Official WDW Marathon Weekend 2013 Thread

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Got my 18 miles in, well maybe 18.5, I lost my Gps signal under the 8 lane highway and it took a while before I picked it up again.. I have run under that pass a bunch of times and have never lost my signal. So in the middle of a bunch of 10:20 mm is 16.16, but no worries. Just glad I knew my route milage. Weather was so nice.

Nancy I don't really know what's going on with your knee, but you may want to see some one and it does sound like an IT band issue.
Ugh...I had a terrible long run today, was supposed to do 18, but ended at 14 since it took me 30 minutes to do the last 2 miles. Around mile 10 my stomach got bubbly and went downhill from there. I'm more exhausted and achy now than after I did my 17 miler a couple of weeks ago. :sad1:

I know what I did wrong:

-too much fiber last night,
-didn't hydrate properly yesterday and
-went out too fast.

Can someone please reassure that just because I didn't successful finish these 18 miles that I will still be able to complete the marathon? Any inspiration would be appreciated!
Ugh...I had a terrible long run today, was supposed to do 18, but ended at 14 since it took me 30 minutes to do the last 2 miles. Around mile 10 my stomach got bubbly and went downhill from there. I'm more exhausted and achy now than after I did my 17 miler a couple of weeks ago. :sad1:

I know what I did wrong:

-too much fiber last night,
-didn't hydrate properly yesterday and
-went out too fast.

Can someone please reassure that just because I didn't successful finish these 18 miles that I will still be able to complete the marathon? Any inspiration would be appreciated!

You are ready for the big day. We all have a bad run or two or three in a training season. Do not beat yourself up for bailing on a bad day. Of your three choices for reasons, I would think number 3 may be the most likely reason, followed by not being fully hydrated prior to the run. Though any or a combination of the 3 could be the cause of the wobbly tummy.

Take the three reasons you ID'd into the next few long runs and see how they go. I am betting that you will hit your marks for the remainder of the season.
well crud. i ran on thursday and a mile into my 4 miler my knee started really hurting. the outside of my right knee and behind my knee (you know, the knee-pit). thought it was ok so i went out for 10m today. by 4m the pain was excruciating. i was going to just stop but i was 4m away from my house! so, i hobbled/jogged home and ended just under 7.5m. i'm beside myself upset. what is with this knee pain? i've been icing and taking ibuprofen. this has to get better. i will definitely not be able to finish if my knee/leg feels like this in january. i'm having a panic attack over this!

does anyone have any ideas about what the heck pain behind the knee could mean? or, any links to stretches or other remedies that might help? i'm going to stop running for a few days and see what happens.


Hang on... You will be fine. While no one can really diagnose what is happening to the knee from afar, you are doing the correct things for most issues runners would have.

I would look for a knee sleeve or brace at Walgreens. The compression will also help with the pain.

If you do not stretch, look at runnersworld for stretches. You need to work to loosen up the outer fibers of the quad/IT band. In addition to stretches look for a foam roller to help loosen up the leg muscle. Specifically, you are looking to roll the IT band and outer quads.

Longer term, you want to strengthen the inner quads or VMO. This muscle tends to be a little loose and under strength in many runners. Squats, lunges, wall sitting are all great at home activities to hit the VMO. In addition, one should look to strengthen the hams and glutes. One of the better non gym ways to hit these is hill running.

I offer this as a help to strengthen a knee that does not have a major tendon issue. Most likely, a doc will diagnose your knee as Runner's Knee. THOUGH PLEASE head to a doctor if this condition does not improve in the next 4-7 days. No one can really say what is going on without actually working with the knee.

Good luck. You may want to head to the doc for a hands on look and a script for PT. At that time he may offer a higher grade NSAID or cortisone injection to drive the inflammation down. He can also direct you to a brace/sleeve that will help get you through this injury.
dumbo_buddy said:
well crud. i ran on thursday and a mile into my 4 miler my knee started really hurting. the outside of my right knee and behind my knee (you know, the knee-pit). thought it was ok so i went out for 10m today. by 4m the pain was excruciating. i was going to just stop but i was 4m away from my house! so, i hobbled/jogged home and ended just under 7.5m. i'm beside myself upset. what is with this knee pain? i've been icing and taking ibuprofen. this has to get better. i will definitely not be able to finish if my knee/leg feels like this in january. i'm having a panic attack over this!

does anyone have any ideas about what the heck pain behind the knee could mean? or, any links to stretches or other remedies that might help? i'm going to stop running for a few days and see what happens.


How old are your shoes? A few months ago I had severe ankle pain and I couldnt finish a 2 mile run. I tried a new pair of shoes of the same model and busted out an 8 miler without issue. Im not sure if worn shoes can translate to knee pain, but its worth a shot.
well crud. i ran on thursday and a mile into my 4 miler my knee started really hurting. the outside of my right knee and behind my knee (you know, the knee-pit). thought it was ok so i went out for 10m today. by 4m the pain was excruciating. i was going to just stop but i was 4m away from my house! so, i hobbled/jogged home and ended just under 7.5m. i'm beside myself upset. what is with this knee pain? i've been icing and taking ibuprofen. this has to get better. i will definitely not be able to finish if my knee/leg feels like this in january. i'm having a panic attack over this!

does anyone have any ideas about what the heck pain behind the knee could mean? or, any links to stretches or other remedies that might help? i'm going to stop running for a few days and see what happens.


Nancy, my PT (Chris Johnson) is amazing and wonderful and local. Definitely look him up.
I'm a bit behind because of injury but I went out and did 10 miles today. It went pretty well until about mile 8, and the rest of it was a slog as I was already hurting. Managed a hair under a 13min/mile pace overall. Tomorrow is 4.5 miles.
How old are your shoes? A few months ago I had severe ankle pain and I couldnt finish a 2 mile run. I tried a new pair of shoes of the same model and busted out an 8 miler without issue. Im not sure if worn shoes can translate to knee pain, but its worth a shot.

That's a great catch, also. It can be a link in a chronic injury
Hang on... You will be fine. While no one can really diagnose what is happening to the knee from afar, you are doing the correct things for most issues runners would have.

I would look for a knee sleeve or brace at Walgreens. The compression will also help with the pain.

If you do not stretch, look at runnersworld for stretches. You need to work to loosen up the outer fibers of the quad/IT band. In addition to stretches look for a foam roller to help loosen up the leg muscle. Specifically, you are looking to roll the IT band and outer quads.

Longer term, you want to strengthen the inner quads or VMO. This muscle tends to be a little loose and under strength in many runners. Squats, lunges, wall sitting are all great at home activities to hit the VMO. In addition, one should look to strengthen the hams and glutes. One of the better non gym ways to hit these is hill running.

I offer this as a help to strengthen a knee that does not have a major tendon issue. Most likely, a doc will diagnose your knee as Runner's Knee. THOUGH PLEASE head to a doctor if this condition does not improve in the next 4-7 days. No one can really say what is going on without actually working with the knee.

Good luck. You may want to head to the doc for a hands on look and a script for PT. At that time he may offer a higher grade NSAID or cortisone injection to drive the inflammation down. He can also direct you to a brace/sleeve that will help get you through this injury.

thank you coach, for taking the time to write this out. i will follow through with your advice. i'm going to try to find a sports medicine person asap rather than wait the 4-7 days since knowing nyc it will take me at least that time to get an appointment! thank you!

How old are your shoes? A few months ago I had severe ankle pain and I couldnt finish a 2 mile run. I tried a new pair of shoes of the same model and busted out an 8 miler without issue. Im not sure if worn shoes can translate to knee pain, but its worth a shot.

my shoes are actually almost brand new! i picked up a new pair from the running store after i stupidly ran 17 miles on ridiculously old shoes. that mistake left me with shin splints that killed (and still hurt even now). thanks for that advice....maybe my knee hurts because i'm getting used to the shoes? don't know. the knee still hurts even hours and hours after i ran so i don't know if it's the shoes.

Nancy, my PT (Chris Johnson) is amazing and wonderful and local. Definitely look him up.

hi amy - is he the one on 27th street? wonder if i need to get a prescription from a doc first to go to him? i like his website. looks like he has runners in mind aka doesn't just say, "oh just stop running for a few months". thanks for this recommendation. do you have a sports medicine doc you can recommend? i've heard dr. rosen is good. i just need someone who can see me right away. i don't care if it takes me the whole time to do this marathon, i just would prefer it not to!
How old are your shoes? A few months ago I had severe ankle pain and I couldnt finish a 2 mile run. I tried a new pair of shoes of the same model and busted out an 8 miler without issue. Im not sure if worn shoes can translate to knee pain, but its worth a shot.

Amen to the shoes! I have had that happen on far too many occasions. Though I log miles in my running journal, I often forget to get new ones when I should. Nagging aches and pains remind me.
I did have a long run planned today but wound up nursing a hangover instead. Changed my birthday plans because DH had to work early tomorrow so we went out last night instead. Had a blast, hence the hangover. I did get in a one mile run just so I could get my birthday cake badge on nike running. I'm amazed I got that done, LOL!! Hopefully my best friend can watch the kids for a few tomorrow so I can get the real run in.

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards. Please excuse the typos.
It's probably this weekend... there's something about it... I started out for my 15 miler with unrelated stomach pain and thought it would be fine once I started but I was oh so very wrong. By mile 5 I was sitting on a bench and mile 7 I was just sitting on the ground... by 7.5 I was home on the floor. I ended up just sitting for awhile then when I felt much better went out and did the remaining 7.5...

As of now, I don't know whether to be horrified or grateful that January is so close...
Maybe it is this weekend! My 17 miler went okay today, but my husband's midweek run a couple of days ago went horribly. He ended up limping back to his hotel with lower leg pain that was starting to extend to the knee. He made an appointment with the sports med doc right away. He sees him this week. I hope all will be okay with that. It does feel a little better if he walks around on it. Needless to say he did not do his 17 miler today. Maybe our bodies are just trying to tell us to take it easy this week and enjoy the turkey dinner.
I'm reading all of these sad training reports and feel terrible for everyone and then reality sets in that I have the Space Coast Marathon next Sunday and haven't done more that a 13 miler in the last 3 months. Then in January I have the Dopey to complete.

So glad there's 7 hours for completion.

Good luck to all with the remaining time for training. :thumbsup2
Anyone else ready for the taper? I did 16 miles today and I am so tired of my scenery. I nearly cried during mile 4. I decided to be daring and explore a little to try to get myself out of the rut. Seemed to work, I made it with decent pace for me.

I seem to be dehydrated now. I carried my Camelback (I run in the middle of nowhere) but only took small drinks at each mile trying replicate race conditions (sort of). I took gels and used 3 (too many?). What did I do wrong?

I didn't get a rest day yesterday. I have to get my runs in whenever I can because I have young children and a husband who works on call hours.

Discovered that compression socks aren't always good. My calves were killing me and not getting better. I pushed the socks around my ankles and was good to go. Has anyone else ever experienced this?

I really enjoy hanging out on this board. I have learned so much!
Anyone else ready for the taper? I did 16 miles today and I am so tired of my scenery. I nearly cried during mile 4. I decided to be daring and explore a little to try to get myself out of the rut. Seemed to work, I made it with decent pace for me.

I seem to be dehydrated now. I carried my Camelback (I run in the middle of nowhere) but only took small drinks at each mile trying replicate race conditions (sort of). I took gels and used 3 (too many?). What did I do wrong?

I didn't get a rest day yesterday. I have to get my runs in whenever I can because I have young children and a husband who works on call hours.

Discovered that compression socks aren't always good. My calves were killing me and not getting better. I pushed the socks around my ankles and was good to go. Has anyone else ever experienced this?

I really enjoy hanging out on this board. I have learned so much!

There's plenty of water and Powerade at the stops so your sipping was not needed and could very well have caused dehydration.

How long were you out? Three gels could have been too many if you were only out 2 hours plus sipping too little water might not have diluted them enough. Some light solids in between gels can help, does for me but we are all different.

Compressions don't work for everybody. I needed them in this year's Mickey because I had an issue carried over from the 5K and Donald but other than that one time I do not use them. Just too tight.

I have the Space Coast Marathon next Sunday then some mile high Dopey training while in El Paso for a week taking care of 11 and 13 year old DGSs then will think about slowing down.

Good luck and there's still time to prepare.
There's plenty of water and Powerade at the stops so your sipping was not needed and could very well have caused dehydration.

I will mildly disagree about the sipping. I think fluid intake is a personal thing as to the "how". Of course, the "how much"has to be right! I am one who has trained with a water belt and found that one sip every mile is something that I could work with. It is regular enough to get in fluids, and not too much at once so I don't feel a sloshy stomach.

But the good work by robynslp is to try things out now during training. I'm sure you'll hit on the strategy that works the best for you.

To everyone else who is experiencing the training doldrums--this too shall pass. Just hang in there. You are not alone. Ok, enough cliches for now!

Had my first race nightmare last night. I was at the half marathon (and then the full) observing some race anomalies--like the course was off and the times were off. Then I realized "Wait, I'm doing Goofy. I should have just run that half!"

And if you want a training chuckle.....I am off to do 8 this morning. (That's my LR)

Thanks everyone for all the support! Glad to hear that I am not alone, however, here's to success in future long runs for all of us. In the spirit of the season, I'm thankful just to be able to run and to be healthy.

Good luck to everyone doing LR's today!
Yesterday was my longest run yet, 15 miles. The last 3 miles were kinda ugly lol. We ran at a reservoir, very hilly, branches to dodge, by the end I was sluggish for sure. My running partner did 2 more miles after I stopped! LOVE it! I am achey today but not as bad as I thought. December 1st is my 17 miler, I am going to start earlier, so it isn't pitch black when I finish!
Anyone else ready for the taper? I did 16 miles today and I am so tired of my scenery. I nearly cried during mile 4. I decided to be daring and explore a little to try to get myself out of the rut. Seemed to work, I made it with decent pace for me.

I seem to be dehydrated now. I carried my Camelback (I run in the middle of nowhere) but only took small drinks at each mile trying replicate race conditions (sort of). I took gels and used 3 (too many?). What did I do wrong?

I didn't get a rest day yesterday. I have to get my runs in whenever I can because I have young children and a husband who works on call hours.

Discovered that compression socks aren't always good. My calves were killing me and not getting better. I pushed the socks around my ankles and was good to go. Has anyone else ever experienced this?

I really enjoy hanging out on this board. I have learned so much!

Is you course a loop or out and back? If a loop, run backwards. The 'change of scenery' will work wonders. Or look for a new track this week. It is not uncommon for a runner to get board with where they are running.

Adding to the hydration discussion, there is a difference between race day and training. Continue to carry your camelback in training to assure that you are hydrating. You say you feel dehydrated, but over hydration carries similar feelings in the first hour or so post run. Do yourself a favor and figure out your hydration needs over the next few runs. It is relatively easy. Weigh yourself before dressing for you run. Head out the door, preferable for an hour run. Note the amount of fluids drank during the run. Once you complete your run, disrobe and dry off then weigh. If you are lighter, you under hydrated. Heavier, over hydrated. The goal is to be within a percent of your starting weight. 1.5 - 2% creates issues. So as an example, if you ran for an hour, and drank 10 oz of fluids and weighed a pound lighter than when you started, you are under hydrating by about a pint (16 oz) an hour. For easy math, use 1 gallon = 8 pounds - or one cup = 0.5 pounds.

Try this a time or two to hone into the proper hydration rate.

With regard to hydrating on race day....

Some folk do find that the first half of the marathon water stop spacing is problematic. It is not a consistent 1 or 1.5 miles, it is random. For 2013 it is something like...

1, 3, 4.2, 6.3, 7.2, 8.2, 9.5, 11.8, 13.2, 14.2, 15.5, 16.7, 17.1, 18.2, 19.5, 20.5, 21.6, 22.8, 24, 24.9.

I found that when I was a slower runner the random spacing of the front half of the marathon was problematic. With the new course, I find the loss of 2 water stops along Bear ISland Road problematic if the weather turns warm on race day. All this to say, even today I will carry a throw down bottle with me for the first 12 miles just to make sure I have a sip if needed.

WIth regard to the calves, it may be time to have a doc look at you. It is highly likely that you may need to take a 2-3 week vacation from running to allow tissues to heal. Compression socks is not always the correct answer to the issue. It will help keep the muscle warm and supported so an 'itis' can have the opportunity to heal. They are really nice for recovery post run. There is one other alternative that can also be looked at - kinesiology tape or KT Tape. Get the correct tape (we called is stretchy tape) and flow the calf instructions and see if that helps. Those who tape swear by it. YMMV :)
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