What is your not so normal item to pack, which is helpful while at WDW ?

I bring Sham Wows in gallon ziploc bags. If there's been a rainstorm and we want to sit, I can mop it up. Then it goes in the bag so nothing else gets wet :)
I bring Sham Wows in gallon ziploc bags. If there's been a rainstorm and we want to sit, I can mop it up. Then it goes in the bag so nothing else gets wet :)

I do the same thing using a "swimmer's towel" (purchased at Walmart for about $3. They absorb so much water, they're really handy and don't take up much room!
I got a toothbrush holder at Walmart in the bathroom shelves section- I use it at home and I bring it for travel,it's a small plastic 4 brush holder,with a small shelf for the t-paste- and it has 2 suction cups on it,stick it on any hotel room mirror,and you have instant clean spot for brushes and paste,it takes up almost no room to pack-I love it! Also love my mesh popup hamper

I brought a suction-cup shower organizer for our trip last time. Those bathrooms at POP lack enough places for all our showering needs.

Some ideas I can add:
room spray
bug spray or wipes
ear plugs and eye covers to sleep better
suction cup hooks to hang things from

I bring ear plugs for myself to wear on certain rides. Dinosaur is LOUD. This would also be helpful for little ones who may sleep through parades/fireworks, etc...

Downy Wrinkle Releaser. I am OCD about ironing but on vacation, I try to be normal. After clothes are in the suitcase, I spray and hang up.

I love Downy Wrinkle Releaser. I always pack it on any vacation.
I bring ear plugs for myself to wear on certain rides. Dinosaur is LOUD. This would also be helpful for little ones who may sleep through parades/fireworks, etc...

I've heard to bring noise-cancelling headphones if your little one is sensitive to fireworks booms.
I bring several post-it notes to cover the clock face, microwave oven read-out, and the light switches that have the built-in lights on the switchplates. Also the clothespins to keep curtains shut. We like it as dark as possible at night.

I have a combo flashlight/alarm clock we use if we need to get up in the middle of the night. We bring a nightlight for the bathroom because sometimes the ones that are on the hotel hairdryer blink and that makes me crazy. I found a nightlight that doesn't have a bulb because the one time I did bring one with a bulb it had broken during the trip in.

I also bring a 60 watt lightbulb wrapped in bubblewrap and placed inside a large (old style) insulated Disney resort mug - it fits perfectly. I can then swap out the desk lamp bulb so I can actually see and I use the mug for the bedside.
I also bring a 60 watt lightbulb wrapped in bubblewrap and placed inside a large (old style) insulated Disney resort mug - it fits perfectly. I can then swap out the desk lamp bulb so I can actually see and I use the mug for the bedside.

Lighting is very important to me too. I haven't stayed in a WDW resort in over 20 years, what is the deal with the lighting that you need to bring your own light bulb?
The last two years I've been taking a folding potty seat for my DD4. It folds in 4's and easily fits in a gallon size ziplock baggie! It's also very lightweight. It keeps her little hiney from falling into the potty! :eek: Plus, we don't have to worry about wiping the toilet! Every night I clean it really good and put it in a new baggie for the next day!

Got some great ideas for our next trip! Thanks to all for sharing!
Lighting is very important to me too. I haven't stayed in a WDW resort in over 20 years, what is the deal with the lighting that you need to bring your own light bulb?

Honestly, when we stay in the one bedroom at OKW there isn't a problem because there's a big light over the dining table. It's when we stay in regular rooms both at WDW and regular hotels that the lights are sometimes too dim for me. So many hotels are trying to save on utilities that they've gone to very low wattage bulbs. I don't blame them since I imagine that there are plenty of people that leave lights on when they're not in the room (AC and heat, too). I don't always use the light bulb, but I have it if I need it and it doesn't weigh much at all.
I saw someone mentioned moleskin for blisters. Just a bit of info to provide to prevent those blisters. Each morning, after the shower and before dressing, spray your feet with antiperspirant/deodorant. Any kind will do---a cheap $1 can of Suave works fine. Spray in between toes, soles, sides, etc. This will prevent your feet from sweating which results in friction and blisters. If you rest in the afternoon, reapply the deo before going back out. We could have potentially not needed to reapply, but why take chances?

My spouse and I ended up with over a dozen blisters on our first trip. WDW does not have any real relief aids for feet. After this tip, not one blister have we had since. Hope it works well for everyone.

Thanks for sharing! I'm prone to blisters at Disney and was just thinking I must find something that helps before our next trip!
We always take water bottles (Liter) that we fill up at the parks instead of buying drinks there.

Also we always take Zip lock bags for our phones, wallets, park tickets, etc. that we don't want to get wet when it rains.

One more item we take is fruit snacks, granola bars, and other food that we can take into the park for snacking during the day and we don't have to by as much food in the park. I think this year, I might buy fruit when I get down there that I can take in with us.

Benadryl. They use to make the dosing spoons, but now have the quick dissolve tablets. DS4 always ends up having some type of reaction, no matter how careful we are, to something while there and Benadryl fixes him up in a jiff.

Stroller fans-life savers, for us and them.

Scissors, duct tape, nite lite, nail clippers, neosporin spray, power strip, clear shoe organizer for the over the door for toiletries, envelopes with $ and a thank you for Mousekeeping, sample size laundry detergent, Tide stain pen, bandaids, zip loc bags, wal-mart type plastic bags for dirty diapers/trash, stroller cover for pop-up showers, we buy a bulk of trading pins for the boys-they don't trade but we dole them out everyday so they have something new, I used to buy small toys on clearance at the Disney store before hand but now they are all closed, glow sticks, little bottles of bubbles, I also scrounge the $1 bins at Target and Walmart for little goodies for line waits, parade waits etc. These are the most important things (to me) that may not seem obvious that I thought of.

Have fun!
Years ago as we were heading out the door for the parks I grabbed my little boy's clean white tube sock and slid it onto my frozen water bottle before putting it in my purse. It kept the water bottle from sweating and getting everything all wet. I do the same thing for a regular cold water bottle and it keeps the water colder longer. Costs NOTHING. Now I have a reason to keep those stray socks, I just toss the sock when I'm done.
There are some great tips in this thread but this one is my favorite. Thanks everyone!

Years ago as we were heading out the door for the parks I grabbed my little boy's clean white tube sock and slid it onto my frozen water bottle before putting it in my purse. It kept the water bottle from sweating and getting everything all wet. I do the same thing for a regular cold water bottle and it keeps the water colder longer. Costs NOTHING. Now I have a reason to keep those stray socks, I just toss the sock when I'm done.
I read about a tip to help with germs in the room. You can put the remote to the TV in a baggie, and you won't have to touch it.

Also, while you may not need it, a small eyeglass repair kit (our Dollar Tree sells them) could be a huge lifesaver!
This is for anyone who is planning on renting a stroller or anyone who has ever lost their rented stroller because the cast members move and organize the mass chaos of strollers while you are on the rides. Bring a big bow and tie it onto your stroller so when you get off the ride and come back to fetch your stroller which is in the middle of the sea of hundreds you will spot yours instantly and save lots of time searching. I always get seasonal type ribbon and make a big bow. The first time I did this my husband said "this is so embarrassing" but he thanked me after the first ride and laughed at everyone else the rest of the week that he saw searching and frustrated for their stroller.

By the way, just wanted to say this is my first post ever!

Going to Disney this December
This is for anyone who is planning on renting a stroller or anyone who has ever lost their rented stroller because the cast members move and organize the mass chaos of strollers while you are on the rides. Bring a big bow and tie it onto your stroller so when you get off the ride and come back to fetch your stroller which is in the middle of the sea of hundreds you will spot yours instantly and save lots of time searching. I always get seasonal type ribbon and make a big bow. The first time I did this my husband said "this is so embarrassing" but he thanked me after the first ride and laughed at everyone else the rest of the week that he saw searching and frustrated for their stroller.

By the way, just wanted to say this is my first post ever!

Going to Disney this December

Also, while you may not need it, a small eyeglass repair kit (our Dollar Tree sells them) could be a huge lifesaver!

Wish we had one! DS10 broke his glasses the first day!! Lost the little screw. We ended up buying super glue and it worked a little bit.

We bring a folding stool. It's lightweight and collapses to less than 2" flat. We kept it in front of one sink for the kids. They could wash hands & brush their teeth without our help. It cost $12 and I keep it in my Disney Box.
I bring a small pillbox in my day bag with enzymes for me and DH. All those food splurges can really upset the tummy! We get high quality digestive enzymes and take a few with each meal. Miracle.

I also bring a few waterproof Nexcare princess or fairy bandaids and some of those specialized blister bandaids just in case the Blister Block doesn't work!
I also bring a few waterproof Nexcare princess or fairy bandaids and some of those specialized blister bandaids just in case the Blister Block doesn't work!

Johnson & Johnson now makes Disney licensed Band-Aids. I bought a few boxes and they got packed in my parents' Owners' Locker so we'll have them for future trips, too.

Now, when we go to the parks, I bring a variety of them. It never fails that there is a panicked parent with a child who has skinned a knee or cut a finger or something. The only place in the parks where you can get a Band-Aid is the First Aid station. It makes both parents' and child's day to be able to pull out a cheery Band-Aid to help in the "kiss it and make it better" process. (Especially if they are 30 minutes into their wait to meet Tinkerbell...)


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