I'm sure Rachel did excellent at the fundraiser!
Hope the guys are doing ok.
Prayers and hugs all around :grouphug:

Judy, sorry that you finally went to the doctor and then found out that they basically couldn't do anything right then. Hopefully the new med for Pete will help him out. Congratulations to Rachel for getting to go to the jazz thing and getting to meet the musician. So cool that he took the time to do that. I'm sorry Lisa's leg is hurting, it was sweet of her to not want to bother you with it, even if it wasn't the best thing for her, she was just worried about you probably. You have so much on your plate who can blame her for worrying. I continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

My life if going okay I guess. I have only worked 4 3 hour shifts since July, so money is a little tight. My dad is still in the hospital, it will be 3 weeks tomorrow for a total of 6 weeks in the hospital out of the past 7. They still don't know what is wrong with him, just that he has some kind of infection that they can't find. The VA down here finally sent him out to another doctor yesterday and they are doing some test to look at the pleura of his lungs to see if that is causing it. Though he does have fluid in his lungs to. He also has multiple sclerosis so if he was having a exacerbation it could make his WBC go up too.

Thoughts and prayers to all that need them.
Prayers for your dad!

Judy, glad your tests came back normal. Hope your virus clears up soon. Its going around our family too. I bet Rachel was thrilled. Good luck to her tonight, though I know she doesnt need it. Praying Lisas leg feels better soon. As far as the the donation I only wish it could have been more. I did make a second donation at the kids request. Jonnie came home from youth group with a fat lip last night. Some child hit him in the mouth. The worst part is he was standing by the wall and the hit slammed his head into the concrete. His concussion symptoms are back where they started it seems which worries me.

Andrea prayers you heal soon.
Oh, no, sorry to hear about Jonnie getting hurt again. :headache: Prayers.

I'm guessing the link for Walk for Wishes is in your signature. I have signatures turned off -- my computer doesn't like them and my eyes don't like them. :) Can someone post the link or PM it to me? Thanks.
Try this Walk for wishes

Today has been one of those days. The refrigerator in the rental house has gone out. Our house although it is moving by leaps and bounds I feel like I will never be home. I am just having a pity party for myself. When I think of the cost of all the food that has gone bad I just want to cry.

Thoughts and prayers to all.
:hug: , Michelle. Sorry to hear about the refrigerator, how frustrating. Hope tomorrow is a better day!
ladylyons, sorry to hear you are having problems with your glucose levels. I know how hard it can be to fit in walking, hope you find the energy :hugs, praying for you and the baby!

Thank you. It just sucks because I've been trying to enjoy this pregnancy and now with this I'm still going to enjoy it as much as I can but now just have this added into my already crazy days.

Sandra: Prayers for a continued. healthy pregnancy continues, I am sorry for not saying anything sooner, you are ALWAYS in my prayers!

Thank you Judy! I know you say things when you can and are busy. I did get the dreaded phone call today and I do have gestational diabetes. My appointment with the nutritionist isn't until October 31 but I'm going to try to get one sooner (see if going for a late appointment instead of early will get me in). She is confident that we should be able to control it with diet. I will have to monitor my sugar levels but that won't start until after I go to my appointment. You and your family are in mine as well! I really hope Lisa's leg isn't anything serious.

Ladylyons, sorry you didn't pass right away! I hope it goes better for you next time. Maybe your doc could suggest something else to eat next time before the test that might not raise your number so much? Your number really is so borderline, it might work? When I was pregnant with Ezra, I had so many issues (basically, it seemed like what could go wrong did go wrong) that I felt like I couldn't even enjoy my pregnancy, and I knew it was my last one so I felt disappointed about that.

Thank you! That was the final test they would do. I do have gestational diabetes. It's just another thing I'll have to deal with and that's ok. I'm still going to try to enjoy it to the best that I can since I feel the same way that this is going to be my last one.

Today has been one of those days. The refrigerator in the rental house has gone out. Our house although it is moving by leaps and bounds I feel like I will never be home. I am just having a pity party for myself. When I think of the cost of all the food that has gone bad I just want to cry.

Thoughts and prayers to all.

Oh no!! Is it a refrigerator that was already in the house when you moved in or one you put in? I know when DH and I were living in our apartment ours went out. Our maintenance guy told me to talk to management about it because he said that they were required to replace the food we lost since it wasn't our fault the refrigerator went out. I did talk to them and they ended taking off our rent the amount of our groceries (about $300 because I had just went grocery shopping and lost a lot of meat, milk, ice cream, etc that didn't survive being in a bathtub of ice for 3 days!!) They also paid for the ice!! They just had us take it off our rent and it was noted in our file. I hope you can maybe get some of it replaced. Hugs!!
Thank you for your prayers Judy! I hope Lisa is doing better. I just donated to your walk, I hope you guys meet your goal and have fun at the walk!

I'm not sure if Alex & Ani bracelets are popular where you are, but they're very popular where I go to school. My boyfriend just got me one with a magic lamp charm and the proceeds go to Children's Wishes of RI, a Make-a-Wish type foundation here. It was too sweet and definitely a great gift!
We have an added MD appointment today, Lisa told me last night she has been having leg pain since MOnday and just didn't want to bother me about it...have seen MULTIPLE MD;s this week PLUS let her do ballet...I wish she wasn't so oblivious to pain at times like this. Rachel is playing at a fundraiser tonight, should be fun for her.

Praying for everyone's needs, spoken and not!

I hope Christian is able to figure out your email problem. How frustrating to lose all those.

Praying that Lisa's leg pain goes away. She is so brave. Also so thoughtful. However, it breaks my heart that she's been in pain for so long without saying anything.

How fun for Rachel!
Prayers for your dad!

thanks, the did biopsies yesterday and put in a chest tube so now it is just a waiting game again. The worst or maybe a good thing is that my dad feels fine and is just ready to go home already.

Thoughts and Prayers to all

Hey Judy,

Hope all the doctors appointments go well!!! :)

40% success rate!!! :(:furious::scared1: Is just so frustrating!!! Eight years ago I was the passenger in an accident. It was pretty apparent that the other driver was NOT sober. But they didn't even test him. I was pregnant with Mallory at the time and so I was focused on getting to the hospital to be sure the baby was okay. But had I not been preganant I feel like I would have pushed this obvious issue of intoxication, but sure it would have mattered, after hearing your experience. I'm hoping that your insurance company will have better than 40% odds since the guy did admit it was his fault by telling you his work would pay for it.

Are you doing a trip report somewhere? Am I missing it!?! :confused3

Prayers for you and family for health and transportation issues!!



Lisa has an injured quadriceps muscle in her LEFT leg. She has to stay off of it and IF she is better on Monday she can take her ballet class as normal, if NOT she can go and do any upper body stretches; however, NOT lower body...and that is ONLY if she is up to it. Thursday turned out to be a very stress-filled day. First there was an extra MD appt in the mix, some issues that had to be taken care of with three different places on the phone AND Lisa began writhing in pain around 3 PM and the Tylenol wasn’t helping (She can't take anti-inflammatories). She had told me on the way to the MD she was having calf pain in her RIGHT leg with the occlusions. That isn’t unusual for her, she has claudication because of it...of course, the MD was worried about a DVT, but chose to wait and see before doing a doppler. When I called at 3 to see if we could get something stronger for the pain, they decided they wanted a doppler that I had to drive to the MD office and get a prescription, then back home for Christian to fill. Rachel and I left for the fundraiser (it was POURING down rain and we encountered TWO detours because of road construction...and had left later than we wanted because I was caring for Lisa). There was a delay at the pharmacy, because the dosage was so low they didn’t have it, so they had to wait for the MD to give the okay to give a higher dosage so it could be cut in half, took Christian 75 minutes, Pete almost beat him home and I was worried sick! Our MD is in another county (just 15 minutes from my house though, our closest doctor as a matter of fact), but she wanted Lisa to go to the hospital in her county, which is 30 minutes away for us on a good day...not at 5 O'clock traffic with the weather so bad. Pete called me as they left for the hospital and it was a long 2.5 hours as I tried to wait patiently for the test to be completed. I finally got the call just before 8 that Lisa did NOT have a why the severe pain? Our theory is she WAS having the claudication/leg cramps, but because she was following the MD orders she was staying lying down on the couch, which was NOT helping the cramps. She had to get up while I was gone to go to the bathroom. She had actually gone twice before I left and twice after...we figured out she was getting up to walk, trying to stretch her legs...sometimes she is too obedient for her own good! Christian said the fourth time she was up, she came back looking MUCH better! I have had leg cramps, no wonder she was miserable. While it was a horribly stressful afternoon/evening for us all, we got through it and the end result is happy. Rachel of course did an amazing job, speaking to the donors for a good solid 5 minutes and playing beautifully. It was a special treat for us, because we were FINALLY introduced to the sponsors of her music scholarship. They were incredibly caring folks! I was stressed to the max though.

Yesterday was a quiet day, we canceled ALL of our activities and just stayed home, Lisa needed rest. Today we are going to my parents, then Rachel will have her jazz classes. We will stay at my parents until she is finished, her classes are just ten minutes away. My uncle (my Mom’s brother) passed away Friday night (he was very ill) and we want to spend time with my folks.

I want to say a heartfelt Thank you to those who have given to the Walk for Wishes...we still have almost three weeks to go if you want to help. Thank you Courtney, Gail, Michele, Tracy and Terra.Krystal, please thank Tessa, Jenna, Jonnie and Paige. ALL of you are incredibly kind, the money will be used 100 percent for wishes and that is a huge blessing. EACH donation makes a difference! Honestly, big or small, it means a lot. I KNOW times are tough and there are LOTS of great causes out there, so I really appreciate your help, I know it isn’t easy.

It is past time for me to get dressed so I will conclude with prayers for all! It really means a lot to have your advice (thanks Tammie and everyone else), your prayers and your care for my family!

Madeline, stay tuned for my new report, it IS coming!!!!

Glad Rachel's fundraiser went well. Thank goodness, Lisa didn't have a DVT. I wish she wasn't having any pain. I hope the pain medicine worked.
Glad the fundraiser went well. Hope Lisa's leg cramps get better soon.
Sorry about your uncle as well :grouphug:
Glad Rachel's fundraiser went well. Thank goodness, Lisa didn't have a DVT. I wish she wasn't having any pain. I hope the pain medicine worked.

The fundraiser was for the music school and I hope they raised the big bucks, it was a fancy party and you should have see the house!

I am grateful it wasn't a DVT! Scary! I kept saying she is on coumadin, that would be really bad if it was a DVT, especially since her numbers are high. Lisa took half of the pain pill and didn't even need that by the time we got it, we just did it because she was heading to the hospital. This child is tough, even after heart caths/abdominal surgery etc, she usually only has Tylenol...

I am so far behind, how is JJ?? We were looking at pics yesterday and he looked so happy with Lisa. Give him a big hug from me please. :grouphug: And one for you! :grouphug:

Praying that Lisa's leg cramps continues to ease up and go away! That was a stressful day and hope you are taking good care of yourself too Judy. Glad that Rachel's performance and speech at the fundraiser went well too. Condolences to you and your family on the lose of your uncle. :hug:
thanks, the did biopsies yesterday and put in a chest tube so now it is just a waiting game again. The worst or maybe a good thing is that my dad feels fine and is just ready to go home already.
It is good that he feels ok but must be super frustrating to be stuck in the hospital!! :hug:

Glad Lisa didn't have DVT, but such a stressful day!! hope she is feeling better for Ballet and you have a nice visit at your parents. Praying for your family.
Hi Judy,

Okay glad to hear that I'm not missing it being written in some other thread!!! :confused3

I know you are super busy right now so I will stay tuned for when you have time to do it!!! :surfweb:popcorn::

So happy that Lisa legs problems weren't DVT!!! I hope her cramps are gone sone and she is feeling back to normal in no time!!!

Oh and just jumping for joy about Rachel's music scholarship!!! She is so deserving as is your family of this and any honor!!! I admire all of you and all you do!!!

Continuing to pray for health, happiness and a new car for you and family!!!




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