Dreams Really Do Come True! - Our Wedding Trip - Spring 2011

It was here!!!

The day before the wedding!

And a day I had been sooooooo excited for!

Truth be told I was kind of scared for the wedding, so my focus had gone on today as lots of exciting and not too scary stuff was happening.

1 - We were going to DHS and my Mum was going to ride ToT (Hopefully!) very exciting!

2 - We were checking into the GF Main Building - eeeeeee.

3 - I was finally going to get to spend some Disney time with my bridesmaids who happen to be 2 of my favourite people ever.

4 - Wedding rehearsal, which I was a little nervous for, mainly because afterwards I'd have to say bye to Jack!

So - we were up early, I made sure all my bits and pieces were packed ready to move to the GF later. Mum and Dad checked out and left their cases in our room as Jack was staying there again that night.

Then it was time to head out to DHS!

It was a pretty grey day, but we didn't let that deter us! We had an old hotel to check in to!

Michelle was staying in a hotel just 5 mionutes from AKL, so she got a taxi up and emt us in the AKL lobby to get the bus with us to DHS.

Mum wasn't too nervous at the bus stop:


And she was still smiling on the bus:


Once we got to DHS we met Big Dave by bag check, and then it was into the rope drop crowd!

It has started to drizzle, but that was OK, we were happy.

The crowd was pretty big, but I figured everyone was headed to TSM, it wasn't on our agenda for the day really, so I knew we'd be OK heading down Sunset Boulevard.

And I was right, after the cringeworthy "Hollywood - Here. We. Come" opening ceremony, we had a very peaceful walk down the the Hollywood Tower hotel.

The line was non existant up until the front door of the hotel.

Mum was still with us...although not in the mood for photos! :rotfl:


Within a minute or two we were in the library.....Mum was stilll with us!

Dad really enjoyed this part, he really loves some good imagineering. So it made me happy to see him impressed.

Then we were walking through the boiler room and straight into an open elevator.

I looked to Mum (as I'd promised I would) and said "This is it" so she knew it was her final chance to back out. She jsut looked back, a little pale and said "OK" and got on in!!!

What a brave lady!

We started to ascend, and she really seemd to enjoy everything, she'd watched it on YouTube plenty, so knew we wouldn't plummet until after the Twilight Zone part.

When we got there she grabbed my arm for dear life, as you can see int he photo I was probably saying something like "Here we go!" (I was really scared for her, as I didn't want to have down played the ride and make her do something she hated!


(I have my other hand up in readiness like the ToT geek I am!) Look at my Dad clinging on though!

After the first drop all my worries disappeared! She loved it! I even said "hands in the air" and she did it!! What a lady!

Afterwards she was gushing about how much she loved it! :rotfl: The photo was the first of the day, so it took us ages, I wish it hadn't of taken so long as we could have ridden again really, but I really wanted to photo, and we bought the pack with all the little ones so I gave one to everybody too.

Next up was a ride on RnRC.

I could see in Mum's eyes she was tempted, but her and Big Dave decided against it and grabbed a coffee and waitied in the exit shop.

I actually think that after EE and ToT Mum would have enjoyed RnRC, maybe next trip!

I sat with my Dad, Jack sat with Michelle, and we all had a great time in our super stretch limo. :thumbsup2

Although it was a bit strange as we had the 3, 2, 1, countdown and then didn;t pull away! Which really sets your nerves on edge, as you feel like you might go at any minute without warning!

But a CM came up to the front of the train and seemed to tell a guy off for having a camera or something out. This gave us time to decide on camera faces for when we really took off. I think Dave wins!


My Dad's fake scream crakcs me up, he's always silent on rides, unless he's next to me, in which case he takes the mick by copying me. He always has since I was 7 and screamed my head off on BTM....I can't imagine it's ever going to change!

When we came out of RnRC the rain started....and I mean RAIN.

So apologies - no more photos for this post as we were all worried for our cameras!

We ran down Sunset Blvd and under shelter outside the Brown Derby while we debated our next move.

The Great Movie Ride was right there, and indoors. So that was our next stop.

I'm not really a GMR fan, but it's worth doing I think.

(In retrospect I wish we'd headed to TSM, but the rain was ridiculous! We couldn't think straight!)

Then from GMR we decided to head to the Muppets as they are mym Dad's favourite.

So again we ran, the rain was like up to our ankles....madness.

We all shivered our way through the AC of Muppets and then decided to head to another in door attraction - Walt Disney, One Man's Dream. Which i see as the WDW Must Do, so needed to take my guests there.

As we walked by TSM it was only a 35 minute wait. We decided it was worth it for that. But first a few of us stopped for a toilet break, and when we got back to the TSM entrace it was 80 minutes. :( Good job we hadn't got in line!

So we all walked around OMD, then watched the lovely movie. I was glad afterwards as everyone seemed very interested at Walt's story. :lovestruc

Then, as the rain still hadn't let up, we decided to call it quits, so we exited the park.

The place was deserted.

if it had just been Jack and I I would have been tempted to just get ponchos and suck it up. But we had to get over to the GF and I didn;t feel it was fair to make people put up with the rain.

We didn't have too long to wait for a bus, and we were the only people on it.

We all sat across the back seats (where the heat is!) And enjoyed the ride back.

Once back at AKL we got changed and ready to head on over to the GF and to our rehearsal! Eeeeeee!
The time had come....

I was going to check into the Grand Floridian!!! :lovestruc A day I had been dreaming of for years.

That doesn't mean I wasn't sad to leave AKL though. Luckily we'll be back in 2014 so not too long to wait. :rolleyes1

Jack, Mum, Dad and I bundled into a taxi with a lot of luggage and were soon pulling up at the GF.

When we got out the cab a lovely lady with a clip board came running out to meet me.

All of our luggage got whisked away and we walked into the beautiful lobby.


Where I spotted my beautiful Katie and Hayley! They had heard the lady say we had just arrived, so were right there waiting for us.

We were escorted over to the special lift, where we got whizzed up into the Royal Palm lounge and told about the food and drink times.

Then to get to my room (which the girls would be in with me tonight, and then Jack for the next 2 days after that) we had to walk down the corridor to the big fancy suite where we'll someday stay.

(These photos were taken at a later point in time, but I feel it helps to set the scene ;) )


Then go down a floor to the "secret honeymoon floor" as the lady sold it. I think she was just making up for the fact that it was a bit long winded to get there! In any case it was fun using our golden keys in the lift!


Then our room was the first on the right when we got out the lift.


And it was beautiful! :) We had a direct view of the castle, out over the marina. And our balcony was HUGE, like triple length. Really awesome. :)

In fact here is a little Bing Map photo of which one so you can see the balcony:


Once we'd signed our check in stuff we then hot footed it over to Mum and Dad's room. They were right above the lobby and had an awesome view of the Wedding Pavillion and the Poly.

Here is their room:


Up Next - After all of the room checking fun it was rehearsal time!!
It was almost rehearsal time!

Dave and Karen had made their way over to the Floridian and were sitting down in the lobby, we tried to subtly whistle from our perch up in the Club lounge, but they didn't hear us, and we didn't want to make a scene.

So we nipped down, and brought them up to the lounge for a bit.

It was between food times, so we grabbed a drink and then decided to head over to the wedding pavillion.

Right on queue the heavens opened again! My dad asked the concierge if there were any umbrellas we could borrow. The answer was 'no. But we could buy some....

This put him in a very grumpy mood. :sad2:

So we all had a very soggy run over to the WP, where my glamourous officiant, Teresa Knox, was waiting for us, and seemed quite shocked at the state of the wedding party standing before her!

Never the less we got aquainted, and just as we were about to get started my planner, Meri, came in to say 'Hi'.

It was lovely to finally meet her face to face after hours of phone calls and loads of emails!

Teresa was wonderful taking us through all the steps of the ceremony, and then Meri and I went over the music and some other bits.

And then the time I had been dreading had come - the rehearsal was over and I had to say bye to my fiance!

The next time I would see him I'd be walking down the aisle!!

I had a good cry and a hug, and then he, Karen and Dave headed over to the Poly (as they knew we'd head back to the GF and we didn't want an awkward bumping into each other moment after our big 'Bye' :rotfl:


So we got back to the GF and were very soggy!


We had the whole evening ahead of us and weren't really sure what to do.

But it was almost 5pm and that meant one thing - snacks in the lounge!!

We dried off and changed, and then headed along for some lovely food.

Hayley is a big fan of DIS Dining Reviews, so was able to say "This is from 1900 Park Fayre" "This is from Narcoosees", I'm not quite that DIS foody, but I did recognise the strawberry soup - I found it a bit of a let down....

But the 1900PF cupcakes were yummy!

As we found a table my Mum and Dad appeared. Their plan for the evening was to sit around inside and listen to the orchestra.

Us girls were to excited!

We did a loop of the CL floor, watched the orchestra from above for a bit. They kept looking up and waving at us which made me feel all nervous, lol.


And then we got itchy feet.

It was absolutely hammering down....so my idea was to do a monorail tour of the hotels.

Katie and Hayley thought that sounded like good, dry fun.

So we headed out onto a very damp, humid monorail.


First stop of course was MK....we all kind of sighed....and then headed on the the Contemporary.

We browsed the shops, and then all agreed, it was worth getting wet for.... We were going to the MAGIC KINGDOM!!!

On the monorail back from the CR we met a lovely family, they took our photo for us:


We quickly dove back into the GF to grab our park tickets and for me to buy a poncho and change out of my jeans, as they would not do well in the rain!

On the way I stopped at the little phone that was just outside our room and amused us all for some reason:


Then it was on to the MK!

The place was pretty deserted....mainly because it was like this:


I had one aim of this game!

The girls have been to WDW a couple of times, as well as DLRP twice, and have never ridden Haunted Mansion or Phantom Manor!

This needed to be fixed!

So it was into Liberty Square with us, and much to my delight the new graveyard queue was open!!!!

I was sooo excited, and we were the only ones in tehre so we played with the musical tomb for ages.


We also tried to solve the riddle that come out of the other tomb. We knew the answer was 'gasoline' but no matter how we shouted it (and believe me when I say we tried a variety of accents :rotfl: ) she didn't seem to hear us....

Then it was onto the ride. The girls enjoyed it, and I felt I had done a good WDW deed for the day.

Next stop was a joint decision! Big Thunder Mountain! It was a total walk on, and as the trains were going around half empty we didn't ahve the difficult decision of who sits alone, we all had a carriage each!

Only downside in the rain is that you slide all over the place, and I whacked my foot on the side of the carriage, giving me paranoia that my foot would hurt all through the wedding!

When we got off BTm the annoucement came on that Main Street Electrical parade had been cancelled because of the rain.

At that point we were all delirious and fell about laughing saying "Rain? What rain?"

As we were soaked through we decided a ride on Splash Mountain wouldn't hurt us any, so onto that we walked and got a log all to ourselves.

How wrong I was.....when we came down the last hill a huge wave went into my face, I got a huge mouthful of swamp water, and lods went inside my poncho. :sad2:

Queue my paranoia that I'd be sick from the swamp water all night and all through the wedding!

We had had fun, but the rain really was awful, so we made the decision to head back to the GF, get warm, clean and dry, and watch Wishes from the room just because we could.

On the way back down Main Street we stopped for a photopass moment...I warn you it's not pretty.


And then headed back to the GF.

When we got in we all popped into Basin to buy some nice bath stuff to go in our jacuzzi. So we each filled those tubes of the different colour bath salts.


I just looove their Pink Sugar scent, it smells just like the FLoridian and the wedding to me now. :lovestruc

My mum who had spotted us came into the store to see what we were up to, and of course did a spot of shopping herself. She also told us she'd seen Katie and Hayley's mum and dad a while ago, but they'd headed back to the MK to watch Wishes.

When we got back to the room we saw we'd had turn down.


Hayley went first for the bath, and was keen to try the jacuzzi function.

I heard a loud hum and then saw a jet of water fly out from the bathroom and hit the desk!! Hayley had turned on the jacuzzi when the bath wasn't quiet full enough :rotfl: we fell about laughing yet again!

After the girls had each had a bath and got warm and dry it was Wishes time, so we all watched from the room. :lovestruc




After Wishes I had a bath and when I got out the girls had put all presents out for me! :cloud9:


I opened them and had a little cry.


And then that was it......it was bed time!!

I phoned my mum, had another little cry and then got into the HUGE Floridian bed with Katie, while Hayley took the day bed (also known as the castle bed, as we kept the curtains open so the castle glowed right through and was in Hayley's view all night....

I had been dreading this night....I was convinced I wouldn't sleep a wink, that it'd drag, that I'd get sick...

You'll have to wait and see what sort of drama went on!!
I opened my eyes...

It was still dark.

Oh no!

I couldn't decide whether to look at the clock or not....I knew it was going to say 1am or something equally awful!

The alarm was set for 7am, and it hadn't woken me...

I laid there for a bit and Katie started to stir.

So I checked the clock....


I'd done it!

It was here!!! My wedding day!!!

I'd had an amazing night's sleep, must've been the huge magical bed! I didn't care what it was - it was morning!

How strange. I'd literally been imagining it for as long as I could remember, and here it was even better than even my over active imagination could have thought up!

The girls were awake just as quick as me! And we were soon all on a wedding day high!

We celebrated the moment by opening the balcony door and updating our facebooks! :rotfl:


It was here!!!!!!

At 7am I phoned my Mum, they'd been awake for a while and she was glad to hear I slept well.

We all got up and had a bath/shower and then threw on some comfy clothes before heading down to the lounge to see what breakfasty treats would be out!

The breakfast spread in the lounge was amazing. But eating was not really on my agenda. I had a piece of toast and some apple juice.

When I'm nervous it's my tummy that suffers, so I just wanted to fill it enough so I wasn't hungry and didn't pass out, but wanted to only have very bland stuff so I didn't get sick!

On the table next to us a breakfast was a Mum, dad and beautiful little princess, so we all said hi to her for a while, and chatted about the wedding.

Then we headed back to the room as the day was about to begin.

I had a little chill out on the balcony, where I spotted my parents walking around the Marina, so I gave them a little wave.


Look! No rain!! Thank goodnesss!

We had our Hair and Make Up people coming at 9am and also the lovely people from Carolyn Allen coming to steam our dresses.

Just before 9am my phone rang, and it was Patricia, our amazing hair and make up lady, her assistant was going to be joining her in a little while.

I got the lift down to the lobby to meet her, and was instantly glad to have chosen her, she was so friendly and calming, she's definitely used to dealing with brides!

Not long after that my Mum arrived at the room. Poor Dad had a morning to occupy himself. I think he made some calls and did some businessy stuff to try and distract himself.

But us ladies got down to business. :goodvibes

Soon the dress steamers had arrived and that was all under way. Our room was a very busy, very full place!

There was a tap on the door and a lovely present from Disney Floral arrived!


Very sweet. :flower3:

Every time the door went I leapt up, as although I knew my flowers weren't getting delivered until 1pm I was so impatient to see them that I was jumping about all over the place.

We all took it in turns to have various hair and make up bits done to us:


Can you tell my Mum lives for stuff like this?


I was very very spaced out all morning...I think if I'd let myself get excited it would have bubbled over into non-stop crying.

So I just sort of sat either on the make up chair, or on the bed, and didn't really talk or move much.

I soon got a text from our wonderful photographers Nathan and Jensey Root (www.rootweddings.com) to say they were in the lobby.

So Hayley and I headed down to meet them (the only problem with being Club Level is people can't get acess to you, which I suppose is a benefit at any time other than a wedding!)

So from this point you get to see good photos! Not my blurry ones!

I will leave this part here so that the new posts can be all of the official photos. :cutie:
Arggghhhhh Victoria!! :lovestruc I'm right there with you, I'm swept up in the Disney wedding magic, it's amazing!! :goodvibes

You've left me begging for more you wonderful lady you...
So when I left off Nathan and Jensey had arrived to start taking photos of the day, and we were all still getting our hair and make up done:


They also brought with them our gorgeous guest book which we had made from our engagement photos that we had taken with them in our practice shoot back on our wedding planning trip in 2009. It was really lovely to see it in the flesh. :lovestruc



Then there was a knock on the door!!!!! Could this be it? My flowers?!

It was - yaaaaaaaay!!




After the excitement of that the dresses were all finished steaming and were ready to put on! It was already after 1pm and I had to head to the Pavilllion just after 2! Where had the morning gone?!?! People always say "It'll go by so fast"

It's safe to say I'm now one of those people!



First I had something fun I wanted to do.

One of my best friends needed a call, as she was a Disney bride 6 months before me, and she had a honeymoon shoot with Nathan and Jensey - so I thought it'd be fun for them to have a little reunion:



It was getting close to the wire though, so we had to get back to work and all get our hair and make up finished.

Look at my lovely Mumsie :cloud9:



Also - look how curly my hair started out!! My hair has never held a curl.....sadly even wedding magic couldn't make that happen.

Never mind - I have a photo for proof that it did start out that curly!
Nathan then said:

Well I'm going to head down and take photos of Jack.


Jack was downstairs!!!! It really was almost wedding time!

Somehow knowing he was down there made me feel really strange...almost like when you see a celebrity, or if they'd told me Take That were in the lobby.

But more....

I'd been so wrapped up in what was happening in our crazy busy room that although I'd been thinking of Jack all morning it just sort of suprised me to hear he was IN the building.

Ach! It makes me nervous to think of that moment now.

So Nathan headed down and took photos of my handsome Groom and his family:


Jack was SUPER nervous all morning according to him and everyone who saw him. I wasn't told this until after the ceremony, but I think he'd had a much harder morning than me. I'd been kept really busy, and all he had to do was put his suit on and then wait.....

I think it's easier being the Bride!

Here's Jack and his lovely Mum and Sister:


Good job we didn't have Mum's room or I might of seen him!


All this while back in our room it was time to put my dress on!

Now my dress is big and heavy (it weighs like 15lb or something) so I had been nervous pretty much since I'd bought it that I would get it on and overheat or not be able to breathe, or pass out.

I'm pleased to say that none of those things happened. :thumbsup2


The last thing I had to do was put on my jewellery (which took us 4 people and a good few minutes as we were all so jittery by this point!)


And it was showtime! :scared1:
I've been waiting for you to re-start your report.

Thank you so much as you haven't disappointed me - loved catching up on all your pre-wedding events.

Can't wait for the actual ceremony now - looks like it will be a wonderful day.

Late to the party - but what a wonderful report and you all look beautiful getting ready for the big day :goodvibes

Awww, thank you, Samantha :cutie:

I've been waiting for you to re-start your report.

Thank you so much as you haven't disappointed me - loved catching up on all your pre-wedding events.

Can't wait for the actual ceremony now - looks like it will be a wonderful day.


Thanks Tammy.

I'm so glad I continued. It's made me feel all sentimental.

I think I just needed some time to let the dust all settle before I started it all again if that makes sense?
This was it.

I was dressed.

It was time to leave the room. :scared1:

It was getting late so I didn't have time to help the girls get their dresses on. My Dad was waiting outside the room with Nathan waiting to go downstairs for photos befo we headed over to the pavilion.

This is the point where my Dad started to cry. And he pretty much didn't stop all day long!


We headed down to the Lobby.


I had what felt like a million photos taken. And a crowd of people gathered around me. It was kind of cool and very weird all at once.





One lovely man came over to tell my Dad how beautiful I looked. :love: which was so sweet of him. But of course set my Dad right off again!

Then Katie and Hayley arrived down with my Mum. They both looked amazing!!


Then it was time for more photos!



Ant then that was it. It was time for Dad and I to get in the Rolls Royce and head to the Pavilion!

I was about to marry the man of my dreams!
Look at my lovely Mumsie :cloud9:


said it before, and i'll say it again; i'm pretty sure the lovely Fiona is a reincarnation of a 40's hollywood actress :lovestruc

it's soo great to relive all these amazing memories, and especially how much we laughed in the magic kingdom and the floridian the night before the wedding, like 3 little girls again! (in fact i experienced flashbacks of us skipping away from Frontierland linking arms :rotfl:)

Can't wait to read and relive the wedding day, the best day of 2011!!!!! :cloud9::cutie:
Oh wow - this all just sounds so perfect! I have tears in my eyes reading about how perfect this was for all of you!

I can't wait to read more :goodvibes
Beautiful photos Torsie. Can't wait to see and read more. Must tell you again, so glad you decided to continue.
Oo you've left us on tenderhooks - i can't wait for more!!!!

Such a beautiful report so far xxx
Beautiful photos, I might just have a little tear in my eye :rolleyes1

Thanks for sharing :hug:

Ali :goodvibes
You look so beautiful and happy! :goodvibes so so so glad you've carried on with the report, can't wait for more!


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