People waiting in line say the darndest things!

My youngest niece....she is a trip and cracks us all up!

Upon entering MK, I HAVE BEEN WAITING MY WHOLE LIFE FOR THIS! and she was 6 at the time......
While in a bathroom at AK I heard a woman say to her friend "I can handle Tower of Terror and Space Mountain, but those self-flushing toilets scare the crap out of me."[/QUOTE

This is so funny! Our first trip to DW was when my DD was 2 yrs. old and almost completely potty trained. The first time she used one of the self-flushing toilets it scared the heck out of her and she refused to use the bathrooms at DW for the whole rest of the trip. I had to put pull-ups back on her because I was scared that she would make herself sick "holding it" until we got back to our condo. For a year after, before she would use a toilet in a public bathroom, she would ask me, "Does it go loud?"

That was my daughter as well!! She had only been potty trained for about a week... we arrived at DTD and we were eating at McD's, we went to use the bathroom before leaving and the toliet flushed on its own. She did not want to use any toliet that didn't have a handle to flush it. After showing her a few times that i would not be sucked into it... she finally started using them again.
Is my family (well my wife, brother and I) the only ones who chant "we wants the red head!" along with the pirates while on the ride?

OMG... no you are not the only ones! :lmao:
That is one of our favorite things......
here's our story.....
I think it was 1999 (one of our first trips with DD to WDW) and she was so excited to go on Pirates! then the boat stops! we are stuck!
YES...... just as they are saying "WE WANTS THE RED HEAD!"
My DD jokingly says... "Mom, they want you!" (my hair is more auburn, but still red). And we were stuck there for almost 30 minutes!!!
Over and over and over..... "WE WANTS THE RED HEAD!!"
So, of course we always yell it out right then. We even "renamed" the ride the "Red Head" ride. :lmao::lmao:
This wasn't in line, but always makes us chuckle.

When we were dining at Mama Melrose the waitress came to take our order. My DS (3) was asked if he wanted the soup or salad. He thought for a minute and responded, "Mmmm, what's the super salad?"

Has become a family joke now!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
That is sad. My mom is meeting up with us on one of our days in WDW. She mentioned the other day that she would love to go to Universal Studios with us on the day that we go... I was like 'Mom we aren't going to Universal Studios we are going to Hollywood Studios.' She didn't know that there was a difference either. I wonder how much that happens.

Maybe that's why Disney changed the name. Pretty clever :lmao:
I've had the usual run-in with well meaning yokels who are keen to spark up a conversation while you wait in queues.

'So where are you from?'
'Gee, is that in Germany? You sure speak good English'
'Thank you. Where are you from?'
'Gee, is that in Mexico? I don't even detect a hint of it in your accent'

Que the Texan getting really upset and trying to lecture me on US States while still thinking I'm German. Dummkopf. ;)

Me too. It's the home of the Celtics, colonial cousins of my own team, Glasgow Celtic. All hail the team in green. Hail Hail.

This is mostly off-topic but it relates to the ongoing geography discussion that's been going on. I am constantly amazed by the lack of awareness of where things are. I work at a middle school and I have had students tell me that the North Pole is an American state, Vietnam isn't a country it was a war, and, worst of all (and it's pretty d**n bad!) this question (from 2 separate students in 2 separate classes while teaching a chapter on Ancient China): "Do Chinese people see the same way we do?" :scared1: Seriously, what do you even say?!

Not to mention, I work and live in NJ and had an 8th grader who could not label NJ on a U.S. map. :eek:

I constantly work to negate ignorance and try to give my students the background knowledge they need to succeed in life, but it's not easy! :headache:
This is mostly off-topic but it relates to the ongoing geography discussion that's been going on. I am constantly amazed by the lack of awareness of where things are. I work at a middle school and I have had students tell me that the North Pole is an American state, Vietnam isn't a country it was a war, and, worst of all (and it's pretty d**n bad!) this question (from 2 separate students in 2 separate classes while teaching a chapter on Ancient China): "Do Chinese people see the same way we do?" :scared1: Seriously, what do you even say?!

Not to mention, I work and live in NJ and had an 8th grader who could not label NJ on a U.S. map. :eek:

I constantly work to negate ignorance and try to give my students the background knowledge they need to succeed in life, but it's not easy! :headache:

In 8th grade, we were required to get 100% on tests where we had to label all the US states and all of the "major" countries in the world. Vietnam was on the list. We had to keep taking the tests until we got 100% on them.

That was the early 80's though. I guess now they just say, "Why do we have to know it? We can just look it up on the internet."
We were seated in the theater waiting for the Indiana Jones show when a little boy behind us started to get concerned that the show might be scary. His father was trying to console him and said, "It's not scary, but there might be some ugly things." His son replied, "Real ugly, or ugly like Grandma?" My poor DH was laughing so hard he was crying. For the rest of the trip when we saw something ugly, DH would just say, "It's not REAL's just GRANDMA ugly."

:rotfl2: That made me LOL!
This wasn't in line, but always makes us chuckle.

When we were dining at Mama Melrose the waitress came to take our order. My DS (3) was asked if he wanted the soup or salad. He thought for a minute and responded, "Mmmm, what's the super salad?"

Has become a family joke now!

:rotfl: That is so cute!
This is a great thread! I was fortunate enough to be able to accompany my grandparents on their first ever Disney Trip last summer. They didn't do any research and didn't know exactly what a Disney attraction entailed. The first ride I ever took them on was the safari in AK. Everything was going great until we go to the part with the bridge. The bridge started to wooble and my grandmom freaked out and screamed "We're going over!" at the top of her lungs. Luckly that happend the first day so my whole family could make fun of her the whole rest of week : )
This is a great thread! I was fortunate enough to be able to accompany my grandparents on their first ever Disney Trip last summer. They didn't do any research and didn't know exactly what a Disney attraction entailed. The first ride I ever took them on was the safari in AK. Everything was going great until we go to the part with the bridge. The bridge started to wooble and my grandmom freaked out and screamed "We're going over!" at the top of her lungs. Luckly that happend the first day so my whole family could make fun of her the whole rest of week : )
:lmao::rotfl: Poor Dad did something similar on Soarin'..didn't yell or say anything but as they started lifting the ride vehicle into the screen, he grabbed my leg and held on for dear life. :confused3After the ride, I asked why he did that-he said he thought we were going to be shot out over the park!:rotfl2:
In 8th grade, we were required to get 100% on tests where we had to label all the US states and all of the "major" countries in the world. Vietnam was on the list. We had to keep taking the tests until we got 100% on them.

That was the early 80's though. I guess now they just say, "Why do we have to know it? We can just look it up on the internet."

Yeah, plus, there is no NJAsk (our statewide standardized tests) for social studies, so why do they need to know anything? Seriously, it drives me crazy!
In line for TOT, a very elderly couple were standing just in front of me. They were speaking Japanese to each other very quietly, and I could tell they had no idea about the ride. When we got to the boiler room, and just before you enter the elevator, they were very confused about the directions the CM was giving them about where to place their feet on the arrows. A lot of hushed whispering, then the CM literally placed their feet where he wanted them. Then they both said "Aaaah!" and they nodded. So all through the ride, the Twilight Zone part, I kind of kept my eye on them, nodding to them and smiling. Then just as the ride showed them how high up they were and we began to freefall, I distinctly heard this meek foreign man beside me yell out (clear as a bell), "Son of a B----" :scared1: I laughed so hard, I couldn't even tell you how many times we dropped!!!

This tickled my funny bone! Everyone in my house came running to see "what was going on in here" as I :rotfl: The other one that still has me chuckling is the AKL one where the man passed gas on the balcony and when his wife came out and commented on the animals smelling bad he "innocently" agreed with her.

So many of your stories have made me laugh but these two are just :lmao:
I wish I had something great to contribute but instead will just let you know how much you have brightened my day!
I love southern accents.

Last Sunday a family ran up the ramp to the mono-rail at the Epcot Entrance.
The were panting really hard and the dad kept asking the CM,
"Where do we pay to ride this thing,"
"maa'am, we want to go to Disney World."
The CM said, "you are in Disney World, which park would you like to go to."
The guy looked at her totally confused, and said,
"Disney World".
She told him, "there are 4 parks, and which park do you want to go to."
He once again said "Disney World".
Someone finally yelled out of the Mono-rail,
"Ya mean The Magic Kingdom, where you can ride Dumbo?"
And the whole family shook their heads yes,
the guy yelled, "well get your butts on in here, it's going to
Disney World",
and the all scrambled on the mono-rail.
While riding the monorail in Sept 2009, my husband and I were sitting next to a woman and her 4 or 5 year old daughter. She was quizzing her on methods of transportation

Mom: Ok, what did we do after we woke up this morning?
Mom: Good, where did the car take us to?
Mom: YES! And what did we do after we got off the airplane?
Girl: Umm...
Mom: What did we ride from the airport to the hotel?
Girl: A bus?
Mom: Right! And what are we on now?
Girl: umm....
Mom: A MonTorail!

She said 'montorail' in such a matter-of-fact way, that my husband and I just started laughing at each other. The T was so important in that word!

She then turned to my husband and asked "Are we in Disney yet?"

I died.
My sister and I took my dad to Crystal Palace this past December on his 65th birthday trip for lunch since he loves Pooh and Eeyore. The lady at the table before ours kept saying to her daughter "I hope Igor gets here soon" and "oooh look, here comes Igor". Eeyore is my favourite, so I couldn't help chuckling, then made sure when he came to our table I hugged him and said loudly , "Eeyore, I love you", "Thanks Eeyore" so she heard me. But I still hear her say afterwards as she showed her daughter the camera - "look at your picture with Igor!" :rotfl:

Well, in Spanish the character is called Igor . Maybe her native language was (like mine) Spanish... On the other side of the coin, sometimes I have to make an effort just to say "Eeyore" when thanking him (it is not just "natural" :-) )


While breezing past a very long standby line at Kilimanjaro Safaris in the fast pass line, I overheard this:

Standby line guy: "That is not fair! I guess if you have tons of money you don't even have to stand in line!"

Well, in Spanish the character is called Igor . Maybe her native language was (like mine) Spanish... On the other side of the coin, sometimes I have to make an effort just to say "Eeyore" when thanking him (it is not just "natural" :-) )


Luis learn new things every day! I never knew he was called Igor in Spanish!

I'm guessing the reason the original poster found it so funny is that (at least in the US and Britain), Igor is the name of weird little hunchback sidekick of Dr. Frankenstein! :rotfl: Horror and Disney just don't go together!
I have 2

Waiting for parade in MK A mother and daughter are just standing there casually eating ice cream- her Dh storms up and he is fuming

DH- Where the he## did you go it took me forever to find you

DW- not long enough:rotfl::rotfl:

This one was my son age 11- i take my 2 DD's into a washroom in Epcot while him and my DH sit outside and wait. I guess he can see a bit in the washroom because he tells DH that it is not fair- we have candy machines in our bathroom.:lmao:
He is 16 now and whenever we go into a washroom at disney we check to see if he wants a treat brought back out.


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