Disboutiquers Part 19 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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What a cute Marie dress!! I don't have a serger either, but I go back and do overcast stitching on everything I make and it seems to work :thumbsup2 You may even have a special foot for this that will help keep the fabric from bunching up as you go.
Thankyou for the wonderful comments.

I do have an overcast foot. I just didn't know how it would handle going over the ruffle edge. Getting on that later today.

Going to Starbucks to get a choc. cherry. hot coco.

Thanks again.

This board is the best in the world. I wouldn't know how to sew at all without you all.
*NEW SEWER ALERT* haha. I feel like I have to write that all the time, because I have done a few things, but I'm nothing like you gals!

Ok - so when you say "finish" with a zig zag - I am confused. Because my stuff unravels too. Do you do the zig zag and THEN stitch it? If you are doing a neckline, and stitch it, then you have that frayed edge - Im confused. (not hard to do.....haha!)

...OH! and while I'm thinking of it - do anyof you know where I can find really good tutorials on how to sew on the internet (with pics or video)

I'm seriously so amazed and gobsmacked and how good you girls are.

Here's the second test skirt for the Audrey skirt pattern (named in honor of a little girl who must have 'butt ruffles' on most things :rotfl:)


I'm very pleased with how the development of this is going. I used the actual pattern I drafted for this one and only had to tweak a couple things. The next step is to resize the pattern and see how it works.

Wow - great as usual. I am always in such awe of your appliques and that skirt is wonderful. My daughter would love to wear that. If you need a tester for pattern....

Here is my new baby.. :love:

We have been rearranging furniture to make room for a new sewing table to put it on that my hubby is building so sorry for the delay! I've had it home since Sunday night. :goodvibes
I haven't had that much time to play with it yet, but I think the most impressive part for me is the sewing. It just does wonderful things with sewing stitches that my older machine didn't do. I'm loving the knee lever thing that lifts the presser foot too. The buttonholes are gorgeous!!!

Congrats!!! She's beautiful.

Finished the Marie dress. Boy do I hate Marie right now. I spent all morning ripping her face off.

I still need to topstitch the ruffle. How do you finish the ruffle on the inside of the dress. It is raveling above the stitch line. I don't have a serger yet.


I hate it when I have to tear out all the stitches!! However, it turned out great. I like your fabric choices. I don't think Marie gets lost at all. Love it.

I lost a few quotes along the way. The snow white set is so cute!!! And I love the Big Give Star Wars outfits. Those boys are going to be thrilled.

I booked out major, super, over the top Disney vacation last week. We are staying at AKL in Club level with DXDDP for 6 nights. I am so excited. We have park hoppers but I don't think we will need them. I booked a fishing trip for my family and illuminations boat for my birthday!! I can't think of a better way to turn 30.

Well off to the sewing expo in Gwinnett. My husband is coming so THAT will be fun. :scared1:
LisaZoe - line me up for the Audrey skirt pattern too! I love it and I have a little girl like that - Jocelyn has to have everything fancy & girly the more ruffles the better! She would wear her pettis to bed if I let her!:rotfl:
LOVE the pictures lately (drooling over the machine even though I'd just be able to use it as a paper weight!!). I have so many ideas, and I wish I could bring them to life. I'm considering not working one summer so I can teach myself all this great stuff!!

I just booked our December trip :-)banana:), so I'm already trying to think of outfits and shirts to make. Here's hoping I get better than I am now. :laughing:

Keep posting the inspirations!!!
YAY on the December trip! I'm hoping to be able to take the kids in the beginning of December this year. I'd love for them to see the Osbourne lights!

I LOOOVE this!! The fabric you used is beautiful-perfect for Marie!!

Going to Starbucks to get a choc. cherry. hot coco.

This board is the best in the world. I wouldn't know how to sew at all without you all.
First of all, mmmmmmm......
Second, I love these people, too!!! :grouphug:

*NEW SEWER ALERT* haha. I feel like I have to write that all the time, because I have done a few things, but I'm nothing like you gals!

Ok - so when you say "finish" with a zig zag - I am confused. Because my stuff unravels too. Do you do the zig zag and THEN stitch it? If you are doing a neckline, and stitch it, then you have that frayed edge - Im confused. (not hard to do.....haha!)

...OH! and while I'm thinking of it - do anyof you know where I can find really good tutorials on how to sew on the internet (with pics or video)

I'm seriously so amazed and gobsmacked and how good you girls are.

You would sew the seams first and then zig zag at the edge so it doesn't fray. There are lots of learn to sew tutorials in the bookmarks. CarlaC's patterns are also a great way to learn lots of things!
Go to the local boy scout store. They have this stuff that is made for badges like this and it is nearly indestructable. It can be washed and washed and not lose its grip. It comes on a large sheet and you rub it on with a metal spoon. The only way to remove it is a lot of goo gone on the back and time.

Very good to know. I've sewn patches on my son's navy uniforms, and they can be tricky. I've done hats, sleeves, a jacket, and above pockets on pants and shirts. Don't like to think how many times I've ripped and restarted. Seems like the gunk you recommend would at least hold them in place while I sewed.

Go Navy!
*NEW SEWER ALERT* haha. I feel like I have to write that all the time, because I have done a few things, but I'm nothing like you gals!

Ok - so when you say "finish" with a zig zag - I am confused. Because my stuff unravels too. Do you do the zig zag and THEN stitch it? If you are doing a neckline, and stitch it, then you have that frayed edge - Im confused. (not hard to do.....haha!)

...OH! and while I'm thinking of it - do anyof you know where I can find really good tutorials on how to sew on the internet (with pics or video)

I'm seriously so amazed and gobsmacked and how good you girls are.


"Finish with a zig zag" means to sew along the outer edge of the seam so the 'zig' is on the fabric and the 'zag' is barely off the edge of the fabric. You do this after you've stitched the two pieces together.

If your machine has an overlock stitch, which is like a zigzag and straight stitch combined, and you're sewing a 1/4" seam, you can sometimes get a 2-for-1 with it - seam and zigzag all in one.

Have you checked the first post for links to sewing resources? Do you have any friends or relatives that sew? I know I'm always more than happy to indoctrinate someone else into the joys of sewing!

Finished the Marie dress. Boy do I hate Marie right now. I spent all morning ripping her face off.

I still need to topstitch the ruffle. How do you finish the ruffle on the inside of the dress. It is raveling above the stitch line. I don't have a serger yet.

:wizard:This is really gorgeous. I wish I liked to applique. The easiest way to finish the ruffle is to zig zag it. However if you are going to continue creating these beauties, I would encourage you to invest in a used serger (check craigslist) to finish your edges and make the clothes last longer.
They look great! I was trying to come up with something new for SWW for the kids...I may want to CASE you if they approve?

Wow!! These are great!! How did you do the names on these? Is that machine embroidery? Do you mind if I case this for a machine embroidery design someday?

So glad so many of you liked the Star Wars shirts - I have already made another one for a cousin's son to wear to Disney over Easter! Feel free to CASE away - CASEING is how I get my best ideas! Hahahaha....

The names are machine embroidered. I copied the stormtrooper helmets from a coloring book, and freehanded the hats.

So many pretty things over the last few days - I am in awe of everyone! Love the Marie dress - too cute!
Very good to know. I've sewn patches on my son's navy uniforms, and they can be tricky. I've done hats, sleeves, a jacket, and above pockets on pants and shirts. Don't like to think how many times I've ripped and restarted. Seems like the gunk you recommend would at least hold them in place while I sewed.

Go Navy!

I'd be willing to bet you can't sew through it easily if it's that sticky...I stitched a patch on something because I didn't trust the sticky stuff on the back to hold it well enough, and the sticky stuff gummed up my needle and shredded my thread every few stitches. Sticky back velcro is the same way. I finally used Sewers Aid, dripped it on my needle after every 10 stitches until I got all the way around.
*NEW SEWER ALERT* haha. I feel like I have to write that all the time, because I have done a few things, but I'm nothing like you gals!

Ok - so when you say "finish" with a zig zag - I am confused. Because my stuff unravels too. Do you do the zig zag and THEN stitch it? If you are doing a neckline, and stitch it, then you have that frayed edge - Im confused. (not hard to do.....haha!)

...OH! and while I'm thinking of it - do anyof you know where I can find really good tutorials on how to sew on the internet (with pics or video)

I'm seriously so amazed and gobsmacked and how good you girls are.


I learned how to do a blind hem stitch on YouTube :thumbsup2 If there is a paticular technique you're wanting to learn, there are ton of great video tutorials on there. Also, Carla C e-patterns are a fantastic way to start. I'm sure somebody already said that.

I've been sewing for forever, but I'm still learning it's an ongoing process I think. Especially if you're self taught.
Here is the outfit I made Isabel for Valentine's Day, she was 3 months old here (3 days shy of 4 months). The top is Carla C's Portrait Peasant (made the 6 month size, fit her big, but we can use it again since it doesn't actually say anything about Valentine's Day) and the bottoms are Crala C's easyfits - I had to do a modification. Isabel is a slim baby, so the 6 month size was HUGE! So, I started over and got the 18-inch doll pattern and extended the leg part and the behind part to accommodate for her diaper, but it fit perfectly :)


So adorable!

Still havent mastered the multiquote but have seen so many amazing things.

Teresajoy:cloud9: I loved all those princess dresses. I used that same fabric you used on cinderella when I made 1 for my dd. Its so lovely I just bought more & made me a bag out of it!

Leslie :thumbsup2 loved the Alice outfit & like everyone else thought the hat just topped it off great!

mom2rtk :worship: you never cease to amaze me with your talent for the elaborate dresses. Perfection!

Revrob I thought your Alice set was wonderful too!

Heathersue :rolleyes1 any chance you will be coming out with designs for the Phineas & Ferb characters?? hint hint I should have held out for your peeps designs but already got some from someone else before you had yours up for sale :tiptoe:

Been busy making dds their Easter dresses & trying to make fabric basket/bags for the kids for Easter. With dh gone again until may not too much free time till they go to bed though.
Here's the second test skirt for the Audrey skirt pattern (named in honor of a little girl who must have 'butt ruffles' on most things :rotfl:)


I'm very pleased with how the development of this is going. I used the actual pattern I drafted for this one and only had to tweak a couple things. The next step is to resize the pattern and see how it works.

I love it! I am going to have to get a serger & learn how to use it so I can make your awesome skirts when the patterns are available! ;)
Finished the Marie dress. Boy do I hate Marie right now. I spent all morning ripping her face off.

I still need to topstitch the ruffle. How do you finish the ruffle on the inside of the dress. It is raveling above the stitch line. I don't have a serger yet.


She looks absolutely adorable!!! I love Marie! :love:

Thanks everyone for the nice words about my new skirt. I'm working on the size changes tonight so I can do tests of different sizes next week (I hope). Hopefully my math won't fail me when calculating the ruffle length and spacing. :rolleyes1

WOO HOO!!! :banana::banana::banana::banana:

1.)Going to Starbucks to get a choc. cherry. hot coco.

2.)This board is the best in the world. I wouldn't know how to sew at all without you all.


2.)I agree! :grouphug:

*NEW SEWER ALERT* haha. I feel like I have to write that all the time, because I have done a few things, but I'm nothing like you gals!

Ok - so when you say "finish" with a zig zag - I am confused. Because my stuff unravels too. Do you do the zig zag and THEN stitch it? If you are doing a neckline, and stitch it, then you have that frayed edge - Im confused. (not hard to do.....haha!)

...OH! and while I'm thinking of it - do anyof you know where I can find really good tutorials on how to sew on the internet (with pics or video)

I'm seriously so amazed and gobsmacked and how good you girls are.


I see you've been answered, so :welcome: !!!

gobsmacked, I like it!
I booked out major, super, over the top Disney vacation last week. We are staying at AKL in Club level with DXDDP for 6 nights. I am so excited. We have park hoppers but I don't think we will need them. I booked a fishing trip for my family and illuminations boat for my birthday!! I can't think of a better way to turn 30.

Well off to the sewing expo in Gwinnett. My husband is coming so THAT will be fun. :scared1:

Have fun!!!!!

Very good to know. I've sewn patches on my son's navy uniforms, and they can be tricky. I've done hats, sleeves, a jacket, and above pockets on pants and shirts. Don't like to think how many times I've ripped and restarted. Seems like the gunk you recommend would at least hold them in place while I sewed.

Go Navy!

I was going to say that it would probably gum up your needle and break your thread, but I see someone else already did. So, I won't... ;)

Just wanted to say ADIOS, AMIGOS!
see you all in a few weeks! :banana::banana::banana:

Have a wonderful cruise Shannon!!!

So adorable!

Still havent mastered the multiquote but have seen so many amazing things.

Teresajoy:cloud9: I loved all those princess dresses. I used that same fabric you used on cinderella when I made 1 for my dd. Its so lovely I just bought more & made me a bag out of it!
Thank you!!! I need to go back to Joann's and get more of that fabric, Lydia wants the dress now!

ETA: Just noticed my ticker.... I WILL NOT PANIC!!!!!
I just finished two Ariel dresses for two little sisters!!! While they were both so fun to create, the little 6 month sized one kept me smiling!
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