Island Hopping: A Highly Inappropriate TR. (Boom.)-- Link to NEW TR! 10/8

That's amazing that Tran brought you over to your own private section! We actually always stand in the handicap section because that's where you stand if you need the ASL interpreters at Disney, and having space is definitely a blessing. I'm glad Brynn got to enjoy the parade without anyone getting too close!

Duffy seems a little exasperated in your family photo. Did you not offer him any cotton candy? He's beating his head against the stroller :rotfl:

Yeah, I just noticed this trip how short it was. I'm very excited for Festival of Fantasy as well.

Fantastic Pirates pictures!

That is amazing that Julia has Stacey memorized! I'm impressed.
Now that your trip report is almost over I will come out of lurk-dom... I love your little family! I also can't wait to read the new trip report. Regardless, the reason for this post is to share something awesome that Brynn would love that is new to the Disney Store. I was doing a teacher training in the "big" city and I stopped at the local Disney Store and this is what I saw:

The dolls sing the chorus of IaSW in english and their native tongue. I got an India doll and Dutch doll for my DDs. Anywho... They are not online yet (I checked as soon as I got home), but after reading your final full day report, and being reminded of Brynn's love of IaSM, I knew I had to post! :):)
I was actually just thinking about you the other day (hoping you'd update soon!), so I was pleased to receive the email notification! That's so nice of your CM friend Tran to spend so much time helping Brynn feel comfortable - I love the CMs who do that sort of thing. Yay for Disney cotton candy. It's been years since I tried any myself, but my sister is a kindergarten teacher and she took some back for her students last year and they were overjoyed.

Looking forward to hearing about the craziness of your last day and about your next "best trip ever!".
Oooooh, a cliffhanger! I fully expected the music to swell and to hear a dun-dun-DUNNNNNNN. You know, build the suspense!
You're an updating machine!

There's so much to comment on, I know I'm forgetting half of it.

So glad you had nice place to watch the parade, and how sweet to see Brynn so comfortable and enjoying herself.

I don't blame Brandon and the littles. Sometimes you're just done.

How fun that you and Julia got to spend some big girl time together. She must love getting to do that.

Sorry to see this TR winding down, but you know I'm super excited to read the new one! I can't wait!
Ahhh final night!! I was definitely determined to not be the last person to start this Sept’s TR, but it’s looking like I might be now! Darn having to wait for photopass!!
However, super excited to read some updates!!

Whoooaaakay, there area lot more that 3 updates for me to read, bahaha!

Looks like a great morning once you guys got into the parks! Lol., Astro is one of the things I haven’t done and don’t plan on doing at this point haha. Adrobs that Brynn was talking to birds!!

Awesome pics with the princesses and how adorable that Sawyer loves them, such cute pronunciation!

So jealous you guys got into FLE a YEAR ago, that’s so amazing, and even more amazing that Julia was picked to be the Beast, despite the line and the waiting and the awkward timing, I’m glad it was super worth it!

How fantastic that you guys got a special spot for the parade, I feel like that really does help, and that you found a great CM who will come back next tr, how great!! Yay for enjoying the parade, as sad as I will be to see it go, I cannot wait to see the new one, it looks totally awesome and on a whole different level!!

Despite the minor meltdowns it seems like that was a pretty decent ending to a trip, get some last minute rides in there, and a lot of other things, yay! Bummer about JC, I’m so sad it was down this trip!! Last trip we didn’t have a great skipper either, he was trying to flirt too hard, and had an accent, and was talking way to close to the mic, and no one could understand him at all..eck..

Yay for see ya next year!!
Wow, full last day. Must have been nice to have some 1:1 time with Julia at the end of the day - though bummer about your less than magical Jungle Cruise skipper

And such a good situation you had with Tran brining you into the roped off area and so amazing that Brynn felt comfortable enough to take off her earmuffs, etc. - now that is some Disney Magic!
I should probably just change my name on here to that! You are really the only trip report I comment on even though I read Jess and Lia's and Sam and Alicia's (If ya know who i'm talking about!!)

Hope you enjoyed your bon bons! Hopefully taking a trip next fall- How about you guys?? I would love to meet up and I believe Ryan is right in between the girls agewise
All caught up on your trip report & I'm so sad that it's coming to an end. BOO! :(

I'm definitely looking forward to reading about this year's trip! Are yall going again next September? We'll be there! :thumbsup2
Great updates! I don't know how I feel about CoP and having to see the Halloween scene 3 youngest niece and I usually take this time to have a little snoozeLOL that would have been heavenly for us:lmao:

Can't wait until you start your new TR:thumbsup2
Hi Jenn,
I just wanted to stop in and say hi! I ran into you at this years Mickey's Not So Scary on the 17th on the Tomorrowland bridge - blond hair, wearing the Minnie Halloween hat, black t shirt with Mickey head and 'Mom" on it, and black and white stripped skirt. I caught a glimpse of the girls and immediately recognized them from this TR. I am a frequent TR lurker, guilty as charged! But I LOVE your husbands photos and have totally enjoyed this report, so when I saw you, I had to say hi! I hope I didn't scare you!

Anyway, I was on a solo trip to WDW for the EarMarked Conference (Disney travel agent convention) and was with a few other agents. We stayed at the Poly as well, loved it as always. It was very bittersweet being at WDW without my kids and DH, but as my DS14 said, I took one for the team! And had a blast! I was hoping to see you or Dani (another Diser TR I read) since I knew you would both be there. I think the disunplugged podcast crew was in the park that night as well at the party, but I didn't see any of them. It was so much fun. I hope you and your family had a great trip and I look forward to the TR!

Warmest Wishes,
Erin (DisneyDoc5)
Hey, just wanted to say "hi", too! :) It's my first message on DIS, but I have already read LOTS of TR's, but the one's from your family are just my favorite.

The photos from your husband are the best, your kids are very cute and you're the funniest writer. :thumbsup2

CAN'T WAIT to read your new TR and see your new vacation video. :banana:
Oh Astro Orbiter. We waited an excessively long time on line for it on our first trip, not knowing any better and were severely disappointed that we did so.

Aw super cute family picture with Buzz! I'm seriously impressed that you got 3 kids all looking at the camera. Literally, every family picture we have from when I was little has someone looking somewhere else! :rotfl:

Omg my heart just melted. Cimbawewwa. I can't--I'm in cuteness overload.

The WDW railroad is SO adorable and relaxing! AH YAY for New Fantaslyand! :yay:

Oh my, Julia is adorable as the Beast.

Ugh a CM did that to me with Presley at Cosmic Ray's when she was screaming for juice and the juice was right THERE! I even asked her for it and she said No, I had to wait for all the food. :eek: Do you want to hear children screaming un-necessarily? Because I don't!

So glad you guys, and Brynn especially were able to enjoy a fantastic parade experience! Yay for amazing CMs! :cheer2::cheer2:

Love CoP! Ah who does that? :eek: I think there's a very good safety reason why they can't move the ride if someone is out of their seat. I've heard there was once a casualty on the ride because someone (not sure if it was a CM or guest) got stuck in the revolving walls. :scared:

It must have been nice to have some time along with Julia in the park! Saying goodbye to the park is terrible, every single time. :sad2:
Boo for the trip almost being over, but hooray for new trip report!

It's awesome that you had such a great CM help you out! Seems like it was a wonderful parade experience.

I love the Carousel of Progress and all, but the same scene that many times would drive me insane. Thanks, lady who wouldn't sit down.

You know, I don't think in all my years going to WDW I've ever been to the treehouse. I guess I need to fix that next September!
I'm so excited to read more updates! I hate the last day at Disney! But even though it was the end of the trip, it seems like a great day. The parade and POC and some mom & Julia time at the end of the guys made some great memories! I got a little sad when you said goodbye to MK and blew kisses--thank goodness you have a new TR to start! I love reading about your trips!
It was a great, relaxed day! Saying goodbye is always hard, though.

That's amazing that Tran brought you over to your own private section! We actually always stand in the handicap section because that's where you stand if you need the ASL interpreters at Disney, and having space is definitely a blessing. I'm glad Brynn got to enjoy the parade without anyone getting too close!

Duffy seems a little exasperated in your family photo. Did you not offer him any cotton candy? He's beating his head against the stroller.

Yeah, I just noticed this trip how short it was. I'm very excited for Festival of Fantasy as well.

Fantastic Pirates pictures!

That is amazing that Julia has Stacey memorized! I'm impressed.
Duffy was obviously having a rough day! He probably needed to go back to the hotel for a nap instead of staying for the parade. Live and learn.:lmao:

Now that your trip report is almost over I will come out of lurk-dom... I love your little family! I also can't wait to read the new trip report. Regardless, the reason for this post is to share something awesome that Brynn would love that is new to the Disney Store. I was doing a teacher training in the "big" city and I stopped at the local Disney Store and this is what I saw:

The dolls sing the chorus of IaSW in english and their native tongue. I got an India doll and Dutch doll for my DDs. Anywho... They are not online yet (I checked as soon as I got home), but after reading your final full day report, and being reminded of Brynn's love of IaSM, I knew I had to post! :):)
SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a feeling that Brynn will be getting several of these for Christmas! I haven't been to the regular Disney Store in a long time. I can't wait to see these in person!
Thanks for coming out of lurkdom! I'm a lurker myself, so I completely understand. It was great to hear from you :).

I was actually just thinking about you the other day (hoping you'd update soon!), so I was pleased to receive the email notification! That's so nice of your CM friend Tran to spend so much time helping Brynn feel comfortable - I love the CMs who do that sort of thing. Yay for Disney cotton candy. It's been years since I tried any myself, but my sister is a kindergarten teacher and she took some back for her students last year and they were overjoyed.

Looking forward to hearing about the craziness of your last day and about your next "best trip ever!".
He is such a nice guy, and we found out his year how truly interesting he is, as well!
That cotton candy is better than any cotton candy in the world. Must be the magic.

Oooooh, a cliffhanger! I fully expected the music to swell and to hear a dun-dun-DUNNNNNNN. You know, build the suspense!
Dun-dun-DUUUNNNNNNNN!! There, is that better? You're right, it was totally missing that!!

You're an updating machine!

There's so much to comment on, I know I'm forgetting half of it.

So glad you had nice place to watch the parade, and how sweet to see Brynn so comfortable and enjoying herself.

I don't blame Brandon and the littles. Sometimes you're just done.

How fun that you and Julia got to spend some big girl time together. She must love getting to do that.

Sorry to see this TR winding down, but you know I'm super excited to read the new one! I can't wait!
I am trying to get through this one so I can start that next one! I've been looking through some of those pictures...just can't wait to share!:cool1:

Ahhh final night!! I was definitely determined to not be the last person to start this Sept’s TR, but it’s looking like I might be now! Darn having to wait for photopass!!
However, super excited to read some updates!!

Whoooaaakay, there area lot more that 3 updates for me to read, bahaha!

Looks like a great morning once you guys got into the parks! Lol., Astro is one of the things I haven’t done and don’t plan on doing at this point haha. Adrobs that Brynn was talking to birds!!

Awesome pics with the princesses and how adorable that Sawyer loves them, such cute pronunciation!

So jealous you guys got into FLE a YEAR ago, that’s so amazing, and even more amazing that Julia was picked to be the Beast, despite the line and the waiting and the awkward timing, I’m glad it was super worth it!

How fantastic that you guys got a special spot for the parade, I feel like that really does help, and that you found a great CM who will come back next tr, how great!! Yay for enjoying the parade, as sad as I will be to see it go, I cannot wait to see the new one, it looks totally awesome and on a whole different level!!

Despite the minor meltdowns it seems like that was a pretty decent ending to a trip, get some last minute rides in there, and a lot of other things, yay! Bummer about JC, I’m so sad it was down this trip!! Last trip we didn’t have a great skipper either, he was trying to flirt too hard, and had an accent, and was talking way to close to the mic, and no one could understand him at all..eck..

Yay for see ya next year!!
It was a great night, and their meltdowns definitely weren't the worst we've seen--they were just ready to spread out in the hotel room.
I can't believe that since this night I have had to do the "see ya next year" once again! The time between trips is just torture!

Wow, full last day. Must have been nice to have some 1:1 time with Julia at the end of the day - though bummer about your less than magical Jungle Cruise skipper

And such a good situation you had with Tran brining you into the roped off area and so amazing that Brynn felt comfortable enough to take off her earmuffs, etc. - now that is some Disney Magic!
It was just a wonderful, relaxing day. We had no plan, but things just worked out so well.

I should probably just change my name on here to that! You are really the only trip report I comment on even though I read Jess and Lia's and Sam and Alicia's (If ya know who i'm talking about!!)

Hope you enjoyed your bon bons! Hopefully taking a trip next fall- How about you guys?? I would love to meet up and I believe Ryan is right in between the girls agewise
I know half of those people; you should introduce me to the Sam and Alicia TRs! I'm not really a commenter, either, so I get it!
We're hoping for another September trip. I haven't made an announcement her on the DIS yet, but Brandon got a new job (thank goodness--we had zero stability at the old one, and very little pay) with a nice raise, so we were thinking WDW couldn't happen next year. Now it looks like it probably will! If we go, it will most likely be Sept 11-21. Any chance you'll be there then??

Great update! :)

All caught up on your trip report & I'm so sad that it's coming to an end. BOO!

I'm definitely looking forward to reading about this year's trip! Are yall going again next September? We'll be there! :thumbsup2
Hopefully we'll be there Sept 11-21! That's the tentative plan, at least. Will you be there during that time??

Great updates! I don't know how I feel about CoP and having to see the Halloween scene 3 youngest niece and I usually take this time to have a little snoozeLOL that would have been heavenly for us:lmao:

Can't wait until you start your new TR:thumbsup2
It would have been the perfect nap time, except for them coming on the speaker and yelling at the lady over and over :rotfl2:! That place is so relaxing...a/c, soothing music, boredom...just perfect!

Hi Jenn,
I just wanted to stop in and say hi! I ran into you at this years Mickey's Not So Scary on the 17th on the Tomorrowland bridge - blond hair, wearing the Minnie Halloween hat, black t shirt with Mickey head and 'Mom" on it, and black and white stripped skirt. I caught a glimpse of the girls and immediately recognized them from this TR. I am a frequent TR lurker, guilty as charged! But I LOVE your husbands photos and have totally enjoyed this report, so when I saw you, I had to say hi! I hope I didn't scare you!

Anyway, I was on a solo trip to WDW for the EarMarked Conference (Disney travel agent convention) and was with a few other agents. We stayed at the Poly as well, loved it as always. It was very bittersweet being at WDW without my kids and DH, but as my DS14 said, I took one for the team! And had a blast! I was hoping to see you or Dani (another Diser TR I read) since I knew you would both be there. I think the disunplugged podcast crew was in the park that night as well at the party, but I didn't see any of them. It was so much fun. I hope you and your family had a great trip and I look forward to the TR!

Warmest Wishes,
Erin (DisneyDoc5)
I definitely remember you!
And if you're going to read my next TR, you'll see LOTS of Dani (if we're talking about the same one--danimaroo). She's one of our best friends, and we spent a lot of time with her (and Matt) this year!
Thanks for coming up to us at the party. It was the only time I was recognized this trip that I know of! Dani, on the other hand, had tons of people recognize her!

Hey, just wanted to say "hi", too! :) It's my first message on DIS, but I have already read LOTS of TR's, but the one's from your family are just my favorite.

The photos from your husband are the best, your kids are very cute and you're the funniest writer. :thumbsup2

CAN'T WAIT to read your new TR and see your new vacation video. :banana:
Thank you so much :goodvibes! You just made me smile so big!
The new TR promises to be the best one ever, and not just from me...EVER! Like nobody will believe all this good stuff happened to one family in one trip. It was perfection.

Oh Astro Orbiter. We waited an excessively long time on line for it on our first trip, not knowing any better and were severely disappointed that we did so.

Aw super cute family picture with Buzz! I'm seriously impressed that you got 3 kids all looking at the camera. Literally, every family picture we have from when I was little has someone looking somewhere else! :rotfl:

Omg my heart just melted. Cimbawewwa. I can't--I'm in cuteness overload.

The WDW railroad is SO adorable and relaxing! AH YAY for New Fantaslyand! :yay:

Oh my, Julia is adorable as the Beast.

Ugh a CM did that to me with Presley at Cosmic Ray's when she was screaming for juice and the juice was right THERE! I even asked her for it and she said No, I had to wait for all the food. :eek: Do you want to hear children screaming un-necessarily? Because I don't!

So glad you guys, and Brynn especially were able to enjoy a fantastic parade experience! Yay for amazing CMs! :cheer2::cheer2:

Love CoP! Ah who does that? :eek: I think there's a very good safety reason why they can't move the ride if someone is out of their seat. I've heard there was once a casualty on the ride because someone (not sure if it was a CM or guest) got stuck in the revolving walls. :scared:

It must have been nice to have some time along with Julia in the park! Saying goodbye to the park is terrible, every single time. :sad2:
Let me tell you, it's a MIRACLE that everyone was looking, lol! That never happens! Must have been some Disney Magic.
YIKES! That is creepy. Never heard that one. I'll never think of CoP the same!

Boo for the trip almost being over, but hooray for new trip report!

It's awesome that you had such a great CM help you out! Seems like it was a wonderful parade experience.

I love the Carousel of Progress and all, but the same scene that many times would drive me insane. Thanks, lady who wouldn't sit down.

You know, I don't think in all my years going to WDW I've ever been to the treehouse. I guess I need to fix that next September!

Do you have your dates picked out for next September? HMMMM?? I am just happy that I think we'll actually be able to go back next year when I was pretty sure as of a few days ago that it wouldn't happen. LIFE IS GOOD!!:woohoo: Of course, now we'll take all year deciding where we actually want to stay and eat, but that's part of the fun!
Yeah, THANKS, lady who obviously had ants in her pants. You almost ruined Halloween for me! Almost.
I've never been up in the treehouse, either. It's those darn Dole Whips. I always make the kids leave me alone while I indulge, so Brandon takes them up. Maybe next year I'll go up it...with Dole Whip in hand, of course.
You were recognized more than once on your latest trip! I just didn't know what to say other than "hi!" And of course was dealing with my own toddler situations but it was funny to see you guys in a large spot such as Epcot!

So glad about Brandon's new job and the possibilities of another trip! We're working on one ourselves but have some potential job changes and or relocations coming up ourselves so nothing set in stone! Ours would be September 15-20. We love deluxe and we loved club level, so avoiding those weekend nights (or more nights in general) is crucial!

I LOVE the planning part. It's wierd when you hit that wall where there's nothing else to do!
yes, same Dani, and I was bummed I never saw them. Next time I will venture out and plan an official dismeet with my favorite TR authors! I just haven't done this before and didn't want to bug you guys. I always feel guilty reading TR's because I don't do them myself since I scrapbook when I have spare time. Looking forward to the next one and all the great pictures!

Thanks Jenn!
I think BTMRR feels faster now too! We rode it and all thought it was "much more thrilling" than in the past. We also rode it once in the pouring rain and that was really crazy!

We had a really great CaDCT parade experience this year - it had started to sprinkle, and people were pouring out of the park. We were trying to head to the fire station to meet Mike (I think he had gone to the bathroom or something), and just as we were about to cross the street, they roped us in stuck on the sidewalk. We were about 3 families in and right at the rope, tons of room to move around and dance to the parade music and got lots of high 5's from the characters. It was truly magical.


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