Biggest Loser "No Excuses" 2012 Team Challenge for Losers and Maintainers!!!

I had a good morning!!
Finally got around to pulling down the shorts bin from the loft. Out of 12 pairs, 2 were too small (the ones I didn't really like, so to Goodwill they go), 2 were a little snug (but with some hard work and dedication I can maybe wear them by the end of summer), and 8 fit nicely!!! And they ranged from 14-18. I don't have to buy shorts!! :banana: and all of my sleeveless shirts look good too. I've just thrown in the towel about not showing my flabby arms, If you don't like it, don't look!! LOL

The kicker is 2 of the pairs, that are keepers, I haven't been able to wear since our first WDW trip in 2004. YEE HAW!!!!
Lisah0711I'm thinking of you today! I will go back and read posts but I wanted to post this first to let you know I'm sending pixie dust and positive thoughts your way! I checked out the Coeur d'Alene race website and it looks totally top notch! What a cool race! Is it pretty big? It looks like a big race. And I noticed they serve Hammer Heed at the aid stations. What do you think about that? I personally love that stuff, and use it myself. Good luck out there and can't wait to hear all about it! Go get 'em! Hydrate like crazy today! So excited for you!
Woo hoo, Buffy! It's always nice to "shop" from your own closet! :yay:

Lisah0711I'm thinking of you today! I will go back and read posts but I wanted to post this first to let you know I'm sending pixie dust and positive thoughts your way! I checked out the Coeur d'Alene race website and it looks totally top notch! What a cool race! Is it pretty big? It looks like a big race. And I noticed they serve Hammer Heed at the aid stations. What do you think about that? I personally love that stuff, and use it myself. Good luck out there and can't wait to hear all about it! Go get 'em! Hydrate like crazy today! So excited for you!

Thanks, Melinda! :flower3: I'm looking foward to it. :goodvibes

The race is on Sunday. There are probably a bit over 2500 people all together. There is a marathon and 5K as well as the half, all at the same time. This is the 35th year. It is a very scenic course and reasonably good course support. I like this race because it is local and it was my first half finish last year -- I was so happy just to finish after being swept at the Princess a couple of months before. I was 1411/1413 for the half folks. :rotfl:

I love all the Hammer products. Hammer is made in Montana so it is readily available here. Obviously they just go out I-90 the other way, too. ;) My favorite is the Montana Huckleberry gel. I won't drink the Heed at the aid stations though. I have trouble with runner's tummy so I don't drink anything but water during the race.

My goal for this race is to break below the 4:00 mark -- that would be a 3 minute time improvement from the Tink. :tink:

Thanks for thinking of me! :flower3:
Today didn't go well and I'm in a really bad emotional funk right now. My new doctor looked over test results that my old gyno did in 2010. Turns out that just by looking at the tests results she strongly believes I have PCOS. I'm LIVID! The dr in TX that originally ran those tests basically told me, "Oh well the only thing I see that causes me concern is your high cholesterol. Everything else looks fine."

My dr's office is suppose to call me next week and give me the name of a fertility specalist. Then I talk to my mom about it and she tells me due to my history of blood clots that I won't be able to take hormone replacement therapy, it could kill me (much like birth control could kill me). I'm trying to stay positive and wait and see what the specialist tells me. However, as much as I want another child, its not worth dying over.

I'll keep everyone posted. I need to go for a walk or something. I have to get this off of my mind. My emotions are up and down. I've gone from being fuming pissed to crying my eyes out.
Happy Tuesday Everyone! :)

We are headed to WDW in December. Both DH and I are in the midst of losing weight :cool1: and are wondering your thoughts on the DDP and losing weight/maintaining weight. We are torn about whether we would be tempted to each too much or if it would be good to have so many choices. Does anyone have any thoughts and/or experience? We'd really appreciate any feedback - thanks! :)

I was on the dining plan on my last trip with my Sis. I pretty much ate what I wanted and still lost a pound over the course of the week! We walked a lot of course, and did the Expedition Everest 5K.
:hug: Sending prayers and positive vibes your way for a good outcome!

Today didn't go well and I'm in a really bad emotional funk right now. My new doctor looked over test results that my old gyno did in 2010. Turns out that just by looking at the tests results she strongly believes I have PCOS. I'm LIVID! The dr in TX that originally ran those tests basically told me, "Oh well the only thing I see that causes me concern is your high cholesterol. Everything else looks fine."

My dr's office is suppose to call me next week and give me the name of a fertility specalist. Then I talk to my mom about it and she tells me due to my history of blood clots that I won't be able to take hormone replacement therapy, it could kill me (much like birth control could kill me). I'm trying to stay positive and wait and see what the specialist tells me. However, as much as I want another child, its not worth dying over.

I'll keep everyone posted. I need to go for a walk or something. I have to get this off of my mind. My emotions are up and down. I've gone from being fuming pissed to crying my eyes out.
Woo hoo, Buffy! It's always nice to "shop" from your own closet! :yay:

Thanks, Melinda! :flower3: I'm looking foward to it. :goodvibes

The race is on Sunday. There are probably a bit over 2500 people all together. There is a marathon and 5K as well as the half, all at the same time. This is the 35th year. It is a very scenic course and reasonably good course support. I like this race because it is local and it was my first half finish last year -- I was so happy just to finish after being swept at the Princess a couple of months before. I was 1411/1413 for the half folks. :rotfl:

I love all the Hammer products. Hammer is made in Montana so it is readily available here. Obviously they just go out I-90 the other way, too. ;) My favorite is the Montana Huckleberry gel. I won't drink the Heed at the aid stations though. I have trouble with runner's tummy so I don't drink anything but water during the race.

My goal for this race is to break below the 4:00 mark -- that would be a 3 minute time improvement from the Tink. :tink:

Thanks for thinking of me! :flower3:

Good luck on your race.

Today didn't go well and I'm in a really bad emotional funk right now. My new doctor looked over test results that my old gyno did in 2010. Turns out that just by looking at the tests results she strongly believes I have PCOS. I'm LIVID! The dr in TX that originally ran those tests basically told me, "Oh well the only thing I see that causes me concern is your high cholesterol. Everything else looks fine."

My dr's office is suppose to call me next week and give me the name of a fertility specalist. Then I talk to my mom about it and she tells me due to my history of blood clots that I won't be able to take hormone replacement therapy, it could kill me (much like birth control could kill me). I'm trying to stay positive and wait and see what the specialist tells me. However, as much as I want another child, its not worth dying over.

I'll keep everyone posted. I need to go for a walk or something. I have to get this off of my mind. My emotions are up and down. I've gone from being fuming pissed to crying my eyes out.

Keeping you in my prayers.

Haven't been on much this week. NOt much going on around here.

4 out of my 5 classes are just waiting until the end of the year. Many of the trips have been postponed until last week and this week to avoid AP exams so I have not had a full class for the last week and I expect the same thing this week. Then throw in a full day junior event and senior cut day on Friday my classes were pretty empty.

My second year calc class are working on a mural on the wall outside my classroom. There is a classic calc problem involving a coffee pot (For those of you who don't know my last name is Coffey) that I teach my kids each year. THey want to do the coffee pot problem on the wall. So there is a table with a coffee pot on it with 21 mugs (one for each student they will be decorating) and then the problem on the wall. They should finish it next week and if I get a chance I will post a picture.

Off to get some people up so we can go mow some lawns.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Pamela, forgot to say yesterday that your DD looked absolutely lovely! princess: I loved the dress and the beautiful colors. :cool2:

Kristina, pixiedust: and :hug:on your health issues. I would not hesitate to get a second opinion as well.

I was on the dining plan on my last trip with my Sis. I pretty much ate what I wanted and still lost a pound over the course of the week! We walked a lot of course, and did the Expedition Everest 5K.

How did you like the Expedition Everest? Sounds like a fun trip with your DSis! :cool2:

Dona, I would love to see a picture of the mural. Sounds like a fun problem. It takes a special teacher to make math fun for kids -- even your advanced, honors students! :teacher:

Does anyone have any exciting plans for the week-end? Yummy healthy recipes for the grill?

I bet our final results will be posted this week-end. Don't forget to hang around and congratulate the winners and that our lovely hostesses! :flower3: I'll post the warm up question for the summer challenge early next week.
Does anyone have any exciting plans for the week-end? Yummy healthy recipes for the grill?

Tonight my father is grilling shrimp and we are eating it mixed with salad. It is an easy summer meal especially in this heat.

Kristina: :hug: I was just reading an article about PCOS and it sounds like doctors have some discretion. I know that sounds frustrating and I feel the same way. I was tested for it a few years ago and when TOM visits I really think I have it. I understand from the article that doctor's are also supposed to consider personal history of other symptoms. I don't know if you can have hypothyroidism and PCOS as I haven't done that much research, but I would like to know if I have one or the other or both. The article implied that treatment for PCOS is simple, but I'm not sure I believe it. I hesitate to do more research, perhaps online, because so much that comes up is someone's personal stories. I have access to scholarly journals though, so maybe I'll go there. (It's a privilege as an alum of my undergraduate college.) I 2nd getting a 2nd opinion. :hug:

Dona: What do you think of the TI84? I am potentially taking a statistics class and we need one for the class. I'd appreciate your opinion. There's no one better to ask than a person who teaches advanced calculus to high schoolers and makes it fun! :cool1:
Last call to claim Healthy Habits prizes!!!!

I am going to the post office in half an hour and probably again on Tuesday so you have until 5 PM on Monday, May 28 to claim them.
GO LISA GO!!!!!! I hope you have a great race today!! :cheer2:

Kristina I second getting a second opinion. I know PCOS can bite, big time. My GA BFF is dealing with it too. But hang in there, there are options and there are women who have babies with PCOS. I hope you get some more answers soon! pixiedust:

Does anyone have any exciting plans for the week-end? Yummy healthy recipes for the grill?

Clean clean clean!!! Empty the storage unit (will save me $165 a month) and get my stupid garden in.
How did you like the Expedition Everest? Sounds like a fun trip with your DSis! :cool2:

Sis and I had a great time - it was our second sister's only trip. It's so nice not having to worry about anyone but ourselves. :) EEC was SO much fun - it was my 1st ever official race - and I'm so glad it was a runDisney event. I'm running the Haunted 5K fun run during the ToT 10 Mile weekend. (I couldn't decide if I should try the 10 Mile but then it reached capacity so guess that decision was made for me!)

Does anyone have any exciting plans for the week-end? Yummy healthy recipes for the grill?

I know it's not a special recipe but I love zucchini done on the grill. I rub it with garlic and brush it with olive oil.

I bet our final results will be posted this week-end. Don't forget to hang around and congratulate the winners and that our lovely hostesses! :flower3: I'll post the warm up question for the summer challenge early next week.
:cheer2: THANK YOU to everyone who makes these challenges happen. You are amazing! :goodvibes
Here we celebrate our progress and recognize our superstars.

First some stats

(staying within 2 lbs of their maintain weight is successfully maintaining!)
# of Maintainers Reporting In & Successfully Maintaining: 1
Congratulations myweegirls!!!

Current Participants-------------46!
not reporting in for 1 week-----11
not reporting in for 2 weeks----5
not reporting in for 3 weeks----2
weigh ins-------------------------24
new or returning members ----0

Biggest Loser Fall Challenge Week 20!
This week’s group loss = 8.3 pounds!
Average percentage of weight lost 0.25 %
Total group weight loss so far 1057 pounds!


Retention Rate (compared to the 144 participants we had sign up for our start week on January 1st)
20% (this includes the Losers, Maintainers and Excused people!).

Before the weekly superstar list comes the disclaimer. I am human and I make mistakes. If you have any questions please contact me. For your reference this is the magic percentage of weight lost formula - weight loss for the week divided by weight for last week times 100, that gives us the percentage. Now let me test that with my numbers for week 1, click, click, click goes the calculator. Yes, that agrees with the percentage on the magic spreadsheet. (btw if its been more than 1 week between weigh-ins, then the % loss is divided by the number of weeks, to keep everybody on the same basis)

Now let's get to the good stuff. Who were our superstars of week 20?

The WISH Biggest Loser Spring Challenge Week 20 Superstars!!
(Note: All 10 losers fit below in the top 9 due to a tie in 7th place :))
#9 - 0.40% - thunderbid1
#8 - 0.55% - Mary.Poppins
#7 - TIE - 0.63% - luvpoohadcompany & Sunshineminnie
#6 - 0.67% - Disneywedding2010
#5 - 0.76% - KDIPIAZZ
#4 - 0.78% - ChelleyB
#3 - 0.79% - tiki23
#2 - 1.79% - GoofyPredsFan [/B]
and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Spring Challenge Week 19 Biggest Loser is:
#1 - 1.84% - dumbo_buddy

Quote from Dare2Dream: How is your week going? Are you OP (on program)? Are you exercising? Drinking that water? You know what to do to make the magic happen. Get on the wagon. We are all here to help you on the journey. We can do this one day at a time. One bite at a time.

Have a healthy day!
Congratulations dumbo_buddy!!!

What a great week you had. Keep up the good work. We have a very special clippie reserved for our weekly Biggest Loser. Wear it with pride this week! :

This is our weekly reigning Biggest Loser clippie. We have the large version


or use this
followed by

or we have a medium version


or use this
followed by

and we have a small version


or use
followed by

Thanks to ohMom-Molli for these clippies. They were used for a previous BL but we can recycle. Don't they look great!

NOTE: This list includes participants who have reported in within the last 3 weeks, once someone misses 3 weigh-ins they are dropped from this report.

How this works: You set your goal for what you want to lose in the challenge. Then I calculate your weight loss in the challenge divided by your goal to get a % to goal.

Since the goals are an individual thing, the list is just in alphabetical order to make it easier for everybody to find their own name. If there are any questions or suggestions please let me know.

We have done 20 out of 20 weeks, so the challenge is now complete. Great job everyone :thumbsup2

#1hoosierfan - 44.67
4Holidays - 30.00
aamomma - 57.14
amykathleen2005 - 64.10
BernardandMissBianca - 33.33
BMC423 - 20.00
buzz5985 - 8.80
ChelleyB - 42.04
D73 - 99.41
Disneyluvr - 6.67
Disneywedding2010 - 41.00
dvccruiser76 - 20.00
EDuke98080 - 5.56
happysummer - 42.86
jillbur - 130.00
Jujubee727 - 60.33
liesel - 20.73
lisaviolet - 46.56
lovetoscrap - 65.00
luvpoohandcompany - 50.00
Mary.Poppins - 56.50
shellebelle76 - 38.40
::Snow White:: - 100.00
sue and co - 25.53
sunshineminnie - 62.69
thunderbird1 - 29.13
tigger813 - 36.00
tiki23 - 68.00
trinaweena - 39.89
wickey’s friend - 0.00

I find everybody on the list an inspiration and everybody who participates in this challenge is an inspiration in and of themselves. Whether you post, lurk or just pm your weight and check results on Tuesdays, you have made a commitment to yourself. And that is the biggest inspiration of all!BY Octoberbride03
:worship:Here are the TOP 20 Biggest Losers!:worship:

#20 - luvpoohandcompany 5.99%
#19 - GoofyPredsFan 6.25%
#18 - sue and co 6.42%
#17 - lovetoscrap 6.81%
#16 - amykathleen2005 6.96%
#15 - Mary.Poppins 7.19%
#14 - lisah0711 7.29%
#13 - ChelleyB 7.93%
#12 - DisNorth 8.06%
#11 - MelindaRuns 8.07%
#10 - jillbur 8.28%
#9 - Jujubee727 8.40%
#8 - belledreamer 8.65%
#7 - tiki23 9.48%
#6 - D73 10.81%
#5 - ::Snow White:: 11.28%
#4 - myweegirls 12.73%
#3 - dumbo_buddy 14.46%
#2 - happysummer 15.15%

AND THE BIGGEST LOSER for the Spring 2012 Challenge is:

:cheer2:KDIPIAZZ with an astounding 16.13% loss!!!!!:cheer2:

Congratulations to all of you! You all should be very proud of yourselves!

I have enjoyed working with all of you! I have cheered you when you PM'd me your losses and shared in your frustration when you had to post a gain!

It has been an honor to be your weightkeeper!!

I look forward to tracking your weights and goals in the next challenge. Keep up the great work :thumbsup2
And for old time's sake, in case anyone was curious how Team Mickey and Team Donald would have panned out, here are your answers:thumbsup2

This challenge's winning team with 582.4 pounds is Team Donald!!

Team Mickey weighed-in losing 474.6 pounds for the challenge!

KDIPIAZZ won for Team Mickey with 16.13% this challenge, which takes the # 1 spot for both teams!!

Congrats to happysummer who was Donald's Team winner with 15.15% and 2nd place over all!!!

Together both teams lost a whopping 1,057 pounds!!! Amazing, everyone give yourself and your fellow losers and maintainers a big pat on the back. We all deserve it!

Keep reading, keep posting and most of all keep losing and continue learning!!!!

I hope to see you back for the summer 2012 challenge :goodvibes

Thanks again for letting me be your weight keeper, it was a pleasure working with and getting to know everyone. Almost time to send me your starting weights. Let's keep the ball rolling :cheer2:
well done to everyone :cool1: I've been missing the DIS for a week or so but I'm back now and going to try and catch up on all the news. Just wanted to say thanks again to everyone for the support offered here:) I started and finished strong so if I can just sort the middle bit out I should do even better on the summer challenge:lmao: Looking forward to doing it all again:)
:worship:Here are the TOP 20 Biggest Losers!:worship:

#20 - luvpoohandcompany 5.99%
#19 - GoofyPredsFan 6.25%
#18 - sue and co 6.42%
#17 - lovetoscrap 6.81%
#16 - amykathleen2005 6.96%
#15 - Mary.Poppins 7.19%
#14 - lisah0711 7.29%
#13 - ChelleyB 7.93%
#12 - DisNorth 8.06%
#11 - MelindaRuns 8.07%
#10 - jillbur 8.28%
#9 - Jujubee727 8.40%
#8 - belledreamer 8.65%
#7 - tiki23 9.48%
#6 - D73 10.81%
#5 - ::Snow White:: 11.28%
#4 - myweegirls 12.73%
#3 - dumbo_buddy 14.46%
#2 - happysummer 15.15%

AND THE BIGGEST LOSER for the Spring 2012 Challenge is:

:cheer2:KDIPIAZZ with an astounding 16.13% loss!!!!!:cheer2:

Congratulations to all of you! You all should be very proud of yourselves!

I have enjoyed working with all of you! I have cheered you when you PM'd me your losses and shared in your frustration when you had to post a gain!

It has been an honor to be your weightkeeper!!

I look forward to tracking your weights and goals in the next challenge. Keep up the great work :thumbsup2

Congratulations to our 20!!!!!!

An extra congratulations to KDIPIAZZ!

Thanks Sue!
Congratulations to our 20!!!!!!

An extra congratulations to KDIPIAZZ!

AN extra congratulations to Team Donald

cc I would check to see what the professor has to say about a calculator. If he is using something else then it be a problem for you. I like the TI 84. It is pretty easy to use. If you don't want a new one try craig's list for one. I am told that there are always some over there.

It is pretty quiet today. I have been to church and done my grocery shopping. I am making barbque chicken for dinner and we will have hamburgers tomorrow night.

Off to do some sewing.

Have a happy and healthy day.


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