Not our finest moment as a family..whats yours lol

Our first trip we are actually driving home as we speak. Thanks everyone for posting story's I really was thinking I was a horable mother I told my 13 year old last night he was ungrateful and a brat and broke down crying I felt like I yelled at them and rushed all week. Next trip 2 days more those added days are no park days. Stick to sections of the park stay there not bounce back n forth. we were running around like chickens with our heads cut off . Rush rush rush I was so jammied packed with info from the boards I just blanked and lost my mind. "atleast it felt like it"
When I was 12, we went on a big family trip (think 30-40 people. I have a huge family; lots of aunts, uncles, and cousins). My mom and I spent the entire trip yelling at each other...I wanted to hang out with my cousins and she was angry that I didn't want to spent time on vacation with her, my dad, and my siblings...we laugh about it now but it was BAD
We were on our 6th or 7th days. It was me, DH, our 2 daughters, and my mother in a room at POR. We were all a tad on edge at this point and were walking out of WS through England in the mid afternoon. Next thing I know my husband pops off, 'oh well great. Just great. Fantastic!!' While doing this strange circular dance. (Picture yourself looking at your back placket and moving in a circle.) it was bizarre.

I asked him what was wrong and he said that he was soaked and someone had just poured a drink all down has back. We proceed to try to figure out what happened and he continues to have his meltdown in the middle of the walkway.

Turns out his hand sanitizer that was attached to his backpack has come open and poured a tiny bit down his back. When I say tiny, I really mean tiny.

Such a drama queen! I still like to impersonate him from that if something minor happens around the house!
Last Thanksgiving.....We had booked Le Cellier for our Thanksgiving dinner because its my adult kids favorite. We were then going to go to Japan for DD, DDIL and me to pick a pearl. This is something we look forward to very much every trip and this was the first time in several years all of my children were with me for Thanksgiving. After waiting 45+ minutes to be seated at Le Cellier and seeing numerous families nearly our size being seated, I complained. They told us the guests at "our table" we're being slow about leaving. After an hour my DH was furious as we were still the only people waiting. He got so angry that he walked out to go back to our resort. I asked for a manager. He stated over and over that I was right to be upset and that he was going to make it right immediately. However, you can't unring a bell and I was already heartbroken that my husband wasn't with us on our one chance to have this holiday dinner together. Then they take us in to be seated and not only was the table too small for all of us, but the restaurant was more than 1/2 empty! I started to cry and walked out. Cried all the way through Epcot, to the bus stop, on the bus and the long walk to my room. Missed "pearl diving" with my girls and was so unbearably sad I couldn't stop crying. Was angry at DH for walking out without me, too. I get sick remembering it. Will never go to Le Cellier again. They're not serving manna from heaven. We have always had an unbearable wait there and since I associate that restaurant with one of the worst days of my life it's out of the question. Had a better day the next day, but my meltdown still loomed over the rest of our trip. We're going again in 3 weeks and I'm prepared to insist on better treatment and not risk something like this happening again.
Glad to see this thread bumped! I hope more post on it, it does provide some relief.

I'll share my story, though it isn't as bad as others, and I don't know if it was my meltdown, or my friend's! And it happened twice!

Now, a little backstory, I get bloody noses A LOT. And they're bad. However, since I get them a lot, I always have tissue, a plastic disposal bag, and Advil on me. My closet friend knows this and she's dealt with it, however on my Spring Break trip, we went with my choir, and I traveled with a group of friends (along with my closet friend). Now, these other girls weren't girls I'd ever invite to my house or anything like that, but we do get along well enough. The first thing happened just as we were entering Magic Kingdom. We were walking towards Adventureland and I ended up getting a bloody nose. Well, no big deal, I pull out some tissue, hold my nose, and continue walking. Well, one of my travel companions just FREAKS OUT. For no apparent reason. She's telling me I can't be walking around with tissue held to my nose because I look like a complete weirdo and am "embarrassing her." I have no idea where she got that from, however the group made a wise decision to find her other friends (we did not particularly like this girl) and go along on our merry way.

The second meltdown was when we went on Maelstrom at Epcot. I actually ended up with a bloody nose towards the end of the ride, still on the ride! I couldn't get the tissue out of my bag, so, yes, I walked out of Maelstrom with blood streaming down my face on on my shirt. I was quite a sight! My friend always packs extra clothes (she's a germophobe) so she gave me hers, however this same girl who had the previous issue (she was travelling with us today as well) also begins to flip out, yelling at me for having a "stupid, no-good nose" and again "embarrassing her" for walking out of the ride with blood on my face. At that point I was done with her petty arguments and promptly told her that I couldn't control it and she didn't have to travel with us if she didn't want to.

Thankfully, no more bloody noses or complaints after that!
We were on our 6th or 7th days. It was me, DH, our 2 daughters, and my mother in a room at POR. We were all a tad on edge at this point and were walking out of WS through England in the mid afternoon. Next thing I know my husband pops off, 'oh well great. Just great. Fantastic!!' While doing this strange circular dance. (Picture yourself looking at your back placket and moving in a circle.) it was bizarre.

I asked him what was wrong and he said that he was soaked and someone had just poured a drink all down has back. We proceed to try to figure out what happened and he continues to have his meltdown in the middle of the walkway.

Turns out his hand sanitizer that was attached to his backpack has come open and poured a tiny bit down his back. When I say tiny, I really mean tiny.

Such a drama queen! I still like to impersonate him from that if something minor happens around the house!

This made me howl!:rotfl2:
When my 3 year old threw up over the side of the boat into the water at IASW. Not sure why, he seemed fine after.
We were on our 6th or 7th days. It was me, DH, our 2 daughters, and my mother in a room at POR. We were all a tad on edge at this point and were walking out of WS through England in the mid afternoon. Next thing I know my husband pops off, 'oh well great. Just great. Fantastic!!' While doing this strange circular dance. (Picture yourself looking at your back placket and moving in a circle.) it was bizarre.

I asked him what was wrong and he said that he was soaked and someone had just poured a drink all down has back. We proceed to try to figure out what happened and he continues to have his meltdown in the middle of the walkway.

Turns out his hand sanitizer that was attached to his backpack has come open and poured a tiny bit down his back. When I say tiny, I really mean tiny.

Such a drama queen! I still like to impersonate him from that if something minor happens around the house!

This is the best one! Ha, ha, ha!!!!
Not a family moment, but...

We had just seen Hoop-Dee-Doo and everyone was tired, waiting forever for the resort buses to come around, and there was this kid maybe 10 years old LOUDLY singing some very long and repetitive song about a guy who built a machine...I don't even know. When he finished with a giant flourish and his arms spread wide, I very loudly said "THANK GOD!" I was called a few choice names by his mother, lol. Not her proudest moment either, I'd wager, looking back on it. :rotfl:
Two years ago, we brought our then Foster daughter (now adopted) to Disney. It was her first trip anywhere. She did amazing the first few days - but the crowds started to build - and so did her anxiety.

We were trying different techniques to help her manage her behavior (she was 5). She had often violent outbursts. So - we did things like "It's OK for you to spit at me - but when you spit at me, I want you to look in my eyes and see the love I have for you in them."

Worked every time. She would try to punch - "It's OK if you want to punch me, yadda, yadda."

She couldn't do it. She couldn't punch us when she was looking us in the eye - and it usually would redirect the behavior.

Well - we were riding the Monorail from Contemp to MK - and she started to get riled up (full car of strangers). So, she started to act like she wanted to punch. I did my spiel: "You are free to punch me in the face, as long as you look in my eyes and can see my love."

She landed a good six punches before I could get my hands up to defend myself.

Wifey and I laughed. The rest of the car gave us these horrified looks. :) It was wonderful - because we got to talk briefly about the effects of trauma.

Oh - then there was the time I got kicked in the head right in front of a CM at AK. But that's another story...

We are on property right now - and we have had NO outbursts like that this week! Quite an improvement over two years ago!
Two years ago, we brought our then Foster daughter (now adopted) to Disney. It was her first trip anywhere. She did amazing the first few days - but the crowds started to build - and so did her anxiety.

We were trying different techniques to help her manage her behavior (she was 5). She had often violent outbursts. So - we did things like "It's OK for you to spit at me - but when you spit at me, I want you to look in my eyes and see the love I have for you in them."

Worked every time. She would try to punch - "It's OK if you want to punch me, yadda, yadda."

She couldn't do it. She couldn't punch us when she was looking us in the eye - and it usually would redirect the behavior.

Well - we were riding the Monorail from Contemp to MK - and she started to get riled up (full car of strangers). So, she started to act like she wanted to punch. I did my spiel: "You are free to punch me in the face, as long as you look in my eyes and can see my love."

She landed a good six punches before I could get my hands up to defend myself.

Wifey and I laughed. The rest of the car gave us these horrified looks. :) It was wonderful - because we got to talk briefly about the effects of trauma.

Oh - then there was the time I got kicked in the head right in front of a CM at AK. But that's another story...
We are on property right now - and we have had NO outbursts like that this week! Quite an improvement over two years ago!

Now, you know you've got to tell, tell. Don't leave us here in suspenders. :rotfl:
aaarcher86 said:
We were on our 6th or 7th days. It was me, DH, our 2 daughters, and my mother in a room at POR. We were all a tad on edge at this point and were walking out of WS through England in the mid afternoon. Next thing I know my husband pops off, 'oh well great. Just great. Fantastic!!' While doing this strange circular dance. (Picture yourself looking at your back placket and moving in a circle.) it was bizarre.

I asked him what was wrong and he said that he was soaked and someone had just poured a drink all down has back. We proceed to try to figure out what happened and he continues to have his meltdown in the middle of the walkway.

Turns out his hand sanitizer that was attached to his backpack has come open and poured a tiny bit down his back. When I say tiny, I really mean tiny.

Such a drama queen! I still like to impersonate him from that if something minor happens around the house!

I can TOTALLY picture my dad doing the exact same thing! Too funny.
This thread has been so enjoyable!!

We've had several of these moments. It actually made several trips so miserable that we've considered leaving my husband at home. LOL

I used to be a very gung ho, plan every minute type of person. My husband... not so much. Add two young kids into the mix, and it's a recipe for disaster. Several of our trips ended with him saying he's never going again.

It was then that I realized I should rethink my planning strategy.

But we've had screaming matches right in the park. He's stormed off to cool down. Kids whining and complaining when they're tired only makes everything better. Maybe you've seen us?? LOL I'm sure we were quite the spectacle.
My sister and I went in 2011. We had dinner ress at cape May at 7pm so we were at epcot early. My sister bought new sneakers but never broke them in. By 5pm she could barely walk and laughing a very weird laugh. ( the kind you get when you fall on your funny bone) I managed to get her to a area on the boardwalk where it was covered,with ceiling fans and wooden lounge chairs. So we decided to stay there to rest but within a few minutes she was snoring. So since I was not going to just sit there and watch her sleep I went walking around. When I came back I found a janitor staring at her then he looks at me and says" I wonder if someone is coming back to claim her" To this day she doesn't know I left her there.
I think it is first trip planning problems or expectations maybe. Mine was our 2nd full day. We had done WS on arrival night and AK day 1 and it was good, I thought. Day 2 was MK and I was convinced DD was in for the time of her life. Little did I know that between my decision to take her on the ride in Norway and DH's decision about It's Tough to Be a Bug, she flat out refused to ride anything that involved entering a building. After a morning of "I am scared and I don't want to" along with more times on the speedway and carousel than I can count, I lost it. I was crying in the middle of fantasyland because my 3.5 year old was too scared to go on It's a Small World. I felt like the trip was ruined and I had failed by scaring her. It took DH pointing out how happy she was just seeing everything and ride those 2 rides for it to be OK. We spent 3 more days without her riding anything but we had a magical trip.

On a happy note, on our last day I was trying so hard to get her on Small World. We were talking outside the ride when a wonderful CM came up to talk to her. He told her all about the ride and what she would see and hear and she was excited! I thought we had a breakthrough. He then asked her if she would like to ride with him and not wait in line and my DD answered "No, that's OK, you ride and I will just watch from here". I am so hoping this trip involves more rides and preferably ones that do not go around in a circle.

This was exactly what happened to our oldest on her first trip. ITTBAB scared the pants off if her. She was terrified of ALL inside rides after that. We ended up dragging her on several rides kicking and screaming (terrible parents, I know...but it was IASW and Living with the Land for goodness sake!), but it was miserable for all of us. Even as she's gotten older (she's 10 now), she still is a bit skittish about rides.

My middle daughter on the other hand, who is 3.5, LOVES the rides. Her favorite this last trip was the Spooky House (a/k/a Haunted Mansion). I credit a lot of this to taking the time to prepare her better. We watched You Tube videos of all the rides multiple times before we left. We talked about the "scary" parts and how they were just pretend. This really helped!

You might want to try this with your DD before your next trip.
Two Words....Animal Kingdom

this is always our meltdown park....too hot, too much walking, not our kind of park.
babydoll65 said:
My sister and I went in 2011. We had dinner ress at cape May at 7pm so we were at epcot early. My sister bought new sneakers but never broke them in. By 5pm she could barely walk and laughing a very weird laugh. ( the kind you get when you fall on your funny bone) I managed to get her to a area on the boardwalk where it was covered,with ceiling fans and wooden lounge chairs. So we decided to stay there to rest but within a few minutes she was snoring. So since I was not going to just sit there and watch her sleep I went walking around. When I came back I found a janitor staring at her then he looks at me and says" I wonder if someone is coming back to claim her" To this day she doesn't know I left her there.

This is priceless!!! Thank you for sharing.


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