Official thread for the 2010 Princess 1/2 Marathon & 5k- REGSITRATION IS OPEN!

Congrats to everyone! My mom sister and I had a great time doing the race. It was my first 1/2, and since we stopped and did so many pics and bathroom stops, I know my time can only get better.

Is there somewhere here where people are posting photos, I would love to see them. We went to Epcot on Saturday, planned to be there all night, but decided against it, headed back to hotel and got pasta dinner there.

There was a group a few tables over, wasn't sure if it was the group from here because it was probably around 6p....watched them getting photos taken, was wondering if I would see them here, or if it was totally a different group.
Congrats everyone! I had an amazing time even though I had my lovely sciatic pain come back around mile 7. It got bad around mile 9 and even worse by mile 11, so I finished way slower than my training had been going, but whatever. I FINISHED! I even saw some WISHers along the way! I also stopped by the meet, albeit a little late so I think I missed most of you. We didn't leave MK until after 5 and came back to POR for our pasta dinner.
Anyway the race was so awesome, we had a great time and I'm so proud of what we've all accomplished. We're already planning to do the 2011 Wine & Dine half marathon! :)
Had an amazing time! What an incredible course and the other runners were all so polite and fun! I didn't make it to the meet, but loved the entire event! It's a must-do for me again!
I will........I want to see how many years in a row I can win it.

Now that I have typed that I bet I will be secound next year.!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my little blog on my experience :lovestruc Just thought I would share if anyone was interested. Also have some pictures posted. It was awesome and I will definitely be doing it again next year!!!!

Shawna, you really should have warned me before I went and read your blog. First of all, what an awesome re-count of the day. But now I'm sitting here with mascara and tears running down my face. I think I cried more reading the blog than I did when I crossed the finish line. We may have been strangers when the race started, but you will forever be in my heart as the person who was right there beside me during those 13.1 miles that I never thought I could do. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. And to all the other Princesses who were cheering us on...thank you...You'll never know how much the encouragement meant to me.
What an incredible experience!!! The whole weekend was totally amazing. I never thought I could do this.

I would definitely do it again.

I am so sorry that I missed the meet. We were just wiped out and wanted some down time that night.

Today is back to real life....

Does anyone know how many people started the race?
MomTo2LittleMonsters, I LOVED your report!! Looked like you two had a great time together!

I hope the WISH girls don't mind, but here is a pic of all of us, with bling, in the MK the day after the race. I am the one in the black shirt without the hat (long dark hair):

I wrote a race report on the WISH thread that started the whole adventure...
Part I:
Part II:
I just checked the Storybook Program, and it lists next year's dates as March 4-6.

Thank you.

I probably won't do it. Mardi Gras is March 8 next year and I like going to the parades and stuff here. Although that DOES mean I'd have a 5 day weekend. Hmmm....decisions decisions!


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