Coffee on the Verandah -The Last Slide, Recap & Souvies 5/29 - Link to Aulani TR 5/31

Flights of Wonder is a fun show to see. It is hard to catch it on film but you did a good job. A little bribe never truly hurt anyone.
Ooh the chocolate frozen banana. YUM!
I have caught up again. Great updates and pics.
Flights of Wonder is a fun show to see. It is hard to catch it on film but you did a good job. A little bribe never truly hurt anyone.
Ooh the chocolate frozen banana. YUM!
I have caught up again. Great updates and pics.

I loved the frozen banana, I would totally go for one right now!

Hey I LOVE your new ticker, congrats and keep up the good work, I love myfitness pal!
I have never seen Flights of Wonder...the thought of them flying over me creeps me out!! So thanks for the pics...that is the closest I am getting. :rotfl:

Hurrah for 2 weeks to Aulani!! I am so excited for you and looking forward to hearing all about it. Sorry to hear about your summer shoes. I know I would hate to say goodbye to some of my favorites.
We saw Flights of Wonder for the first time in April & really enjoyed it!

I am so glad we went!

I have never seen Flights of Wonder...the thought of them flying over me creeps me out!! So thanks for the pics...that is the closest I am getting. :rotfl:

LOL! The flying bird part is pretty short and towards the end. It is cool but I can see where it would creep lots of people out.

Hurrah for 2 weeks to Aulani!! I am so excited for you and looking forward to hearing all about it. Sorry to hear about your summer shoes. I know I would hate to say goodbye to some of my favorites.

I am SO ready for Hawaii!!! :cheer2:
While we were off riding EE, seeing birds, dealing with blisters and enjoying frozen treats despite the rain, Jeff and Kendall were on their own adventure.

The Backstage Safari.
Here is the official description.

Do you love animals? Are you curious how Disney’s Animal Kingdom theme park looks after more than 1,700 animals representing 250 different species? Find out how on this behind-the-scenes walking tour that offers a revealing look at the new and creative ways Disney’s wildlife specialists meet the unique challenges of animal care and behavior—all while running a lushly landscaped Disney Theme Park and promoting wildlife conservation.
Get up close to a variety of spectacular and majestic animals in their backstage habitats. Talk with animal keepers as you visit the Animal Nutrition Center, explore the state-of-the-art veterinary hospital and discover other backstage facilities. Learn the story of how every day 3 tons of food is prepared, distributed and fed to the animal residents of Disney’s Animal Kingdom theme park.

Includes: A reusable plastic mug, light snack break (i.e., granola bars & pretzels)

Sample Tour Content*:
Backstage at White Rhino & Elephant compound
Private ride on Kilimanjaro Safari with tour guide narration
Light snack break
Backstage at Animal Nutrition Center
Backstage at Conservation Station

No photography is permitted during the backstage portion of this tour.

Jeff and Kendall were the only ones on their tour! As a result, according to them, they had an amazingly intimate and in depth experience and did actually get to see animals. Of course, they couldn't take any pictures but upon return went on and on and on about it. They go to see how food was prepared and thought that was pretty fascinating. One thing they did spend a lot of time educating the rest of us about (over dinner) was that all of the animals have their own "call" while out on the savanna and that the keepers use bells to move the animals around so that guests get to see a good variety during their experience. I admit the whole thing sounded a little far fetched, cow bells to move animals on the savanna? But then the next morning at the villa, I was able to see it happen live in front of my eyes. It was amazing.

While they couldn’t take any actual pictures on the backstage part, they did get their own private safari and so I present to you what pictures they did take!

Check it out, their own jeep!

A little more crocodile action than earlier in the day

Giraffe crossing

Snack time


I see you!

These guys look like they are up to something…hiding in the woods and all!

Creepy tree

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Oh there are other jeeps out here after all!

Show off!

Lots of activity over here

Siamese cheetahs????

No photos please!


I swear, those eggs look like an elephant could just step on them and yet…that’s just how it works.

This one is making sure you leave her eggs alone!

It would appear on their way out that they made a swing by the Pagani Trail

Pretty cool safari huh! Pretty neat to see how different their afternoon was, just fascinating.

I have to tell you when I was initially sorting pictures I was SO confused. As this was all in the same day and multiple cameras had been used for the morning safari, I though there were more initial safari pictures than there were, not realizing these were from the backstage tour. Glad I figured that one out! I was giving Jeff a heard time about not taking any pictures and he mentioned that they definitely had on the safari and all became clear. Given that they clearly saw some things we didn't, I was able to figure out the time stamp mess and separate them. While they were on safari, we enjoyed our treats and started making our way to FOTLK. The plan had been to meet them there and all enjoy the show. However none of us factored in...the dreaded afternoon parade.

Not that parades are dreaded mind you, we just seem to always get stuck, stranded, or blocked by them by not planning ahead. I really always mean to but somehow, this day, it got away from us This was no exception. The boys and I were able to dodge our way in and out of shops, heading out of Asia without truly getting stuck and it was kind of fun, almost a game as we’d pop into one shop, pop back out of the other side working our way around Discovery Island. K&J exited the Safari and for whatever reason were having quite a difficult time navigating across the Africa bridge. I am not sure why we were able to cross during the parade and they were being held back...but they were. We all knew from experience that if they didn't make it in time, they wouldn't be able to join us inside. So what to do? Wait? Or go get seats?

We got seats (quite good ones actually, 2nd row!) and literally 2 minutes before they shut the doors I got the text that they were in the building and with a little bit of confusion as to where we were, they finally found us and we all squished in to accommodate them.

Let the festival begin! I have to admit I have not really tried to edit these…running out of time to get this wrapped up before Aulani! So they are rather lousy but I tried!

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Guess what section we were in

For Pat

Oh to be a bird

I can feel the music looking at these pictures, can't you?

So could Evan!

Oh wait, that was from yesterday when he jumped up on a rock and sang the Lion King. You’ll have to imagine baby Simba in his arms…

More Monkeys

Time to sing our part!

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Go Giraffes!

Go Elephants!

Go everybody!

Sniff. I love that show. So glad we made it this year!!!!

Once outside we asked Jeff and Kendall what theyd thought of their adventure.

That pretty much says it all!

Our AK day was winding down and we had a decision to make. Dinner at Yak and Yeti or back at Sanaa. Yes&I had 2 reservations. I had originally made the Sanaa ressie as between being at our resort and a restaurant we all adore, it seemed like a no brainer. However, wed never eaten at Y&Y and that sounded fun too. The question was also a little bit of how hungry were folks. The park was only open until 7pm. Our choices were a 6:30 at Y&Y or an 8pm at Sanaa. Typically 6:30 is a bit earlier than we normally eat and would mean giving up that last half hour of park time. We let the kids choose. Surprisingly they chose Yak & Yeti. As it was now about 5&that didn't leave a ton of park time. After a quick consult, we came up with a plan. Wed split up. Girls versus boys. The boys want to&well what do YOU think they wanted to do?

Introduce Jeff to the single rider line of course!

Shocker I know.

Kendall wanted to go to her favorite ride. Anyone remember what that is?

Yep, Dinosaur! Which I was more than happy to do with her. And Evan was more than thrilled we were headed that way as he had determined his final souvenir choice and it was back that way. We'd pick it up for him. Eric had spent his wad earlier in the day so was fully cashed out and Kendall didn't seem to be interested in getting anything.

After making it back through time we decided to try a never done. Yep, Primeval Whirl. Its funny, I've read so much about this one I really wasn't sure what to expect but some of the nicknames had me expecting well, more than it actually was.

The line was not terribly long but wasn't terribly fast either and I started to get concerned we might run into some timing issues but finally we got on. We thought it was silly and giggled pretty much the entire time, which frankly, was pretty darn fun. By the time we finished it was time to meet up with the boys. Who were running late.

The boys had been productive. Jeff had ridden EE with them once and then they'd kept going like the Masters of the Mountain that they were, riding another 3 times for a total of 7 rides on EE in one day. Not too shabby! They were running late though as the Es kept begging to go again and the last round apparently just went again without checking in first even though Jeff had been telling them they needed to get in line. But line for what?

What is half way between Dinoland and EE? Why, Finding Nemo of course! We were on a mission to conquer ALL that AK had to offer and this one, was yet another never done. I know I know, but tis true, we had never seen it! None of us! Yep, we hit the 4:30 FOLK, powered our way through 2 rides each and made it in time for the 6pm show. Go us!

I adored this show!!!!!!!!!!! I cant believe I had never seen it before. I know I walked out of there with the biggest grin on my face. The kids seemed to like it but Jeff vastly preferred FOLK. He didn't dislike Nemo, just really liked FOLK better.

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We had been going nonstop since park arrival and while 6:30 was an early dinner, we were all ready to sit. Plus...the rain was coming in and the timing seemed well, just about perfect.

Arriving at Y&Y it appeared I needn’t have worried about the late ressie (and the fact we were, as usual, a little late,…a 6pm show will do that for a 6:30 ressie!). The place was pretty darn empty and we were seated quickly. What a gorgeous interior! I really wish I’d taken better, or more pictures here but the reality was that I was a bit "done" with it myself on the photo side and ready to just enjoy dinner with my family.

Which I did!

But first, a a drink!
I went for the

Big Bamboo
Malibu Coconut Rum, Bacardi Silver, Banana Liqueur and tropical fruit juices. I also got an ice tea, I was thirsty as all get out!

I'm a sucker to try almost anything that has coconut rum in it.

Looks like Dr. Jones got an Emperor Margarita Cuervo Gold, Grand Marnier, Sweet and Sour.

Despite the fact that we had the dining plan, there was an appetizer that caught our eye.

Wok-Fried Green Beans - battered green beans, sweet Thai chili dipping sauce $8.49

Ok seriously. They should just replace fried with these. The crowd went WILD.

Jeff also got a Wonton soup. I think we were hungry! Very unlike us to order items in addition to what is on the DDP.

For Kendall

Seared Miso Salmon - miso glazed Atlantic salmon, jasmine rice, baby bok choy and shiitake mushroom stir-fry $24.99

For me

MalAsian Seafood Curry - Mahi Mahi, scallops, little neck clams, mussels, shrimp, zucchini, roma tomatoes, red curry coconut broth, and jasmine rice $22.99

For Evan

Tempura Shrimp - chili plum sauce, coconut-ginger rice, stir fried vegetables $19.99

Apparently he added fried rice according to the receipt (must have been an upgrade from the standard?). I don’t think we knew that was an add on….but I also don't think we had to pay oop for it.

For Eric

Shaoxing Steak and Shrimp - skirt steak, tempura-battered shrimp, jasmine rice, stir-fried vegetables, chili plum dipping sauce $25.99

Yeah…my kids MILK the DDP when we get it.

For Jeff

Bourbon Chicken - Tempura chicken, carrots, green onions, sweet bourbon sauce $17.99

He added fried fried rice to this. He liked it but was admittedly surprised by the size and format of it.

Apparently I didn't take pictures of dessert but we had the following according to my bill.

Me and…Eric maybe? 2 of us had this
Fried Wontons - Skewers of fresh pineapple and cream cheese wontons, vanilla ice cream, honey vanilla drizzle $7.99

Jeff and…Evan maybe? 2 of us had this as well
New York Cheesecake - New York cheesecake, mango and strawberry coulis, and fresh whipped cream $6.99

Chocolate Cake - Chocolate pudding cake, raspberry sauce $6.99

SO so good! All of it. I think I like the Kona sugar free apple wonton stack better but this was darn good and I loved my curry. Stuffed to the gills, literally, we rolled out the door and if not the last patrons out of the restaurant, darn close to. We loved Yak and Yeti, every single one of us and while we were sad to have missed Sanaa we were pleased with our choice to stay in the park.

It was still raining and as we looked back, we soaked in our last soggy sight of Animal Kingdom

The rest of the gang walked a bit ahead as I soaked up the last few minutes. Kendall and Jeff had ponchos courtesy of the backstage tour, the nice Mickey ones so she had hers on. Jeff and I just decided to get wet I think. :lmao:

But it’s so dark you can't hardly tell!

As we’d gotten ready to leave Y&Y and had noticed the rain, they’d taken care of the kids so we wouldn't get too soggy (since we were poncho-less)

Can't tell? How is this?

As we walked out Evan had this to say about the day.

Now THAT’S how you do a park! BEST PARK DAY EVER!

The kid may have brown eyes but he was dead serious and maintains to this day that this was the best park day ever.


And frankly, they all seemed to feel the same. It was perfect from start to finish and it wasn’t quite over!

When a park closes at 7, even if you aren’t leaving until 8 or so, it’s still pretty early in the night…at least for us…and especially on the last night of vacation. No one was ready for bed that’s for darn sure.

Guess who was driving the bus! Yes, it was the bus driver that looks like Uncle Joe. AGAIN!

Walking in to Jambo the plan was to hit The Mara and get the rest of our mugs. It was a sea of humanity at Boma and The Mara and quite the sensory adjustment after walking out of the deserted peaceful park. Heading back to the villa Jeff headed up to the villa while the rest of us when to see what was happening at the fire pit.

Not much. Rain. The outdoor movie had been relocated and we set off to find it. After stumbling around lost for a bit we finally found the little lounge that was being set up for the movie. I don’t recall what the movie was but the crowd waiting was definitely significantly younger than the 3 hanging with me and suddenly a movie in the villa was much more appealing. However close to the relocated movie site was...night vision viewing! Who can resist that?

Not this one

Or this one

Appearances to the contrary. It was BUSY in the viewing area so the 3 kids had to share one pair and they were making us clean them in between uses.

Hurry up Evan!

They see something

Viewing complete we headed up to the villa. The kids got settled watching Teen Wolf on the laptop. There were some issues with viewing certain sites (Disney blocking the competition, literally) but eventually we got it figured out and everyone settled. While they did that, I got laundry going. Jeff and I settled with a nightcap on the verandah to watch the Savanna in the rain. Well I settled, he kept going back and forth inside to watch the Olympics. Not that I wasn’t interested but the rain and the savanna were far more captivating. The perfect end to a truly perfect day. I sat out there listening to the rain, children laughing and triend really hard not to think about what came next.

Packing and going home.


The good thing about the west coast is...late flights home!
Wow. Holy Mega Update.

Right before work was probably not the best time to read it. I can't possible remember everything I want to say.

Here goes:

Backstage Safari - sounds like they had an amazing time and it was obviously made even better because it was a private tour. They got some great pictures.

Love the FOTLK. Did you see Pat's tumble monkey?

Nemo - you got great pictures.

Single Rider EE - yeah! :cool1: Can't believe the boys rode 7 times. :faint:

Sounds like Y&Y was a great choice. There is something really cool about walking out of the park after it closes - especially at night. Nice!

Lovely last evening!

Woo hoo for Aulani being 1 week away! :cool1: Will there be a TR?
Yeah for private backstage tour!

We really enjoyed our meal at Y&Y as well and will def be back there.

I love FOTLK and am so sad I won't see it again.
A private backstage safari? AWESOME!!!!!!!!

I really really enjoy all the photos you post! We have not been to FOTL for about 2 years, but we did see Nemo last summer. Both shows are really great.

And dinner at Y&Y! So yummy! I just love the wok fried green beans - they are SO good! And the cream cheese wontons for dessert! What else can you ask for. ;)

Aulani only a week away? Lucky girl! I second the thought for a TR! ;) :thumbsup2
Now that sounds like one of our Animal Kingdom days! :cheer2: Seems like most people go in and do 3-4 things and are out. Getting in many rides, shows, and a meal - :thumbsup2! And then some night vision time, too, back at your lovely resort... I'd say that was a fabulous day!

Yak and Yeti is the only AK restaurant we have not eaten at. I wasn't sure if the girls would be in for it, but Bella actually likes Asian food quite a bit, and I think there are things Brooklynn would try.
Wow. Holy Mega Update.

Right before work was probably not the best time to read it. I can't possible remember everything I want to say.

Sorry about that. I debated and honestly normally I'd probably have split it in 2 but I knew if I did there was no way I'd wrap this up before Aulani so...mega update.

Here goes:

Backstage Safari - sounds like they had an amazing time and it was obviously made even better because it was a private tour. They got some great pictures.

Love the FOTLK. Did you see Pat's tumble monkey?

I think so but do get confused as to which one is "hers" :rotfl:

Nemo - you got great pictures.

Single Rider EE - yeah! :cool1: Can't believe the boys rode 7 times. :faint:

I was happy with the Nemo pics esp since I didn't edit anything. I'm a bit skeptical that it was really 7 times but they are both adamant and that is the number i remember from that day.

Sounds like Y&Y was a great choice. There is something really cool about walking out of the park after it closes - especially at night. Nice!

Lovely last evening!

Woo hoo for Aulani being 1 week away! :cool1: Will there be a TR?

I'm very glad we chose Y&Y for that reason alone. The fact that it was SO yummy was icing on the cake! I would eat there again in a heartbeat.

One week from today! Of course I am going to have to work most of that day..until it's time to go the airport. Never fails. Yes, I am planning a TR. Need to get my pack list together, clear my memory card, get some travel toiletries...aaack! Good thing this weekend seems mostly clear (finally).

Yeah for private backstage tour!

We really enjoyed our meal at Y&Y as well and will def be back there.

I love FOTLK and am so sad I won't see it again.

Has the closing of it been officially announced? I know the theater is being closed for Avatar work but thought they were being relocated...or that was the story so far.

I really loved Y&Y

A private backstage safari? AWESOME!!!!!!!!

I really really enjoy all the photos you post! We have not been to FOTL for about 2 years, but we did see Nemo last summer. Both shows are really great.

You can't beat a private tour! thanks on the photos, seeing both shows was a priority for me, really the only thing I "made" everyone do, the rest was up to them and it was a win win all around. So glad we were able to fit them all in.

And dinner at Y&Y! So yummy! I just love the wok fried green beans - they are SO good! And the cream cheese wontons for dessert! What else can you ask for. ;)

Aulani only a week away? Lucky girl! I second the thought for a TR! ;) :thumbsup2

Seriously. I could happily eat that entire meal again tonight!

I do plan to do a TR for Aulani which is why I'm trying to wrap this up before we go :thumbsup2

Now that sounds like one of our Animal Kingdom days! :cheer2: Seems like most people go in and do 3-4 things and are out. Getting in many rides, shows, and a meal - :thumbsup2! And then some night vision time, too, back at your lovely resort... I'd say that was a fabulous day!

So true. A lot of folks think of it as a half day park. We typically seem to go there 2-3 times in a trip, half days each but somehow don't usually get that much done. It really was nice to just do everything, not leave and really enjoy and savor it all. Definitely a full day park in our book!

Yak and Yeti is the only AK restaurant we have not eaten at. I wasn't sure if the girls would be in for it, but Bella actually likes Asian food quite a bit, and I think there are things Brooklynn would try.

I had put it out as an option for prior trips and there was never interest which surprised me as they all love Asian. They have some lovely noodle dishes that I think would please a lot of kids if they are even semi adventurous. I'd go back on the next trip if the kids wanted, I could see my nephews loving it too.
Has the closing of it been officially announced? I know the theater is being closed for Avatar work but thought they were being relocated...or that was the story so far.

I thought it was but just googled it and it looks like it might be moving not closing YEAH.

Enjoy Aulani :beach::drinking:
Sounds like a great day. I would love to do the backstage Safari. I have a ressie for Yak and Yeti in Sept and I can't wait.
Awesome mega update! What a fabulous AK day for all of you!
So glad you got to see Nemo!
7 EE rides in one day? the kid is crazy!
Yak & Yeti looks so good - I need to try it, even with my non-adventurous daughter, I think we can manage!

What a great ending - sitting with a drink on the verandah, listening to the sounds of the savanna and rain...aaah! I'm transporting myself there now!:cloud9:

LOVE that you threw in that picture of Evan performing the Lion King!!!:rotfl2:


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