Justins Wish trip :) Pre trip report...

I love the HP shirts! :lovestruc Must look for those appliques as my DS is a huge HP fan. You are going to have so much to wear on your trip, you'll have a hard time deciding what to wear each day!

And it is elementary dear Watson. Your mystery Diser was rushing to get your package to the post office on time before heading out on a weekend trip and forgot to include her Dis name. :headache: :rolleyes1 Actually, I thought I signed the card with my Dis name. :confused3 I always forget something when I am rushing. I do apologize. I'm so glad you both like the bags and I hope you get lots of use out of them on your trip and after.

You can thank my eagle eyed DS for the stickers. :magnify: He spotted them in the store a couple of days before I finished the bags and said "Hey mom, you know that family you are doing the bags for, the kids like Star Wars right? And do you think the little girl would like these princesses?" I am amazed that he remembered that from a quick conversation a couple of weeks earlier while he was looking over my shoulder when I was on disboards.

:rotfl2: You do like to tease don't you?

I agree, their faces are the best! The utter happiness that they are expressing makes me so happy and *sniff*.

More and more I keep thinking How will be able to thank the "Givers" enough?! Not only are the gifts extremely generous and wonderful, but the experience you have created (from the giving) for my kids...and on top of that the extra photos we have been taking will last for always even as they grow and memories and feelings fade, they will be able to see the unabashed glee that all of the Big Givers have inspired...and remember.

I can't wait to be able to send some love out to other kids when I'm on the giving end! I just wish I had a transporter and could offer photos....or cakes lol.

BG's 9 & 10 will be posted soon and later today we have a visit with little J and then after our visit we will be going into the city to meet with Purple ears!

Who, me? I don't know what you're talking about... :rotfl:

I think I speak for most of the Big Givers when I say that seeing those precious smiles on the kids' faces and knowing that maybe, just maybe, the Big Give families are able to forget their troubles for a day or so, is enough thanks for me. It's all about paying it forward.

I am lucky that so far (knock on wood) my children are healthy. I feel like God put me here to help others, and someday, if God forbid I ever need it, others will be as kind and loving to me. (sorry to get sappy there for a moment).
I love the HP shirts! :lovestruc Must look for those appliques as my DS is a huge HP fan. You are going to have so much to wear on your trip, you'll have a hard time deciding what to wear each day!

And it is elementary dear Watson. Your mystery Diser was rushing to get your package to the post office on time before heading out on a weekend trip and forgot to include her Dis name. :headache: :rolleyes1 Actually, I thought I signed the card with my Dis name. :confused3 I always forget something when I am rushing. I do apologize. I'm so glad you both like the bags and I hope you get lots of use out of them on your trip and after.

You can thank my eagle eyed DS for the stickers. :magnify: He spotted them in the store a couple of days before I finished the bags and said "Hey mom, you know that family you are doing the bags for, the kids like Star Wars right? And do you think the little girl would like these princesses?" I am amazed that he remembered that from a quick conversation a couple of weeks earlier while he was looking over my shoulder when I was on disboards.

Lol! Aren't the HP's cute?!!!Love them!

My mom was just saying how was I going to decide what to dress them in each day and I told her that I had a plan...1 outfit each morning and a change in the afternoon after the break/swim and again if we had any special plans ie: pirates and pals cruise etc.

I will have an even harder time though because one box was delivered to our doorstep this morning, 2 delivery slips that we swung by and picked up from the post office and then we had a great meet and hand delivery from PurpleEars this evening!! Phew!! One was opened before we headed out for our visit and clairemolly I had no idea you and Andrea were talking about me having to plan a wedding party! a post and photos to come hopefully later this evening!:lovestruc

tinkbell13 we do indeed love the bags and the card is lovely with really nice penmanship but no siggy Dis or otherwise :confused3 Love the comeback BTW(it is elementary dear Watson) ...have you been watching the new Sherlock show, oooh its good I just finished the first season (only 3 eps) and don't apologize, if you had remembered, we would have missed out on this lovely interaction!!

Please thank your son! That was super sweet of him to remember them :cheer2:

clairemolly I'm tearing up on a daily basis here, feeling so blessed by all the wonderful people I have met here on the boards, and so grateful for all of the kindness and generosity shown to my family.

We had a wonderful visit with PurpleEars, although I looked and her ears are normal coloured(false advertising! :rotfl:)
I think Justin was quite smitten, although Hayden was wired and overdoing the showing off and Callie was "done" early in the visit (she has had a rough day and not having an expected visit with little J is hard on her) So she was banished to the car with Dad to have some quiet time.

But PurpleEars justin and I discussed alot (mostly WDW) and I really hope we can visit again, since she lives really close to where my in laws are moving. She has said we can talk sewing and Disney, so we will become fast friends, I'm sure!
That is if I didn't scare her off with my failing raspy voice, I can talk normal I promise!:sick:

So I must end this note by ratting out Hubbs... He has been playing Toy story mania on the Wii for the past few days....I think he's in training to get a high score at WDW! Lol!

I'm off to get a couple things done and photos uploaded. So I can post about clairemolly's mystery box!
I thought the hints were great, haha. I can't wait to see pics of the kids with the contents of the "mystery box.". I hope you like it all.:)
They are from divas doodles they stitch out well also. Theft are soo cute I couldn't not get them .

I love the HP shirts! :lovestruc Must look for those appliques as my DS is a huge HP fan. You are going to have so much to wear on your trip, you'll have a hard time deciding what to wear each day!

And it is elementary dear Watson. Your mystery Diser was rushing to get your package to the post office on time before heading out on a weekend trip and forgot to include her Dis name. :headache: :rolleyes1 Actually, I thought I signed the card with my Dis name. :confused3 I always forget something when I am rushing. I do apologize. I'm so glad you both like the bags and I hope you get lots of use out of them on your trip and after.

You can thank my eagle eyed DS for the stickers. :magnify: He spotted them in the store a couple of days before I finished the bags and said "Hey mom, you know that family you are doing the bags for, the kids like Star Wars right? And do you think the little girl would like these princesses?" I am amazed that he remembered that from a quick conversation a couple of weeks earlier while he was looking over my shoulder when I was on disboards.

We had a wonderful visit with PurpleEars, although I looked and her ears are normal coloured(false advertising! :rotfl:)
I think Justin was quite smitten, although Hayden was wired and overdoing the showing off and Callie was "done" early in the visit (she has had a rough day and not having an expected visit with little J is hard on her) So she was banished to the car with Dad to have some quiet time.

But PurpleEars justin and I discussed alot (mostly WDW) and I really hope we can visit again, since she lives really close to where my in laws are moving. She has said we can talk sewing and Disney, so we will become fast friends, I'm sure!
That is if I didn't scare her off with my failing raspy voice, I can talk normal I promise!:sick:

So I must end this note by ratting out Hubbs... He has been playing Toy story mania on the Wii for the past few days....I think he's in training to get a high score at WDW! Lol!

I'm off to get a couple things done and photos uploaded. So I can post about clairemolly's mystery box!

I am so glad we had a chance to visit! It must have been a long day for Callie, poor thing. I have been trying to lurk around here so I won't spill any beans about the Big Give items - now I can come out and join the fun! Yes thankfully my normal ears are not purple (actually, nor are my mouse ears - I have 3 pairs of mouse ears and they are all black!)

I actually didn't think anything about your voice. I understand that your family had been under the weather. Besides, my voice didn't sound that good either (after talking for hours today).

Yes please do let me know when you come our way, though DH will warn you that I can talk about Disney or sewing or both for hours and hours! Of course he can talk about Lego for a long time too. He has done some pretty neat large scale stuff with Lego (not Star Wars based - sorry!)

Your comment about the Wii game is too funny. The sad thing is, I will admit that playing that game made a difference in my score!
Once home we settled our trio down to open big give #7 it was from Judy, now she didn't put a Disname but since Beaker lives at her house I'm guessing this came from hey_jude's house!

Yes, indeed, those are from my house! When Allyson asked me how she should sign the card, I didn't worry about the disname. I was confident that between where they came from in Canada and what they were that you would know they were from me.

I'm so glad they liked them and that everything fit. I hope they enjoy wearing them when they visit Kermit and his friends (except for Beaker who of course is living with us!)

I am so glad we had a chance to visit! It must have been a long day for Callie, poor thing. I have been trying to lurk around here so I won't spill any beans about the Big Give items - now I can come out and join the fun!

Yes please do let me know when you come our way, though DH will warn you that I can talk about Disney or sewing or both for hours and hours! Of course he can talk about Lego for a long time too. He has done some pretty neat large scale stuff with Lego (not Star Wars based - sorry!)

Your comment about the Wii game is too funny. The sad thing is, I will admit that playing that game made a difference in my score!

I'm glad you can come out of lurkdom now :)
We will def. let you know when we head out your way, and look forward to talking all things Disney and Sewing!! and I'm sure the Lego is awesome (even if its not Star Wars) does he have photos or the actual built items?

:rotfl: Really!!? I'll tell Hubbs that you encouraged his playing, and maybe we will have to let the kids have a free evening of video games so they have a fighting chance against Dad!

So to continue our BIG share of the BIG gives :) See what I did there?:rotfl2:
*sigh* it's late..:sad2:

Ok so the kids made it home from school and awaiting them was a nice (square, just in case you wanted to know) box from clairemolly!


Inside was *squeal* outfits for the kids for 1900 Park Fare, I am so excited to go and meet the stepsisters, they are supposed to be a hoot! And really like to play around with the kids.
so Justin got a tee that goes with our idea for him to fake propose to the stepsisters(that's the ring he wants to use, do you think the "rock" is big enough?):

And Hayden read his aloud "Why yes I am charming" and says Huh, well that is random... Robert and I almost died laughing:

And Callie was gifted this A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Cinderella characters dress.

Now I have seen some dresses like these floating around the Dis, but this is even more incredible in person, and of course Miss C had to test the twirl!

Look its prince Charming!

Then all of us received matching AK shirts Except Callie who got a matching Dress!!

Thank you so much!!! We all love everything so much and I can't wait to see how dinner goes at 1900 Park Fare with the kids special outfits! And I will be telling everyone(including Auntie Mal) that we have to get a family photo at AK!!.



and now I must get some sleep another busy day tomorrow and 3 more BG posts :)
Oh I didn't know yall were going to WWofHP! I can't wait to hear how Callie does. My oldest DD really really wants to go to Universal but I am just not sure with the little kids. EE my youngest is completely HP obsessed though. she will be 4 on our trip ;)
I love the picture of Callie twirling! I hope everything fits olay...especially Callie's dresses. I tried them on my Molly who is just a touch smaller than Callie, and then was worried one dress was too long and the other was too short...sheesh.:rotfl2:

I was originally just going to send the AK items, but when I heard you were going to 1900 Park Fare, I HAD to add those too. We are eating there for the 4th time this fall and it has been amazing every time so far. I'm sure you will have an amazing time!

This is Molly at 3 1/2 sitting on Anastasia's lap on the floor, talking about her dress, which had Anastasia on the front.


This is Claire (on her 8th birthday) and Molly with Drizella (Claire's favorite of the 2). Every time we have taken a picture of Drizella, she has made this face, haha.

OMG LOVE the outfits for cinderella dinner...that dress is beautiful! Jen did a wonderful job on everything!

the steps are so fun! when we were there last time...we told Anastasia she was the prettiest and she YELLED across the restaurant to her mother, which got Drizella all rilled up! was a fun interaction with them all! when the stepmother came over she kept asking about the stain on Megan's shirt....which was a print of Cinderella...was a great night!
I love all the outfits and totes and goodies you've been getting! Hopefully this will help make your packing planning easier.

Didn't Jen do a fabulous job on both sets of outfits?!

And I would like you to know I got a nice surprise in the mail today! I am going to try not to give too much away but I love how you incorporated your Dis name into the card and I found the hidden º0º which was such a cute touch. I usually put thank yous on my wash machine (with magnets) because I sew in my laundry room, but I think I am going to frame your card and put it in a more prominent location.

Enough chat, I know you have to pack and work on that wedding cake :lmao:

And I love the ring!!! Where on earth did you find that? Justin is going to have lipstick prints on his cheeks!!!! Please take lots of pics of that evening!!! I hope Justin isn't too easily embarrassed -- I guarantee he will get paraded around Park Fare! Jen did a superb job with his shirt :lovestruc
Oh I didn't know yall were going to WWofHP! I can't wait to hear how Callie does. My oldest DD really really wants to go to Universal but I am just not sure with the little kids. EE my youngest is completely HP obsessed though. she will be 4 on our trip ;)

We will let you know how it goes, I'm not sure about C either because she has never seen the movies or read the books, but she is sure she loves HP regardless! The boys have seen movie one and two and I think they will watch #3 before we go.

Hayden has played the lego Wii games with his Nana (they are quite the duo) so he knows the stories quite well!

Since C will be 4 we will be able to share how it goes (when's your trip?)
I love the picture of Callie twirling! I hope everything fits olay...especially Callie's dresses. I tried them on my Molly who is just a touch smaller than Callie, and then was worried one dress was too long and the other was too short...sheesh.:rotfl2:

I was originally just going to send the AK items, but when I heard you were going to 1900 Park Fare, I HAD to add those too. We are eating there for the 4th time this fall and it has been amazing every time so far. I'm sure you will have an amazing time!

This is Molly at 3 1/2 sitting on Anastasia's lap on the floor, talking about her dress, which had Anastasia on the front.


This is Claire (on her 8th birthday) and Molly with Drizella (Claire's favorite of the 2). Every time we have taken a picture of Drizella, she has made this face, haha.


Your girls are adorable in their dresses! I am mainly posting to you though to tell you how awesome your outfits look on Justin, Hayden and Callie! They are all magnificent and it was sooooooooooooo sweet of you to do so much work by doing two full sets. Beautiful, beautiful work!
Yes, indeed, those are from my house! When Allyson asked me how she should sign the card, I didn't worry about the disname. I was confident that between where they came from in Canada and what they were that you would know they were from me.

I'm so glad they liked them and that everything fit. I hope they enjoy wearing them when they visit Kermit and his friends (except for Beaker who of course is living with us!)


They sure will! Maybe Beaker can visit another time...hahahaha!:rotfl:
I'm glad i was paying attention! Now I can sing Homer J's I am S-M-R-T..
I love the picture of Callie twirling! I hope everything fits olay...especially Callie's dresses. I tried them on my Molly who is just a touch smaller than Callie, and then was worried one dress was too long and the other was too short...sheesh.:rotfl2:

I was originally just going to send the AK items, but when I heard you were going to 1900 Park Fare, I HAD to add those too. We are eating there for the 4th time this fall and it has been amazing every time so far. I'm sure you will have an amazing time!

I LOVE your photos!!! They make me even more excited to go!!! My one worry is that we will end up going on a day where the sisters are absent :eek:.

Everything looks great, and as you can see even when she twirls her undies remain hidden!:dance3:

But seriously we LOVE everything:love::lovestruc:cloud9:

OMG LOVE the outfits for Cinderella dinner...that dress is beautiful! Jen did a wonderful job on everything!

the steps are so fun! when we were there last time...we told Anastasia she was the prettiest and she YELLED across the restaurant to her mother, which got Drizella all rilled up! was a fun interaction with them all! when the stepmother came over she kept asking about the stain on Megan's shirt....which was a print of Cinderella...was a great night!

OMG!!! a stain:rotfl: Seriously is there any more interactive characters than that in WDW? How about everyone sounds out with their most interactive/special character visit at WDW?...aaand...Go:
I love all the outfits and totes and goodies you've been getting! Hopefully this will help make your packing planning easier.

Didn't Jen do a fabulous job on both sets of outfits?!

And I would like you to know I got a nice surprise in the mail today! I am going to try not to give too much away but I love how you incorporated your Dis name into the card and I found the hidden º0º which was such a cute touch. I usually put thank yous on my wash machine (with magnets) because I sew in my laundry room, but I think I am going to frame your card and put it in a more prominent location.

Enough chat, I know you have to pack and work on that wedding cake :lmao:

And I love the ring!!! Where on earth did you find that? Justin is going to have lipstick prints on his cheeks!!!! Please take lots of pics of that evening!!! I hope Justin isn't too easily embarrassed -- I guarantee he will get paraded around Park Fare! Jen did a superb job with his shirt :lovestruc

Everyone has done such an amazing job with all of the outfits I just keep getting more and more overwhelmed!

Glad that your thank you came : ) I will explain it more and post a picture after I get all of the cards out, and explain how and why we chose to do them this way.

I had bought the rings for one of the kids sensory bins (the princess one) at Wal-mart in the party supplies or valentines seasonal stuff..I need to remember 2 one for each of the sisters... maybe we can convince them to pose for engagement photos!!:lovestruc

He will be blushing for sure! He loves the attention though so he should be fine. Although he needed reassurance he wasn't going to really marry them.
OMG LOVE the outfits for cinderella dinner...that dress is beautiful! Jen did a wonderful job on everything!


Your girls are adorable in their dresses! I am mainly posting to you though to tell you how awesome your outfits look on Justin, Hayden and Callie! They are all magnificent and it was sooooooooooooo sweet of you to do so much work by doing two full sets. Beautiful, beautiful work!


I LOVE your photos!!! They make me even more excited to go!!! My one worry is that we will end up going on a day where the sisters are absent :eek:.

Everything looks great, and as you can see even when she twirls her undies remain hidden!:dance3:

But seriously we LOVE everything:love::lovestruc:cloud9:

Thank you! I'm glad she still remains modest while twirling.:rotfl:

The step-sisters have been there every time we have gone. The first time we went in 2008 the Step-Mother wasn't there, so we saw the Fairy godmoether in her place.

OMG!!! a stain:rotfl: Seriously is there any more interactive characters than that in WDW? How about everyone sounds out with their most interactive/special character visit at WDW?...aaand...Go:

I have so many I don't know which one to pick...Claire at age 5 having one on one time with Aurora for about 15 minutes at Epcot, hidden away in the rain in a little shop, or Ariel (in her fins before they closed the Grotto) snuggling with a 10 month old Molly, or the step-sisters at 1900 Park Fare in the photos I posted, or sitting on the floor with my girls and Minnie for about 20 minutes, building a Tinkerbell house while Mickey played peekaboo with a 14 week old Gavin, or well, you get the picture. Those are just some of the many reasons we keep going back!
I just got the most amazing card in the mail. Thank you so much for the kind words. I can't wait to see pictures of the kids in Disney! I love the front of the card. So creative.


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