In Search of My Body - Not the One I Ate, VOL 8...It's Never Too Late To Start Again!

Good Afternoon

Argh, I had a huge long post typed out at like 8.50am and the dis just ate it! I would have been on the first page too, for the first time ever! :rotfl:

DisneyGalUK Aka Kelly, Bella, Anything really!

Age: 28
Height: 5'9'
Weight: 16lbs above what I would like to be!
Personal Stats:
Married for 18months to a great DH
Live in Yorkshire, UK
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom, because theres nothing like that first glimpse of the castle.
But I Love: I secretly love Universal Islands of Adventure
Passions: My DH, Family and Friends. Reading (I read ANYTHING), music, travelling, girly nights out
Important to know: Im clumsy. I mean REALLY clumsy. I fall down on average once a week (more since the snow/ice came!), I walk into things, things fall on me - you get the picture.
I have Sciatica and Ive had operations on my back to remove a disc and repair a split disc. This is an ongoing condition and something Im still trying to learn to live with.
Weight loss plan and goals: Im loosely following WW and tracking everything. My main goal is to get healthy, for the sake of my sciatica and back problems. If I exercise, the pain will ease. It should be a no brainer but I really am struggling with it! If I exercise, eat right and drink water, then the weight loss will follow!

WORD Sista'!!!!!!!

You gave me goosebumps....

I agree Paula, I got goosebumps too! Great post EE!

Can I join in, too?

Eowensby: Elizabeth
Age: 30
Height: 5'7"
Weight: gosh this is so hard to type out! 280 :eek:
Personal Stats: SAHM, Married to Matt 10yrs, 2 children, Hannah 7 and Nick 3. I also have an embroidery/childrenswear business that keeps me busy.
Reside in: Middle Tennessee
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
But I Love: Epcot
Passions: Sewing, Embroidering, planning our next WDW vacation
Weight loss plan and goals: lose 100lbs+, get healthy in that process, be a good example to my children and be around to see my great grandchildren someday, 2011 WDW Half Marathon with my hubby

Welcome Elizabeth!
This is a great thread! Post often about anything really!

Yesterdays goals of tracking and water went well! More of the same today combined with Pilates tonight!

Im feeling a little down today, no particular reason. Maybe the weather, maybe the fact that I fell on my bummocks on the ice this morning in front of tons of people (I owned it though, so it was fine! :rotfl2:), who knows. I hope I snap out of it soon - Im sure I will!

Have a great day everyone! :upsidedow
The WISH meet at Pop Century


Around mile 6 at the MK




The whole point

cantwaitvaca09 aka Jo
Age: 34
Height: 5'3'
Weight: 190
Personal Stats: Married 8 1/2 years, 2 Girls Age 2 & 5, I work full time, DH is a cop, who seems to work all the time.
Living South of Chicago IL
Favorite Park: MK, Whets not to Love
But I Love: Toy Story at DHS.
Passions: First and for most, my girls are my passion in life. Maybe a little too much. I did not grow up with a mother, so I tend to over do it with my girls in every way, not just with stuff, but some day I am afraid they will call me a hover mother. Ugg.

Important to know: I use to be in great shape in my 20's I would work out for hours,(with the help of metoblife). Then started to get sick from too much metoblilfe and stopped taking it, that was about 8 years ago. Now 60 lbs, and 2 kids later, well enough said.. My goal is to run the princess 1/2 2011 and loose 40-50lbs.

#1 Goal other than the weight for me this year, is start to do for me. Not for my kids, not for my DH, not for my Boss. Live More Worry Less. If only I could learn how to worry less.!!!!

Welcome Elizabeth, I am new here to and these Ladies are so so very wonderful!
Age: 24
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 250
Personal Stats:
I work full time for a health insurance company and go to school full time with a double major for marketing and art communications design, with two minors in photography and music. I also have my own home business I am starting making custom cakes that I'm still working on getting to take off. I like to stay busy :) I love girls nights. I have a boyfriend of seven years that has been affectionately nicknamed the 'beyonce' around here, simply because he is halfways between boyfriend and fiance. I have two cats that are like my kids. Currently living with my family trying to save up some money and pay off some of the debt I incurred while being young and dumb on and on my own the last 5 years :rolleyes1 but hope to move out this spring!
Favorite Park: A tie between Magic Kingdom and Epcot. I love the diversity of Epcot and atmosphere, but the little kid in me that refuses to grow up can't turn down the castle and princesses!
But I Love: Disneyland, ToT, RnR
Passions: Disney (history, parks, movies, collecting), teddy bears, playing music, painting, photography
Important to know: I've been struggling with my weight since I was a teen, but it has gotten even worse since my adult years, and is now a priority as I have a rather large chest, and degenerating discs in my neck/upper back due to it. The doctors won't do a medically necessary reduction surgery until I can lose some weight. I am working on finding something that works for me, since I have yo-yoed back and forth using different things such as weight watchers. I can't wait to get married and start a family!!!
For me, 2010 is a pivotal year. It's the year I turn 35 and the year I take my life back. So many of you enjoy my philosophical talks, so hear comes another one:

LOVE IT! Love love love :love:

Can I join in, too?

Eowensby: Elizabeth
Age: 30
Height: 5'7"
Weight: gosh this is so hard to type out! 280 :eek:
Personal Stats: SAHM, Married to Matt 10yrs, 2 children, Hannah 7 and Nick 3. I also have an embroidery/childrenswear business that keeps me busy.
Reside in: Middle Tennessee
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
But I Love: Epcot
Passions: Sewing, Embroidering, planning our next WDW vacation
Weight loss plan and goals: lose 100lbs+, get healthy in that process, be a good example to my children and be around to see my great grandchildren someday, 2011 WDW Half Marathon with my hubby

Welcome! The ladies here are super supportive, not just giving you what you need to hear, but a good firm kick in the rear when you need it also. :) We talk about everything, and I'm still fairly new, so just jump in!

Good Afternoon

Argh, I had a huge long post typed out at like 8.50am and the dis just ate it! I would have been on the first page too, for the first time ever! :rotfl:

HATE it when it does that. The filter at work will catch sometimes, and usually when I've typed somethign LONG to post. So frustrating!

Im feeling a little down today, no particular reason. Maybe the weather, maybe the fact that I fell on my bummocks on the ice this morning in front of tons of people (I owned it though, so it was fine! :rotfl2:), who knows. I hope I snap out of it soon - Im sure I will!

Hoping your down day turns UP! :hug:

Have a great day everyone! :upsidedow

Hi all. Sorry I went MIA for a few days. Was SICK SICK SICK this weekend. Had the salad bar at work on Friday...pretty sure that was the culprit. NEVER again. Was ridiculous. Friday night I passed out....and the only way I can describe myself was unresponsive, with a 102 degree fever, and unable to move without needing to throw up. A little wary of salad now. Still no appetite. But on the upswing!

Something I TRIED to type last week but my computer ate....

I went to my best friend's little brother's (he's a senior in HS) basketball game last week. And I sat there watching these boys RUN up and down the court and I thought to myself "Look, they don't even look bothered by the fact that this is so much physical exertion." And I's because they LOVE playing. And for the first time since my athletic days in JH/HS, I missed that feeling. That feeling of pushing yourself so hard to the point of ragged breaths, because you are enjoying yourself. Because you LOVE what you're doing, and WANT to work hard. My new goal for the new year...find exercise that makes me WANT to work hard, because I enjoy it. It was such a revelation to me.

On another side note (a few of these in this post, eh? :rotfl:) We found out apartment this weekend! :yay: So excited. Carlos is going to move in and get settled mid-February, and then I am goign to stay (begrudgingly) at my parent's until about April or May to finish cleaning up our finances and then move in with him. I LOVE this apartment. Last weekend, we picked out our living room set, we have everything else bought....I am beyond excited. So happy to take this first step for us together. So huge. After 7 years (contented sigh)
Something I TRIED to type last week but my computer ate....

I went to my best friend's little brother's (he's a senior in HS) basketball game last week. And I sat there watching these boys RUN up and down the court and I thought to myself "Look, they don't even look bothered by the fact that this is so much physical exertion." And I's because they LOVE playing. And for the first time since my athletic days in JH/HS, I missed that feeling. That feeling of pushing yourself so hard to the point of ragged breaths, because you are enjoying yourself. Because you LOVE what you're doing, and WANT to work hard. My new goal for the new year...find exercise that makes me WANT to work hard, because I enjoy it. It was such a revelation to me.

On another side note (a few of these in this post, eh? :rotfl:) We found out apartment this weekend! :yay: So excited. Carlos is going to move in and get settled mid-February, and then I am goign to stay (begrudgingly) at my parent's until about April or May to finish cleaning up our finances and then move in with him. I LOVE this apartment. Last weekend, we picked out our living room set, we have everything else bought....I am beyond excited. So happy to take this first step for us together. So huge. After 7 years (contented sigh)

That is how I feel about hockey... it isn't work. I am no good at it, and as out of shape as I am it is definitely exertion, but a different kind that conquering the elliptical or the treadmill.

Congrats on the apartment! I hope it works out for you both.
Thanks girls for the warm welcome! I am just so tired of being tired all the time. I will definitely need the kick in the pants to keep me going. I am currently using the nutrimirror site to track food and exercise. I'm determined to make healthy choices and get off my booty and move. It's way too easy to sit here with the laptop all day.
That is how I feel about hockey... it isn't work. I am no good at it, and as out of shape as I am it is definitely exertion, but a different kind that conquering the elliptical or the treadmill.

Congrats on the apartment! I hope it works out for you both.


And this is TOTALLY what I'm talking about!!! I so dread stepping onto a treadmill or eliptical, and generally after only 5 minutes, it feels like it should have been 20. I want, no NEED to find something that makes me WANT to work harder. My knee is feelin better these days...maybe I'll check into getting back into a zumba class. I L-O-V-E to dance.

Lost 3.5 lbs since last Monday. My bet is that a lot of it was due to being so sick this weekend, but still excited that I lost it!

Today's goals. This week's are the same as last week's...
No soda.
At least 1 bottle of water a day
30 minutes of exercise at least once this week.
Here are the results of our International Zhu Zhu effort!

For those new to the thread, my youngest and Lyz's youngest both wanted Zhu Zhus for know, the toy that was impossible to find! Well, after a hunt from NC to Canada and Maine to California--we were able to find the little critters and some of the accessories!

And on Friday of last week, I ran up to Toys R Us to return a couple of things for the girls and asked them what they wanted to exchange for...they both said they wanted more Zhu Zhus!

So behold...ZHU ZHU WORLD (that's Chunk/Jean-Claude, reigning supreme inside the house)

Hi Everyone!

E - LOVE the Zhu Zhu world!

Tracking, Water - done and done!
I didn't do pilates, I needed something with more Grrrrrrrrr so I hammered the cross trainer instead!

Me and my manager from work have a funeral to go to on Thursday - for a 5 year old boy. Its so freakin' sad it makes me sick :sad1: Im dreading it.

Goals for Tomorrow:

More Veggies with my meals!

Hope everyone is having a great day - Im just watching Glee - its just started over here tonight!
I am beating Nancy to the punch! :lmao:

HEY. Totally not fair. :mad:

Ok folks. I'm going to share with you a bit of how my day has been.

First - apparently I set my alarm clock wrong last night because at 5:40am the BUZZER went off, instead of the nice soothing radio station. Rude awakening, but I'll deal.

Today is weigh in day for me. I step on the scale with great anticipation to find NOTHING. Didn't budge (yes, it's digital, no sadly it's not broken):mad:

moving on. I pack up to go to the gym for a quick workout before I need to report to Jury Duty again, since they didn't "get to me" for interviewing on Friday. Super quick workout, shower.....when I discover that I've neglected to pack a bra. :eek: No time to go home, so I whip out the hair drier, and quick dry my sports bra and put it back on :headache: (which I am appalled to confess I am *still* wearing)

I fly down the highway to get to jury duty in the nick of time. Get out of my car and hear a fabulous hissing sound. Yep. My tire is going flat :mad: Again, no time to deal. I have to get inside.

Inside the courthouse I meet up with the 3 other "recalls" that didn't get interviewed for this trial and we are escorted back down to the shoebox size room for "holding" until we are individually called.

It's my freakin' lucky day. They want me. I get to serve as an alternate juror on a trial.

<sigh> Thankfully Juan the AAA man came and changed my tire for me. :love: I am now headed out to pick up my car from the tire place and hopefully there will be no more excitement for me today!

Oh - there is one more thing. For Lisa. I'll tell you my Target story later....:laughing:
HEY. Totally not fair. :mad:

moving on. I pack up to go to the gym for a quick workout before I need to report to Jury Duty again, since they didn't "get to me" for interviewing on Friday. Super quick workout, shower.....when I discover that I've neglected to pack a bra. :eek: No time to go home, so I whip out the hair drier, and quick dry my sports bra and put it back on :headache: (which I am appalled to confess I am *still* wearing)

Oh - there is one more thing. For Lisa. I'll tell you my Target story later....:laughing:

What a day!!!! Too Funny about the bra!!
Me and my manager from work have a funeral to go to on Thursday - for a 5 year old boy. Its so freakin' sad it makes me sick :sad1: Im dreading it.


Hope everyone is having a great day - Im just watching Glee - its just started over here tonight!

So sad.

I LOVE Glee. My guilty pleasure.

Nancy, what a day!!

So, I registered for the half today. I am so screwed.
Kat, was the half $120 or $135? I looked this morning right when registration went live and it was $120 and later when I sent the link to my DH I thought it said $135.


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