Disboutiquers Part 18 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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OK, I just had to post a wah, wah, wah to all you folks in Florida complaining about the cold. It is 40 BELOW here. (with the windchill) That is the same in Celcius and Farenheit. I would love to see 40 F.

Not complaining. I used to live in the north and have had PLENTY of below ZERO days. (Even got stuck on PLAYGROUND duty in the dead of winter:sad1:)

I did not like cold and snow so I moved south LOL
I think it is too!!! Ok, fess up ladies! Who is the Disney spy??????

I wonder why they haven't done the step sisters yet?? I should put them in my Etsy shop before they do!
I think you should list them in your etsy shop. The ones you make are so pretty!!
I use embroidery thread, but the same color as the top thread. I'd be a little afraid to use a real thick thread.

Fort Worth is about 2 1/2 hours away - that could be an option. I did get a PM with someone's zip code and ended up emailing a project Linus in another area. If they won't let me work with them, maybe I can try the one in Fort Worth. The website won't let me put in city names, just zip codes for some reason.

Shannon-there is a project Linus in Orlando. Maybe you can work with that one?
Hello all! I have been away for a week processing the surprise I got for Christmas. My husband and I brought back an extra souvenir from our Disney trip. Our third baby is due in August!!

Is it sad that I am secretly hoping for a girl, so I can sew ruffles longer??

:cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1::cutie: Congrats! What a great thing to bring home from a trip. hehehe
Okay creative ladies I am in need of some creative ideas. My almost 5 year old son has firmly decided he is having a Peter Pan birthday party this year. While I am thrilled that he is enjoying the Disney classics, there are no party decorations with Peter Pan characters. Can you give me some ideas? I am going to do either Peter Pan or Captain Hook applique shirts for both my boys for the party. Any ideas? Any fun games or craft ideas?

I am going to let the kids make pirate swords, magic wands, and one other little thing. I am thinking about spraying them with the spray glitter you can buy at Halloween as they enter the party and telling the kids it is pixie dust so they can fly into the party. (The stuff washes right off :)

I am also stuck on how to do a cake. My son wants a volcano cake, which I can do, but he wants a little volcano and a Peter Pan cake too. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I took the girls to try on flowergirl dresses the other day. I forgot my camera, so these are with my phone and they aren't very good!

I was trying to see what would look good on them, so I could sew them myself. I thought they both looked so pretty!


look how pretty they are! Be proud mommy. you have some beautiful girls. That family is blessed with such great children!
I am so bummed about the weekend. I finished my DGD's room on Wednesday, got sick that night:sick: and didn't get to do a thing but lay around and whine (about not getting to sew) all weekend. Ha! I am on the mend today and feel much better. Today, I did manage to finish the 2 pillow shams I promised my daughter to finish off the room. Nothing special, just 2 shams with piping around the edges. So nothing to show.

So I thought I would say what I have planned. DGD4 birthday (almost 5), coming up in a week, and I am making a patchwork twirl for her out of cherry and ice cream prints. Then I have to stop my usual kids clothes for a bit. A friend has asked me to repair a quilt that has been in his family for about 60 yrs or so. It is in horrible disrepair (not sure even most of it is salvagable) but I told him since his kids (he has 3 grown) all loved it and carried it around their whole lives, that my suggestion would be to salvage the better blocks and make 3 baby size quilts using new borders and binding. This way he can present them to his 3 grown children and they can each have a part to cherish. He loved the idea, so that is my next project. I can't possibly match the fabrics so I am going to take it and use coordinating fabrics. I am pretty excited about this. I hope they turn out as special as I think they will.

What does everyone else have lined up for the next few months? I don't have a Disney trip planned anytime soon:sad2: (probably not for at least 18 months or so) so I have to concentrate on other things right now.
Okay creative ladies I am in need of some creative ideas. My almost 5 year old son has firmly decided he is having a Peter Pan birthday party this year. While I am thrilled that he is enjoying the Disney classics, there are no party decorations with Peter Pan characters. Can you give me some ideas? I am going to do either Peter Pan or Captain Hook applique shirts for both my boys for the party. Any ideas? Any fun games or craft ideas?

I am going to let the kids make pirate swords, magic wands, and one other little thing. I am thinking about spraying them with the spray glitter you can buy at Halloween as they enter the party and telling the kids it is pixie dust so they can fly into the party. (The stuff washes right off :)

I am also stuck on how to do a cake. My son wants a volcano cake, which I can do, but he wants a little volcano and a Peter Pan cake too. Any suggestions? Thanks!

A fun game could be pin the hook on the captain. Just blow up a picture or cut out of Captain Hook and then make a bunch of hook with stickums on the back ( you can use stray on adhesive that is reusable)

Make pirate hats from news papers.

as far as birthday supplies have you checked birthdayxpress.com ( think thats what its called) they are kind of pricey but they have a ton of things they might have Peter Pan. Its been awhile since I have used them. Or you can just print a bunch of clip art and enlarge them and paper piece a scene from the movie and laminate it for place mats. or make name cards with the clip art.
Not complaining. I used to live in the north and have had PLENTY of below ZERO days. (Even got stuck on PLAYGROUND duty in the dead of winter:sad1:)

I did not like cold and snow so I moved south LOL
I would be complaining about 40 degree weather in Florida! That is COLD!
Playground duty in the winter! MISERABLE!

I think you should list them in your etsy shop. The ones you make are so pretty!!
Thanks Crystal!

:cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1::cutie: Congrats! What a great thing to bring home from a trip. hehehe

I brought Corey home from a trip to Cedar Point. :thumbsup2
look how pretty they are! Be proud mommy. you have some beautiful girls. That family is blessed with such great children!
Thank you! I have to agree!

I am so bummed about the weekend. I finished my DGD's room on Wednesday, got sick that night:sick: and didn't get to do a thing but lay around and whine (about not getting to sew) all weekend. Ha! I am on the mend today and feel much better. Today, I did manage to finish the 2 pillow shams I promised my daughter to finish off the room. Nothing special, just 2 shams with piping around the edges. So nothing to show.

So I thought I would say what I have planned. DGD4 birthday (almost 5), coming up in a week, and I am making a patchwork twirl for her out of cherry and ice cream prints. Then I have to stop my usual kids clothes for a bit. A friend has asked me to repair a quilt that has been in his family for about 60 yrs or so. It is in horrible disrepair (not sure even most of it is salvagable) but I told him since his kids (he has 3 grown) all loved it and carried it around their whole lives, that my suggestion would be to salvage the better blocks and make 3 baby size quilts using new borders and binding. This way he can present them to his 3 grown children and they can each have a part to cherish. He loved the idea, so that is my next project. I can't possibly match the fabrics so I am going to take it and use coordinating fabrics. I am pretty excited about this. I hope they turn out as special as I think they will.

What does everyone else have lined up for the next few months? I don't have a Disney trip planned anytime soon:sad2: (probably not for at least 18 months or so) so I have to concentrate on other things right now.

The quilts sound wonderful!!! Will you share pictures when you are done? I would love to see before and after pictures.

I am going to be working on the flowergirl dresses. The wedding is on the 16th, and I just checked and Hobby Lobby has their 40% off coupon this week, so I will probably go buy fabric tomorrow and hopefully get started this week. I told the bride I might have one done by Friday, when I'm hoping to see her again. I hope she likes it!

We have a trip planned for May, but I probably won't start sewing for that until late April!
Well, we MIGHT be going in December of this year. DH said to go ahead and price it out and we'll starting trying to save for it. When we get 50 - 75% successfully saved I can book.

DD will be almost 14 months old when we go. Notice how I am saying "WHEN" and not "IF". LOL Anyway, I have no idea what size she will be then (she's nearly outgrown most of her 0 - 3 month clothes already and is only 2 1/2 months), but obviously I would like to make some customs for her for the potential trip. Any advice on how I should handle this size dilemma? Any patterns that would be more forgiving than others as far as being too big or such? She's my first child so I have no frame of reference on childhood growth spurts. LOL

Pillowcase dresses or alines would be very forgiving, and have room for applique if you wanted or embellishment.
I know that I got something back saying I could mail them in. I don't know about the fact that you live in Canada - I don't know if that changes anything or not.

SO pretty!

Do you have the info of the project you sent to? I'd rather make six blankets in the next couple of weeks than 12 LOL. I have to mail them anyway, and haven't heard back from the Ft. Worth people yet. TIA.
ugh.... so I signed up for Project Linus and everything I go check my email, and they say my drop off site is in IL! Im not in IL! Im in Northern California! How the heck did that happen??? I emailed the lady hopefully this will get worked out. Just another bug to be fixed I guess...
Wow, that is a tough one. Kids grow at such different rates at that age. My dd was tiny until 6 months, then we sort of skipped over a few sizes and went straight for 18m before she hit 1 yr. But she stayed in 18m clothes until she was almost 2.

One type of dress I made for her she can still wear now are shirred sundresses. Once they are too short to be worn as a dress they just become a tunic, then they become a top. They are so stretchy at the top they last forever. I also use tie straps so they go from being in bows to just knots as she gets taller. I put an applique in the lower left front part of the dress or go around the bottom usually.

My guess would be 18 months - and I say this after having three girls. If it were me I would make her dresses which would be a little more forgiving size wise - at that age if they are a little short or long it's not a big deal. And with a dress you can always layer it pretty easily - long sleeve shirts or turtle necks and leggings if you need to if it's cool out. Have fun!

Pillowcase dresses or alines would be very forgiving, and have room for applique if you wanted or embellishment.

Thank you all for the suggestions!!! I really appreciate it.

I've told my husband we have a 30 mile radius that I will move away from my Mom!

Shoot, if DH wasn't in the Navy, I definitely would choose to live close to my mom.

I am going to let the kids make pirate swords, magic wands, and one other little thing. I am thinking about spraying them with the spray glitter you can buy at Halloween as they enter the party and telling the kids it is pixie dust so they can fly into the party. (The stuff washes right off :)

I am also stuck on how to do a cake. My son wants a volcano cake, which I can do, but he wants a little volcano and a Peter Pan cake too. Any suggestions? Thanks!

What about Peter Pan figures on the cake? Or perhaps you could get an edible image printed from a picture of Peter Pan.

I found these sites on a search.

There are also some shopping links that come up re: the edible image idea.
I think it is too!!! Ok, fess up ladies! Who is the Disney spy??????

I wonder why they haven't done the step sisters yet?? I should put them in my Etsy shop before they do!

I agree with Crystal - you should totally put them in your etsy shop! Of course you might need some of Cinderella's mice to help you, because I have a feeling you'd be a very busy girl! ;):)
Shoot, if DH wasn't in the Navy, I definitely would choose to live close to my mom..
The Navy probably ruins the whole 30 mile thing, huh? ;)
ugh.... so I signed up for Project Linus and everything I go check my email, and they say my drop off site is in IL! Im not in IL! Im in Northern California! How the heck did that happen??? I emailed the lady hopefully this will get worked out. Just another bug to be fixed I guess...

Uggh! I hope you get it straightened out!

YAY!!! I see that Simplicity patterns are on sale at Hobby Lobby this week too! They had the pattern I wanted for the girls! I'm pleased!
I agree with Crystal - you should totally put them in your etsy shop! Of course you might need some of Cinderella's mice to help you, because I have a feeling you'd be a very busy girl! ;):)

If I hire the mice, they can get me that cool fabric!! :thumbsup2
Thanks! I didn't have the other machine long - I had received it for Christmas - but it was the Brother 900D.

I have been married for quite some time ;) - maybe it is another Lori you are thinking of, I know there are a couple here.....

Yep! Sorry! I am crazy! It's the other Lori on here that I was thinking of. But congratulations on your marriage anyway!

I took the girls to try on flowergirl dresses the other day. I forgot my camera, so these are with my phone and they aren't very good!

I was trying to see what would look good on them, so I could sew them myself. I thought they both looked so pretty!


They do look so pretty! Cannot wait to see what you come up with though.

I agree with Crystal - you should totally put them in your etsy shop! Of course you might need some of Cinderella's mice to help you, because I have a feeling you'd be a very busy girl! ;):)

Yep, you should put them in your etsy shop and then somehow link to your video of 1900 Park Fare so people can see what a cute idea it is!
Okay creative ladies I am in need of some creative ideas. My almost 5 year old son has firmly decided he is having a Peter Pan birthday party this year. While I am thrilled that he is enjoying the Disney classics, there are no party decorations with Peter Pan characters. Can you give me some ideas? I am going to do either Peter Pan or Captain Hook applique shirts for both my boys for the party. Any ideas? Any fun games or craft ideas?

I am going to let the kids make pirate swords, magic wands, and one other little thing. I am thinking about spraying them with the spray glitter you can buy at Halloween as they enter the party and telling the kids it is pixie dust so they can fly into the party. (The stuff washes right off :)

I am also stuck on how to do a cake. My son wants a volcano cake, which I can do, but he wants a little volcano and a Peter Pan cake too. Any suggestions? Thanks!

DD insisted on a Peter Pan cake last year & I made this one (it was really easy!)
Well, I got up this morning thinking you had already moved...nope. A bunch of slackers!

OK..one more day closer to getting my studio back, and one more day closer to starting sewing for my trip in Nov/Dec. Today we start moving down some of my fabric stash...it is really starting to feel real!

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