If you Rode Forbidden Journey...POST HERE! :) (Spoilers)

Sorry for all the questions and thank you so much for helping!

I can't handle drops and can't imagine the "drop" I've read about on this ride.... If the drop is closer to say "non-spinning Mission Space" where it's just the bench tipping and the screen looks like your going down I'd just plan to close my eyes and manage....

DS really wants to do this and I really want to do this for him.... I just not sure I can handle it :sick:
It's defiitely a fake drop where it's all on the screen, with the bench maybe tipping a bit to synch with the movie. The biggest one I can recall is the one at the end where you zoom down towards the water...there are a couple of others too but all fake so you should be fine with eyes shut...there will be no real dropping sensation at all.
In the picture above, the girl on the right side of the photo isn't wearing shoes. I had to put rubber bands on my flip flops because I was told shoes were required for the ride, were they just not paying attention, or do they not care anymore? :confused3
Well, this Texan likes the idea of a snowy look but I can understand thinking that it looks odd in the Florida weather. We've always avoided Blizzard Beach for the same reason.

I would imagine that there will be guidelines released as to how big someone can be to ride. WDW has the Sum of All Thrills which is said to use similar technology. Does anyone know the limits for that one?

We also never did Blizzard Beach for the same reason also. I hope there is a lot of fantasy there, that's what I like the most honestly. Some saying it goes so fast you can't take a lot of it in, that's what I was afraid of. I really want to be able to feel like I'm in Harry Potter's world. Also I LOVE Soarin but last time I did Spiderman felt kinda nauseous. :confused3
In the picture above, the girl on the right side of the photo isn't wearing shoes. I had to put rubber bands on my flip flops because I was told shoes were required for the ride, were they just not paying attention, or do they not care anymore? :confused3

I think they realized this ride is not much of a shoe stealer. I wear Crocs flip flops on it, and I've never been given rubber bands and have never even come close to loosing them.
Okay, back from a 4 day trip to WWoHP and have been through FJ several times. I'l try and add more stuff to other people's report.

We're a family of 4; me, DH and 2 kids, 5 & 7. Only I was able to go through the FJ which completely bummed DH out. He couldn't fit in the test ride at the top of the line because of his biceps and chest. Too wide. When they brought the harness down, the attendant said you had to hear 3 clicks as it goes down locking you in. They could only hear one click, and that's with DH trying 2 different days with different attendants, pushing his breath out and pushing back into the seat as far as he could go. So he ended up in the child swap room with the kids.

When you go through the castle you'll see a golden Hippogriff, past by a classroom door labeled Potions Classroom and if you listen closely you'll hear a lecture going on. You're literally going through a dark dungeon below the castle with "torches" lighting the way. Past by a wavy mirror, 2 portraits with a guy going from one to the other where there are people cheering on a quidditch match, past by the fat lady singing waving you on by, into Dumbledorf's office with him talking to you. The room is large enough to traverse back and forth several times still in that room while in line but I don't remember what he's telling you. Then you end up in a larger room where Hermione, Ron and Harry are whispering hidden in an invisible cloak. They eventually appear, and if I remember, they are trying to tell you that you are smuggled in and will be going with Harry and Ron on a journey where they'll bring you to a quidditch match. You'll be put on a broomstick and you're to follow them. Then you get to the front of the line where they'll start to separate you, directing you to the test ride for a body fit or the child swap room, single rider line or go on ahead, or the exit if you're just there for the castle tour. I ended up in the single ride line all the time.

Think of the ride as if you're Jane in a King Kong movie being held in King Kong's hand and that hand is swinging around and he's holding on by his feet on top of the Empire's Building and the other hand is swatting away at the airplanes. You're enclosed snugly. You hear a loud whisper and it's Hermione saying look at me! You look up and straight and see Hermione on a balcony and she says a magical word, waves her hand and you're suddenly being lifted up and away.

You're out of the castle, flying up to a walkway slightly on your back and see Hagrid with a ball and chain, and the chain lock is open and he's asking if you've seen his dragon. Then you fall back till you're flat on your back and you're falling down and away from the castle and suddenly you're being chased by a dragon. You're twisting and being thrown here and there as the dragon suddenly shows up in your face, blowing smoke, you go back through I think the castle with the dragon flying parallel to you, you fly back out of the castle room and Harry's sudddenly there asking where were you and to follow him. Now here's where my memory gets twisted up. I think you're flying over a lake, then through a forest where the thumping tree narrowly misses hitting one of its branches over your head, huge bigger than me spiders are dropping in front of you and spitting water into your face, close enough for me to scream and throw my head back to avoid them. Then you're out of the forest, heading toward the quidditch match, Malfoy swoops in and sneers at us, mutters something about muggles and now you're in the middle of a quidditch match when suddenly dementors appear. Now you're twisting forward, being flung sideways, forwards and backwards trying to avoid them, dementors popping suddenly in front of you and "chasing" you literally in your face as you're flying backwards trying to escape them, and I'm screaming wishing I could get away faster, LOL!. I think we're being chased back into the forest, dementors everywhere when Harry pops up with his Expecto Petrolus! and a bright light appears and the dementors scream and disappear. There's a smoke that shows up with the face of a skull, maybe Voldemort? that fades away. You end up flying back into the castle where Harry's on the shoulders of quidditch team members and they're cheering you on, the next room is Dumbledorf and Hermione and he's telling you well done, then his voice follows you reminding you to pick your stuff up from your lockers.
Okay, back from a 4 day trip to WWoHP and have been through FJ several times. I'l try and add more stuff to other people's report.

We're a family of 4; me, DH and 2 kids, 5 & 7. Only I was able to go through the FJ which completely bummed DH out. He couldn't fit in the test ride at the top of the line because of his biceps and chest. Too wide. When they brought the harness down, the attendant said you had to hear 3 clicks as it goes down locking you in. They could only hear one click, and that's with DH trying 2 different days with different attendants, pushing his breath out and pushing back into the seat as far as he could go. So he ended up in the child swap room with the kids.

When you go through the castle you'll see a golden Hippogriff, past by a classroom door labeled Potions Classroom and if you listen closely you'll hear a lecture going on. You're literally going through a dark dungeon below the castle with "torches" lighting the way. Past by a wavy mirror, 2 portraits with a guy going from one to the other where there are people cheering on a quidditch match, past by the fat lady singing waving you on by, into Dumbledorf's office with him talking to you. The room is large enough to traverse back and forth several times still in that room while in line but I don't remember what he's telling you. Then you end up in a larger room where Hermione, Ron and Harry are whispering hidden in an invisible cloak. They eventually appear, and if I remember, they are trying to tell you that you are smuggled in and will be going with Harry and Ron on a journey where they'll bring you to a quidditch match. You'll be put on a broomstick and you're to follow them. Then you get to the front of the line where they'll start to separate you, directing you to the test ride for a body fit or the child swap room, single rider line or go on ahead, or the exit if you're just there for the castle tour. I ended up in the single ride line all the time.

Think of the ride as if you're Jane in a King Kong movie being held in King Kong's hand and that hand is swinging around and he's holding on by his feet on top of the Empire's Building and the other hand is swatting away at the airplanes. You're enclosed snugly. You hear a loud whisper and it's Hermione saying look at me! You look up and straight and see Hermione on a balcony and she says a magical word, waves her hand and you're suddenly being lifted up and away.

You're out of the castle, flying up to a walkway slightly on your back and see Hagrid with a ball and chain, and the chain lock is open and he's asking if you've seen his dragon. Then you fall back till you're flat on your back and you're falling down and away from the castle and suddenly you're being chased by a dragon. You're twisting and being thrown here and there as the dragon suddenly shows up in your face, blowing smoke, you go back through I think the castle with the dragon flying parallel to you, you fly back out of the castle room and Harry's sudddenly there asking where were you and to follow him. Now here's where my memory gets twisted up. I think you're flying over a lake, then through a forest where the thumping tree narrowly misses hitting one of its branches over your head, huge bigger than me spiders are dropping in front of you and spitting water into your face, close enough for me to scream and throw my head back to avoid them. Then you're out of the forest, heading toward the quidditch match, Malfoy swoops in and sneers at us, mutters something about muggles and now you're in the middle of a quidditch match when suddenly dementors appear. Now you're twisting forward, being flung sideways, forwards and backwards trying to avoid them, dementors popping suddenly in front of you and "chasing" you literally in your face as you're flying backwards trying to escape them, and I'm screaming wishing I could get away faster, LOL!. I think we're being chased back into the forest, dementors everywhere when Harry pops up with his Expecto Petrolus! and a bright light appears and the dementors scream and disappear. There's a smoke that shows up with the face of a skull, maybe Voldemort? that fades away. You end up flying back into the castle where Harry's on the shoulders of quidditch team members and they're cheering you on, the next room is Dumbledorf and Hermione and he's telling you well done, then his voice follows you reminding you to pick your stuff up from your lockers.

So If you do not mind how big Is your DH?, I am 5'9" at 260# I carry most of It In my chest and stomach did he fit on the hulk or DD?. I fit there In there bigger seats
I realize everyone has experienced a different assortment of theme park rides, but based on that, is this the greatest theme park ride ever?

So If you do not mind how big Is your DH?, I am 5'9" at 260# I carry most of It In my chest and stomach did he fit on the hulk or DD?. I fit there In there bigger seats

He's 5'7" and...he won't tell me his weight, LOL! I'm going to guess 230 lbs? Here's a pic of us. He fits on the Dueling Dragon. It's not enclosed despite the harness.

I'm posting pics to photobucket as fast as I can, so bear with me.:banana:

Entrance into the castle after hot house queue line.

Just inside the castle.

I forget where this was in the movie, but it's on your right.


Then this on your right a few steps away.


Then right in front of you before the line curves to the left around it.


Now every talking picture I couldn't get a flash, or non flash picture or even low light video of the animated picture.


Painting room. Every pic that's dark was an animated picture, any painting you see was a still painting.

Non flash picture of Painting Room.





Dumbledorf's room. Now, it's literally pitch dark. Dumbledorf looks like 3D but the pic just shows a blank screen where he is supposed to be.

In the pic you see an empty balcony, but Dumbledorf is actually there facing you and talking to you.

Sorry, that's all the pics I have of FJ. The first day, we put our stuff in the locker. 2nd day, I took a few pics and gave the camera to DH at the end of the line. 3rd day I was by myself so I didn't carry anything with me.
Hmmmm, I thought of a spoiler that I haven't seen mentioned here yet (unless I missed it).

They show your faces floating in "smoke" in the dementors scene...i.e. take a pic. and then it is projected. Real cool effect.
Hmmmm, I thought of a spoiler that I haven't seen mentioned here yet (unless I missed it).

They show your faces floating in "smoke" in the dementors scene...i.e. take a pic. and then it is projected. Real cool effect.

How funny, I noticed that after my third ride. Now that I think of it, it's that pic I originally thought that was voldemort's, but was actually me! :headache:
He's 5'7" and...he won't tell me his weight, LOL! I'm going to guess 230 lbs?

From your picture, I'm now definitely worried about DH... And if your DH couldn't fit b/c of the chest, then I think it's doom for DH even when he loses all the weight he has put on (stupid pituitary tumor).

But he *insists* that he wants to go to Universal and hang out in the wizarding world and the rest of the place, even if he can't ride, but I'm going to be very bummed FOR him if he can't.

When they brought the harness down, the attendant said you had to hear 3 clicks as it goes down locking you in.

As for the 3 clicks, I wonder if the manufacturers have heard of this rule? I wonder why they even *bothered* to make the first two clicking locations in the mechanism, if it's only safe at the third. :confused3

I remain hopeful that by December they'll have one set of seats that has seats that are simply *wider* than the ones currently. Because if DH loses all he needs to lose, if he's scrunched in at the shoulders, that's *making* him "deeper" than he would be if the seats at the shoulders were just wider. Hopeful hopeful!

In the picture above, the girl on the right side of the photo isn't wearing shoes. I had to put rubber bands on my flip flops because I was told shoes were required for the ride, were they just not paying attention, or do they not care anymore? :confused3

Remember, that was from one of the first days the place was open. And as someone pointed out when the poster "gave" us that picture, you can see her flipflops on her left hand.
I read the seats are "Snug" in one post, do they have tester seats outside like some of the other rides? I am very pooh sized, and ride a scooter so concerned I should not attempt to ride it or be embarrassed.

i am one of the few who does not fit on Mummy even in the back rows or on Jimmy Neutron because my weight is in my stomach.

Can scooters be ridden up to the ride or due to the walkway are they prohibited ?
Is there an area for scooters? Did anyone notice?
Thanks, yep If they keep It the same when we go there In July I am doomed!!:rotfl2:. Oh well heres to bigger seats:cool1:
I read the seats are "Snug" in one post, do they have tester seats outside like some of the other rides? I am very pooh sized, and ride a scooter so concerned I should not attempt to ride it or be embarrassed.

Can scooters be ridden up to the ride or due to the walkway are they prohibited ?

Here's a pic outside of FJ. The lady in the blue shirt is blocking the test rides. Anyone can casually sit in them before even getting in line. Then there's the main one just about everyone is made to try inside the castle at the end of the line.


My kids playing in them.


I saw a person in a wheelchair in line ahead of me with a camera. They exited and a lot of older folks exited just before the ride.
I just talked to a nice fellow in Guest Services and he said that they've been told that there are no parameters just yet but that they are testing and tweaking to see exactly who can ride the ride successfully. I asked about height and he said that height is one of those parameters that they're working to establish right now. Apparently they bring people in and watch how the ride reacts and then work on it after the area closes.

Not really anything informative since we'd already guessed that but it does indicate that Universal isn't satisfied themselves yet.
Hmmmm, I thought of a spoiler that I haven't seen mentioned here yet (unless I missed it).

They show your faces floating in "smoke" in the dementors scene...i.e. take a pic. and then it is projected. Real cool effect.

AMAZING effect! The first two times it was just me, the third it finally got the whole group. I couldn't believe it.


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