What is your not so normal item to pack, which is helpful while at WDW ?

What a fantastic thread!

One recommendation I make is for a good sunscreen. Especially for children. I love Luca (http://lucasunscreen.com/) My daughter burns really easily and we've had a hard time finding a sunscreen that works for longer than 10 minutes. Luca is expensive ($30 for a small bottle), but it lasts for 6 hours. It is not greasy at all and it works as well in the 5th hour as it does in the 1st. Actually, I've never had to reapply when my daughter is wearing it. I've noticed this year that they have a spray Sport version, but I haven't used it before so can't say how well it works.
Insted of using ice packs, I freeze caprice sun packs or juice boxes over night and use them. even before they melt, its "entertaining" it squish and try to drink while waiting for a parade or in line... I'm 22 years old and i still find it "entertaining" :laughing:

great idea!
1) Brita pitcher & filter for water
2) Some Ziploc bags for left overs or to protect things from rain/water rides
3) Small flashlights
4) Several reusable small tupperwares for leftovers
5) Peets Coffee & filters for early morning coffee in-suite
6) 3oz Sunscreen, hats, and mini rain ponchos - one for everyone
7) Reusable ice packs
8) Neoprene water bottles one for everyone
9) Metal travel coffee mug - 1 to share with spouse
10) Reusable shopping bags (most of ours are Disney themed & we never ever accept a one-time use plastic bag from a store!)
11) Markers & crayons + 30 pages of blank paper in Gallon Ziplock for kids to draw while we are at Signature restaurants to prevent boredom.
12) Black Sharpie marker
13) Ziploc with wipes
14) Advil in travel case
15) First aid kit - Neosporin, bandaids, nail clippers & tweezer - always have in backpack.
16) iPad for me, book for spouse, and Nintendo DS Lites for kids
17) all those charger cords & adapters

We fly in, never check luggage, and all this plus our clothes goes in carry-ons in the overhead compartment or under seat in front.

You should check out a waterbobble for each family member. You wouldn't need the Brita. http://www.waterbobble.com/

And about all those chargers we bought a chargepod.
I love the ideas! My favorites are the popsicle lids, pool noodles and the autograph picture frame idea. I don't have any new ideas to add but I do have a list of things to add to my packing for my next trip!
Something I take that I normally don't take when I travel anywhere else is Crystal Lite in the little individual serving tubes - if I don't like the taste of the water...I use one of those and if you take them out of the box, they take VERY little room when travelling.

This is also a GREAT idea because you can bring them into the parks. Water is free, so all you have to do is order a water anywhere and you can use these to spice up the tastes so youre not just ordering the same thing :cool1:
I buy my kids beaded bracelets with my cell phone number on them (think name ID bracelets with numbers in place of the name. They are about $4 each (search etsy.com) and can be used any time we go somewhere with a crowd. There are styles that even my DS8 is willing to wear. His looks like a Hawaiian shell jewelry piece.

This is a brilliant idea! Would be so easy to make, too, as a pre-trip activity!
Originally Posted by erbeaman
I buy my kids beaded bracelets with my cell phone number on them (think name ID bracelets with numbers in place of the name. They are about $4 each (search etsy.com) and can be used any time we go somewhere with a crowd. There are styles that even my DS8 is willing to wear. His looks like a Hawaiian shell jewelry piece.

This is a brilliant idea! Would be so easy to make, too, as a pre-trip activity!

That's what I did (made my own). I made them 2 strands, so they have both my cell and my husbands on it (in case one of us doesn't hear it, battery dies, etc). I got Mickey head beads on ebay for the bracelet.
That's what I did (made my own). I made them 2 strands, so they have both my cell and my husbands on it (in case one of us doesn't hear it, battery dies, etc). I got Mickey head beads on ebay for the bracelet.

Could you please post a picture? I am a visual learner and would love to see the finished product.
Some of these things may have already been covered. Anyway, we always bring:

digital thermometer
kid and adult cold meds and pain relief
ds chargers
notebook for each child to make notes in or color in
liquid hand soap
our own kid and adult shampoo
Dial bar soap for the shower
cheapo flip flops to wear to the pool
large (20 oz or larger) for ice water in th3e room
collapsing laundry hamper for dirty laundry
brand new toothbrushes travel toothpaste for each family member

When we leave to go home I leave behind the soaps, shampoo, flip flops, water cup and toothbrushes/toothpaste. We get home and just return to using our normal daily supply we've left at home. I also leave the ponchos behind. That way I don't bring home anything wet and half used that I won't need at home. Other than the ponchos, it's probably not even $10 worth of stuff left behind and a lot more convenience for me.

Our kids are 10 & 8 and we usually travel on the dining plan. I use an ecv in the parks and we usually go in Dec. If we have bought ponchos that trip I fold them up and put them in the seatback pocket along with our umbrella and they'll stay their the duration of the troop. Going into the park I have a small purse with park pass, some cash, a bottle of meds we might need in park and my digital camera. My dh and 2 kids take nothing in and whiz right past security and into the parks.

I've loved this thread and have gotten a lot of great ideas for our next trip.
I am so glad I found this thread. It took me about 2 days to read all the way through, but I finally made it. Also added several items to my "must pack" list for our upcoming July trip:banana::banana:

The only thing I can think of right now to add is party blowers. :idea: I have actually read this somewhere else but picked it up and has worked great. I used them on our last trip in April 2007 for my nieces on the plane. Blowing them helps to "pop" their ears on take-offs and landings since they were too young to chew gum. Lollipops work well too.
Ziplock bags are a must, as are moist towelettes. I also toss a small pair of scissors and moleskin bandages in my luggage.

I also bring a "kit" in my carry-on that's... maybe a little specialized: It's got ten different sketching pencils, a fantastic travel set of watercolors, brushes, and a book light.
WHOO! I finally made it through reading this! Took me 2 days! But I have a HUGE list of ideas in a Word document for our September (and FIRST) WDW trip! Thanks for the great ideas, everyone!
WHOO! I finally made it through reading this! Took me 2 days! But I have a HUGE list of ideas in a Word document for our September (and FIRST) WDW trip! Thanks for the great ideas, everyone!

ha ha me too! Now after going through it all I have it linked to my email just in case any other ideas come along! My husband gave me some not so nice looks at the list that I printed out, but hey when he's having blisters because he didn't want to listen to me about any of this stuff I'm going to be the one with the dirty looks!
Love all the ideas!! I have a to choose a bag now to fit all the stuff I want to take into the parks!

June is almost here!!!:cool1:
Thanks, for all of the GREAT ideas.

Can someone tell me what the autograph picture frame is?? Sounds, liek a newat idea!! TIA!!
I bring a small travel fan..I cannot stand the silence...My kids always ask me if I packed the fan as they too sleep with a fan...We sleep with them in the middle of winter LOL..I also take moleskin and some scissors...I bring aloe lotion and put it in the refrigerator and apply after a hot shower.....ziplocks are a must always....:dance3:
Lysol wipes or clorox wipes which ever I can find. I clean the whole bathroom with them, the phone TV tables etc.

I take along Epsom salt, run some hot water in the tub, sit on the side of the tub and soak my tired feet.
Also take a heating pad. After spending a long day on your feet and riding rides you might have a few aches and pains.

We drive so we always have a cooler. We bring stuff to make sandwiches, chips and drinks.

Always bring a knife for slicing we stop by farmers markets and pick up in season veggies.

Disposable forks knives and spoons you never know when you will need them. Roll of paper towels and paper plates.
Always have ziploc bags.

We take nabs/crackers/trailmix to the park with us. Nice little pick me up between meals.

Everybody has such good ideas. I'm loving this thread.
Holy beans, I'm only on page 5! I'll have to read up on this one some more - GREAT thread and GREAT items and tips!

The least normal item I bring is OLD clothing and toiletries (and anything else!). I like to get rid of it! So rather than tossing the old undies, socks, and clothes during the year, we bring it with us on vacations and toss it as we use it. Same concept with toiletries - we bring just what we need and toss the bottles/wrappers as we go. This reduces the amount of laundry we have to do there or at home and empties out our bags so we have room for those souvenirs!

We do not throw away anything that we normally would donate or reuse so we donate items to another family or the resort - like pool toys, toys, strollers, ponchos, etc. As for the clothes, we would not throw away anything that we would normally donate or pass on but we never pass on undergarments, pajamas, shoes (unless they are fancy one use shoes the kids had) or any clothing item that is damaged or stained.

Some other items that I bring that I'm not sure if they are normal or not:
- Caffeine - It enhances any medication and helps us through any coffee withdraw.
- Self-tanner with SPF - I don't like being pasty in Florida.
- Flower hair barrette - I got it from Hawaii and makes me feel like I'm on vacation :flower3:
- Waterproof eyeliner & mascara - um, Florida humidity??
- Mini teddy Grahams - For the plane and ME ride
- Headphone splitter - so two people can listen to one movie on the dvd player/iphone/Playstation/etc. (You never know when you need it for your own family OR your new friend next to you!)
- LED everything! Yes, yes, we bring glow stuff but I have had it explode on me & my son, in our eyes, right before our Akershus ADR so we bring both and open the glow items with caution :thumbsup2 We especially like the LED barrettes for my DD, LED necklaces for everyone, glowcubes (cheaper than getting it in that Tink drink for $$$$), and LED magnetic 'pins'.


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