DDA Chapter 22

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Good morning. :)

Deb - nice pictures. That place looks A LOT like Great Wolf Lodge. Ours has the same surf type place.

Nicholas has some sort of poison ivy type skin rash. He's been developing it since the weekend and last night I took him to the doctor. She didn't say "poison ivy" but a few of the very small blisters look like what I had last summer. It's weird though. I have NO IDEA where he would have gotten into it. It's on the knuckles of his right hand, a few spots on his arms and legs, and then little teeny red bumps over his extremities. At least it's not itching him too badly. Just more annoying than anything. Now he is on prednisone and zyrtec. I hope he doesn't have the same side effects from the pred. that I had.

Nicholas also got invited to join the robotics club at school. This club is for 4th graders and is part of the accelerated math program. Evidently they will be making and programming robots to do a variety of challenges. Several retired engineers from a local naval base will be assisting the kids. He's excited about it and it sounds like a great learning experience. The club meets once a week after school, so I'm going to need to find a friend that he can go home with until I can pick him up.

pixiedust: that the rash clears up quickly and that he has no reactions to the drugs. Congrats to him on the robotics club! Our high school has one, and they were starting one at the middle school. I think it would go over tremendously in the elementary schools.

Tammi - The robotics club sounds neat!

DS did his first audition for the school play yesterday. He has to do another audition today - all of the kids are required to do 2 auditions. He has a ton of theater CLASS experience, but almost no stage experience. He has never been in a full-length production. So we'll see. On the one hand I hate for him to be required to invest 2 hours after school for weeks on end for some bit part with no lines. On the other hand, he has to start somewhere. He thought about being in Peter Pan 2 years ago (as Nana/crocodile) but he balked at the time commitment. I do think he would have fun, even with a minor part or doing sets, lights, props, etc.

Of course he has no clue when she will announce the casting. I did see on the paper he brought home yesterday that they are double casting, which is what the professional theater does. I guess then the 2 actors cast in each part sort of "compete" and whoever does better is rewarded with more performances. That is NOT what the professional theater does.
pixiedust: to C on the audition! Our high school almost always double casts the leads in the musicals. The drama club double casts when they have enough people try out. They don't "compete" for the performances, though, they do every other performance.

In checking our flight times on AirTran this morning I discovered a couple of things. There was a fare reduction for my early December flights so I called and got the $30 credit applied to my account. So, that means I only paid a grand total of $79.20 for my RT ticket for that weekend! :yay:

I also found that my return flight had been changed without my knowledge or any contact from them. I was booked on a non-stop flight and still am. But (and this is a huge change), that flight has been canceled and now I am booked on a non-stop that is "subject to FFA approval." I asked the agent what that means in the long run and she assured me that most flights are ultimately approved. If mine isn't they will happily switch me to another flight. There is one huge problem with that, however. It is the only early morning non-stop flight they have into Reagan National and I have to have that time. I am teaching that afternoon at 3:00. I can't get into town any later than noon and have it all work out! :eek: Come on on FFA!!!

Yay for the fare reduction! I hope it all works out on the timing.

Good Morning, DDA!!

Progress reports came home yesterday and I gotta say I was right in my assesment of Abi's LA teacher....not only is she weird, she's mean and hard to talk to. Abi has a D+ right now in that class :headache:and it sounds like most of it's from the teacher's inability to listen. :headache:

Abi is trying out for jazz band today on piano...she's got the tryout pieces mastered. What a boost in her confidence it would be to with the jazz band.
pixiedust: for Abi getting into jazz band! :hug: for the teacher troubles.

Preschool was an absolute dream today! I can't believe how smoothly everything went. Now I remember why I teach preschool despite salary cuts, incompetent board members, and all the unpaid prep time. The only problem is that the three who had the hardest time on Tuesday didn't come today. Two of them called to say that they would be out, and the secretary didn't get the feeling from them that they were leaving the school. The other didn't call in. I hope that we don't lose them this early. One won't be three until November, so he is young, but I think he will be find given a few days. We do have a waiting list, so we can replace those three, but I really would like to have them give it a chance. Well, maybe the one mother could go. ;) But I liked her daughter. I am definitely looking forward to next Tuesday! I also am going to teach tomorrow in the 4's class, because one of the teachers has a mother who is having serious health issues.
And in other terrific news, Laura had her homework finished by 9:00pm last night! That means that I was able to get a good night's sleep. The night before she worked until 12:10 am. I didn't want to go to bed and leave her up alone, so that means that I didn't get much sleep either. Last night was the first night homework was done before 10:30 pm. She runs until 5:30, has a quick dinner, and then starts homework, so it wasn't that she was procrastinating. She was absolutely swamped with work.
We have meet the teacher night for Miles tonight. I'm excited to meet his teacher. She started just last year, so I no nothing about her. The high school has their meet the teacher night next Thursday.

A cowork pointed out that today was my last day...my last day in my thirties:lmao:

We have a very busy schedule tonight with School open house, Hunter's Safety, Bowling signup and Bare Minerals open house at the only store in the area that sells it:snooty: Hopefully we'll all be home by 8:30 PM
This is excruciating! :headache:
DS was supposed to call when he was ready to be picked up. I called DH at 4 PM. No word from DS. DH called at 4:30 and said DS had just called. IF he gets a lead role he has to stay until 6 PM, so he told DH to come get him at 6 PM. :confused:

Wait. She is announcing roles RIGHT NOW? And they are going to start staying until 6 PM TODAY? What on EARTH? :confused3 DH said he tried to get DS to explain, but DS got all frustrated. Which means DS doesn't understand, either. It's a good thing we live close to the school. I see lots of back and forth in DH's future. Waiting until 6 PM is going to drive me up a tree. :sad2:
Tammi I hope Nicholas is feeling better & not itching to much :wizard:

Elizabeth good luck to C with his audition!

Theresa good luck to Abi!

Beth glad to here homework was a little easier last night.
Well, DS is home now and we know NOTHING! :headache:

He said they have now extended the auditions through Monday. Great. :rolleyes: He has no clue when they will post the cast list. He has no clue if he needs to continue staying after school. NO CLUE. Argh!
We're finally home. I hit the open house and all of the kids classrooms in the 30 minutes that was allowed. I personally think 30 minutes isn't enough time for parents that have multiple kids in the school. I digress. We grabbed hot dogs and ran for the car. I dropped the kids off to Chris and he brought them to hunter's safety and they were only a little late. I stopped at the restaurant to make sure that I'm not scheduled for next Tuesday night as we got an email today for a mandatory 8th grade parents meeting (thanks for all the notice), signed the boys up for bowling, realized that Nick didn't have his backpack when I picked him up, called a friend that lives next to the school and had her pick up his backpack as I still had to go to my parent's house for a minute then hit a bare minerals seminar/sale. After that I had to go pick up his backpack before heading home. What a crazy crazy night. When does things slow down?
Happy Birthday Deb!!!! Enjoy 40. It's a really nice year!!!:dance3::dance3::wizard::bday:party:

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