~Our March 'Just Engaged',freezing,and full of surprises trip~Updated 6/23 p.76

Loved reading your report, seeing your pics and hearing how much you love Disney. Can't wait for our vacation now!
Hey everyone. Just wanted to say I haven't forgotten about you! I have been busy this week getting ready for this weekend...tomorrow morning we are leaving for St. Louis! Going to the Cards game tomorrow night and Saturday night. Cross your fingers for good weather!!

Have a good time! I hope it is perfect - not too hot and no rain during the game. :)
Hey Tink! I just had to tell you that I updated my TR with a post that I think I should dedicate to you and your little man. Not great photos, but I really think you need to do this with him. I was seriously thinking of you guys the whole time I wrote it. :goodvibes

Have a fantastic trip and weekend!
Hey everyone. Just wanted to say I haven't forgotten about you! I have been busy this week getting ready for this weekend...tomorrow morning we are leaving for St. Louis! Going to the Cards game tomorrow night and Saturday night. Cross your fingers for good weather!!

Have a great weekend, chica! Hope you get good weather. It's going to be nice & sunny over here, finally! I'm sick of rainy and cloudy days :laughing:
Have a great weekend (although the Cards are one of our top enemies!). The weather is supposed to be great -- hot and humid. :)
We're home! We got home Sunday afternoon, then I went to Fiance's grandma's for Father's Day, then Fiance, his younger sis, and I went to see Toy Story 3!! And Sis and her B/F ended up at the same movie! haha. I'll try to get our St. Louis pics up soon. I've been sick yesterday and still not feeling 100% today. I can say though...it was HOT HOT HOT there, but the Cards won both games. AND Dad caught a homerun ball from Matt Holliday during their batting practice!
We're home! We got home Sunday afternoon, then I went to Fiance's grandma's for Father's Day, then Fiance, his younger sis, and I went to see Toy Story 3!! And Sis and her B/F ended up at the same movie! haha. I'll try to get our St. Louis pics up soon. I've been sick yesterday and still not feeling 100% today. I can say though...it was HOT HOT HOT there, but the Cards won both games. AND Dad caught a homerun ball from Matt Holliday during their batting practice!

hey girlie! sounds like you had a great time! We sure missed you here on the DIS! How was TS3? I've only heard great things about it! And so cool your dad caught that ball! Hope you feel better! Can't wait to see pics!
TS3 is amazing!!!!! We saw it in 3D which was even cooler! I won't say anything about the movie because I don't want to ruin it for anyone, but we loved it.
Glad you had a good weekend! Can't wait to see your STL pictures!
Sorry to hear you aren't feeling too good, hope you feel better soon :goodvibes

Sounds like you had a great weekend though, can't wait to hear all about it :)
Hi TG! I'm back too from our trip, and am just getting caught up. I loved your installment from WL!! It's a GREAT place to explore all the details, and I can't wait to see the train room! :thumbsup2
We're home! We got home Sunday afternoon, then I went to Fiance's grandma's for Father's Day, then Fiance, his younger sis, and I went to see Toy Story 3!! And Sis and her B/F ended up at the same movie! haha. I'll try to get our St. Louis pics up soon. I've been sick yesterday and still not feeling 100% today. I can say though...it was HOT HOT HOT there, but the Cards won both games. AND Dad caught a homerun ball from Matt Holliday during their batting practice!

Hope you feel better today. This heat will zap the strength out of you pretty quickly.

It's nice that you have gotten so much fun family time in. Summers are good for that. :)

I am not into baseball, so I don't know any of the players, but it is cool that your dad caught a homerun ball.

Your countdown grows ever smaller! :dance3:
Glad you had a good weekend! Can't wait to see your STL pictures!

I'll have them up soon on the PTR!

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling too good, hope you feel better soon :goodvibes

Sounds like you had a great weekend though, can't wait to hear all about it :)

I am feeling better today, thanks! I'll be posting about STL on the PTR!

Hi TG! I'm back too from our trip, and am just getting caught up. I loved your installment from WL!! It's a GREAT place to explore all the details, and I can't wait to see the train room! :thumbsup2

Hi Liesa! Glad you made it back. I'm glad you liked the WL update.

Hope you feel better today. This heat will zap the strength out of you pretty quickly.

It's nice that you have gotten so much fun family time in. Summers are good for that. :)

I am not into baseball, so I don't know any of the players, but it is cool that your dad caught a homerun ball.

Your countdown grows ever smaller! :dance3:

I am feeling better now, thanks MeMom. You're going to love this next update...

I'll have our STL pics up on the PTR soon!

Your countdown is even smaller! :yay:
Day 6 continued: March 18, 2010

We left off getting FP’s for the JC with a return time of 6:40 pm - 7:40 pm. And I’m still having my last day blues. Since we were so close, we decided to ride the PoTC one last time. The wait time said 35 minutes, but it sure seemed like we waited for less. Does anyone figure that the wait times are not as accurate as they should be? I guess they do that to keep the crowds spread throughout the park. I don’t know, but that’s just my guess!

After PoTC, we decided to ride the HM one last time. I hate those ‘one last time’ rides. We decided to take the long way and walked behind and around Pecos Bill’s. As we were walking through Frontierland, we came upon these three guys who were singing and playing in front of the Diamond Horseshoe Saloon. They were GREAT! There were some people standing around listening with us, but most people just kept walking past them. We loved just stopping and enjoying them. And I’m sure they appreciated the few people who actually showed their appreciation for their performance.


And who would’ve guessed it…this was my last picture from the day! I guess I was REALLY having the last day blues. We stayed and listened to the guys until they were packing up and leaving. We clapped and cheered for them and went on our way. The HM was only a 30 minute wait! We were so confused. The wait times were so low, but the crowds were increasing! I guess most people were over at SM now that it was back open.

After the HM, we decided to walk through Fantasyland and see just how long PP’s line was. As we made it under the CHH and closer to the line that wraps around the side of PP, we could see that the line was still indeed crazy long. And the FP return time was for way later in the night…when we would be back in the room sleeping and prepping for our long drive the next day. So we decided to skip on that.

As we kept walking through Fantasyland, we decided to hit up PhilharMagic one last time. Of course, there was no line, just the wait to get into the next show. When the doors opened, we remembered how much we loved being up close to the screen, so we headed down front. We sat in the second row and there was hardly anyone else down there with us! Everyone herds to the back! So keep that in mind the next time you’re there.

By the time the show was over, we were starting to get hungry again. We had remembered seeing that the Noodle Station would be open from 5-9 (or 7-9 I can’t remember) so we decided to try there since we never have before. We decided to take an interesting way there…We walked past the back of the Castle and cut through the Rose Garden. It’s just some weaving and winding, but we wanted to do it for something different.

Once we got to the Noodle Station, I looked at the menu and told Fiancé was I wanted so he could order for the both of us while I found us a table. Luckily, somebody was just getting up as I was walking towards the tables! We both ended up having the Chicken Caesar Salad and strawberry yogurt. Fiancé said that while he was in line to order, he noticed that they were also selling sushi! I said “If I would’ve known that, I would’ve ordered it!” So, we kept eating our salads…and I had to go to the restroom, and when I came back, Fiancé said he had to go…except he really went up and got me some sushi! What a nice surprise! So I ate my sushi while he ate what he wanted of my salad. We took our time eating…just taking in our last night at WDW.

Since we were in Tomorrowland, we decided to head over to the People Mover for one last ride after we were done eating. Everything was fine and dandy on the ride….and then we got stuck just entering SM! I texted Kristen and Mom to fill them in. Finally, after what seemed like forever and a day, the ride started back up. Yay! I know it will take some time for me to get used to the new spiel, but it’s not as bad as I thought it would be.

Because of the delay on the People Mover, we made it back over to the JC just at the end of our FP return time! That’s the latest I’ve ever been back for FP’s before! Of course, we laughed at every joke the skipper said. And said them along with him to each other, haha. Some people just looked at him like he had two heads or something. C’mon people! Where’s your silly sense of humor?!

By the time we had made it back to Adventureland from our cruise, we were getting really tired and decided to call it a night. Noooooooooo…….I know how tired we are….but do we REALLY have to leave?! I quietly cried all the way to package pickup on Main Street. Like I said before, I do recommend using this. It was great and very convenient. Even if you don’t use it, please go check out the building. It is so neat inside! After we got all of our stuff, we walked back out and got one last look at the Castle. Of course, I could hardly do it. I was a blubbering mess. Fiancé just laughed and held my hand as we walked out of the MK and to the bus stop. He’s used to this moment by now. He’s been on quite a few trips with me before to be prepared, haha. I texted Kristen at the bus stop and she comforted me. She reminded me that the next time I’ll be at WDW, I’ll be with the little guy, my Uncle, my grandparents, AND her. That made me feel better. But still, I wasn’t ready to leave.

Once we made it on the bus, Fiancé got up so an older lady could take his seat next to me. He ended up standing next to her husband. They talked while the lady and I talked the whole way back to Pop. They were from Texas and were here with their grandkids. They were both so nice and congratulated us on our engagement as we all walked off the bus.

We still had some snack credits left to use, so we headed to the food court to get some fruit to put in the cooler for the drive the next morning. We found some apple slices, grapes, and a chocolate chip cookie. When we made it back to the room, we decided to eat the cookie and finish our champagne while watching some t.v. I dreaded going to sleep, but I knew sooner or later I was going to have to…

March 19, 2010

Morning came bright and early when the alarm went off at 5:30 am. Ugh. So, we decided to reset it for 6 and sneak in that extra half an hour, haha. When we finally did get up, we got ready and started getting things packed. It didn’t take us too long, so while Fiancé moved the car up to the loading/unloading zone and started packing the car, I finished getting ready and made sure we hadn’t forgotten anything in the room. As I grabbed my purse and the last of our things with Fiancé, I had one hand on the door handle and one hand on the light switch. I just stood there and scanned the room for one last time. Taking it all in. I quickly replayed the memories of the trip…the excitement of getting there the first day…bringing back our champagne gift…watching Stacey…and just being together the two of us. That’s when I lost it. Again. I shut off the light and closed the door. I bent down to pick up the stuff I was carrying and walked the rest of the way to the car bawling. I hate leaving. I hate it. I cry every time. I can remember crying in the WL lobby bathroom for forever until I could finally hold it together to walk to the car. Yeah. I’m pathetic. I just love WDW so much.

We drove over closer to the lobby and went up to the front desk to give them our keys and make sure that we were okay to check-out. All the money and everything was taken care of, so we were good to go. Of course, I stalled leaving. I went to the bathroom. And took my time washing my hands, HAHA. I finally came back out and Fiancé was like “Okay, you can’t delay this any longer..we really need to get going.” “Finnnnnneeee….” I said back. As we were pulling out of Pop at 7:45 am, Dad texted me to see if we were up and going yet. He knows how much I hate leaving, so he was comforting me through texts the whole way out of WDW and back into the real world.

The drive back to Nashville wasn’t too exciting. But, we did get caught in mega traffic through Atlanta. Ugh. It was crazy! As we made it closer to Nashville, I was texting MeMom and keeping her updated on how close we were. I was getting so excited to meet up with her, Jill, and the girls again. Once we got to Nashville, we knew what area our hotel was in, but we just weren’t sure exactly where it was. Our GPS was NOT helpful for this part. So, we drove around the little area until we found it. Whew. Thank goodness. It was just across the street from the Gaylord hotel and on the other side of that is the mall. I texted MeMom and told her we were checking in. We planned on meeting up within the next half hour or so at the hippo. We took our stuff to the room and when we opened the door, we realized that Dad had surprised us with a suite! It had a mini kitchen sink, fridge, and microwave. A huge pullout couch and a HUGE bed! I called Mom to let everyone know that we had made it to TN okay, and they were so glad we loved the room. They really outdid themselves with the surprises this trip!

We got freshened up and headed over to the mall. We parked were we always park- outside RFC. I have to admit, it was SO weird being there without the family! As we walked in the mall, I saw Jill right away. It was hard to believe that the last time I saw them was way back in last June! We just hit it off right away again. Started talking about our trip and everything…Fiancé went over to get us checked-in to eat and we had about an hour wait, which was fine with us. Brookie was so fascinated with the card that the RFC lady gave us with our name on it for when our table was ready. She kept asking Fiancé what it was. It was so cute. She was in such a good mood, running around us and being silly. MeMom also reassured me that Brookie had indeed gotten her postcard from Tink, actually that day! And Bella…she was still as adorable as I had remembered. She even let me hold her! She was so light! I was used to holding the little guy, so it was a big difference! After awhile of talking with MeMom and Jill, we said our good-byes and headed our separate ways. I hated leaving them. They are so nice and I don’t get the chance to see them as much as I’d like. But, thank-you to the both of you for taking time out of your day to meet up with us!



We walked around the mall and checked things out. Of course, we had to stop in the Bass Pro Shop for Fiancé. Then, we made our way back to RFC and looked around the gift shop until our name was called. While we were eating, a family of 3 was seated at the table next to us. I saw that the mom had on a DVC shirt so I asked her where they were members at. They were at Saratoga Springs. We told them we love it at OKW, and how we were on our way home from there, but didn’t stay there this time. The mom and daughter fell in love with my purse. We got to talking more and found out they were visiting Nashville from Indiana. They were nice and we said our good-byes as Fiancé and I left.

We went back to the room and watched some t.v. before falling asleep.

March 20, 2010

We left Nashville bright and early. We stopped in Paducah, Kentucky to get some yummy cinnamon raisin biscuits from Hardee’s for breakfast. We were back home by 2 in the afternoon. Of course, everyone was excited to see us. We gave them their presents, then headed over to see the little guy and give him his present. I was SO excited to see him. Of course, he had to be a little stinker at first and make me feel bad for leaving him for so long. After we were done there, Fiancé headed home to see his family and I went home to start unpacking. Later that night, we hooked the camera up to the t.v. and showed Mom, Dad, and Sis all of our pics. We talked about everything that we wanted to show them in July.

And there you have it folks…the end of our March trip. Thank-you so much for reading along. It was a trip filled full of memories and I'm so glad I was able to share it with you. I hope that you will join xoktenox and I over at our PTR and eventually our July TR. It’s going to be a trip we’ll never forget!
Bravo! I loved reading your report. I just know that I'm going to be a mess when it comes time to leave on our first trip. Can you believe I'm already starting to figure out a way to go back the following year?? These boards and planning have got me HOOKED.

Aww, it's over. :sad1: Loved your report and can't wait for the next one! So soon! :yay:
Bravo! I loved reading your report. I just know that I'm going to be a mess when it comes time to leave on our first trip. Can you believe I'm already starting to figure out a way to go back the following year?? These boards and planning have got me HOOKED.


Thanks so much!

I can believe the planning! :)

Aww, it's over. :sad1: Loved your report and can't wait for the next one! So soon! :yay:

Thanks girl!
I cannot believe it is over. Don't feel bad...I cry every time we leave Disney...it just gets to you that you have to go back to the real world.

I will continue to follow your PTR.


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