The "Boo to Us" Weight Loss Challenge

Hi! :wave2:

Well, it seems that I have been relatively starving myself during the daytime. I just have no appetite for the things I can choose for a lunch or breakfast portion. I eat a hearty dinner and certainly enough wine! :lmao: But as of this morning I'm down yet another two pounds! That's halfway to my first goal. :banana:
Hi! :wave2:

Well, it seems that I have been relatively starving myself during the daytime. I just have no appetite for the things I can choose for a lunch or breakfast portion. I eat a hearty dinner and certainly enough wine! :lmao: But as of this morning I'm down yet another two pounds! That's halfway to my first goal. :banana:

That is awesome!! I mean about the 2 pounds, not the starving yourself :rotfl:

I have decided that if I really want to lose weight I need to stop being so darn lazy! I have been in a mindset where I want the weight gone, but I don't want to have to work to get it gone. Yes, I know it's crazy since obviously it's not just going to vanish, but I have just felt super lazy lately. Part if it is my vacation depression that I go through after every trip. I mean "real" life just doesn't measure up. Part of it is the holidays and the obstacles it presents for dieting. And the other part is just that I have such a long way to go since I am basically starting from the beginning. It's not just the weight loss I have been lazy about, it's everything right now, so yesterday I made the decision to grow up and cut it out. I didn't work out, but I did fold and put away some laundry that has been rotating from laundry basket to being worn to laundry and back again without ever seeing a hanger or a drawer :laundy: I also worked on a couple other projects, and I plan on taking a longer walk today if it's not too cold for Jack. My schedule is set to switch again in January (it's been 6 months already??) and then I won't have to be at work till noon, so I can get up at a decent time, take Jack to school and still have time for a work out. I just have to come to terms with the fact that nothing will change on it's own and it will involve actual effort! Shocking right?? :lmao: Rant over!
I know what you mean! All through the holidays when we were cooking up a storm I was weighing myself daily and I was at my lowest weight for the past six months. Every day it was the same.

Since my parents left, I haven't cooked a thing, just take out, reheating and frozen dinners. I'm up 5 lbs as of today! :headache:
That's always discouraging! I have been starving the past few days for some reason. But now there is a stomach bug going around and I'm hoping I get it so I can lose my appetite for a few days :lmao: I'm kididng, that's a little extreme I suppose
I didn't weigh myself today, but Tuesday I was coming back down from the spike I had earlier in the week. We'll see tomorrow. I haven't been eating tremendously consciously, but I haven't been bad either.

We've been cleaning the house working three hours each day, so does that count as exercise? :confused3
Actually you can burn a lot of calories cleaning!! Just ask my housekeepers here at work! :lmao: But in all seriousness, yes, cleaning is exercise! I will be doing a lot of that next week when I start setting up my office/den!
Alright people, the new year is practically upon us! I for one am ready to make some more changes (this is sounding familiar :lmao:) but I am hoping they stick this time!

My co-worker and I are doing our shift switch effective tomorrow which means for the next 6 months I will be working 12-8:30 pm. This will allow me more time in the morning to exercise before work, and I plan on getting back on the 30 day shred routine. 20 minutes *should* be easier to come by! We are also vowing to start taking the stairs when we walk the floors in the hotel, which we were doing for a while before we got horrendously lazy again. I am cutting out all soda and posisbly coffee as well. I won't need it as much to stay awake in the morning :surfweb: Weight Watchers has revamped their "Core" plan (it's now Simply Filling) and I have a feeling it will be a bit more accomodating. Our entire household is going to be going on this plan, and I am DETERMINED to throw away (or donate) everything unhealthy. I have a mini trip coming up and I would really like to lose 10 pounds before that trip. I want to be at a goal by Jack's birthday in April. I'm not sure if it's doable, but losing 40 pounds in 4 months isn't impossible so if I shoot for that I can take a look at where I'm at and see what the next step will be.

Anyone else with lofty goals in the new year? :rotfl:
Steph - You read my mind! Either that or we're kindred spirits. I came in here last night to put a similar post up...but I got distracted.

Nice TR you've got on the cruise. Jack looks adorable and the food porn was incredibly distracting....and the DRINKS!!! :laughing:

My new year's resolutions:

1. Return to WW. I'm still paying for my membership but haven't been able to attend any meetings because of the time factor. The local WW meetings have been at times that I cannot squeeze in. And I need the motivation of paying someone the pleasure of weighing me to stay on track. Anyway....I was in the near-by shopping mall the other day and I noticed a way-back corner of a departmental store. Looks like WW have got themselves a concept store in there..and it is manned for more hours! So, I'm going to book myself in there; transfer my files across and keep going.

2. I too have a trip coming up in April; so I wanna lose some weight before then. My ultimate goal is 20 - 25 lbs. My target dates are April and July. My dad is celebrating a special birthday this year and we have family flying in from Asia and America. Would be nice to be looking trim-er for that occassion.

3. I've actually managed to get myself out and walking these last 2 days. DS and I have decided that we will walk morning and evenings just to get some air-time and chat-time happening. I'm hoping to keep this up for at least 2 times a week; when I go back to work. But for now, we're making it a daily event.

My next step: hit the WW stand in the mall and get the ball rolling! I'm also going to do a weight loss ticker once I've officially weighed in and keep updating that.

As someone's PTR says.....Third time's a Charm!

Just a quick update. I went to the mall today and hit the WW stand.

I'm booked in for a consultation on the 16 Jan.
Steph - You read my mind! Either that or we're kindred spirits. I came in here last night to put a similar post up...but I got distracted.

Nice TR you've got on the cruise. Jack looks adorable and the food porn was incredibly distracting....and the DRINKS!!! :laughing:

My new year's resolutions:

1. Return to WW. I'm still paying for my membership but haven't been able to attend any meetings because of the time factor. The local WW meetings have been at times that I cannot squeeze in. And I need the motivation of paying someone the pleasure of weighing me to stay on track. Anyway....I was in the near-by shopping mall the other day and I noticed a way-back corner of a departmental store. Looks like WW have got themselves a concept store in there..and it is manned for more hours! So, I'm going to book myself in there; transfer my files across and keep going.

2. I too have a trip coming up in April; so I wanna lose some weight before then. My ultimate goal is 20 - 25 lbs. My target dates are April and July. My dad is celebrating a special birthday this year and we have family flying in from Asia and America. Would be nice to be looking trim-er for that occassion.

3. I've actually managed to get myself out and walking these last 2 days. DS and I have decided that we will walk morning and evenings just to get some air-time and chat-time happening. I'm hoping to keep this up for at least 2 times a week; when I go back to work. But for now, we're making it a daily event.

My next step: hit the WW stand in the mall and get the ball rolling! I'm also going to do a weight loss ticker once I've officially weighed in and keep updating that.

As someone's PTR says.....Third time's a Charm!


Just a quick update. I went to the mall today and hit the WW stand.

I'm booked in for a consultation on the 16 Jan.

That's awesome that they have WW stand in the mall. It is nice to be held accountable by someone else, that helps motivate!

My favorite part of cruises are the drinks :rotfl: I'm sure that's a whole new level of unhealthy, but oh well.

Having 2 goal dates is good, I think mine will be April and September. I am rethinking my Italy trip, but regardless I cannot escape the fact that every year I vow that NEXT year I won't have to be trying to lose weight, and so far, that hasn't worked. Every spring I tell myself that by the next summer I will be able to wear a bathing suit I like, etc. The painful truth is that I am turning 28 next week, and losing weight isn't going to get any easier, so I may as well tough it out now.

So far I have been pretty good. I never start on the 1st because I am too tired to focus on being good, so I started yesterday. I attempted to get in a good walk with Jack but it has been frigid and he has been whiny. He isn't feeling real well which plays a large part, and I have been having awful sinus headaches in the morning. So I haven't done any REAL exercise, but I have managed to get back to taking the stairs at work and eating very well. I have had steel cut oatmeal for breakfast both days. Yesterday at work I had a healthy tuna sandwich (i.e. whoel grain bread, tuna in water, veggies mixed in etc) and some fruit. When I got home I had a hard boiled egg and a clementine. Today I got a foot long sub on whole wheat, no mayo and ate half for lunch and half for dinner. I also have been drinking only water and milk, except for one cup of coffee today.

Tomorrow is my first day off in the past 7 days. IF our cleaning lady is feeling better and comes tomorrow, I think I will take Jack to the movies to get us out of the house, but I think I will take some honey nut cheerios to snack on so I won't get any popcorn. If she doesn't come, we will stay home and I will work on organizing my office. Either way, I am determined to get a workout in. Hopefully it will be nice outside so I can take Jack on a long walk. If not I will go back to the 30 day shred. Thursday is supposed to be 56 out, so I will definitely get in a long walk, maybe without Jack since he will be at school. Maybe I might even attempt jogging :scared1:
We saw this thing on Dr. Oz today about Montel Williams being the spokesperson for some safflower oil/seed thing that you will lose weight without trying. I'm thinking that we could probably eat some sunflower/safflower seeds each day and see it if works.
We saw this thing on Dr. Oz today about Montel Williams being the spokesperson for some safflower oil/seed thing that you will lose weight without trying. I'm thinking that we could probably eat some sunflower/safflower seeds each day and see it if works.

ooh that would be nice!
Today, I went to the mall and re-signed up to WW. I prepaid for the next 13 weeks (cheaper)....and also got my weigh in done. Suffice to say that I'm not going to beat myself up about the current weight but rather focus on the goals.

I got the new pro-points material and will be spending some time reading it more thoroughly tonight. But I'm determined to stick with it and my WW leader pretty much said that people who have been diligently following the propoints system have been averaging 1/2 kilo weight loss a week. That's about 1 lb per week. The system is designed to help you lose 1 kilo a week (about 2.2 lbs); but I figure I'm going to be little Miss Average on the scales.

I've kept my lifetime member goal weight as the target. I have 26 points per day on the new pro-points. For someone who started on the old points system, 26 sure sounds a lot more than the 18 or 20 I had to play with before; but I'm sure after a more thorough read of the WW material that I'll work out its about the same.

Right now, the determination factor is really high. I have my 5% and 10% goal weight targets and also have the end March and end June timeframes in my sights.

Food tonight will be a chicken stir fry. I got the inspiration from the WW book and it will keep me within my points allowance today.

I'll be checking in here at least once a week for the next 13 weeks; after weigh-in.

I haven't been paying attention to WHAT I've been eating, but I just haven't had an appetite and have found myself just starving myself cause I wasn't hungry. As a result, at last weigh in I was 15 pounds less than last August, but that goes up and down.

Good luck PIO, I don't know anything about WW, but I hope that it works for you. My biggest problem is my wine consumption. I probably get more calories in the day from wine than anything else! But since I don't keep track I don't know! My appetite have become so small, I'm guessing that's the case.

Fran has lost 40 lbs and she can't fit in any of her clothes. I'm really proud of her except we have to start digging out her boxes of old clothes that she put away and it's hard to find them!
Good on you and Fran for losing weight.

I really need to stop the slow creep; so this is my way of breaking the cycle.
I haven't been paying attention to WHAT I've been eating, but I just haven't had an appetite and have found myself just starving myself cause I wasn't hungry. As a result, at last weigh in I was 15 pounds less than last August, but that goes up and down.

Good luck PIO, I don't know anything about WW, but I hope that it works for you. My biggest problem is my wine consumption. I probably get more calories in the day from wine than anything else! But since I don't keep track I don't know! My appetite have become so small, I'm guessing that's the case.

Fran has lost 40 lbs and she can't fit in any of her clothes. I'm really proud of her except we have to start digging out her boxes of old clothes that she put away and it's hard to find them!

Yay for good progress for both of you. I haven't been eating much lately either, busy schedules and illness going around, but I am not sure it has helped me...

Good on you and Fran for losing weight.

I really need to stop the slow creep; so this is my way of breaking the cycle.

I know what you mean, I wish the scale was at least creeping down instead of up :rotfl:

Jack had his tonsils taken out on Wednesday and has beein pretty bad shape ever since. I hadn't been eating much, but my birthday was Friday so we had a small party and of course cake. :rolleyes1 Due to being up constantly at night, I have been sleeping late rather than exercising, but once Jack is on the mend and back in school, life should be simpler.. right?? I can say I have done very well today, I had a banana and a clementine orange before work... and nothing since then except a cup of coffee. Of course Jack is at the Urgent Care facility with my parents now so I will probably blow my goodness by stopping for fast food, but I will try not to! With my birthday this past week, and getting another year older, I though of all the things I want to do in the next couple of years, and I REALLY want to run at leaqst the 1/2 marathon at WDW. I would like to do the full, but that may never happen. I would like to do it next year, but that may be pushing it with other trips I have planned, but at the very least I need to get into shape so that it's a possibility... so that will be my (newest) long term goal...
The half marathon is quite a goal, but I think a good one. You'll definitely work off some pounds training for that.

Unfortunately I have a condition in my legs that makes it excruciatingly painful for me to run. I had to quit the cross country team in Jr. High due to it. :sad2:
Yay for good progress for both of you. I haven't been eating much lately either, busy schedules and illness going around, but I am not sure it has helped me...

I know what you mean, I wish the scale was at least creeping down instead of up :rotfl:

Jack had his tonsils taken out on Wednesday and has beein pretty bad shape ever since. I hadn't been eating much, but my birthday was Friday so we had a small party and of course cake. :rolleyes1 Due to being up constantly at night, I have been sleeping late rather than exercising, but once Jack is on the mend and back in school, life should be simpler.. right?? I can say I have done very well today, I had a banana and a clementine orange before work... and nothing since then except a cup of coffee. Of course Jack is at the Urgent Care facility with my parents now so I will probably blow my goodness by stopping for fast food, but I will try not to! With my birthday this past week, and getting another year older, I though of all the things I want to do in the next couple of years, and I REALLY want to run at leaqst the 1/2 marathon at WDW. I would like to do the full, but that may never happen. I would like to do it next year, but that may be pushing it with other trips I have planned, but at the very least I need to get into shape so that it's a possibility... so that will be my (newest) long term goal...

I hope Jack feels better soon!

Make sure you look after yourself and the 1/2 marathon is such a great target to aim for. I wish I could run!


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