Oh, Just A Few GALLONS of Pixie Dust! - A July/August 2012 TR

13 days until Disney!!!!!!!!!

This update is pretty random, yall. I won't lie.

I have an EARLY flight on Tuesday morning (the 28th) which means getting to Disney early as well! Basically, I'm planning on checking into Pop Century and then immediately jumping on a bus to MK. I've been waiting TOO LONG!!!

If you don't know what I'm talking about, I have been totally and completely avoiding New Fantasyland. I haven't seen any pictures, videos, or read any updates about it. NONE! (That's why, on several TRs, the awesome writers will say, "DON'T LOOK, MARISSA!" Pretty amazing. I just want to be completely surprised and blown away seeing it all for the first time in person. And trust me, between the DIS, twitter, instagram, etc., avoiding it has been no easy task! The only things I HAVE looked at are Storybook Circus pictures. I mean, I was actually IN Storybook Circus back in August. It wasn't completely done yet, but all the buildings were up, and I had already seen concept art of the adorable new meet and greet. So really, no reason to avoid those. As far as everything else, though, I haven't seen it. None of it. Even the Tangled bathrooms (????) they put up. I'm picturing the area behind Pinocchio's... did they just redo those bathrooms? Eh, I'll figure it out when I see it. Hahah!

So basically I'm just RAMBLING here, but I swear, I do have a reason for this update.

I need your help!

Since I don't know anything about New Fantasyland, well... I don't know anything about New Fantasyland!

I've been avoiding so much that I basically feel clueless! So here begins my onslaught of questions.

Do any of the attractions have fastpasses? If so, are the FP machines at the actual attractions, or are they in another area completely? Can I meet Eric? Do I have to go to dinner at Be Our Guest to see Beast? What time should I get in line for lunch at Be Our Guest? (I definitely didn't get an ADR for dinner. Hahaha.) If I'm arriving at MK around 11-12 (on my arrival day), will I have a chance of riding the Little Mermaid? BASICALLY, I want to know anything and everything I possibly CAN know right now. If you've gone straight to New Fantasyland at park opening before, I want to know what your plan of attack was and how it worked! I'm serious yall. I'm clueless over here. I know nothing. It's a little sad. So I will appreciate ALL the help I can get!!! :flower3:

I'm just really, really, REALLY excited about Disney and Pop Century and Port Orleans Riverside and EVERYTHING that is going to happen on this trip! I'm still working on finalizing ADRs and trying to make plans. To be honest, I don't want to make too many specific plans. For the most part, I just want to 'go where the wind takes me' a la Pocahontas, my fellow Virginian. We'll see what happens!

I haven't forgotten about the game! I will let yall know who the winner is very soon, I promise! Until then, thank you so much for all your help!

Continued in Next PTR Update

Okay here are my answers that echo everyone else basically.

Little Mermaid has fast passes. They are by Mickey's Philharmagic. I think that's one of the reasons honestly that they don't run out sooner, because they're not like RIGHT next door.

Can't meet Eric. Sorry love.

You should have a chance of riding for sure. You're going during a semi-less crowded time. We didn't have many problems even over Thanksgiving with the craziness. Plus, the queue is incredibly pretty, so it's worth waiting in.

Don't worry too much. Just go with the flow lady.
Most of your questions have been answered, but one piece of advice on my end!

As you'll see in my next few updates.. okay, well, you won't see it because it's New Fantasyland stuff. BUT, when Matt and I headed over to New Fantasyland, we were lined up by the Carousel with the plan to go straight over to Under the Sea since we really wanted to ride it.

When we walked up, it had a 5 minute wait, and we were confused because no one was going on.. but then were told that it was actually closed. I've heard of it being closed at rope drop for others.

I'm not sure if this is still a thing, BUT I would actually honestly advise that you grab an FP for it first thing, THEN go and see if it's open. It can't hurt to ride it twice since it's quite possibly the cutest dark ride ever.

I am SO excited for you to finally see New Fantasyland! Unfortunately you're going to want to skip over a good chunk of my next few updates because I've got a bunch of posts (INCLUDING photos of the most beautiful Gaston EVER). But I'll make sure to warn you! ;)
Well, I think most of your questions have been answered. But I'll chime in about the Rapunzel bathrooms. They are actually near Peter Pan and It's A Small World...they used to have that little house that was a landing for the Skyway that pretty much just sat there. So that isn't really part of New Fantasyland.

As far as Eric goes, they should totally bring him back. My sisters and I met him a couple years ago. I think that was back when Ariel's Grotto was closed?

And I also don't think you should have any trouble getting on the Little Mermaid. Even if it does have a long wait you could always just get in line anyway and soak up the queue area because it is awesome.
Hope you enjoy POR and Pop.. Definitely go across the bridge to see AoA. It's neat to sense the excitement in your writing as you prepare to go. The planning and anticipation of a new Disney trip is a key part of the fun. :thumbsup2

And then one day, it is the day, and it is all kind of surreal when you finally arrive. Surreal, but very, very exciting! :cool1:
OK, so I totally missed commenting on the resort reveal but YAY for Pop and POR! I've only stayed at Pop once for one night so I didn't really get to experience the resort...someday I'll go back and stay there longer. And I'm pretty sure my great love for POR is well documented so I won't go on and on about it here! :lmao:

I think all your New Fantasyland questions have been answered, but I'll add two things.

I recommend doing Belle's story thing first thing in the day or last thing at night. That line gets SO long during peak hours!

And you might consider a late lunch at BoG. We walked in around 1:30 with NO wait. And it was during Christmas week on a day when MK was packed. BoG was practically empty inside, and it was so cool...like, wow, this is how Belle must've felt being the only human in Beast's castle! I've heard that they're ending the line earlier now, so it wouldn't hurt to find out the latest time you can get in line.
Looks like everyone has answered your questions! :thumbsup2 Just grab a FP for The Little Mermaid and get in line for Be Our Guest and you should be ok! Are you planning on seeing Enchanted Tales with Belle? Because that line is long all day and there are no FP's for that, so you might want to do that on a day that you do rope drop. Unless you want to wait, it's up to you! :rotfl2:

Can't believe you're finally going to see New Fantasyland!!! I've been trying to avoid pictures of the Rapunzel bathrooms too, but it's been hard...and I tell myself, they're just bathrooms but they look so amazing! :thumbsup2
YOU HAD THE SAME QUESTIONS THAT I HAD IN MY MIND. I have no idea about anything either! I'm glad you asked this & I'm glad people answered,

I have concluded that it may be near impossible to make plans.
I feel like we'll get there & be like, I KNOW WHERE TO GO! WOO!
13 days for me!
12 for you!
Can't wait!

I lost all your text but thank you so much, you were very helpful!

Do any of the attractions have fastpasses? If so, are the FP machines at the actual attractions, or are they in another area completely?
Yes, the Little Mermaid attraction has Fast Pass available. They are NOT in New Fantasyland though - they are available in "old" Fantasyland, over by Philharmagic, where you also get the Winnie the Pooh and Dumbo Fast Passes. No Fast Passes currently for Enchanted Tales with Belle, but if the wait is 40 minutes of under, get in line (part of that wait time includes the pre-show portions, so it's not truly 40 minutes). The wait times are MINIMAL towards the end of Extra Magic Hours also.

Can I meet Eric?
Not currently =(

Do I have to go to dinner at Be Our Guest to see Beast?

What time should I get in line for lunch at Be Our Guest? (I definitely didn't get an ADR for dinner. Hahaha.)
Obviously around noon the line is going to be the longest, but it moves very quickly. We got in line at 11:30 and were a decent ways back in line, but got into the building after 20 minutes, then it was maybe another 15 minutes for us to order our food and get seated.

If I'm arriving at MK around 11-12 (on my arrival day), will I have a chance of riding the Little Mermaid?
Absolutely! I don't think the Fast Passes are running out for it that early in the day. I think if you're able to check wait times and FP distribution times over the next few days through MyDisneyExperience, that should give you a good idea of what to expect when you're there.

Okay, awesome! I know I had a lot of questions, but the FP thing was the main thing I was curious about! Thanks for all your help!

Yay for your trip!!!!! I wish mine was that close lol And I love Pop Century! My favorite value (we'll see if that changes in September when I stay at Art of Animation). And Port Orleans Riverside is where my family stayed the first time we went to Disney. Love the boat ride to Downtown Disney, so relaxing.
As for the new Fantasyland, the Little Mermaid has fast pass, the machines are over by Mickey's Philharmagic. I never had a problem getting a fast pass but I was there in February so the crowds weren't that bad. No more Eric meets :(, but Gaston meets by Gaston's Tavern and I highly recommend him, he's hilarious. Enchanted Tales with Belle gets a really long line so try to do it early or late in the day. It is pretty cool. From what I understand the Beast is only out at dinner, the line for lunch starts at like 10:30 and they stop serving lunch around 1. I got in line probably between 11 and 11:30 and it probably took about an hour to get through the line, get inside, order and eat, so it wasn't so bad. I especially loved Storybook Circus at night, with all the lights and the colored lights on the water effects for Dumbo, it was pretty magical.
Hope this helps! Have an amazing trip! Can't wait for you next trip report!

Yay!!! I'm very excited about Pop. So far, my favorite Value has been All Star Music, but I have a feeling that whenever I stay at AoA, nothing else will even stack up! :laughing: Thank you! I'm definitely planning on meeting Gaston. I can't stand the character in the movie but I'm sure he's hilarious to meet! Even though I did get to see the new Dumbo and everything last August, I never saw it at night! I'm sure it's gorgeous. Thanks so much for all of your help! YAY! Only 10 days to go now!

Okay here are my answers that echo everyone else basically.

Little Mermaid has fast passes. They are by Mickey's Philharmagic. I think that's one of the reasons honestly that they don't run out sooner, because they're not like RIGHT next door.

Can't meet Eric. Sorry love.

You should have a chance of riding for sure. You're going during a semi-less crowded time. We didn't have many problems even over Thanksgiving with the craziness. Plus, the queue is incredibly pretty, so it's worth waiting in.

Don't worry too much. Just go with the flow lady.

Thanks for all your help! I'm surprised they don't have Eric out meeting near his castle! That would make so much sense! Bah. Oh well. :laughing: Yeah, I wasn't sure if the ride got a super long line or anything.

Hahah I'm not worried. I know it probably seems like I am, but I'm not. It's just a little weird knowing absolutely nothing about this new area! I think most of the questions stem from my curiosity! I can't wait to see it all for myself!

Most of your questions have been answered, but one piece of advice on my end!

As you'll see in my next few updates.. okay, well, you won't see it because it's New Fantasyland stuff. BUT, when Matt and I headed over to New Fantasyland, we were lined up by the Carousel with the plan to go straight over to Under the Sea since we really wanted to ride it.

When we walked up, it had a 5 minute wait, and we were confused because no one was going on.. but then were told that it was actually closed. I've heard of it being closed at rope drop for others.

I'm not sure if this is still a thing, BUT I would actually honestly advise that you grab an FP for it first thing, THEN go and see if it's open. It can't hurt to ride it twice since it's quite possibly the cutest dark ride ever.

I am SO excited for you to finally see New Fantasyland! Unfortunately you're going to want to skip over a good chunk of my next few updates because I've got a bunch of posts (INCLUDING photos of the most beautiful Gaston EVER). But I'll make sure to warn you! ;)

Oh wow! I'm so glad you told me this! That's really weird... I wonder why they wouldn't open it right away. Do you think it was just a random thing that particular day? Oh, and I only read like the first little bit of your update, because I didn't know how much of it would be NFL related. I didn't want to risk anything! I will definitely be going back and trying to read all these updates I've had to miss. Anyway, thanks for your help! I'm glad to hear you say that the ride is so cute. AHHHHHHH I'M JUST SO CLOSE!!!

Well, I think most of your questions have been answered. But I'll chime in about the Rapunzel bathrooms. They are actually near Peter Pan and It's A Small World...they used to have that little house that was a landing for the Skyway that pretty much just sat there. So that isn't really part of New Fantasyland.

As far as Eric goes, they should totally bring him back. My sisters and I met him a couple years ago. I think that was back when Ariel's Grotto was closed?

And I also don't think you should have any trouble getting on the Little Mermaid. Even if it does have a long wait you could always just get in line anyway and soak up the queue area because it is awesome.

OH! That makes WAY more sense, because there's really no space back there near Pinocchio's. I don't know what I was thinking, but of COURSE that makes sense considering there has been construction there for a while! DUH, MARISSA. Hahah thanks for clueing me in! Well I haven't seen any pictures, but I've heard that it's such a pretty area! I can't wait to see it! I'm so in love with Tangled, I'm sure I'll love it! Ahhh yay. Thanks for all your help!

Hope you enjoy POR and Pop.. Definitely go across the bridge to see AoA. It's neat to sense the excitement in your writing as you prepare to go. The planning and anticipation of a new Disney trip is a key part of the fun. :thumbsup2

And then one day, it is the day, and it is all kind of surreal when you finally arrive. Surreal, but very, very exciting! :cool1:

I'm sure I will! I'm very excited about both of them. I think they'll both be a perfect fit for this trip. Oh yes, that's so true! The crazy thing is that the countdown for this trip has gone insanely fast! Though I'm sure that now that I'm down to 10 days, it will really start to slow down! :rotfl:

It really is SO surreal! I always have to remind myself that it is REALLY happening. :thumbsup2

Great update! :)

Thank you. :)

OK, so I totally missed commenting on the resort reveal but YAY for Pop and POR! I've only stayed at Pop once for one night so I didn't really get to experience the resort...someday I'll go back and stay there longer. And I'm pretty sure my great love for POR is well documented so I won't go on and on about it here! :lmao:

I think all your New Fantasyland questions have been answered, but I'll add two things.

I recommend doing Belle's story thing first thing in the day or last thing at night. That line gets SO long during peak hours!

And you might consider a late lunch at BoG. We walked in around 1:30 with NO wait. And it was during Christmas week on a day when MK was packed. BoG was practically empty inside, and it was so cool...like, wow, this is how Belle must've felt being the only human in Beast's castle! I've heard that they're ending the line earlier now, so it wouldn't hurt to find out the latest time you can get in line.

That's okay! Now listen, I'd be lying if I said that you didn't influence my POR decision! (Hint, hint. :ssst:)

Ahh, that might be a great idea! Since I wasn't able to get a dinner at Be Our Guest, I really do want to do a lunch. I definitely don't want to wait forever though, especially if I'm hungry. So thanks!!! Thank you for all your help!

Looks like everyone has answered your questions! :thumbsup2 Just grab a FP for The Little Mermaid and get in line for Be Our Guest and you should be ok! Are you planning on seeing Enchanted Tales with Belle? Because that line is long all day and there are no FP's for that, so you might want to do that on a day that you do rope drop. Unless you want to wait, it's up to you! :rotfl2:

Can't believe you're finally going to see New Fantasyland!!! I've been trying to avoid pictures of the Rapunzel bathrooms too, but it's been hard...and I tell myself, they're just bathrooms but they look so amazing! :thumbsup2

Hahah okay! I am planning on seeing it, but I'm not planning on waiting in a long line for it. So thanks!

I KNOW!!!!!!!! I can't either! So wait, you did look at pictures? Hahah I'm confused, but yeah, I've heard that it's such a pretty area! I don't care if it's just bathrooms, if it's Tangled themed, I'm there!!!

YOU HAD THE SAME QUESTIONS THAT I HAD IN MY MIND. I have no idea about anything either! I'm glad you asked this & I'm glad people answered,

I have concluded that it may be near impossible to make plans.
I feel like we'll get there & be like, I KNOW WHERE TO GO! WOO!
13 days for me!
12 for you!
Can't wait!

Hahaha I'm glad I could help! Just kidding, all I did was ask. So once again, thanks everyone!

You're right! I'm usually pretty good at it, but this trip I just really want to do whatever I want! All I know is that we have to meet! :thumbsup2

10 and 11 days now! OH MY GOSH!!!!!
I read your post asking for help about New Fantasyland and I definitely can't help there as I've done the same thing you have and avoided all updates about it until i'm actually there to see it myself.

It looks like you got all your questions answered, and lol I might just have to ask you all these same questions before we go in September :goodvibes
I read your post asking for help about New Fantasyland and I definitely can't help there as I've done the same thing you have and avoided all updates about it until i'm actually there to see it myself.

It looks like you got all your questions answered, and lol I might just have to ask you all these same questions before we go in September :goodvibes

That's okay! Yes, I did! There are some very lovely and helpful people here on the DIS! Haahha feel free! I'll be a pro by then, for sure. ;)
Hahaha I'm glad I could help! Just kidding, all I did was ask. So once again, thanks everyone!

You're right! I'm usually pretty good at it, but this trip I just really want to do whatever I want! All I know is that we have to meet! :thumbsup2

10 and 11 days now! OH MY GOSH!!!!!

It's so soon! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HELLO! I just wanted to thank those of you who were so helpful in answering my questions. I sincerely appreciate it! I'm so excited to see everything, but the fact that I know absolutely NOTHING is just weird to me! It's just plain strange. I guess that's where all the questions come from, because I'm just so clueless. I like to feel like I know SOMETHING. So yay! :laughing:

This update is basically pointless, really. Are yall as anxious to get out of this thread as I am? I'm so over it. :rotfl:

Anyways, I came by to say thank you and also to tell you that the winner WILL be posted very soon! I'm thinking Wednesday or Thursday! I still have to check one last time to make sure I added correctly. (It turns out that I totally didn't the first time and we didn't even have a tie after all. Oops. :blush:)

Also, (AND I ALMOST MISSED THIS) I'm going to WDW in NINE days. Do you know what that means???

Get on your dancing shoes, yall, because it's the

SINGLE DIGIT DANCE!!! :dance3: :dance3: :dance3:

There are nine dancing girls altogether. How sweet.

I'm just getting SO excited for this trip! I mean, of course I've been excited all along. However, after seeing all the Star Wars Weekend stuff all over twitter and everything this weekend, it's actually amped up my excitement level even more! That's really saying something, because I'm really not even all that into Star Wars. It must be my inner Rebel Spy.

Anyways, see ya later this week with the WINNER OF THE GAME!!! :yay:

Continued in Next PTR Update

Also, (AND I ALMOST MISSED THIS) I'm going to WDW in NINE days. Do you know what that means???

Get on your dancing shoes, yall, because it's the

SINGLE DIGIT DANCE!!! :dance3: :dance3: :dance3:

There are nine dancing girls altogether. How sweet.

Continued in Next PTR Update


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