Geriatric MM Warriors!

I just took a leap of faith and ordered jeans in a size smaller from Lee. My favorite jeans don't fit yet and my current ones are finally gapping at the top. Yippee! I did my treadmill today, Tutu! And I drank a whole sports bottle at the same time and one after.

Your leap of faith will be rewarded!
Natalie - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :wizard::yay::flower3:

Carol - I found lobster smilies on my gmail email account. I tried to copy them over here but it didn't work.

Stwill - glad you are here!
I just heard from malzer (Melanie) and she wants to bring her mom over too, she was honeygram on LCF...ok with that? I will wait to e-mail her back until somebody lets me know...I say yeah! I had told her that our "terms" were no mention of us on the old threads! she agrees, no problem!
I made a yummy crockpot creation this weekend. Well, I think so anyway. I put in frozen chicken tenders (about 10) and poured a can of roasted tomatoes on top. I let everything cook until the chicken was mostly cooked and then I added some tikka masala (I bought it at one of the high-end grocery stores in our area), thawed frozed spinach and bag of frozen cauliflower! It was yummy. I know that I am having for lunch and dinner for the next day or two. DH isn't wild about because he doesn't care for Indian spices. Once it is gone, will probably never cook it again because I will be so sick of it! :rotfl: The Tikka Masala didn't have any sugar. It did have cream but I didn't it seem like that much.
I just heard from malzer (Melanie) and she wants to bring her mom over too, she was honeygram on LCF...ok with that? I will wait to e-mail her back until somebody lets me know...I say yeah! I had told her that our "terms" were no mention of us on the old threads! she agrees, no problem!

I made a yummy crockpot creation this weekend. Well, I think so anyway. I put in frozen chicken tenders (about 10) and poured a can of roasted tomatoes on top. I let everything cook until the chicken was mostly cooked and then I added some tikka masala (I bought it at one of the high-end grocery stores in our area), thawed frozed spinach and bag of frozen cauliflower! It was yummy. I know that I am having for lunch and dinner for the next day or two. DH isn't wild about because he doesn't care for Indian spices. Once it is gone, will probably never cook it again because I will be so sick of it! :rotfl: The Tikka Masala didn't have any sugar. It did have cream but I didn't it seem like that much.

That sounds yummy - and creative!
Evening y'all,

I didn't try to catch up with all the pages that I have missed.:lmao: Y'all are a fast group for sure.

I continue to go to my Dad's everyday for a few hours. He eats a little most days and then some none. He continues to grow weaker and weaker and don't know how long he can stay there. I always thought a fall would get him, but I now decided that starvation will do it along with liver problems.

My eating and walking have been way off. My heel is better just strange to wake up with it hurting, but could be stress for sure.

Nell, I read briefly about Christmas Cards and would like a list. Will give you my address on fb. Thanks for doing this.

Hope everyone is well,

so so sorry to hear about your dad, much prayers to you all.
I just heard from malzer (Melanie) and she wants to bring her mom over too, she was honeygram on LCF...ok with that? I will wait to e-mail her back until somebody lets me know...I say yeah! I had told her that our "terms" were no mention of us on the old threads! she agrees, no problem!

It sounds fine to me. :)
Just a question for the Florida folk - I know a few of us talked briefly about a meet for lunch/brunch one weekend when I returned from Colorado....anyone up for the planning stages?

Let me know - sure could use some fun!

Sunnee :goodvibes
Good evening everybody! :wave2:

I just wanted to pop in real quick before I pass out. I'm sitting here absolutely stunned and amazed at what we got done today! Lisa, so funny about you not letting DH touch a paint brush, mine's not allowed to either.:lmao: My son paints professionally or he wouldn't be allowed to either! I had no plans to paint the kitchen, breakfast nook or den...but they are now painted, ceilings and all. Just the first coat on all of it, so half day tomorrow should get us through it all. This old gal is beat!

Lisa, I'll betcha good money those jeans fit ya! ::yes:: I insisted I couldn't be smaller than a 14 a few weeks back only to find out that I had room in 12's! I was completely shocked and I'm thinking you will be too! :goodvibes

Robin, yes to Honeygram! I envy you your workouts, we'll be comparing training notes pretty soon! :upsidedow

Okay that's it from me for now, I actually called DH and asked him to bring Taco Bell home, blah, I don't know who was more shocked, me at myself for asking or him because I asked! lol :eek:

You all have a pleasant evening! :wave:
Gena: If your heel is hurting when you wake up and begin to step, it could be plantar fascitis. The expensive inserts work great, but my chiropractor suggested before I spend that kind of money that I try the ones at the sporting store. I got mine at REI. They are green and cost about $30. They go from the ball of your foot through the arch area. I put them in my sneakers and it really helps when I walk. Hope it helps you! Prayers always for your Dad and your family.
Pam: When I was growing up KFC was the deal on painting day so you're not too far off! How nice to have a son that's a pro! Mine is a graphic designer, so his lines could be precision straight - or on the other hand, he might want me to live with his artistic flare! I suspect the latter, lol! You are amazingly energetic this week! It was really good to 'see' you. I would love to be in size 12's again. You must be so pleased!
I'm going to the fancy market to get breakfast foods for realtors in my company touring my new listing tomorrow. Temptation will abound, but I am strong in my resolve! It really helps me to have a foods list and numbers to follow because I can keep it black and white on this WOE. If I were to allow myself a few of something, I'm afraid I'd get the proportions all wrong again so I like how Diane has this planned out for us!:banana:
Have just had a couple of busy days and only got one small post in yesterday. Tried to read all the pages since then, but I'm sure I missed a lot.

Lisa, I know how you feel about having your son sick and away from home. I'm glad your's is okay. My oldest son is at UCLA and called last Wed to tell me he was really sick. I, too, was ready to pack it in and head to LA but he told me his girlfriend was coming over and taking care of him. He was in bed for 4 days with a high temp. I sure hope it was the swine flu. Then he's done with it. No worries!

Kate, I would have loved to see the Lobster smilies. Too bad they didn"t copy over! Also, your crockpot creation sounds yummy. We go thru spells here of having lots of India food, making ourselves sick and then laying off it for months. I have a family that likes hot things and I am the resident wimp so all of our food is never spicey enough for them.

We are all just becoming queens of the crockpot! I, too, have something cooking in there as we speak. It's been so hot and humid here (I know I shouldn't complain as Daniele and Sharon are in Florida) that I didn't want to turn on the stove or oven. It feels like the ocean breeze is starting to come in this afternoon though, and cool things off. I'm am soooo ready to wear pants and sweaters and get bundled up instead of laying in bed at night with a spray bottle of water and a fan.

Does anyone know what's up with daylight savings time? It usually happens the weekend before Halloween...did it get done away with? I know there's been talk of that, but am not sure if it happened. We only have 1 tv station and I don't turn it on much so I'm not up on too many things.

Better go and check on the crockpot.

Natalie, if it is your birthday, HAPPY B-DAY! Hope you have had a great one.

Will check in later,

Step 2

Feast upon the words of Christ
Natalie and Nell: Dr. Teitelbaum was on Dr. Oz on Friday. I DVR'd it and watched some at lunch time. Dr. Oz recommended using D-Ribose as an aritificial sweetener for people that are exhausted and he said what Nell said about it's calories not being absorbed by the body - I'm paraphrasing. I think I'll still count mine as a 5 x 5, just to be safe. He talked about a liquid tincture for exhaustion which I will go back and write down for us. It was for adrenal function. I bet he has transcripts on his website like Oprah does. The show aired on Friday, Oct. 23.

CRUD!! I totally forgot to watch it! maybe I'm going to try it now, thanks Lisa:love:
CRUD!! I totally forgot to watch it! maybe I'm going to try it now, thanks Lisa:love:

I am so mad at myself! I hit the wrong button and deleted it before I went back to see what that tincture was called! Let me know if you find it, ok?
I just heard from malzer (Melanie) and she wants to bring her mom over too, she was honeygram on LCF...ok with that? I will wait to e-mail her back until somebody lets me know...I say yeah! I had told her that our "terms" were no mention of us on the old threads! she agrees, no problem!

Malzer and her mom have my vote! As long as "mums" the word....
Carol: Evidently two years ago they switched DST to the first Sunday in Oct. so that’s when we Fall back.:confused3

See, that is why my son needs a girlfriend! I want someone else to love him and take care of him when he’s so far away! Not too much to ask, right? Thank goodness his cousin lives in the same town so when I am desperate, I make him go over there and check in for me. I hope your son stays well, also!:sick:


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