Strange things guests say

Yesterday we were exiting Mouse Gear and headed over to Test Track. We passed by a family that was about to go inside. Mom, Dad, a kid in a stroller and another young boy walking with them.

Just after we passed each other we heard the dad say.........."Connor, when we go through the double doors to this building the answer is no" No anger, no sternness--just a very matter of fact, almost friendly delivery.

We literally busted out in laughter and were keeping our fingers crossed that the dad wasn't going to turn around and chase us down.
When we lived in Ocoee (about 15 minutes from WDW) we would go at least once a week, usually 3x a week. My oldest child was 4 and could not stop calling Epcot, "Apricot". We still joke about it to this day.

Same kid blurted out "Look, it's Chip and Dip" when he saw Chip and Dale in MK. So now whenever we see Chip and Dale we joke about that and he always corrects us "Mom, it's Chip and DALE!"
Overheard at CSR this year:
"When is the monorail coming to take us to the parks? I spent a lot of money for this trip and don't want to ride the bus."
My DBF and I had our picture taken in front of the "big ball" (sorry couldn't resist) on our way out of Epcot by a photopass photographer. we did the standard poses and then the photographer asked my DBF to kiss me. So we kissed. As we picked up our photopass card my DBF says to the photographer.... "that was really weird cause she's my sister"
We got a really strange somewhat scared look from the photographer.


What's really funny though, is if the daughter was making fun of the lady, the daughter was WRONG! There HAVE been gators in the Magic Kingdom including in some of the water around Splash Mountain. Use a google image search to find pics of them...
Last week I heard someone ask a CM where he should go to cancel his fastpass because he'd decided not to go on the ride.

What's really funny though, is if the daughter was making fun of the lady, the daughter was WRONG! There HAVE been gators in the Magic Kingdom including in some of the water around Splash Mountain. Use a google image search to find pics of them...
If true, then I stand corrected. I would not expect alligators to be in the water.
If true, then I stand corrected. I would not expect alligators to be in the water.

It's 100% true, but they are not supposed to be there. They get in from the Lagoon and surrounding waterways every once in a while and the CMs have to call someone to come get them out. I've seen one by Tom Sawyer Island being removed once.
Last week I heard someone ask a CM where he should go to cancel his fastpass because he'd decided not to go on the ride.

Its actually pretty responsible of him to do that... just think.. they would have to keep the ride open for ever and ever waiting for that one lost rider ... :rotfl2:
This past May in Epcot. We were in Germany looking at the miniture town, and trains. Well my straight A' just graduated High schooler, who has been there several times looks over at me in amazement and ask " How do they keep those tree's so little?" With a slow grin on my face, I gently said" there bushes" She just queitly walked away.. Oh yes we tease her about that often:rotfl:
Here in FL, alligators go everywhere. lol. I grew up with a ditch that ran behind my backyard. Before my parents installed a privacy fence we only had a chain-link fence and would often see gators in there (usually pretty small ones). A good friend of mine in middle school had a gator in the swimming pool once. We all waited around to watch Wildlife Management (or whatever their name is) come and capture it to relocate it.
I was in line in Epcot to meet the famous five, the queue was very long and I was behind a couple and their child. The little boy only looked about 4 maybe 5 at the most and he was asking his mum if he could get Tiggers autograph. She forced opened his autograph book, found Tigger's signature and yelled 'You've already got it you little pr**k!' I was quite shocked :headache:
If you ever remember what book that was, please tell! I thought it might have been "Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom" but then I thought maybe not.

Someone may have answered, but I am on my iPad and can't search easily, so sorry if this is a repeat, but my DH thinks this book is titled "Waking Walt."
I just had a funny moment while reading some of the posts. As I was reading about someone's funny experience with their child and RnRC, I asked my dd(6) if she would ever go on a roller coaster that goes upside-down. She said, "Yes and oh that reminds me...oh what was it...what was it... what was the name of that ride that you went on and I had to go to the chicken zone?!" :lmao: She was indeed talking about RnRC.


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