Hey! You had your trip, this time I'm in charge! Nicki & Todd LIVE!! Completed :(

Pummkin Pancakes... I would have to beat them off with a stick!! They looked great. I'm with you, 2 pressed pots off coffee. Too bad Kona only does seasonal pumkin pancakes. Other than that, I would eat there every trip.
Oh My Goodness those pumpkin pancakes look delicious especially the ice cream oops butter scoop on top!!!!! :lovestruc Good thing you didn't miss your adr there this morning! On our last trip we managed a trip to the counter service place at Ohana (can't think of the name at the moment) and we had the tonga toast. It was ok. I'm not craving it but I sure could crave those pancakes. Mental note to myself I really really need to make my husband take me to Disney next fall. :rotfl2: Glad the rain hasn't ruined your day!!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!! :) In honor of fall/Halloween I'm going to "try" making popcorn balls tomorrow!!!!! :banana:

They were incredible, the best ones I have ever had! Fall is my favorite time to be at WDW, love the decorations and this is the first time I remember all this pumpkin-y food

OMG, I love pumpkin pancakes!!!! I think I need to head to Village Inn or IHOP this weekend for breakfast!

I am so sad I missed the pumpkin funnel cake. I was so close and didn't realize they had them!

Jill in CO

Target has a very good pumpkin and gingerbread pancake mix, its cheap and yummy...now I need to replicate the maple walnut butter!

you know Nicki...

My niece LOVES dill pickles.. I hit Walmart one year and got her the GIANT bottle of pickles in the are where they have the bulk foods... I'm not sure she ever opened it... I think she was in awe of it... :lmao:

I did that the first Xmas we spent together, I was at Sam's and bought him this humongous jar of pickle chips...I think it took him a month to empty it :laughing:

Breakfast looks scrumptious! I assume the taco salad wasn't greasy again? I could go for some of the pickels with onion rings ;)

Nothing was greasy, very good food. He dumped all those pickles on my onion rings and the flavors mingled a bit, that was pretty good!

Oooh, Pumpkin Pancakes! I wonder if they have those at Christmas time....

As always, loving your report!

Or gingerbread ones...those would be good too!

Oh my gosh those pumpkin pancakes look scrumptious!!!! I sure wish I could try them! I think that Kona is my new favorite breakfast place at WDW. As a matter of fact, as soon as I hit the submit button in this baby I'm going to get a breakfast ADR for my next trip! I wanted to try somewhere new but if it ain't broke...! :rotfl2: Loving your live reviews - it's almost like I'm there but not getting full!

They were amazing! Kona is our favorite place for breakfast...contemplating going there tomorrow instead of Kouzzina

Pumpkin pancakes? Oh my word! :worship:

I hope you get to B&C. Love that place!

Never expected to see them on the menu but I was so happy they were

I was just about to start salivating over the Tonga Toast (I think it's absolute perfection when you add the strawberry compote to cut some of the sweetness).

Then I scrolled down and saw the pumpkin pancakes, and I think my loyalties switched. :lmao:

Just another incentive to eventually visit WDW during October (along with Food & Wine, pumpkin funnel cake, etc). :thumbsup2

I was all set to order the Samoan but once I saw the special menu I had to get them....to die for! You would love WDW at this time of the year!

Hi Nicki,
Those pumpkin pancakes look so delicious!! I usually get the Tonga Toast, (I can never get enough sugar), but I think I would have to have the pancakes instead. We'll be there in two weeks. Do you think they'll still have the pancakes? I'd love to try them.

I think they will still have them, try them, they are the best things I ever had!

I want those pumpkin pancakes! I hope you have a great dinner tonight at Tokyo Dining! I can't believe your trip is almost over already, it seems like you just got there!

I want them again too! We came in late last night and I crashed so I will post Tokyo dining tonight. 10 days went way too fast!

Ok, now you're just messin with me. I was all set to have the Mac Pancakes, really dreaming of them because I had the Somoan last time (and oh yea...it was soooo good!). And then ya had to go put those Pumpkin Pancakes in there...

Damn you, Bickerson! :rotfl2:

:lmao: Hey, I was all set to get something else too! They were so thick and light and fluffy, but the flavor, OMG, it was just incredible!

Wow, that breakfast looks great! Both the tonga toast and the pumpkin pancakes sound phenomenal - and I usually don't like to eat breakfast! It's also good to hear that at least your burger at Pecos Bill's didn't have a bun that fell apart - that seems to be a common complaint at most of the CS locations.

It was excellent, we both left very happy and full from Kona!

Been lurking for awhile....you had me at pumpkin pancakes. When I saw those, I had to run to IHOP tonight to get some....I know, they are not Kona pumpkin pancakes but it cured the craving! Enjoying your posts! You are adorable!

We have an IHOP by us but never go...maybe I should pop in next weekend!

Everything look so good!!! Love your hubby's response to the deluxe stay. I would be over the moon if I could do that! :goodvibes

That is something he would not mind doing because I would be the one packing and unpacking! :laughing:

Breakfast looked wonderful! We didn't make it here for breakfast this past January, but we have it on our long list of musts for 2013!

I love how you didn't let the rain stall your day. What better way to hit every ride you want without a crowd around you. :thumbsup2

I find myself growing sad knowing your trip is quickly coming to an end. I truly enjoyed knowing I had a report to read with each day's happenings! Thank you for taking the time to post. :banana:

Will be watching my e-mail for your next post. :surfweb:

You def have to get to Kona on your next trip, its excellent! It poured rain all morning too but we were still at HS for 8am RD!

Those pancakes look amazing! Too bad pumpkin isn't in in March.

Also, the pile of pickles on all Todd's plates cracks me up. He must really love pickles!

How many more days of reviews do we have left? I almost feel like it's my vacation coming to an end.

I think they should have pumpkin all year long! You know, people must think he is pregnant with his love of pickles! We leave tomorrow afternoon....I am so bummed!

Loving your reviews. Those pancakes at Kona looked great.

Thank you! So glad you are enjoying them

Pummkin Pancakes... I would have to beat them off with a stick!! They looked great. I'm with you, 2 pressed pots off coffee. Too bad Kona only does seasonal pumkin pancakes. Other than that, I would eat there every trip.

And I only surrendered two bites to Todd, the rest were all mine! We have been to Kona for breakfast many times and I dont remember a special pancake but I am so glad they had it this time!

A little late, but joining in on the fun! Those pancakes looks sooo good!

Never too late to join in!
After lunch and on our way out of MK I wanted to stop in at the candy shop to get my nieces sugar free lolly pops...they prefer the huge circular ones but the only sugar free are the clear colored ones shaped like Mickey or Pooh...they had them but all of them were sticky and gooey so we passed.

They had some adorable decorated cakes and apples...funny enough is we never see anyone eating these things, wonder if they are a bust or they sell when I am not looking :lmao:






Me - You want anything? Get in line if you do because its busy in here

Todd - I do want something but I am thinking more pastry than candy

Me - You go to the bakery I will stay here

Todd - But they have cupcakes

Me - Ok, I'm coming with you

And we backtracked to the empty bakery..they did have some really cute decorated cupcakes but they were just plain vanilla or chocolate, nothing fancy flavor wise


They also had banana bread pudding...if I was hungry I would have gone for this!


Lucky for DH they had an eclair with yellow cream filling so he was :cloud9:


Time to go back to the resort and chill....can you believe the trip is almost over? Time flies when you are hanging at WDW!
What in the heck is that pretzel thats covered in white chocolate rolled in? (first pic of the Candy Shop)

It looks like a white chocolate pretzel turkey leg!! haha it is huuuge!!!
Back at the resort we chilled out for a while, he napped while I watched a movie. Dinner tonight was Tokyo Dining and he was very excited about it because he loves hibachi..but

Me - You do know this isnt hibachi right?

Todd - Yeah but I can get a steak or something that is done like hibachi right?

Me - Um, no...this is sushi, tempura, steak and chicken and such but not hibachi

Todd - Why are we eating there then?

Me - Because when I showed you pictures from a Disers review you said that looked great and to book it

Todd - I did? I dont remember that

Me - You dont remember a lot of things...like me asking you if you would rather have Teppen Edo instead and you saying no

Todd - Do you make this stuff up as you go along

Me - Just zip it before I climb up you and throttle you! :laughing:

Before leaving the resort he stepped out on the balcony to see if it cooled down, only to find that it was pouring rain

Todd - We are going out in this?

Me - You wont melt

Todd - But my hair will frizz (joking because I always say this)

Me - We can stay in and order room service

Todd - And miss out on Japanese? No way Jose!

Me - Ooh, lets go Mexican instead

Todd - You can, I'm going to travel to Japan!

Me - Deal! You go your way and I will go mine

Todd - :sad1:

Me - Ok, I'll go with you :hug:

Epcot was packed, despite the rain. The air smelled of beer and wine, yummy! We arrived at Tokyo Dining a little before 6 and holy moly it was total chaos in there. For some reason I thought it was a separate dining room from the lobby of Teppan Edo but I was wrong. The lobby is really the dining room and it was loud in there with a ton of people waiting for both restaurants. Picture a lot of wet people, screaming kids, high volume of people and noise with no where to go to get away from it.

Even though they had a long line at the check in desk, many didnt have reservations (40-50 minute wait) we were seated right away, a nice little 2 top table close to the windows and in the far rear of the restaurant. Didnt matter because the noise level was just obnoxious and one look from DH told me he wasnt happy. Never have we encountered a restaurant this loud...picture Chuck E Cheese on a rainy Saturday and up that 10 more times...yeah, we were miserable.

Our server was a sweetie, could not hear a word she said but she was so nice and kept my iced green tea glass filled so I was :lovestruc Todd had a Tokyo Sunset with pineapple juice, coconut rum and something else that I forget. I had a sip and it was very good, he quickly drank the first and had a second.


We each had a tossed salad with ginger dressing, this is something we eat at home almost every night...if it isnt this its a tomato salad. Very fresh and very good dressing.


We love tempura veggies and the menu didnt clearly state that other tempura dishes (ie shrimp, scallops) came with them so I ordered the tempura veggies as my entree. It was huge, there was 2 large onion rings, 3 zucchini, 3 carrots, string beans and 3 squash as well as one large mixed veggie shredded cake like item. Served with a dipping sauce, seaweed salad and white rice. I liked the white rice, it was sticky but good, not a fan of the seaweed and the veggies were incredible, very light, not greasy and the veggies had a bite to them so they were not all mush. The best was the mixed shredded veggie cake item...dont know why but it tasted so much different, very good


Todd had the tempura shrimp and chicken combo...we were unaware that his meal also had tempura veggies, if we had known he would have had the shrimp and I would have had the chicken but we know that now for future visits. He had the same veggies as I did but just 1 of each, there were 3 chicken and 3 shrimp, huge pieces too so he shared...both were fantastic! His meal came with the seaweed salad (he didnt like it), white rice and dipping sauce, a cold noodle salad that was tossed with vinegar mayo (he didnt like it but I did) and a miso soup that neither of us cared for


While we enjoyed the food we didnt enjoy the ambiance and I dont think we would do dinner here again, maybe an early lunch if its quiet but not dinner. Neither of us like the fact that you could possibly be sitting right in the lobby area with all the crowds, lucky for us we were not but the noise just resonates throughout the entire dining area.

omg those pumpkin pancakes look like heaven!!!! looks like we'll have to do kona for dinner AND breakfast next October!
I knew we were not getting dessert at Tokyo Dining because I have been hearing this all week

Todd - I wish I had a caramel apple but I am too full to eat it

So my plan was to get him one after dinner but he didnt know it

Todd - Hey, we forgot dessert

Me - Look up for a second and tell me what country you see

Todd - Germany? You want apple strudel again? You said you didnt like it

Me - Take a moment, think it through

Todd - Aha! Caramel!

Me - There ya go buddy

For some wonderful reason the Karamel Kuche has been empty every time we have gone in and Abby and Grandma Estelle were in there getting treats so we chatted and snacked on this huge bag of warm caramel corn that my wonderful husband was kind enough to order while I was gabbing with Abby :laughing:


Dont worry, he remembered his caramel apple and had them cut it for us. I had a nibble, didnt want to eat too much caramel (cream ya know) but it was so good! Sweet and tart, gooey and crisp...love this!


In between nibbles and bites we had a chat about our last full day

Me - What do you want to do tomorrow

Todd - (Raising the hairy eyeball) The real question is what do you want me to do tomorrow?

He knows me so well doesnt he? ;)

Me - HS is open at 8am, we could go there, bet it would be empty like MK was because its supposed to rain

Todd - Let me get this straight, you want me to get up at 6am so we can be at HS at 8am, in the rain mind you, so you can whip me on Toy Story?

Me - Uh huh, that sounds right

Todd - And what are you gonna do for me

Me - Buy you a snack and let you rest this afternoon

Todd - In the words of our niece "Pinky Swear Promise?"

Cute ain't he?

Wow - every time I've been to Tokyo Dining its been so quiet & lovely in there! I wonder if the rain made it seem a lot worse than it usually is. (We saw a few too many melt downs in the rain on Friday)

I love those Tokyo Sunsets! I wish I had one of those right now.
Going to go off food topic to post some pics of our room and the BWI at 7am this morning. Our Mousekeeper is Maria and she has been leaving me 4 bottles each of shampoo, conditioner, shower gel and lotion plus these adorable towel animals.

















Love your pictures of the BWI! :love: I can't wait to return there. I get to do online check-in tomorrow so I don't have too much longer to wait. :woohoo:
We were up very early this morning, 6am...now my husband gets up at 4-5am every single day in real life so you would think 6am is sleeping in right? Clearly this wasnt the thing to say to him this morning

Me - Get up, its time to get moving

Todd - This should be grounds for divorce, cruelty to husbands...its a sin

Me - Come on, this is late for you

Todd - Nic, this is vacation, it would be nice if you let me sleep in one day

Me - You have been sleeping to 8am all week

:scared1: I think I poked the sleeping bear!

I was all ready to go and he was still sleepwalking so I was a very nice wife and went to the Belle Vue Lounge and got him a coffee and everything bagel with cream cheese...I wasnt hungry and just drank Earl Grey Tea. I get back to the room and he is almost ready

Todd - You're back? Darn, I was hoping you decided to go to HS without me

Me - I'm hurt...I went to get you breakfast! Your punishment for that remark is you get to sit there and watch me eat it

Todd - Hand it over or you will go by yourself


The early morning on the BWI is gorgeous, if it wasnt pouring rain. And get this, the boats were not running. It was a little after 7am and we were waiting close by and a CM on a little golf cart said we had to walk, the boats were not up yet. If you thought Todd was cranky for getting him up early picture his face after hearing that he would have to walk to HS! :headache:

The walk is not a quick one, you have to walk all the way around to just about the Swan and then walk behind the villas all the way over to HS, took us 20-25 minutes or so...the entire time he is grouching away "Cant believe you are doing this to me, just so you can ride Toy Story", that sort of good nature grumbling, I think :rotfl2:

We get there and HS is mobbed...its not even 8am yet and the lines are crazy!

Todd - Weren't planning on this were you smarty pants...thought you said it would be slow like MK yesterday

Me - Guess I was wrong

Todd - Oh My GOD! You said you were wrong? Did I just hear that right? Nicki Know It All said she was wrong? Can we get this on film?

Me - Keep it up and I will make you walk back to the BWI :lmao:

What a nightmare the park was, everyone went to Toy Story, no one ventured off anywhere else. By the time we got there the FP line was huge and the return time was 11:05 to 12:05 and the stand by wait was 25 minutes. We skipped FP and got in line and it was really a 10 minute wait but what made it worse was everyone was cutting us to catch up to the rest of their party...they stayed in line to get the FP while the rest of the family went ahead...wouldnt mind if they were nice about it and said "excuse me" instead of just pushing ahead.

After I whipped him on TSM the smell of popcorn was too much to ignore...I love WDW popcorn and we havent had it yet

Todd - Thats what you want for breakfast?

Me - Yeah, I can use your excuse and say anything goes on vacation right?

Todd - If you get that I want a cinnamon bun

Me - Fine with me!

Nothing better than WDW popcorn, hot, crunchy, buttery and salty!


No line at Starring Rolls but all the tables undercover were taken. Instead of a cinnamon bun he got a chocolate peanut butter cupcake. Yeah, he had my approval :rolleyes1

The chocolate shavings were very thin and melted quickly. Under the shavings is a huge mound of peanut buttery goodness but it was the consistancy of caramel, very gooey and thick and sticky but the flavor, oh man, that was fantastic! The cake was cold and he said it would have been better at room temp so the cake and peanut butter stuff would not be so hard. I liked this one better than the smores...just one bite was enough for me though as it was very rich and I didnt want to chance it this early in the am.


The rain was picking up again and it felt cooler but we hung out until 11 and then decided to head over to Beaches and Cream for lunch...finally!
The wind was picking up a bit and I had a chill so a pit stop to the room to get my coat was in order. WHile there Todd checked email and that put us behind a bit, by the time we got to Beaches and Cream it was after 1pm but we were seated right away.

I was very hungry because I had just popcorn and I was up since 6am...I knew I wanted a burger, a real burger this time and I wanted swiss cheese as that is the one cheese that doesnt bother me (but I took a Lactaid just to be safe). I subbed out fries for onion rings for just $1 more and to round off my calorie laden feast I had a diet vanilla coke! The burger was so good, nice and crunchy but tender at the same time, lots of grilled onions and the bun, oh baby a real soft and buttery grilled bun! I was in heaven! Add that to crispy non greasy onion rings and a vanilla diet coke, well, I was in HOG HEAVEN!


Todd went for a root beer float with chocolate ice cream...he loves these!


His meal you ask? Well a belly busting, gut wrenching plate of fries (very crispy but tender too) and a chili dog with cheese and, get this, a side of sauerkraut! He enjoyed every single bite, said the chili was excellent and the hot dog was the best he has had in a long time.


Just looking at the plate gives me a belly ache!

The plan was to get tofutti ice cream with peanut butter sauce but the table next to us had a real No Way Jose and that is my hands down favorite treat in all of WDW and I have not had one in forever.

Me - I really really really want that

Todd - So get it

Me - I will be in agony later

Todd - Take another Lactaid

Me - What if it doesnt work?

Todd - You have been really good, just have a few bites and I will help you out

Me - You already had ice cream

Todd - That doesnt count, that was my drink not dessert

Me - I have to be really careful for the rest of the night...no dairy at all, I dont want the last night to be a miserable one

Todd - I got your back, I'll make sure you are good

He is too cute...I know I could stop myself with a bite or two, just avoid the whipped cream...this could work!

The waitress told us we could get a 2 scoop No Way Jose, that would be perfect, I wouldnt feel guilty about wasting it!


Todd had the top chocolate scoop and all the whipped cream...I had 3 spoonfuls of the vanilla with peanut butter sauce and I pushed it away. THose three scoops were total BLISS! I am so glad he talked me into it and so far I feel fine!
I thought I was the only one to like Root Beer floats with chocolate ice cream! :thumbsup2 I remember being teased about it in college!

The tempura at Tokyo Dining looks really good. We had planned to try it for lunch this year and I changed plans at the last minute. DS has made me promise that we will try lunch next year. Your review has actually made me consider it!

I think I am sadder that your trip is coming to an end than I was back in August on the last days of our trip! I have really enjoyed it so far and it has really made me look to 2013 when DH and I may be able to take an "adult" trip. It will sure be weird without DS but I have to admit that it does intrigue me to think about it!
After a lunch like that a walk is in order! The skies were getting dark again but we chanced it and took the long walk around, by YC, Dolphin, Swan and back to the BWI...I think all the walking is great, alleviates that full feeling!

Todd - So this is the last supper huh?

Me - Yup, our last dinner, Flying Fish tonight

Todd - Thats awesome!

Me - I know, you love that place!

Todd - No, thats awesome because we can rest late since our dinner place is right downstairs!

Me - There is a method to my planning

Todd - Well I'm sure you realized that you have walked me to death so the closer the meal the better a chance you have of getting me there

Drats, he has me figured out!

By the time we got to our room I was dragging tail, I wanted to sleep and I never want to do that but being up early and go go go has tuckered me out! Took a nice hot bubble bath and that made it worse! I had to get a cat nap in...problem was we were so tired we slept right through our reservations at Flying Fish! We didnt wake up until 6:00!!

Me - Wake up, we overslept

Todd - For what?

Me - Dinner at FF!

Todd - Call and see if you can get us in now

Me - Do you really want to eat there? All I want to do is stay in bed and sleep!

Todd - Well, no, I'm not that hungry but we have to eat something

Room service was too heavy a meal and the turkey sandwich is $16, the heck with that! We got dressed and popped down to the BWI to see if we could find something light

Todd - I have an idea

Me - Finally!

Todd - Stifle it Edith will ya? (Big Archie Bunker fan LOL) Lets have a picnic in the room, get some stuff from BWI

Me - I like where this is going!

At the BWI Bakery we decided on 2 kids meals, the ham and cheese mini sandwiches (I took the cheese off mine) baby carrots, apple sauce, chips and a diet coke and for him a fruit tart. They were sold out of Oreo cupcakes and had just 2 pumpkin ones left and a tray full of Smores. We also had our mugs so we had a hot Earl Grey tea. With the kids meals we were given 2 small drinks so we had one little water and one apple juice.

This was a great idea...there is a table in the room (under the computer desk) and I put a towel on the bed. Gave him my cheese for his sandwich and put some mustard on both of them...very good sandwiches! Thin ham with American Cheese on soft little whole wheat buns, crunchy sweet carrots, tart applesauce...very good!


DH's choice for dessert was the fruit tart, he said the fruit was very sweet and fresh, loved the cream and the tart was soft but not too soft.


While we miss eating at FF this trip we were both too tired and not hungry enough to enjoy it...I just feel bad about sleeping through the reservation and not cancelling it.

Dinner tonight was cheap, $20! DH had a great idea, wish we thought of this sooner!

Tomorrow is our last day, we are both scratching our heads wondering where the last 10 days went to! I have just about everything packed up....that makes me so sad!

The plan is to go to Kouzzina early and then come back to the room to hang out until noon, have Bell Services hold our luggage and go to San Angel Inn for lunch....the rate we are going that might not happen for a few reasons

1. We are so tired we may sleep in

2. We are too full for more TS places :rotfl:

3. DH is mentioning foods at the F&W booths that he would like to eat again :thumbsup2

What I think will happen is breakfast at the Belle Vue lounge (his turn to go get it) and lunch early at the F&W booths and take off for home around 1pm

What do you think will happen? :confused:

What in the heck is that pretzel thats covered in white chocolate rolled in? (first pic of the Candy Shop)

It looks like a white chocolate pretzel turkey leg!! haha it is huuuge!!!

I have no idea, I never noticed it until you just pointed it out :rotfl:

omg those pumpkin pancakes look like heaven!!!! looks like we'll have to do kona for dinner AND breakfast next October!

I hope they have them next October too...I will book three breakfasts there! :laughing:

Wow - every time I've been to Tokyo Dining its been so quiet & lovely in there! I wonder if the rain made it seem a lot worse than it usually is. (We saw a few too many melt downs in the rain on Friday)

I love those Tokyo Sunsets! I wish I had one of those right now.

Oh yes, many many meltdowns..today too! I wish our experience was quiet and lovely but it was anything but! Food was good though so that is a nice thing!

Love your pictures of the BWI! :love: I can't wait to return there. I get to do online check-in tomorrow so I don't have too much longer to wait. :woohoo:

Hope you have a great trip! I notice you split with the Poly alot...we might do that next year, 5 nights Poly and 5 at the BWI...we love them both but I like sticking with one place too. Why do you like to split?

I thought I was the only one to like Root Beer floats with chocolate ice cream! :thumbsup2 I remember being teased about it in college!

The tempura at Tokyo Dining looks really good. We had planned to try it for lunch this year and I changed plans at the last minute. DS has made me promise that we will try lunch next year. Your review has actually made me consider it!

I think I am sadder that your trip is coming to an end than I was back in August on the last days of our trip! I have really enjoyed it so far and it has really made me look to 2013 when DH and I may be able to take an "adult" trip. It will sure be weird without DS but I have to admit that it does intrigue me to think about it!

Thats funny! His reasoning is its not as sweet as the ones with vanilla ice cream. I never heard of it before I met him.

We really enjoyed the food at TD, not the atmosphere though...could be because of the rain though, everyone trying to get in someplace fast.

I love our trips together but I told Todd I wish the nieces were with us....we had so much fun with them. When you have kids you want to go without them and when you dont have kids you want to bring some along :rotfl2:
The candy apples and other treats at the bakery are just too cute! And Todd is cracking me up, especially with that "my hair will frizz" comment. Tokyo Dining looks like the food was pretty good and they sure do give you a lot of it, but I don't know if I could stand that much noise either. The chocolate peanut butter cupcake is the next one I want to try.

Beaches and Cream looks so good! We were going to stop by last visit and I couldn't find it! Haha for some reason I thought it was right on the boardwalk and I didn't realize it was at the Beach Club, we walked around the boardwalk a little and didn't see it so we just went to the bakery instead. And I had that same fruit tart that Todd had, I thought it was excellent! Oh, and I'm also a big fan of root beer floats with chocolate ice cream!
We were up very early this morning, 6am...now my husband gets up at 4-5am every single day in real life so you would think 6am is sleeping in right? Clearly this wasnt the thing to say to him this morning

Me - Get up, its time to get moving

Todd - This should be grounds for divorce, cruelty to husbands...its a sin

Me - Come on, this is late for you

Todd - Nic, this is vacation, it would be nice if you let me sleep in one day

Me - You have been sleeping to 8am all week

:scared1: I think I poked the sleeping bear!

I was all ready to go and he was still sleepwalking so I was a very nice wife and went to the Belle Vue Lounge and got him a coffee and everything bagel with cream cheese...I wasnt hungry and just drank Earl Grey Tea. I get back to the room and he is almost ready

Todd - You're back? Darn, I was hoping you decided to go to HS without me

Me - I'm hurt...I went to get you breakfast! Your punishment for that remark is you get to sit there and watch me eat it

Todd - Hand it over or you will go by yourself


The early morning on the BWI is gorgeous, if it wasnt pouring rain. And get this, the boats were not running. It was a little after 7am and we were waiting close by and a CM on a little golf cart said we had to walk, the boats were not up yet. If you thought Todd was cranky for getting him up early picture his face after hearing that he would have to walk to HS! :headache:

The walk is not a quick one, you have to walk all the way around to just about the Swan and then walk behind the villas all the way over to HS, took us 20-25 minutes or so...the entire time he is grouching away "Cant believe you are doing this to me, just so you can ride Toy Story", that sort of good nature grumbling, I think :rotfl2:

We get there and HS is mobbed...its not even 8am yet and the lines are crazy!

Todd - Weren't planning on this were you smarty pants...thought you said it would be slow like MK yesterday

Me - Guess I was wrong

Todd - Oh My GOD! You said you were wrong? Did I just hear that right? Nicki Know It All said she was wrong? Can we get this on film?

Me - Keep it up and I will make you walk back to the BWI :lmao:

What a nightmare the park was, everyone went to Toy Story, no one ventured off anywhere else. By the time we got there the FP line was huge and the return time was 11:05 to 12:05 and the stand by wait was 25 minutes. We skipped FP and got in line and it was really a 10 minute wait but what made it worse was everyone was cutting us to catch up to the rest of their party...they stayed in line to get the FP while the rest of the family went ahead...wouldnt mind if they were nice about it and said "excuse me" instead of just pushing ahead.

After I whipped him on TSM the smell of popcorn was too much to ignore...I love WDW popcorn and we havent had it yet

Todd - Thats what you want for breakfast?

Me - Yeah, I can use your excuse and say anything goes on vacation right?

Todd - If you get that I want a cinnamon bun

Me - Fine with me!

Nothing better than WDW popcorn, hot, crunchy, buttery and salty!


No line at Starring Rolls but all the tables undercover were taken. Instead of a cinnamon bun he got a chocolate peanut butter cupcake. Yeah, he had my approval :rolleyes1

The chocolate shavings were very thin and melted quickly. Under the shavings is a huge mound of peanut buttery goodness but it was the consistancy of caramel, very gooey and thick and sticky but the flavor, oh man, that was fantastic! The cake was cold and he said it would have been better at room temp so the cake and peanut butter stuff would not be so hard. I liked this one better than the smores...just one bite was enough for me though as it was very rich and I didnt want to chance it this early in the am.


The rain was picking up again and it felt cooler but we hung out until 11 and then decided to head over to Beaches and Cream for lunch...finally!
I can't believe your trip is almost over :(
It's amazing how rude people are when trying to "catch up" with their party, maybe I'm a Grinch, but the only excuse I find acceptable to get separated and then trying to rejoin is a bathroom break for a little one
We had lunch at Tokoyo dining-not crowded at all-that salad looked really yummy. I love ginger dressing!! How cute you had a picnic!!! Have a great last day tomorrow!!


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