Disneyland Pet Peeves!

One of the things that I cannot stand is being trapped by a parade, when exiting a potty.
Not to mention to begin with... finding a rope in your way, where there had not been one previously when entering a ride... thanks to said parade of trapedness!

Then of course we all know my stance on the subject of flash photography on dark rides.... DO NOT DO IT OR ELSE! The gremlins will get you in bed... they know your every move... so watch it people!

And yes... please if you cannot control your raging hormones then please do get a room or a rock, or get into your car but please do so where "we" cannot see your celebrity wannabe x rated behavior.

Hate it when people spit on the ground. That is just so disgustin'!

People please show some mercy with your ECV's, heely's, wheelies, gadgets, and strollers. Or else, might you be interested in experiencing some new found pain yourself? So that way you can know what it feels like to be run over by one or more of the before mentioned?

If you bump into me, please say excuse me, in whatever language that you might be well versed in. I will figure it out. Thank you. Don't use the I don't know English excuse. If you can learn to say that much, then you can learn as well, excuse me or I am sorry. You darn monolingual dolt!

Do away with HMH....

Return the Hat Box Ghost

Do away with the movie pirates in the Pirates of the Caribbean Ride Attraction ASAP! They never belonged there to begin with. Ain't' Depp rich enough? I think so. In the meantime, there are countless people living where they really do not want to....
I will sell Disneyland my likeness for a lot less. And here is my address. Thank you!

Disney please extend all of the wonderful offers for tickets to us that live in Northern Ca. too. Instead of only So. Ca. residents. Like what? We up here are rich? Yeah right....
No... what we are, are many people that are planning a class uprising... coming soon to a gated community near you! OMG! The rif raf are coming lovie! What shall we do? Oh I know, let us vacation where there are no rif raf, but honey where is that? For there are poor, needy, and desperate people clean around the world! Oh that is right, lovie. let us see, oh where oh where can we go? I know... how about a nice cruise.... no that won't work either because there are poor people working on the ship, and they might steal our silk undies and our jewelry too. Not to mention some unsavory type might just try to have their way with me.... lovie I some how don't believe that anyone would want to bother an 78 year old woman that has gout, and a bad attitude! Well dear... perhaps you are correct on that assumption. Let us take a good look at our travel brochure's. Ah.. yes... let us do that lovie. In the meantime.... our hounds from hades are hungry... so set them lose upon our property.... that will serve all that might decide to trespass upon us our justice.
orr how about those tht can't wear suitable underwear uner there already to tight jeans and so when they lean over you can see EVERYTHING..including the light of day

:rotfl2:Now if it is some male cutie, preferably straight, with this look, I do believe that I can accept it. Otherwise.... a resounding no.......:rotfl:
HA HA ... no it isn't. its two different things...

anyway kim you and i and hot boys and shopping.. why? cause mama over here dropped 4 pant sizes! and is looking sexy!:thumbsup2

That is awesome! Now the goal is to keep it off. I know... for I am such an expert litterly on losing weight, keeping it off for a while then next thing you know.... omg! My underwear shrank in the dryer! Um no... actually your booty etc has expanded again, like our universe.:lmao: :rotfl2:

:headache: :flower3: :sick: popcorn:: :eek: :scared1:
You know what really wedges up my underwear.....When you are planning a trip ask someone who got back how there's was?, and they say "oh don't go there".

It's undies in a bunch.... butt that is ok.... ;) he he.... And yes... I would love to go to Dl now!!
I most profusely agree with the above sentiment. And I further state if a nap or a cookie does not work, then try Vodka! (Well for anyone that is over 21 anyway :cool1:)

:rotfl: :thumbsup2

Disney please extend all of the wonderful offers for tickets to us that live in Northern Ca. too. Instead of only So. Ca. residents. Like what? We up here are rich? Yeah right....

SERIOUSLY!!!! :thumbsup2
It's undies in a bunch.... butt that is ok.... ;) he he.... And yes... I would love to go to Dl now!!

ah yes gisele! that is my BF for you!!

you should read all his other "you know what's".. there pretty funny! :rotfl::rotfl2:
Omg, ok how about those that go into the bathroom and talk on the cell phone! Umm hello, do they realize that bathrooms echo and EVERYONE can hear that conversation that goes like this “ oh yeah im in the bathroom, where are you? at the castle? Ok I will meet you at the churro car next to frontierland….no no we don’t need FP for that!”,..and people thank you I know where your meeting your group and so does all the bathroom attendants!:lmao:
One of the things that I cannot stand is being trapped by a parade, when exiting a potty.
Not to mention to begin with... finding a rope in your way, where there had not been one previously when entering a ride... thanks to said parade of trapedness!

Then of course we all know my stance on the subject of flash photography on dark rides.... DO NOT DO IT OR ELSE! The gremlins will get you in bed... they know your every move... so watch it people!

And yes... please if you cannot control your raging hormones then please do get a room or a rock, or get into your car but please do so where "we" cannot see your celebrity wannabe x rated behavior.

Hate it when people spit on the ground. That is just so disgustin'!

People please show some mercy with your ECV's, heely's, wheelies, gadgets, and strollers. Or else, might you be interested in experiencing some new found pain yourself? So that way you can know what it feels like to be run over by one or more of the before mentioned?

If you bump into me, please say excuse me, in whatever language that you might be well versed in. I will figure it out. Thank you. Don't use the I don't know English excuse. If you can learn to say that much, then you can learn as well, excuse me or I am sorry. You darn monolingual dolt!

Do away with HMH....

Return the Hat Box Ghost

Do away with the movie pirates in the Pirates of the Caribbean Ride Attraction ASAP! They never belonged there to begin with. Ain't' Depp rich enough? I think so. In the meantime, there are countless people living where they really do not want to....
I will sell Disneyland my likeness for a lot less. And here is my address. Thank you!

Disney please extend all of the wonderful offers for tickets to us that live in Northern Ca. too. Instead of only So. Ca. residents. Like what? We up here are rich? Yeah right....
No... what we are, are many people that are planning a class uprising... coming soon to a gated community near you! OMG! The rif raf are coming lovie! What shall we do? Oh I know, let us vacation where there are no rif raf, but honey where is that? For there are poor, needy, and desperate people clean around the world! Oh that is right, lovie. let us see, oh where oh where can we go? I know... how about a nice cruise.... no that won't work either because there are poor people working on the ship, and they might steal our silk undies and our jewelry too. Not to mention some unsavory type might just try to have their way with me.... lovie I some how don't believe that anyone would want to bother an 78 year old woman that has gout, and a bad attitude! Well dear... perhaps you are correct on that assumption. Let us take a good look at our travel brochure's. Ah.. yes... let us do that lovie. In the meantime.... our hounds from hades are hungry... so set them lose upon our property.... that will serve all that might decide to trespass upon us our justice.


What really gets my stomach turning is the “fashionistas” who don’t know what is appropriate shoes to wear to the park……

Ok im sorry but Disneyland main st usa is not a catwalk, ok no need to bring the stilettos and the Gucci boots and short shorts with fish net stockings, besides it be a shame if you oops by accident stepped in horse doo-doo with those pretty shoes! Disneyland is not a fashion show!!! Wear appropriate things people, its also not a EMMY after party, there is kids around its DISNEYLAND!!! :lmao:
You know what really makes the teapot scream when your in the bathroom......When you go during Gay Days and so many guests find it appropiate to wear sexually descriptive shirts. :mad:
Omg, ok how about those that go into the bathroom and talk on the cell phone! Umm hello, do they realize that bathrooms echo and EVERYONE can hear that conversation that goes like this “ oh yeah im in the bathroom, where are you? at the castle? Ok I will meet you at the churro car next to frontierland….no no we don’t need FP for that!”,..and people thank you I know where your meeting your group and so does all the bathroom attendants!:lmao:

OK OK... please drop the stones.... for I sometimes will answer my phone when answering the call of nature. If I had my way... I would just hold it, until I was something like 70 then bust. Or better still, not have the need to go at all. I am working matter of fact on a super human (In hypothesis only, so far anyway) idea. Anyway.... anyone that is good at multi-tasking can handle the toitey, t.p. and speaking on their phone. Again... I only sometimes will answer my phone while on the potty. One time I really had to answer it when sitting upon the porcelain throne. It was a phone interview with EDD, so a must answer the phone type of call. I had hoped to not be in the bathroom. However, even I can only hold it for so long, then the next thing you know, I will be wising that I had been wearing a depends! ;) he he!
LOL Gisele!!!!!

I don't like the phone/potty people either, that's just something I do not want to hear you doing....LOL
i mus t say i hate people swearing at disneyland i just feel like it destroys the mood. i am someone who can have a potty mouth at times but i never evere ever swear at disneyland, i just cant!! i swear whenever i hear a swear word at DL my mouth twitches :lmao:
i got it, skiingfast thinks he is a comedian.. really he does, see what i got to work with here people?! :goodvibes:lmao: ur funny honey!!

u know this weekend had the great pleasure(not that it was with my mom) to visit disneyland with my mom , cousin and her mom..and wouldn;t you know i got run over by a stroller AT HM, in the line!!

i was trying to take a photo of my mom and cousin and aunt, we were in line waiting to show my GAC, the guy behind me comes up with his stroller and you know what he did?

wait for it, wait for it........

he RAMS the stroller 3 times into my back of my ankles to get me to move so he can cut in line in front of us, witch he did. and i was like how rude, etc. i was ready to go off on him ,but my mom is like "relax sara, he just wanted to get inline" and i was like mom you dont understand he rammed the back of my ankles and cut in front of us.. tell me that is not rude! :scared1:, so what ever we got into HM, and umm i proceeded to casually cut in front of him and his family before getting on the ride and i made sur they stayed behind us the whole time, and i also turned my head a couple of times and gave the wifey my evil i hate you stare...rflol

:headache: :eek: :mad: Ooohhh, what a rat (starts with a B) that is just pure and simple assault and battery, for he purposely caused you pain and suffering. It is not like he did not realize how close he was to you with relation to the stroller that he was pushing. Then not to apologize for it, that just further incenses me to no end! You should have reported him. What an extremely rude and indifferent person. Really now! I say... just bad hat on his part.
I like that you cut him off, and gave wifey the evil stare... after all it is the Haunted Mansion. Perhaps he should have spent some time with the coffin guy. He never quite seems to be able to escape his fate. So therefore, the offender can work on getting his living wretch of a soul out of there as well.
You know what really melts my ice cream cone........ When people who don't know what deoderant and toothpaste are think that it won't be a problem standing 9 inches from me . :mad:

If you think it's bad at Disneyland, go to WDW and ride the crammed bus full of these people at the end of the day!:eek::rotfl2:

or geez people take a shower!! :scared1: i cant tell you how many times i have sniffed bad body odor!

I'm guessing this is more prevelant in the past 2 days with the heat.

When you are in line for a ride in close quarters like POTC or HM, and parents have little kids and they have not changed their diapers and you know the poor kid needs a new diaper. Please, for all our sakes, change the diaper!

Oh my god how disgusting! All of it. Maybe sometimes people confuse their deoderant with their toothpaste? Hey... you never know. Then there are people that do come from a culture, that does not use the one or the other, or perhaps even both.
Then there are those that are allergic to chemicals. In which case.... all one can hope for is not to be downwind from them. :scared1: :headache: :worship:
What really gets my stomach turning is the “fashionistas” who don’t know what is appropriate shoes to wear to the park……

Ok im sorry but Disneyland main st usa is not a catwalk, ok no need to bring the stilettos and the Gucci boots and short shorts with fish net stockings, besides it be a shame if you oops by accident stepped in horse doo-doo with those pretty shoes! Disneyland is not a fashion show!!! Wear appropriate things people, its also not a EMMY after party, there is kids around its DISNEYLAND!!! :lmao:

HAHAHA this is why i love people watching so much!!Some PeOPle:thumbsup2
I agree. People watching can be very interesting and fun. Until you see someone watching you. Ewwie. Like the other day, I went to the store to buy some bananas. I wasn't even people watching. Some guy that is with I am presuming his wife, is staring at me, smiling, and no I do not know him from Adam. I just kind of grinned at him, thinking dude stop looking and smiling at me, it is giving me a complex. Let me tell ya, I could not walk fast enough in my boots that have a nice high heel on them, down that aisle, so as to stop feeling self - conscious. What is that about anyway? Really? Dude your not my type, even if you did not have a wife or whatever she is.
I'm totally loving this thread!! I'm a mom and still have a little monkey that requires a stroller. I'm tall (5'8") so the little umbrella stollers don't work for me, I always end up kicking the wheels. That means I need a comando stoller. If I have run over your feet, it's because you can to a dead stop right in front of me or tried to play chicken with me and lost. Usually, it's a teen trying to run across and ends up getting t-boned. Hello brain-child, I'm not a hard person to miss, especially with a stroller.

So, what really sinks my ship is when the parks get soooo over crowded that I'm litterally shoulder to shoulder with 100 strangers:confused:. It just takes the fun out of my vacation. Leson learned: don't let hubby (who has only been to disneyland once before) book the vacation. He did it over Christmas week.

Story timepopcorn::. We are in line for Jungle Cruise. It's me, my hubby, my DD(7), and my dad. Two teen boys are right behind us, swearing like saliors and being a bit rowdy. My dad asks the boys, "are you guys having a good time?" the boys reply, "yeah, we just got done pushing around donald duck!! We're having a great time." My dad, "Thats nice, you see that little girl over there? That's my granddaughter, she's 7 and behaving way better than you are." We didn't hear another word from those to for the rest of the wait for Jungle Cruise.:thumbsup2
i mus t say i hate people swearing at disneyland i just feel like it destroys the mood. i am someone who can have a potty mouth at times but i never evere ever swear at disneyland, i just cant!! i swear whenever i hear a swear word at DL my mouth twitches :lmao:

lol! i agree, i feel like it ruins the illusion when someones using foul language.
its like "oh, right, the real world is still out there." :sad2:


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